Everlasting Kingdom: Unraveling the Bible’s Secrets

From 2024 to Eternity

Satan Has An Agenda 2030

Yehovah Has An Agenda 2031/2032 2032/2033?

Lonnie Martin, lonmartin@proton.me.me
Written 2023, Being revised 2024
Mysteries of the Everlasting Kingdom


Next Chapter 46 Preview: NEWEST NOTICE: 9/21/24—New opening comments (same as here): : It is now apparent that my April 2024 expectation of the beginning of the end-time seven year Shemitah period of Daniel 9 did not occur. After reconsidering ‘cousin’ Ernest Martin’s “BIRTH OF CHRIST RECALCULATED”, I’m no longer convinced of Ernie’s reconsideration. The commonly held 457 BC start of the 70 weeks prophecy works perfectly with the also commonly held 4 BC birth of Yeshua when added to His 30 years of age when He started His ministry in 27 AD; fulfilling the first 69 weeks, with the final “long week” (of 7 years) yet to happen, fulfilling the 490 week requirement. (I still adamantly deny the easily debunked Good Friday myth. A Friday is widely popularized by a slight-of-hand use of the 4th century Hillel 2 calendar (which is riddled with changes), being retrofitting with the altered dates into the first century.

As of now, the spring of 2025 thru spring 2032 or possibly 2033 are the earliest dates that would allow for the prerequisite seven year Shemitah + the one year Jubilee cycle. Furthermore, dates beyond the Biblical year 2032/2033 seem to be a stretch for marking 2000 years since Yeshua’s crucifixion. Due to simple arithmetic, many projections of mankind’s final week have fallen by the wayside, like mine and like the typical Church of God’s 31 AD crucifixion that I have now mathematically dropped as a consideration.

I strongly suspect that the dreaded last Shemitah/Jubile cycle of the sixth millennium will begin on Monday, March 31, 2025, and culminate in a peaceful spring of 2033 AD—two millennial days after Yeshua’s crucifixion. And I still strongly lean toward the 7 years beginning on a Biblical New Year’s Day (one complete Shemitah period). Besides, there are four red heifers now available in Israel. Previous premises advocating for an earlier timing of the end-times have expired. The 6000 year plan has to be nearly complete. Yeshua will not postpone His return!

The often mentioned 69 “weeks” were fulfilled when Yeshua began His ministry in what now looks to me to have been in 27 AD (Daniel 9:25). Mainstream Christianity is split between 30 AD and 33 AD for Yeshua’s crucifixion year, while those I know best would say 31 AD. Yet now only years 32/33 AD and 33/34 AD + 2000 (baring some outlier) allow enough time for Satan’s final eight year long devastation. This narrows down the “interesting times” to beginning in early 2025 or early 2026. I don’t forsee the massive political and military pot not boiling over any longer than Biblical New Year’s day, 2025.

Resuming my failed timeline. (Presuming the sequence of end time events will happen in the same proposed order):

Monday, March 31, 2025 to Spring 2032/2033?

Now that I am (likely) looking into yet another year out for the dreaded period to begin, Anderson’s theory for a 32 AD crucifixion is a popular explanation that culminates in 2032 AD as being two millennial days after Yeshua’s crucifixion—but you have to “pretend” that those years were 360 days long, which they obviously were not. Yet with my strong leaning toward those 7 years beginning on a Biblical New Year’s Day (aviv 1), beginning a shemitah cycle, with four red heifers now available and an imminent attack on Israel by Iran likely just “concluded” hours ago, I am fairly confident that the peace deal “with many” will not be in 2024.

[5/19/24] I found this: Mark Biltz was 90% certain that this spring would start the first end times war, yet it did not. But his reasoning is interesting. He added that he was 99% sure that if not April 2024, it will start in aviv (Nisan) 2025 (necessitating a deal with many then). But I’ve seen him be quite wrong before. If the seven year long period starts in Aviv next year (2025), then the seven year period would end in the month of the aviv 2032. Add in the Jubilee year and we have aviv 2033.

[6/8/24] There is another very interesting case to be made for 2033 ending this millennium that I just found. 457 BC to 27 AD is exactly 483 years! (People disagree as to whether it was a spring or fall calendar.) Using October 1st as a typical Biblical seventh month, 457 BC is the most commonly accepted year that the 70 weeks prophecy began on and 33 AD is the most commonly accepted year that Yeshua was crucified (previously, so far as I know, based only on it supposedly being a Friday Passover year). I first heard this from Christian Widener—not that he adds 2000 years to that date to conclude the Millennium (he’s presently anticipating 2027—which is today just days over 3.5 years away from 12/31/27)!

[6/11/24] We could know a lot by Monday, March 31, 2025. Here is a new page advocating for 2025-2032 being the final seven year period (as I also hope), but he does not believe that this “2025-2075 Essene calendar” starts a shemitah cycle in 2025 or that it is immediately followed by the last Jubilee year of this millennium (it appears that he is only arguing against my page, we’ve corresponded before). I was surfing for a “SOURCE FOR A 32 AD CRUCIFIXION DAY” but I don’t plan on waiting til 2075 to find out. Luis is “rapture centered”. But 2025 may be largely right, but with the Essene calendar being exactly one 50 year Jubilee cycle off.

I had believed this common “Church of God” scenario:

We have seen that the time from the decree of Artaxerxes in 457 B.C. to the beginning of Christ’s ministry in A.D. 27 was 69 heptads—483 years. Then we see mention of the Messiah’s death, which took place three and a half years beyond the end of the 69 heptads ...31 AD

But 27 AD + the “missing” 70th week would have the seven years ending two millennial days later in 2027, which is now short of allowing either 3.5 years or 7 years (let alone 8 years). And even His crucifixion in UCG’s (and my formerly presumed) 31 AD would now need a bit more than 7 years of chaos!

I now believe that the seventy sevens prophecy (usually termed seventy “weeks” prophecy)started in 457 BC and that Yeshua was born in 4 BC (very often cited years) and that His ministry began in 27 AD. I no longer assume that just because three Passovers are mentioned in the gospels that there were no others! A five year ministry would end in a 32 AD crucifixion! This pushes the beginning of the 7 years out to 2025, or possibly 2026, as usual depending on whether we consider spring to spring years or fall to fall years. But the Good Friday myth can definitely be ruled out. John Walvoord (1910–2002) wrote an “exhaustive” overview of the prominent viewpoints as to how and when these last seven years are to take place. It took a great deal of reading before I could see for sure where he stood on the question. He liked Sir Robert Anderson’s explanation. I recommend reading it if you want an overview of the “expert” viewpoints.

Resuming my failed timeline: For a 2,000 year long countdown to include 7 years of chaos (a shemitah cycle including the Great Tribulation) followed by the Year of Redemption: Jubilee #120, as in Isaiah 63, especially verse 4, ending in Yeshua’s ultimate objective, we must count from His death on the cross to fulfill Isaiah 49! The vast majority of commentators assume that the year of Yeshua’s crucifixion would have been either 30 or 33 AD, based on the misconception that Yeshua was crucified on a Friday, and based on the Hillel II Jewish calendar that was first conceived in 358/359 AD, and was still evolving between 836 AD and the tenth century before approaching mainstream Jewish acceptance! That calendar is obviously of no use in determining first century week days. Then there are variables of various supposed years of Daniel’s edict that began the 70 weeks prophecy, which is still generally retrofitted to find a year that theoretically could have had a Good Friday associated with Passover (debunked even from a site using Hillel’s calendar). But only the 457 BC fits into Yeshua’s lifetime! So according to many Good Friday proponents, 2033 would generally be considered the last option for the numbers to total 2,000 years. I now believe the year 2032 is far more likely be year 6000, (now that 2031 is no longer a contender) and with the Antimessiah enforcing a deal that starts the seven year long countdown in 2028. I had until June, 2024 believed that the Jews would begin daily sacrificing on the actual Temple site immediately following the Antimessiah’s peace deal on Biblical New Year’s day, on the day that the covenant was enacted, and later be broken in 1,260 days, based on the common misunderstanding of Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 12:11, both quoted later. But the actual duration of the cease order on sacrificing is found in Daniel 8! THIS IS CRITICAL:

Sacrifices Cease For 1150 Days (not 1260)!

Why does everyone miss this exact duration?

Daniel 8:9-14, 23-26 Out of one of them came a little horn [aka the Antichrist] that grew exceeding great toward the south, the east and toward the Beautiful Land. 10 It grew so great that it even reached the army of heaven, and caused some of the army and the stars to fall to the ground, and it trampled them. 11 It became arrogant and powerful, and even challenged the Commander of heaven’s army, and it took away from him the continual burnt zebakim [sacrifices], and the 'Cherished' Place was overthrown. 12 Because of the rebellion, the army [of the 'chosen' ones: saints] were given over to it, along with the daily burnt offerings, and it threw truth to the ground, and 'the horn' did whatever it wanted to and prospered.”

13 Then I heard a 'special' one speaking, and another 'special' one asked the one who was speaking, “How long is the prophecy [vision] about the continual burnt offerings and the desolating transgression [ravaging of the city] going to last—the surrender of the 'Cherished' Place [Temple] and its forces to be trampled?” 14 He told me, ‘'It will take' 2,300 evenings and mornings, then the 'Cherished' Place will be properly restored.” [1]... 23 “Toward the latter part of their reign, when their defiant conduct is about to be finished, a bold faced king who understands dark obscure utterances will step up. 24 He’ll become very strong, but not by his own power, and he’ll cause astonishing destruction and succeed in everything he does. He’ll destroy powerful men and the 'chosen' [holy] people. 25 And thru his cunning He’ll cause deception to succeed by his influence. He’ll become arrogant, and destroy many while they are off guard. He’ll even oppose the Commander of commanders, but he’ll be broken without human intervention. 26 “The vision about the 2,300 evenings and mornings that was explained to you is true. Seal up the vision, because it won’t occur until the end time.’ [1] “This verse appears to have been filled by Antiochus Epiphanes, but the 2300 days is really just 1150 days. What is being talked about in this first part is [totally stopping] the morning and evening sacrifices—two per day, for 1150 days total. Antiochus Epiphanes was a forerunner of what is still to come.” This YouTube video explains the rest of the story that the classic commentators entirely miss! (Note concerning this video: Josephus said that the Jews would rather have their children eat swine than learn Greek!) Also note the complex sub-heading: “Reconciling Daniel’s 2,300 Evening-Mornings with 1 Maccabees” for the historic fulfillment.

It may be that when the red heifer is killed, the twice daily sacrifices will be occur for 110 days, but then for the next 1150 days (totaling 1260 days) they will be stopped until being “properly restored” in the Millennial Kingdom: Ezekiel Chapters 40 and 43 thru 48

Only one of the nineteenth century commentaries mention a possible end=time seventieth week for the fulfillment of the seventy sevens prophecy: Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament:

“Hofmann and Delitzsch have united an eschatological reference with the primary historical reference of Daniel 9:25-27 to Antiochus Epiphanes, in consequence of which the prophecy will be perfectly accomplished only in the appearance of Antichrist and the final completion of the kingdom of God at the end of the days. Of the third view we have the first germs in Hoppolytus and Apollinaris of Laodicea, who, having regard to the prophecy of Antichrist, Daniel 7:25, refer the statement of Daniel 9:27 of this chapter, regarding the last week, to the end of the world; and the first half of this week they regard as the time of the return of Elias, the second half as the time of Antichrist. This view is for the first time definitely stated in the Berleburg Bible. But Kliefoth, in his Comm. on Daniel, was the first who sought to investigate and establish this opinion exegetically, and Leyrer (in Herz.'s Realenc. xviii. p. 383) has thus briefly stated it: - “The seventy (Heb.) i.e., the (Heb.) of Daniel (Daniel 9:24.) measured by sevens, within which the whole of God’s plan of salvation in the world will be completed, are a symbolical period with reference to the seventy years of exile prophesied by Jeremiah, and with the accessory notion of oecumenicity. The 70 is again divided into three periods: into 7 (till Christ), 62 (till the apostasy of Antichrist), and one (Heb.), the last world - (Heb.), divided into 2 x 3 1/2 times, the rise and the fall of Antichrist.”

If you are not familiar with or certain about the 7,000 year plan in connection with the end of this age, then this link covers every last detail!

Adam’s 930 year long close encounter with the first millennial “day”, as “the first man Adam” had to be cut short since he had sinned, and “in the day that you eat from [that tree] you are sure to die.” (Genesis 2:17) As a rabbinical source says, King David was given the left over 70 years to account for the shortfall.

Long Story Short

When the dates I had suspected did not result in end-time events, I decided to reconsider Yeshua’s ultimate to-do list (Luke 4:16-30). It now seems plain to me in hindsight that Luke 4 is not centered on what Yeshua did that day—it is about what He was going to do on the Jubilee year of His return! What ended at a Roman cross when He said, “It is finished!” was just the beginning!

So I began the long process of reexamining all of the end-time prophetic events and checking the chronological order. The 70 “weeks” prophecy is the mainstay of Biblical chronology. The first 69 weeks are almost always said to mark Yeshua’s first coming. I now am taking an unusual approach. The Churches of God I became very familiar with take the position that His supposed three and a half year long ministry accounts for half of the remaining week. Yet with the number of years that have now come and gone, I attribute the entire week to His ministry!

On Aviv 1 (spring) 2031 (“the miraculous sign of [Yeshua] will be seen in the sky” Matthew 24:29-31. This I expect to happen on the very first dsy of that special Jubilee year. We need to begin with a bit of historical context. Most people who look into this begin a count from about 458 BC and end it at 69 weeks later (69X70=483 years), tho the start to finish dates vary a bit, they always seem to total 483 years, depending on a presumed start date and counting forward or starting with an end date and counting backwards. All of the variables are contested by various inquirers—but only one set can be right—either based on facts or just random chance! So far, with a 458 BC and end *28 AD public appearance of Yeshua: we come up SHORT by seven years (factoring in His ultimate objective in Luke 4. At this point people such as I have assumed that the final week is postponed to the final shemitah period: 7 years (presumably thought to be a random 7 years) described in Daniel and Revelation. With 70 X 7 “weeks” totaling 490 years (and little arguing with that) there is a remaining 7 years to account for. Some writers claim that the count went on uninterrupted until around 40 AD, ending with a date of no real value.

Yeshua’s first recorded words, quoting Isaiah 61, actually address the timing and end mid-sentence at a most intriguing point. From where He quit quoting to where it picks up is 2,000 years later—doing things no human could do—finishing what He started.

Since the Jews were blowing a genuine opportunity to welcome Him as their long awaited Messiah—that very hour in the synagogue, they, preferring to throw Him over a cliff as an azazel goat, set a terrible precedent of rejection. But the next Jubilee year (Matthew 24:29) is the “Day of Vengeance of our Elohim”—The Year of Payback Isaiah 34. The truth that He began to reveal will be accomplished, removing all doubts.

Isaiah 61:1-2 The Sovereign YEHOVAH’s spirit overlooks Me, because Yehovah has anointed Me to bring Good News to the afflicted. He has sent Me to relieve the grief stricken, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind and to set the oppressed free; 2 to proclaim the Acceptable Year of Yehovah [the next Jubilee Year] [Yeshua stopped quoting here—to be continued], AND the Day of Vengeance of our Elohim, and to comfort everyone who mourns [due to the end time calamity]The Gabriel Bible

Since everything that follows is based upon the determining when the next Jubilee year is, it would be best to check out Jubilee, 2032/2033 AD! relatively soon.

What Time of Year Will Yeshua Return?

The springtime comments here are unique. Let’s start with this benchmark timing question. With that settled we can continue charting happenings both before and afterward. His disciples specifically asked Him about the timing of the end time. So He gave them a rather detailed series of events in Matthew 24 preceding His return. In verses 3 thru 14 there will be wars and persecution, yet the good news (gospel) must be preached to the entire world at this time. It is only after this that the end can come. Current attempts thus far fall short, often very short of that. It will take a Messenger (angel) from heaven to announce the “good news” (Revelation 14:6). But this is only “the beginning of sorrows”. What really differentiates this first three and a half years from the Great Tribulation is that “many false prophets will appear”, the vast majority. But immediately after the false Messiah (Antimessiah) comes on the scene he will “prove” that he is Yehovah (God) and claim to be above all other gods (2nd Thessalonians 2:4). False prophets will have a very short shelf life then! (Yet two true witnesses will appear and condemn the false Messiah: Revelation 11).

Again in Matthew 24, the Great Tribulation will have just one surviving false god and one false prophet. Verses 15-28 covers this familiar time “such as has never occurred from the beginning of the world until now, and will by no means ever happen again.”

We are still building the context of the time of year when the Messiah will return as we now move into the Day of the Lord Yehovah:

Matthew 24:29-31 Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and stars will fall from the sky [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4], and the miraculous power of the skies will be shaken. 30 Then the miraculous sign of the Human Son [6] will be seen in the sky, and then all the nations on earth will mourn when they see the Human Son coming on the clouds in the sky, with great power and splendor. 31 Then He’ll send out His spirit messengers with a loud shofar blast [7] and they’ll gather together His Select people from the four winds [north, south, east and west], from one farthermost bound of the horizon [heaven] to the other.

[6] Yeshua was alluding to Daniel 7:13 where “Daniel saw Someone like a Human Son coming with the clouds in the sky. So what is the sign—it will look like a human (son of man) descending from the sky! Immediately after Satan’s nearly unhindered seven year long rampage, everything begins to change in a day. Another entire set of prophecies will play out during the The Year of Payback (Isaiah 34) [7] This link is a remarkable timetable that Ernest Martin calculated in 1989. He made many of the same asumptions as I had. Still a lot of good info. The passage of time necessitated the start of my countdown 2,000 years from Yeshua’s crucifixion rather than start from the beginning of His ministry. (otherwise the Great Tribulation would be well underway by now.)

MARK THESE VERSES DOWN AS MEMORY VERSES! Yeshua will return IMMEDIATELY after the Great Tribulation—Not on Trumpets—NOT during the Feast of Tabernacles, tho He has some major engagements during that year featuring all seven Feast and Festival days! People who say that Yeshua could return at any minute or hour haven’t got a clue. The Tribulation period is a seven year countdown! But people will be just as surprised as they were when He said, “See you guys in three days!”, and not one follower believed Him!

Furthermore, Yeshua elaborates on the time of year—and it is undoubtedly in the spring:

Continuing: 32 Now, learn the parable from the fig tree. As soon as its branches become tender and it produces leaves, you know that summer is near. [Biblically there is only Summer and winter—just 2 seasons, we’d call this spring.] 33 Similarly, when you actually see all of these things, you will realize that He is near, approaching the door!

Since Yeshua was answering the question “when will these things happen and what will be the sign of Your coming and the end of the age”, if He were planning on waiting until the fall festivals, why was He answer, “you know that summer is near.”?

As many have noticed, Isaiah chapters 34 and 35 are both very detailed descriptions of the same exact time period, and Isaiah 35:1,10 is sort of a date stamp!

Isaiah 35:1 The wilderness and the parched land will be overjoyed; the desert will be delighted and blossom like a crocus [or rose?] [1] ... 10 Those Yehovah has ransomed will return, will enter Zion with singing with everlasting joy crowning their heads. They’ll be overcome with gladness and joy, as sorrow and mourning flee away.

[1] Many modern versions rightly say “crocus”,a late winter flower, often popping out of the snow, rather the traditional KJV “rose”! And here the Second Exodus is tied to late winter to early spring. This has nothing to do with 1948, desalination plants or irrigation (see Isaiah 30:18). Not another verse in this chapter or any verse from Chapter 24 to the end of chapter 35 (all referencing the same future time) is ever cited by the false prophets who claim that the desert blooming like a “rose” is being fulfilled right now. Same goes for Jeremiah 31:31. Try Isaiah 34:8 for context! If the idea of the Second Exodus is new to you,,then this article is highly recommended!

Here’s another clue about the time of year of Israel’s second exodus, when Yeshua rescues, forgives and accepts His handpicked people. For people who don’t grow grain, it is planted in the fall, grows maybe a foot by December, and then slows to near “hibernaton” in the winter, and then begins “reviving” as winter is subsiding—early spring!, as did my barley, wheat, rye and oats this year:

Hosea 1:1,7,9 Israel, return to Yehovah your Elohim, since you’ve fallen because of your sin ... 7 People will live under His shadow. They’ll revive like winter grain, and blossom like grapevines. His renown will be like the wines of Lebanon ... 9 Whoever is wise should understand these things ...

In Revelation 14:1 Yeshua is standing on Mount Zion with 144,000 “firstfruits” (v.4)

When Specifically is the First Resurrection?

People debate on whether the First Resurrection (Revelation 20:5-6) occurs on Pentecost or on the Day of Trumpets. But on what day was an actual precedent set for the Firstfruits to be resurrected? And is it associated with “at His coming”?

1 Corinthians 15:20,23 But now the Messiah has risen from the dead and has become the first person [firstfruits] born from the dead ... 23 but everyone in their order, Messiah was the firstfruit. Later, at His coming [2], those who are the Messiah’s [will be restored to life].

While resurrection to physical life certainly has Biblical precedent (such as on Passover—Matthew 27:50-52), Yeshua is the only person ever resurrected to eternal life. (John 3:13).

[2] Or this could be translated as “Their coming.”, as in Daniel 7.

Yeshua was raised from the dead on Wave Sheaf Sunday If you are unfamiliar with Wave Sheaf day, you really need to change that! His resurrection actually occurred on the first minute of the day, that is sundown on “Saturday night”, a punctual three days and three nights (72 hours) after His burial, otherwise there would be two partial days to contend with. The day Yeshua was resurrected was the literal fulfillment of the wave sheaf offering! It is a real shame that Yeshua plainly told His disciples that He would return after three days (on Wave Sheaf Day)—and not one of His followers believed Him and welcomed Him! It was only the next morning when the two Marys were shocked to find His empty tomb, He had arisen at sundown. His return was completely unnoticed except by some guards. (Matthew 28:2-4). The day He rose from the dead marks the 50 day countdown to Pentecost.

Now fast forward to the next resurrection to eternal life. When Yeshua returns, the first thing He will do is resurrect His servants who died within the 6000 years since Adam. “ ... and the dead who 'belong to' the Messiah will rise first! Then, we who are still alive ... ” This will be in the clouds, not in deep space:

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 And friends, I want you to know that you shouldn’t mourn over those who have fallen asleep [1] like other people who have no hope. 14 Because if we believe that Yeshua died and rose again, we should also believe that thru Yeshua, Yehovah will bring those who have fallen asleep back with Him. 15 We declare this to you by the Word of Aloha’s own authority, that we who survive and are alive when our Sovereign returns will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep [into the Kingdom]. 16 Our Sovereign will 'personally' come down from Heaven with a mandate, and with a voice like the chief Messenger and with Yehovah’s shofar, and the dead who 'belong to' the Messiah will rise first! 17 Then, we who are still alive, having survived, will be carried away together with them into the clouds to meet our Sovereign in the expanse. And we will be with our Sovereign forever. 18 So comfort each other with these words.

[1] Until Judgment Day the dead are essentially “sleeping”, awaiting their judgment.

The counting from Wave Sheaf day should be done every year so as to be ready for Pentecost, but also in preparation for the first resurrection:

Leviticus 23:15-17From the day following the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the wave sheaf [lit: omer] offering, you must count off seven complete Sabbaths. 16 You must count fifty days, to the day following the seventh Sabbath. Then you’ll present a new [fresh] grain offering to Yehovah. 17 Bring from your homes two loaves of bread made of two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour for a wave offering. Bake them with leavening as the firstfruits for Yehovah.

There is every reason to believe that His followers will have a similar experience on the Wave Sheaf Day of the Jubilee year when Yeshua returns. Why would He wait any longer for the blessed event? Yeshua’s resurrection is the greatest event in world history. You will do likewise when you are really born again!

Hosea ‘Covertly’ Revealed the Year of Yeshua’s Return!

Hosea was given a fascinating prophecy that very few will understand. Most of the old commentaries stash this into the “long ago box” or in the “just for Jews box” rather than the “this is for us box”! But Barn’s Notes (verse 2) delightfully applies it to Yeshua’s resurrection on “the third day”, AND YESHUA INCLUDED HIMSELF—“US” & “WE”!

Hosea 5:15 Then I will return again to My place [heaven] until they [Judah and Ephraim] admit their guilt and seek My 'presence'. In their tribulation they’ll diligently search for Me.”. [1]

[1] The chapter break here is misplaced compared to the Arabic, the Targum and the Syriac versions, that logically connects Yeshua’s return to heaven to the comment about the three millennial days in the next three verses.

Hosea 6:1-3 So come, let’s return to Yehovah. He has torn us to pieces but He’ll heal us. He’s wounded us but He’ll bandage our wounds. 2 He’ll revive [resurrect!] US after two days. On the third [millennial] day He’ll raise US up so WE can live in His presence! [1] 3 We should acknowledge Yehovah. We must press on to know Him. As surely as the sun rises, His [Yehovah’s] 'timetable' is firmly established. He’ll come to us like the rain, like the 'spring rains' that water the earth.” [2]

[1] So exactly two millennial days after Yeshua’s own resurrection (31 AD) He will raise us to life. That will begin the third millennium since He arose, as described in the previous heading.

[2] ... Benson commentary: As the latter and former rain— Or, as the words should rather be rendered, the harvest rain, and the rain of seed-time: see notes on Deuteronomy 11:14, and Proverbs 16:15. For, as Bishop Horsley justly observes, the Hebrew words here used have nothing of latter or former implied in their meaning. And these expressions convey a notion just the reverse of the truth to the English reader. For what our translation here terms the latter rain, [Hebrew word], is literally, as the bishop terms it, the crop rain, which fell just before the season of the harvest, to plump the grain before it was severed: that is, it fell in what we term the spring, and consider as the former part of the year; for the harvest in Judea began about the middle of our March, according to the old style ...

While some few realize that this is in reference to millennial days—two since He left and one going into the first resurrection and the first thousand years of eternity, there are actually two more applications to be seen here. As far as it applies to Yeshua in Hosea 5:15, He literally was raised on the third day—on Wave Sheaf Day (always a Sunday) which had to be the previous Wednesday for a literal three days. Passover can be on any day of the week. During the year of Yeshua’s crucifixion it was a Wednesday. (Note that while people attempt to retrofit the 4th century Hillel 2 calendar into the first century, it is a far different calendar.) When we apply “the third day” to “US” & “WE” it will also have to be a year with a Wednesday Passover (counting 72 hours to Wave Sheaf Sunday)! But since “the earth will be shaken out of its 'orbit' at the wrath of Commander Yehovah during the Day of His fierce anger” (Isaiah 13:13), dates might be a bit tricky to call in advance, within an exact day or hour” (Matthew 24:36).

In reference to the 'spring rains' in Hosea 6, footnote #2 above, we are still referencing spring time:

I’ll have to admit, I was quite reluctant to use Hosea 6 as a proof text for my rendering of “spring” rather than the common use as a proof text for “fall”, until I found the Benson commentary in footnote [2] above! I thought I was a total Maverick on that.

I don’t know about you, but I need more than a few hours or maybe just minutes of preparation time to join the fight on the Day of Trumpets. My horse riding skills are a tad lacking (Revelation 19:14). The Day of Yehovah and the Second Resurrection run in the foreground and background of almost every Biblical prophecy. Yehovah’s Messengers fulfill large portions of it. The fifth messenger alone will keep the heat on for five months (Revelation 9:1-12)

What Happens on Daniel 12:12’s 1,335th Day?

There is nothing in Daniel or Revelation that explains what happens on day number 1,335 other than a one word clue:

Daniel 12:12 Blessed are those who 'persevere' and attain the 1,335 days.

So where would a person look for a futuristic blessing from Yeshua to take place for the tattered survivors of the Great Tribulation? Well fortunately, Yeshua left a to-do list covering all of the blessings! He actually recorded it twice: Isaiah 61 explains the whole list. Luke 4 is the Cliff’s Notes version. That was enough to have gotten Him killed, but it wasn’t that time yet. The list includes what He did in the first century and what is yet to be done quite soon!

For decades I believed the fall festivals theory of Yeshua visibly returning on Trumpets, but I had difficulty grasping why Yeshua would be in hiding for the first six months of the Year of Retribution (Isaiah 34:8). I believe I am now on the right path on this.

Other likely springtime dates to consider:

Commentators who teach about the festival days are routinely dismissive of the spring festival days (and other spring dates), as far as their prophetic foreshadowing goes, saying that they were fulfilled in the first century. But note that the 1,335 days, whatever they are, are just 75 days after the Great Tribulation—the springtime following seven complete Biblical years—the full moon of the third month (still spring). However these teachers often rightly compare the end time to the time of Noah:

Matthew 24:37 At the advent [Gr. parousia] of the Human Son, it will be just like it was in the time of Noah.

Genesis 7:11 During the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month [spring]—on that day all the springs of the great depths [subterranean waters] burst open, and the floodgates of the skies were opened.

If the unique Biblical date of the flood is more than just an anniversary of the great flood, Noah’s flood date could be parallel to the seal plagues in the same five month time span (Revelation 6:1-6).

The flood date is just two days after the Second Passover, which applies to people traveling from distant lands (like during the Second Exodus?) Note that the Second Passover lamb was also killed on the 14th, but it was eaten on the second month and 15th day.

Numbers 9:10-11 Tell the Israelites: If any of you or of your descendants becomes unclean by touching a dead body, or are on a long journey, they can still celebrate Yehovah’s Passover. 11 In the second month, on the fourteenth day in the 'afternoon' [1] they can celebrate it. They must eat 'the lamb' with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

[1] The actual timing of “between the evenings” is thoroly explained here, and also from this objective but strangely disinterested source.

The Second Month?

Genesis 7:24 The flood water surged over the earth for one hundred and fifty days.

“The seventeenth day of the second month is only found in one place in the Bible. In fact “seventeenth day” of any month only shows up twice in the entire Bible—both when the Great Flood began (Genesis 7:11) and when it ended (Genesis 8:4). Interestingly, this five month long period is 150 days—five exact 30 day months! These months are thirty day months as in Daniel 12 and Revelation. Where else does “five months” show up in the Bible? Well there is Noah’s flood where almost everyone died, then there are the five contrasting months when “The fifth messenger blew his shofar in Revelation 9:1 where “people will look for death, but they won’t find it” (v.9) The only other “five months” reference is when “Elisabeth became pregnant and remained in seclusion for five months” which is likely a relevant clue. In my unorthadox view these five months were the second month thru the sixth month with John the Immerser’s birth being day one of the seventh month (the Day of Trumpets):

3 BC from other historical evidence as well as astronomical evidence) ... Of course, the other possibility is that the date that the angel struck Zechariah and caused him to lose his speech [during the Priestly Order of Abijah] was during Zechariah’s second service term in the second half of the year, rather than during the first term of service in the spring. However, this is unlikely, as it would have caused the birth of John the Baptist to be near mid-September. Consequently, Jesus’ birth would have been in March ... ”.

If something prophetically significant happens on Biblical 2/17 in the near future (such as about April 17), it would certainly fulfill the criteria of “as it was in the days of Noah”. The “thirty days” into the Jubilee year above added to the 1,260 days of Great tribulation equals 1,290 days (Spring—30 days into the Jubilee year). Perhaps that is a fit. Yeshua spent 40 days before ascending to heaven. This becomes relevant because He will descend in a cloud to the Mount of Olives the very same way He ascended. Given these spring references, including what Yeshua mentioned in Matthew 24:20, I see no reason to believe that Yeshua’s return to the Mount of Olives will be at some different time of year than the very spring day when He vanished into the clouds!

People often think that when Yeshua comes again, He will set everything right in one day, not realizing that He and His Father (Daniel 7:9-28) have reserved an entire year to fulfill all of the relevant prophecies.

This link, if [it had been] correct, following the math would start the seven weeks in the spring of 2023, tho the article does not mention year 6000 as an end of this age. I had believed the line of thought that Yeshua’s ministry was part of the final week (approximately excluding the first 3.5 year “Beginning of Sorrows” from the count, but the end year is the same either way.)


Date a total mystery:
Genesis 1:1 In a/the beginning Elohim created/transformed the heavens and the earth. [1]

[1] “First of all, the Hebrew of the Masoretic text ... shows there is a pause/gap symbol between the first and second verses of Genesis ... intended to notify the reader that he should pause before proceeding to the next verse.”

4000 BC: Genesis 1:2 But “earth” had become a desolate wasteland and an undistinguishable ruin [Tohu] and darkness covered the surface of the primeval ocean when Elohim’s spirit [feminine] fluttered over the surface of the water.

Compare this with: Isaiah 45:18 This is what Yehovah says who created/transformed the universe, the Elohim who originally created the earth and put it in order, who established it, and did NOT create it as a desolate wasteland [Tohu], who formed it to be inhabited. ”I am Yehovah, and there is no other.

March/April 3970 BC Aviv 6 (date on this online calendar a guess). Adam and Eve were ousted from Eden, being 30 years of age—accountable, as was Yeshua—the second man Adam (1 Corinthians 15:48-49), David, Saul, Daniel and the Levites. This marks the start of mankinds 6,000 years. That would make March/April 31 AD, the crucifixion exactly 4000 years later and March/April 2031 exactly 6,000 years from re-creation week.

456 BC to Yeshua’s 31 AD crucifixion.

Spring 3 BC Aviv 1—Biblical New Year’s Day, Yeshua born, countdown year 453 of 490. The “star of Bethlehem” was not a planetary alignment—that could never pinpoint a location on earth!

April 28 AD, Yeshua’s ministry begins 483 years into the count.

Passover, April, 31 AD ends week 69 of the 70 weeks prophecy with Yeshua’s crucifixion. Also see 31 AD Yeshua crucified (year 4000). My all source disclaimer.

1861 Abraham Lincoln said America was an “almost chosen People.”

• “Tyre will be Forgotten for 70 Years” 1952-2022 (70 years, 3 months 6 days).

Tipping point: 2020 The curses of Deuteronomy 28 were written by Moses specifically as a warning for Israel just prior to their inheriting the promised land. It reminds me of this: ‘Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created. His answer was: “A republic, if you can keep it.” Moses told Israel that they would form a nation, but that avoiding the curses and keeping it was a different story. Ancient Israel got a small sample of the blessings, but ended up opting for every curse imaginable. While Deuteronomy 28 is not history repeating itself among the nations descended from ancient Israel, it certainly rhymes! America has sampled many of the blessings mentioned without ever “carefully obey[ing] all of His Commandments”. Nevertheless, the curses of Deuteronomy 28:15 to 20 are already a match and all of the other curses have been set in motion. Silver lining: the curses will refine all twelve tribes of Israel (Isaiah 48:10). I recommend reading the chapter again.

The April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse and INSANE Prophecy Events Are Coming!—Jim Staley”. This is interesting. And: More from Jim Staley. (Note that Jim believes that the 8th is new years day, but it is not on the calendar that Yeshua used!) Now an ominous comet (an interesting site I found 3-22-24) is perfectly in line with the planetary alignment! As usual, I have some disagreements with these commentators, but I recommend at least watching the April 8 links about the Great Reset—In The Heavens! Then maybe watch: “When I asked ChatGPT about a month ago to calculate the frequency that this line up of planets would happen, it responded with 1 in 19 million years. Because the moon and sun will also be aligned, I asked the frequency of this and it said 1 in 32 million years.” But wait, there’s more: Seven Nineveh’s [fairly close to] its path! (Then there were the seven Salem alignments across the USA in the total eclipse of 2017—when combined making an X marks the spot!) There may be more to this, or less, but rather than speculate further, I’ll just wait a few days and see. Note that while the modern Jewish calendar year begins with a totally dark moon—no moon, the visible crescent will not be seen until April 10th or possibly the 11th:

April 10 or 11th, 2024 Sunset Jerusalem time My speculations, (now that a 13th month is determinedand here [not the conjunction]): Today marks the Beginning of Sorrows that lasts for 3 1/2 years (or 1260 days—which is half of the 2520 day long, seven year shemitah cycle of Daniel 9:27). King Charles, before Daniel 8:23-25 happens, will have enacted his “covenant” (alliance) “with many” (Daniel 9:27) about now, and halted the ratcheting up of the momentum of WW3 in its tracks, bringing pride to the Commonwealth, which is a harbinger of Revelation 13:4. And a wild guess: The Philadelphia Assembly (“church”), is founded today—very small numerically, (Revelation 3:7), because for them there is only 3 1/2 years before Revelation 3:10 goes into effect—Trumpets 2027—how could Philadelphia wait much longer to form? But there will be little interest and limited numerical “strength”—they’ll just be considered another “cult”, yet the spiritual gifts should be highly significant. Since all seven end time assemblies have a messenger (“angel”), verse 7, someone will be addressing and coordinating them. Another speculation: Perhaps there will be a change in the rotation of the earth today, related to a Magnetic North Pole Shift, resulting in 360 day long years—not directly related to the Day of Yehovah (Matthew 24:29). And maybe for good measure add a massive economic disaster today $$$. [Interestingly, in roughly the first week of February 2024, I heard three economic commentators that I routinely follow all mention that they anticipate in “March or April” of this year a severe economic event. You never hear of economic predictions with that specificity! In my opinion King Charles is the most ecumenical man to ever walk the earth, as was made evident during his coronation. This king of kings, will strike a deal with many participating dignitaries to end the struggle over Israel, and the Temple Mount in particular, Trumping all previous attempts! The three world religions claiming rights to the terrain may all get their own piece of the pie. World peace!

Steve Quayle, a Christian, expects the economic collapse “in March or April” along with true apocalyptic events.

Rafi Farber, a Jew in Israel, speculates that the collapse of the dollar could happen “in March or April” and stop U.S. intervention in Israel—stopping the war. (He has too many podcasts to check for the “March or April” comment.) This link happens to equate the end with Jewish calendar cycles, which presumably points the first month of the Biblical year, as do I (but for different reasons). He too believes that we are approaching the very end of the age, but he likely thinks (as do many others) that the Gog & Magog war will painlessly rescue Israel.

Michael Pento expects a milder disaster “in March or April”.

A Red Heifer can be ready for sacrifice just prior to Passover 2024 “Shabbat of the Red Heifer” approximately Friday, March 29, 2024 on the Hillel calendar. See also.

2027 Day of Trumpets—1st day of the 7th month (a sighted new moon)—the precise middle of the seventieth week when the Antimessiah (false Christ) claims to be the returning Messiah (an abomination)! The daily sacrifices end today. Great Tribulation (Jacob’s Trouble) begins. Israel [Manasseh Joshua 14:4], Ephraim and Judah are all devoured within this New Moon [month]: Hosea 5:3-5. The wise in Judea and Samaria must flee immediately (Matthew 24:15-20). The Two Witnesses (Moses and Elijah, presumably) begin their 1,260 daylong commission. An orbital change in the rotation of the earth will result in 30 day months. 42 months will be exactly 1,260 days.

The last day of the Biblical 12th month of 2032 is the LAST DAY of the Great Tribulation—The seventh seven of Daniel 9:24. It’s the last shemitah cycle of the sixth millennium. It’s the end of year 6999—Day 1,260 of Daniel 12. The Two Witnesses are martyred today. The prophetic “seventy sevens ” are finished today. It all ends with the sighted new moon that marks the beginning of the Day of Yehovah, year 6000 begins.

Aviv 1 (the next day): The “second coming” of Yeshua the Messiah will occur on the FIRST DAY of the 120th Jubilee year/the Day of Yehovah/Judgment Day. “The miraculous sign of [Yeshua] will be seen in the sky”: Matthew 24:29-31. Yeshua joins the Ancient of Days today on earth, starting the “Year of Payback” (Isaiah 34:8). Daniel 7:9-14 describes this long awaited day in unmistakable end-time context. The “Famine of the Word” sets in today. See Amos 8 (and the footnote) for the contextual timing of the famine.

Spring, the seventeenth day of the second month 2031: Seal plagues a parallel to Noah’s flood? There is a dated precedent for the second month during Noah’s “exodus” (Genesis 7:11). Every time an exact date is mentioned, there is a reason, and very frequently it is history repeating itself!

Day 1,290 is thirty days after the Great Tribulation Daniel 12:11. The Second Exodus will take far less time than the First Exodus, and it may be complete by the first day of the second month of the Jubilee Year. The only direct references to “thirty days” of relevance in the Bible are the thirty days of mourning upon Aaron’s death and another thirty days of mourning for Moses when the promised land was within sight. The only other Biblical mentions of thirty days have to do with edicts from worldly kings. Imagine the mourning for the dead by survivors following “the end of (the) days”—the most deadly and painful time in human history—the last wars ever, (other than some house cleaning in a thousand years). But I do see a resemblance to mourning for Moses in the First Exodus and the mourning in recognition for what was done to Yeshua during the Second Exodus (Zechariah 12:9-12).

Day 3.5 of the Day of Yehovah. The Two Witnesses are resurrected to physical life (Revelation 11:11). “[the Spirit of life—the same which breathed life into Israel’s dry bones, Eze 37:10, 11; Eze 37:10, 11), “Breath came into them.” The passage here, as there, is closely connected with Israel’s restoration as a nation to political and religious life. Compare also concerning the same, Ho 6:2, where Ephraim says, “After two days will He revive us; in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.”] into—so B and Vulgate. But A reads (Greek, “en autois”), “(so as to be) IN them.” stood upon their feet—the very words in Eze 37:10, which proves the allusion to be to Israel's resurrection, in contrast to “the times of the Gentiles” wherein these “tread under foot the holy city.”]

At the close of the Great Tribulation, as the sixth seal is broken, the Day of Yehovah is begun. It’s marked by horrific signs in the sun and moon. (Revelation 6:12). “After all of this”: “The Great Day of Their anger” (Revelation 6:7), the fraction of the144,000 special firstfruit servants who happen to be alive at the end are sealed to prevent them from being physically harmed, whether on land or at sea by the pummeling that Yehovah is about to unleash (Revelation 7:1-8)!

Spring (Aviv 1) 2031 The First Resurrection preview: Wave Sheaf Sunday Matthew 27:51-53

Spring (Aviv 1) 2031 Yehovah will save Judah first during the Second Exodus. Zechariah 12:7-11. This is the “Great Shofar” of Isaiah 27 (particularly verses 12-13), which corresponds with the Seventh Shofar (“trumpet”) of Revelation 11:15—adding the pertinent backstory!

Wormwood +: Mid 2031 A game changer! Revelation 8:8-13

The Day of Trumpets 2031: The Jezreel Valley—The time and place where everything changes! My Disclaimer.

Seals, Shofars and Bowls

The seals, shofars (trumpets) and bowls ALL end with Yeshua returning in wrath during the Day of Yehovah, (spring) aviv 1, 2031 thru (spring) aviv 1, 2032. The sixth seal and the seventh shofar summarize the Day of Yehovah. While the bowls are a more detailed description of the Day of Yehovah. They are like three witnesses of the same year-long event, each adding details!

* * *

Bowl #1 Severly painful sores on prople with the mark. (Revelation 16:2).

Shofar (Trumpet) #1 Hail, fire mixed with water, a third of the land and trees are burned up, and all the grass is burned (Revelation 8:7)

Seal #1 The white horse goes out as a conqueror (Revelation 6:1–2).

* * *

Bowl #2 The sea turned to blood, killing the sea life. (Revelation 16:3).

Shofar #2 A mountain of burning fire plunges into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood. A third of all the sea creatures died. A third of the ships are destroyed (Revelation 8:8–9).

Seal #2 The Red Horse: Its rider was given the power to take peace from the earth (Revelation 6:3–4).

* * *

Bowl #3 The rivers and springs become blood due to bloodshed. (Revelation 16:4-7).

Shofar #3 A huge burning asteroid called “wormwood” falls from heaven on a third of the rivers and springs become wormwood. Many people die from the water because they are poisoned (Revelation 8:10–11).

Seal #3 The Black Horse holding scales for food rationing (Revelation 6:5–6).

* * *

Bowl #4 The sun scorches people and they blaspheme. (Revelation 16:8–9).

Shofar #4 A third of the sun, moon, and stars are struck so that a third of them are darkened. There is no light for a third of the day and a third of the night (Revelation 8:12). [Way too long for an eclipse.] Disclaimer

Seal #4 Pale Green Horse brings warfare, famines, 'epidemics' and death by ravenous animals (Revelation 6:7–8).

* * *

Bowl #5 The Beast’s kingdom is cast into darkness, which causes immense pain (Revelation 16:10–11).

Shofar #5 A star (angel) falls and opens the bottomless pit, the sun & sky are darkened and locust-like demons come out of the smoking pit to the earth. The locusts torture anyone who doesn’t have Yehovah’s seal on their foreheads (Revelation 9:1–11).

Seal #5 Martyrdon and a cry for vengeance (Revelation 6:9–11).

* * *

Bowl #6 The Euphrates River dries up to prepare a passage for the kings from the rising sun , and demons lure armies to “Armageddon” (Revelation 16:12-16).

Shofar #6 The four angels that are 'tartarooed' are released to kill a third of humanity. Their troops number two hundred million. A third of humanity is killed by the fire, smoke and sulphur coming from their mouths (Revelation 9:13–19).

Seal #6 The Great earthquake, sun darkened, moon becomes red, stars fall, the sky vanishes, mountains & islands removed from their places (Revelation 6:12–17).

* * *

Bowl #7 Lightning, voices, thunder, the great earthquake & massive hail. Babylon the Great, the premier nation falls. Every island and mountain dissapears. (Revelation 16:17-21).

Shofar #7 Voices, thunder, the great earthquake, and large hail, the dead are judged—not the firstfruits, but there’s this! (Revelation 11:15–19 + Revelation 15:1–8).

Seal #7 Thunder, loud voices, lightening and [that same] earthquake; The kingdoms of the world become the kingdom of Yehovah and of His Messiah. (Matthew 1 and Revelation 11:15-19)

But who exactly is the Prostitute—Babylon the Great?

Count the many times we are told!

Vincent’s Word Studies referencing Revelation 17:2 says:

“With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”

(Spoiler alert, like so many other commentators, Vincent claimed that the following verses represent the Roman Catholic Church. But I checked—Too bad the prostitute is never just a church!):

“The figure of a harlot committing fornication with kings and peoples occurs frequently in the prophets, representing the defection of God’s Church and its attachment to others [protestants]. See Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; Jeremiah 3:1, Jeremiah 3:6, Jeremiah 3:8; Ezekiel 16:15, Ezekiel 16:16, Ezekiel 16:28, Ezekiel 16:31, Ezekiel 16:35, Ezekiel 16:41; Ezekiel 23:5, Ezekiel 23:19, Ezekiel 23:44; Hosea 2:5; Hosea 3:3; Hosea 4:14. The word is applied to heathen cities in three places only: to Tyre, Isaiah 23:15, Isaiah 23:16, Isaiah 23:17; to Nineveh, Nahum 3:4; and [Revelation 17:2.]”

But who do all of Vincent’s references say that the prostitute really is? If you check the context of the above references, the answer is unmistakably ISRAEL (primarily Ephraim (Britain) & Manasseh (America)! Heathen nations can be lovers of the whore, but they are never the whore!

More evidence that the only prostitute nation in the Bible is Israel:

Hosea is an entire book of the Bible written to illustrate that the tribes of Israel (most notably Ephraim and Manasseh) have for a very long time been prostitute tribes. Only Israel has this designation among nations. Today’s “shepherds” tell you that “the people of Israel will return”, as in verse 5, as if it were a fulfilled prophecy in present day Israel (Judea), but they never include the context in so many relevant places. Here Hosea spells the timing out:

Hosea 3:1-5 Yehovah told me, “Go back and love your woman as her husband, even tho she continually commits adultery, just like Yehovah loves the people of Israel, tho they turn to other gods and love sacred /raisin cakes.” 2 So I bought her back for Myself for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley. 3 Then I told her, “You must stay with me for a long 'time'. You must stop being a prostitute and 'having sexual relations' with anyone, not even with me” [1].” 4 The people of Israel will go 'a long time' without a king and there is no prince [2], without zebakim and without obelisks [?], without ephods or household idols. 5 But after that the people of Israel will return and be devoted to Yehovah their Elohim and David their king. They will come trembling to Yehovah for His blessings IN THE LAST DAYS.

[1] As the Barne’s, Gill’s and Keil’s commentaries explain, she is to be sequestered to see if she will give up her prostitution before their relationship can move from 'engagement' to a consummated marriage.

[2] The theme of the book of Hosea is the contrast between Hosea’s unfaithful wife and Israel’s unfaithfulness toward Him. Interestingly, during the time of Great Tribulation the beast and the false prophet are empowered with “ten kings”. Presently Europe has twelve royal (mostly Israelite) families acting as figureheads. Are the “ten horns” of Revelation 17:12 sourced from “the lost tribes of Israel”? Will they stab their own nations in the back, if it is they who are empowered? That is the situation that immediately precedes the 12 tribes being regathered into the land. But from then on David will never lack a descendant (Yeshua) to sit on his throne (2 Samuel 7:12-16). This is plan C as explained in Jeremiah 33:14-22). Plan B was described in Jeremiah 17:19-27.

The reference to modern Tyre is clarified here:

Hosea 9:13. “I’ve seen Ephraim (Britain) planted in a pleasant meadow LIKE TYRE, but Ephraim will bring out his children to the executioner.” Abortion [Moloch]!

Modern Tyre Forgotten for Seventy Years: Commentary from Isaiah 23.

Only the reference to Nineveh is different. Assyria was the tool that destroyed the northern ten tribes of ancient Israel (but not Judah). Several of the above references state that Israel was committing prostitution with Assyria. Assyria was Israel’s most favored lover. So both nations had to be destroyed. This is just as a modern “Assyrian Empire” will destroy the modern “Babylonian Empire”, the USA (Manasseh!)

In Nahum 3, is Nineveh destroyed because she is a prostitute OR “because of the wanton lust of the alluring prostitute”? The entirety of Nahum 2 describes the destruction of Ninevah. Nahum 2:2, just this one verse provides the context:

Nahum 2:2 Yehovah will restore the splendor of Jacob like the splendor of [ancient] Israel, tho ravagers have devastated them and vandalized their grapevines.

Tho Israel has been “devastated”, the remnant of Jacob will be the army that takes out modern Nineveh!

“Nineveh, the oldest and most-populous city of the ancient Assyrian empire.”

Assyria, kingdom of northern Mesopotamia that became the centre of one of the great empires of the ancient Middle East. It was located in what is now northern Iraq and southeastern Turkey.”

When and how was Israel conquered by the Assyrians?”

The Most Overlooked Bible Prophecy?

Daniel 7:13-14. In my vision that night I saw what looked like a Human Son [man] [4] coming with the clouds of the sky [or of heaven], and as He was approaching the Ancient of Days, they escorted Him into His presence. 14 He was given dominion, splendor and a Kingdom, so that people of every nation and language would serve Him. His Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom that will never pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

[4] Messiah in the form of a human being: See all the commentaries on this page.

What do some internet commentators think about Daniel’s statement?

“Daniel 7:13-14 states that the Second Coming marks the termination of the times of the Gentiles and the beginning of the reign of God’s kingdom on earth:

“This passage [in Daniel 7], as all others on the second coming of Christ, makes clear that it refers to an event not yet fulfilled that will consummate the plan of God for the ages.”

These two comments are good, but I had hoped to find someone filling in some context. But this is all there was to it.

On search page #2 I found another link from the same writer. It is almost identical to his first reference. Obviously “Daniel 7” or “second coming” by itself does nothing for my inquiry.

On search page #3 there were 2 more matches, here is the first:

“Conclusion: So what can we conclude from Daniel 7:13 and quotations of this verse in the New Testament? Daniel 7:13 is referring to a heavenly scene in which the Son of Man (Jesus) uses the vehicle of the clouds of heaven to appear before the Ancient of Days (God the Father).”

Sure, Yeshua went to heaven, but His returning in the clouds is what I would expect to see discussed here.

Search Page #3, reference #2, his point is that he thinks a rapture precedes “Christ’s return” which he says is at the end of the Great Tribulation. Here, I would like to see someone put Yeshua’s second coming during the Day of Yehovah, “Immediately AFTER the time of Tribulation” ... —Matthew 24:29-30, the most famous prophecy chapter in the Bible!:

“The third reason Matthew 24:30-31 is not the rapture is that the “sign of the Son of Man” refers to the second coming of Christ (Daniel 7:13; Revelation 1:7). Also, at the second coming, He descends from heaven with a sword and heavenly armies ready to fight at the battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19:11-21).”

Search page #4: Zilch, nada

Search page #5, reference #1, the entire comment:

The presentation of the right to rule over the earth following His Second Coming is described in Daniel 7:13, 14, where the Son of man is given dominion over the entire earth and an everlasting kingdom.”

Search page #5, reference #2: This writer commented on both verse 13 and 14 briefly. He identified verse 13 with “the Messiah” and in verse 14 his comment is:

“These distinctions are earthly and speak of the promise of an earthly kingdom, ruled by Christ that merges into the eternal kingdom.”

While I agree with these brief statements about this being on earth, the passage is worthy of some context and emphasis!

Search pages #6-10: Zilch, nada

How many Tanak (OT) Scriptures clearly and explicitly describe “the Son of Man coming with the clouds in the sky”? It is just the one in Daniel 7, but His disciples referenced the cloudy event seven times! Obviously, this is an important sign, as in “the sign of Your coming”. Someone needs to study the context and openly emphasize what else will be happening when this sign appears! Interestingly in Daniel 7:1 we see that the renowned interpreter of dreams had this dream himself. Verses 2-10 describe four contemporary wild beasts (nations) that the Little Horn (Antimessiah) deals with. In verse 9 Daniel saw “the Ancient of Days” seated in what appears to be the same transport throne that Ezekiel described in Ezekiel 1:15-28 in great detail when it landed on earth in front of him. Yehovah’s “clothing was as white as snow, and the hair on His head was like pure wool. His throne was ablaze with flames, and its wheels were like blazing fire.” (Who ever mentions that the Father, the Ancient of Days is on earth to welcome His Son when He returns in the clouds in verse 13?) In verse 10 we see that it is Judgment Day and in verse 11 the Antimessiah failed the judgment and was killed. In verse 12 nations that were defeated had many survivors who lived for a period of time that appears to be for judgment. In verse 13, amid this earthly nightmare, Yeshua shows up surrounded by clouds. Then in verse 14 Yeshua is given the Everlasting Kingdom that He earned exactly 2,000 years ago, and His Kingdom will never be destroyed! Then in verse 15 Daniel had some questions. One of the responses was of some interest to me. He was told:

Daniel 7:21-22 As I watched the little horn was waging war against the 'chosen' ones, and overpowering them 22 until the Ancient of Days [the Father] came and pronounced judgment in favor of the 'chosen' ones of the Most Supreme, and the specified time came for the faithful to take possession of the Kingdom.

But surely you’ve heard about the 'special' ones (saints), the remnant being rescued by the Ancient of Days from the Antimessiah’s “final solution” to enable them to “take possession of the Kingdom.

Yeshua only needs to return IN THE CLOUDS once. So each detail in this complete list of references to that spectacular event helps to clarify what will be happening on that particular “cloudy day”, as well as what precedes it and what follows it in time.

Daniel 7 explains the context of Yeshua returning in the clouds, but before He comes in the clouds, seven circumstances will have happened:

1) The fourth wild beast kingdom and the “little horn” introduced (v.7-8)
2) Thrones are set up and the Ancient of Days is seated (v.9)
3) A river of fire flowed out from before Him (v.10)
4) Millions serve the Ancient of Days (v.10)
5) The court 'convened', and the books were opened for judgment! (vs.10 & 26)
6) Antimessiah is killed; His body thrown into the blazing fire of vs 10-11.
7) Diminished wild beast nations still survive (v.12)
8) Yeshua “COMING IN THE CLOUDS” (v.13)
9) Yeshua brought to His Father and given the Kingdom (v.14)
10) The chosen ones receive the Kingdom forever (v.18)
11) Daniel asks for more details (vs.16-20)
12) Revisiting Antichrist. The Ancient of Days intervening for the 'chosen' ones, the 10 horns (v.20-27)
13) This is the end of the matter (v.28)

Daniel 7:9-14 I watched until thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated. His clothing was as white as snow, and the hair on His head was like pure wool. His throne was ablaze with flames, and its wheels were like blazing fire. 10 A river of fire flowed out from before Him. Millions served Him, and one hundred million stood before Him. The court 'convened', and the books were opened. 11 I kept watching due to the boastful voice that the horn [Antimessiah] spoke with, I watched until the wild beast was killed, and its body was destroyed and 'thrown' into the blazing fire. 12 As for the other wild beasts, their sovereignty was taken away, but their lives were prolonged [3] for a period of time.

13 In my vision that night I saw what looked like a Human Son [man] [4] coming with the clouds of the sky [or of heaven], and as He was approaching the Ancient of Days, they escorted Him into His presence. 14 He was given dominion, splendor and a Kingdom, so that people of every nation and language would serve Him. His Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom that will never pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

[3] These beasts are alive and kicking (not ancient history) when Yeshua meets up with the Ancient of Days in the very next verse! [4] Messiah in the form of a human being: See all the commentaries on this page.

Adding to Daniel’s details surrounding Yeshua returning with the clouds we can add these details from Matthew:

1) Yeshua will return immediately after the Great Tribulation (verse 29)! (If you know your Bible, Yeshua will not appear as a thieving false minister (or thief in the night) to you: 1 Thessalonians 5:4)
2) “ ... the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light ... (verse 29)
3) Yeshua was alluding to Daniel 7:13 where Daniel saw “what looked like a Human Son [man] coming with the clouds ... ” (verse 30):

Matthew 24:29-31 Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and stars will fall from the sky [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4], and the miraculous power of the skies will be shaken. 30 Then the miraculous sign of the Human Son [6] will be seen in the sky, and then all the nations on earth will mourn when they see the Human Son coming on the clouds in the sky, with great power and splendor. 31 Then He’ll send out His spirit messengers with a loud shofar blast [7] and they’ll gather together His selected people from the four winds [north, south, east and west], from one farthermost bound of the horizon [heaven] to the other.

[6] Yeshua was alluding to Daniel 7:13 where “Daniel saw Someone like a Human Son coming with the clouds in the sky. So what is the sign—it will look like a human (son of man) descending from the sky! Immediately after Satan’s nearly unhindered seven year long rampage, everything begins to change in a day. Another entire set of prophecies will play out during the The Year of Payback (Isaiah 34) [7] This link is a remarkable timetable that Ernest Martin calculated in 1989. He made many of the same assumptions as I had. Still a lot of good info. The passage of time necessitated the start of my countdown 2,000 years from Yeshua’s crucifixion rather than start from the beginning of His ministry. (Otherwise the Great Tribulation would be well underway by now.)

Matthew added another unique statement about what to expect on the day when Yeshua returns:

1) The high priest will “see the Human Son sitting on the right hand of Power, and COMING IN THE CLOUDS in the sky.”

Matthew 26:62-64 The high priest stood up and asked Him, “Aren’t You going to respond to what these men are testifying against You?” 63 But Yeshua was silent. Then the high priest said, “I adjure you by the living Aloha [God] to tell us if You are the Messiah, Yehovah’s Son.” 64 Yeshua replied, “You have correctly stated it. But I’m telling you that in the future you’ll see the Human Son sitting on the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds in the sky.”;

Mark added still more unique details about Yeshua COMING IN THE CLOUDS:

1) The “dynamism [Gr. dunamis] of the heavens will be shaken.” Unlike the clouds, this rocks the solar system. (verse 25)
2) Here Yeshua gathers His select people from the four winds [north, south, east and west], from the farthest horizons of the sky. (verse 27)

Mark 13:24-31 But in the days AFTER that Tribulation [5a], ‘The sun will be darkened; and the moon won’t give her light. 25 Stars will fall from the sky [Isaiah 12:, Joel 3:], and the dynamism [Gr. dunamis] of the heavens will be shaken.’

26 Then they’ll see the Human Son coming in the clouds [Daniel 7] with great power and splendor. 27 Then He’ll send out His spirit messengers to gather His select people from the four winds [north, south, east and west], from the farthest horizons of the sky.

28 Learn a parable from a fig tree. When its twigs become tender and its leaves begin to bud, you know that warm weather is coming. 29 Similarly, when you see these things happening, you’ll know that it [the Day of Yehovah [5b]] is near—right at your open door! 30 I’m sure that this perverse nation [6] won’t pass away [7a] until all these things take place. 31 [The New] Heaven and earth will arrive [7b], but My Word won’t disappear [7c].

[5a,b] The Great and Awesome Day of Yehovah (the “Lord”) immediately follows the Great Tribulation. [6] The Greek is genea, but using the keyword “generation”, see why this is not a “generation”. [7a,b,c] Parerchomai can mean both “disappear/pass away” and “arrive”, much like the Hawaiian use of the word aloha, (a very interesting word!) Perhaps this is a play on the word, contrasting the future arrival of the New Heavens and the New Earth with the present and eternal nature of His words.

Luke adds:

1) ... there will be great stress on earth among the nations—shock and trembling due to the roaring waves [hurricanes] at sea.
2) There will be great public fear of what is about to happen. (v.26)
3) There will be encouragement among the righteous. (v.28)

Luke 21:25-28 There will be supernatural signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, and there will be great stress on earth among the nations—shock and trembling due to the roaring waves [hurricanes] at sea. 26 People will have anxious expectations and fear because of what is coming to the earth, because universal 'law' will be shaken. 27 Then they’ll see the Human Son coming in the clouds [3] with power and with great splendor. 28 When these things begin to happen, be encouraged and ‘look up’ because you are about to be delivered!

[3] This time all the Greek translations say “cloud” and the Aramaic translations say “in the clouds.”

Acts provides Yeshua’s original departure and return account

Acts 1:9-11 After saying these things, and while they were watching Him, He was taken up, and the cloud took Him in, and He vanished out of their sight. 10 While they stood intensely gazing into the sky as He was departing, two ‘men’ in white clothing appeared near them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they asked, “why are you standing there gazing toward heaven? This same Yeshua who has been taken up from you into heaven will return from heaven the same way [2] you saw Him ascend into the heavens!”

[2] on a cloud; Luke 21:27 & Daniel 7:13—I saw Someone like a Human Son coming with the clouds.

Yeshua will “come down from Heaven” and unite all of His followers, whether resurrected or still alive, and they’ll be carried into the clouds to meet our Sovereign Yeshua, and be with Him forever!

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Our Sovereign will 'personally' come down from Heaven with a mandate, and with a voice like the chief Messenger and with Yehovah’s shofar, and the dead who 'belong to' the Messiah will rise first! 17 Then, we who are still alive, having survived, will be CARRIED AWAY TOGETHER WITH THEM INTO THE CLOUDS TO MEET OUR SOVEREIGN IN THE EXPANSE. And we will be with our Sovereign forever.

Revelation adds an amazing detail—“and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him”, but after all, it is judgement day. (Daniel 12:1-4 & John 5:28-30):

Revelation 1:7-8 He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Yes, Aw-main'. [4] 8 “I am the Alaph and the Tau [Aramaic], says Yehovah Elohim [Yeshua], who is and was, and is to come, the Sovereign”.

[4] The Aramaic word for “suffering” can also imply “patience”, which is how the Greek translator translated it. But the tribulation (pain) and suffering that John said He was to experience go hand in hand.

Just one more CLOUD comment: there are the times when Yeshua’s Father was in that cloud:

Luke 9:34-36 As he was saying this, a cloud overshadowed them and they were afraid when they saw Moses and Elijah go up into the cloud. 35 Then a voice came from the cloud that said, “This is My dear Son [Gr. chosen Son], listen to Him.” 36 When the voice finished speaking, Yeshua was there alone. They kept it to themselves, not telling anyone at that time what they had seen.

Given all of these factors, could Yeshua really return tonight or even next year?

The Seventh Millennium Begins!—Spring 2032 6001.

A close look at the entire context of Isaiah from chapter 59 to the end of his prophecy in chapter 66 describes the amazing end-time period in considerable detail from the rise of the New Israel that is composed of all twelve tribes, to the time immediately prior to the establishment of the Kingdom from the Heavens, to the first year of the Everlasting Millennial Kingdom and the regeneration of the New Heavens, the New Earth (65:17 & 66:22) and the New Jerusalem (65:18) People will routinely live for at least 100 years unless their presence is destructive. These chapters describe the ultimate establishment of Israel—the key event of all of Bible prophecy: Zion being established out of chaos in one day (Isaiah 66:8)! These eight consecutive prophetic chapters are on par with another eight chapter stretch—Ezekiel 40 thru 48, which immediately follows this stretch of Isaiah.

In Isaiah 65:17-19, a common misconception is that somehow, without notice or reason, the timeline jumps to a time after the millennium! Yet there is no justification in postponing the crowning events in this eight chapter long finale of human and satanic rule! The reasoning of those wanting to postpone the arrival of the New Heavens (the solar system is still out of balance since the earth became tohu and bohu) and the New earth (note how battered this earth will soon be) is due to a misunderstanding of Revelation 20:7-10. If ancient writings included original footnotes, this would certainly be one. The flow of the last three chapters of Revelation make entirely perfect sense—describing the icing on the cake—the happy ending of this age, immediately following all of the destruction. The very source of the misunderstanding of the timing of the last three chapters is what is tantamount to a footnote.

Four verses in chapter 20 are indeed about the year 7001. But that is no reason to push the rest of Revelation 20 thru chapter 22 into the future! Here is that “footnote”

Revelation 20:7 When the thousand years are finished, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and go out to seduce the nations in the four corners of the world, Gog and Magog, and gather them for battle. Their number is like grains of sand in the sea. 9 They swarmed over the broad expanse of the world, and surrounded the 'cherished' assembly of the 'chosen ones', the greatly loved city. And fire came down from Yehovah out of Heaven and consumed them. 10 The Accuser who seduced them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the predatory beast and the false prophet were thrown. They’ll be tormented day and night for a period of time, an age.

An Urgent Need for a New Heaven and a New Earth

People have been deprived of the good news about the New Heaven being here in earth’s atmosphere, the New Earth and the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 in the next decade! But keep in mind that in Revelation 22, the last chapter of the Bible, we are told that Yeshua mentions His return—twice:

Revelation 22:7 Look, I’ll come suddenly! Blessed is anyone who holds fast to the prophetic statements of this book.

Revelation 22:12-13 I’ll come suddenly! My compensation is with Me to pay everyone according to what they’ve done. 13 I’m the Aleph and the Tau, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

[2] The Wescott & Hort versions of Revelation (most modern versions) inexcusably substitute “wash your robes” for “obey the Commandments”, unlike the Peshitta and the Majority text versions (the KJV “family”). See Matthew 19:16-19.

Also consider the marriage of the bridegroom with the occupants of New Jerusalem, mentioned after the “Satan footnote”! (Revelation 21) The New Jerusalem is a reward reserved for people who have, at the bare minimum, obeyed the Ten Commandments! Then, “Death will be devoured” (not 1,000 years later—Isaiah 25:8-9 read in context.)

Numbers 1:1-2,18 Then Yehovah said to Moses in the Sinai Desert in the Tabernacle of Meeting, on the first day of the second month, during the second year after they left the land of Egypt. He said: 2 “Take a census of the entire Israelite assembly, by their clans and 'ancestral' houses, according to the number of the names, every male 'individual' ... 18 They gathered the entire assembly together on the first day of the second month, and they registered their ancestry according to their family records by their clans and their 'ancestral' houses, according to the number of names, counting one by one the names of every male twenty years old or more.

So the census of the Second Exodus in a similar way may take place a month into the Jubilee year in the Sinai Desert! (Counting from the end of the Tribulation period.) We’ll just need to know who made it home, so the survivors can find each other! But wait, there’s more!

Can We Pinpoint the Battle Against Jerusalem—“Armageddon”?

This may be the best place in the Bible to start locating the context of when Yeshua returns to Jerusalem, ready to extingish evil!

The Book of Revelation predicts that armies will gather at the end of the age at a place called in Hebrew Har-Megiddo (Revelation 16:16). Not content with the Hebrew name (or even Greek), English translators changed it to Armageddon. In reality, it is the staging ground for a battle that is intended to be fought in the Valley of Jezreel. Megiddo was an important town in ancient Palestine, overlooking the Valley of Jezreel. There is no “Valley of Armageddon,” or “Battle of Armageddon”—mentioned in the Bible. Revelation 19 explains that Yeshua will come to this location already spattered with blood from prior battles, but this time there is simply a knock-out punch, no real battle. Satan, the false Messiah, the false prophet and a host of demons are all taken out of the way. And then for the next thousand years there will not be a spiritual entity stirring humanity to war!

The Battle Against Jerusalem

Zechariah 14:All The Day of Yehovah is coming, [and when it does] [1] your possessions will have been plundered right in front of you! 2 I’ll gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem. The city will have been taken, the houses looted and the women raped. Half [2] of the residents will have gone into exile [been taken], but the rest of the people will have been left in the city. 3 Then Yehovah will go out and wage war against those nations, as when He fought on a day of battle! 4 And in that day His [Yeshua’s (Jesus’)] feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem. [This is not the Great Tribulation period, rather it is stated to be “The Day of Yehovah”—after the wise have fled.] And the Mount of Olives will be split in two, from east to west, forming a very large valley, [Elohim is on Mt. Zion, Isaiah 10:12] so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. 5 You’ll flee by My mountain valley, because My mountain valley will reach to Azel. Yes, you’ll flee just like you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Yehovah my Elohim will come, and all of the 'cherished' ones with Him. 6 When that day comes there won’t be light, cold or frost. 7 It will be the unique day that Yehovah makes Himself known {niphal}, not day or night, but when evening comes it will still be light [3]. 8 When that day comes living waters will flow out from Jerusalem, half toward the eastern sea and half toward the western sea, both in summer and winter.

9 Yehovah will be King over all the land [not earth, “eretz”, same word as v.10] [4]. When That Day Comes it will be Yehovah alone, and His name alone. 10 All the land from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, will have become like the Arabah (barren), but Jerusalem will be elevated, from Benjamin’s gateway to the site of the first gate, to the Corner gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s wine presses. 11 People will live there [in Israel] and there will no longer be a curse, and Jerusalem will be safely inhabited. [5] 12 This is the plague that Yehovah will strike all the nations with that have faught against Jerusalem with: Their flesh will rot away while they are still standing on their feet, and their eyes will rot away in their sockets, and their tongues will rot away in their mouths. 13 When That Day Comes a great panic from Yehovah will fall on them. Everyone will seize the hand of his neighbor, and the hand of one neighbor will be raised against the hand of the other. 14 Judah will also fight in Jerusalem, and the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be gathered together—great quantities of gold, silver and clothing. 15 A similar plague will strike the horses and mules, the camels and donkies, and all the cattle in those camps.

Israel’s Enemies Celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles!

But they won’t be there for Christmas!

16 Then everyone who is left behind [survivors] from all the nations that come against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship Commander Yehovah and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. 17 When that time comes, if any of the clans of the region won’t come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, Commander Yehovah, they’ll get no rain. 18 If the people of Egypt don’t show up, they’ll get no rain. This is the plague that Yehovah will strike the nations with that don’t come up and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. [6] 19 That will be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of any other nation that won’t come up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.

20 When That Day Comes it will say on the bells of the horses: 'Dedicated' to Yehovah. And the pots [for zebakim [sacrifices] in Yehovah’s 'Temple' will be like the bowls before the altar. 21 Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be 'special' to Commander Yehovah, and everyone who offers a zebak will come and take one of them and cook in them. When That Day Comes there will no longer be a Canaanite in Commander Yehovah’s 'Temple'.

[1] The tenses: past, present and future do not work the same in Hebrew as they do in English, that’s why the context often changes from past tense to future tense for no apparent reason in translations, so in this instance the Day of Yehovah is retribution for what has already happened! Yehovah’s intervention does NOT include pillaging and raping—that kind of behavior brought on the intervention! The tense is particularly important here. Virtually no one understands that the seven prophecied years (shemitah years) are followed by a special Jubilee year (the Day of Yehovah) when Elohim steps in (literally, v.4) and begins to vanquish His enemies in preparation for the millennial reign! [2] In Zechariah 13:8, 9, it is “two-thirds” that perish, and “a third” are left behind. However in Zechariah 14:2, it is “in all the land”; here it is “half of the city.” Two-thirds of the “whole people” perish, one-third survives. One-half of the citizens are led captive, the residue are not cut off. [3] This could undo whatever happened on Hezekiah’s long day when the apparent path of the sun retreated 10 degrees. This might account for years being over 5 days longer now. While this will be a unique day, there was a similar day, the one mentioned in verse 5 above, during king Uzziah’s reign. It also had an enormous earthquake that was remembered for centuries! [4] Optimists think Yehovah will be “King over all the earth” as soon as He sets foot on the Mount of Olives. In fact virtually every Bible translation says exactly that in Zechariah 14:9, as as the first 25 versions do here. The only version to get it right that I saw there was Young’s, because he was consistent. (I’d bet he likely wanted to make an exception.) The confusion remains because the word “earth” does not have a Hebrew equivalent. Translating eretz as earth very often doesn’t even make sense, depending on the context. The next verse Zechariah 14:10 provides the context. In the same context eretz is now translated as “land” by the vast majority of the versions that had just translated eretz as “earth”. Two versions were consistently wrong using “earth” in both verses. After the conquest of the land of Israel in this chapter, fighting will still take place in a peaceful unwalled state: Ezekiel 38 & 39. [5] Only after Israel is at peace can Gog and Magog attack Israel. Ezekiel 28:25-26 and 38:11,14 [6] Some people are calling the Feast of Tabernacles “a dress rehearsal for Yeshua’s return.” But that is just a cleaver way of diminishing it’s annual importance! Will it still be some kind of a “rehearsal” for something in these years after He has returned, when He plagues the water supply of whole nations? PS, Yehovah does NOT need nuclear weapons as this link contends!

Gog and Magog

Most prophecy commentators for way too long have claimed that the next huge military event will be the War of Gog & Magog, as described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, (as does Erick Stakelbeck - The Watchman almost daily on youtube). But chapters 36 and 37 provide all of the necessary context to pinpoint this war!

Gog and Magog is generally thought to be Russia invading Israel with a long list of allies from Islamic nations. But there is something quite different about this battle—there is no Satan involved, no False Messiah, no false prophet and no demonic entities crawling out of pits or the sea. This battle takes place just after many of the other hostile nations have tried to destroy Israel, but by now they are actually living in peace and prosperity. Other than after King David spent His life eliminating enemy combatants, an independent Judah has never even remotely had peace, and his son Solomon soon wrecked that. But King David will be back (Jeremiah 30:9) and he will be here to stay. But fools rush in as they are apt to do.

The theme of the entire book of Ezekiel is about salvaging the twelve tribes of Israel. The suspense builds until suddenly the fireworks are lit. Then Ezekiel 37 thru 39 take center stage in the limelight. Believe it or not, Ezekiel 37 will be entirely fulfilled in one day (Isaiah 66:8), after that the Gog and Magog af Ezekiel 38 & 39 are exterminated in a flash as soon as show up in Israel, then immediately after that, the remaining nine chapters of Ezekiel concern the earthly Temple in the Everlasting (not temporary) Kingdom. Unfortunately, the nine chapter happily ever after part of the story is almost never mentioned! It doesnt fit into any popular narratives.

People wonder if the Dry Bones are to be understood as literal, tho the two sticks grafted into one tree in Ezekiel 37 don’t require too much imagination. Again, some few understand the astounding significance of the “Second Exodus”, but they don’t ever seem to associate it with Ezekiel’s “dry bones”, tho David Grabbe comes ever so close to it, mentioning the Second Exodus along with Ezekiel 36 (Ezekiel 37’s twin sister) as context (perhaps explained as plainly as he dared to state it.) The two sticks, cut off from the roots and grafted into one plant is analogous to causing a group of dead bodies to come to life and live as one body. They portray the same story!

The explanation of the analogies in verses 20-28 below give you all of the context you could possibly need to understand that the bones and the sticks are not about the present day Jewish state. The context of Ezekiel 37 is entirely about the merging of both houses of Israel into one entity, beginning exactly seven years after the sacrificing in Jerusalem begins (likely in the spring of 2024):

The Sticks and Bones of Ezekiel 37 Explained:

Ezekiel 37:21-28 He’ll make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel. One king will be over all of them. They’ll never be two nations or two kingdoms again. 23 They will no longer defile themselves with their idols or their detestable things or with any of their rebellion, because He’ll rescue them from everywhere they’ve settled and everywhere they’ve sinned. He’ll cleanse them so they’ll be His people, and He’ll be their Elohim.

Israel Cleansed, King David Ruling

24 “His servant David will be their king, and all of them will have one Shepherd [John 10:11]. They’ll 'live by' His regulations and carefully obey His unchanging tenets. [2] 25 They’ll live in the land that He gave to His servant Jacob, where their ancestors lived. They and their children and their grandchildren will live there forever, and His servant David will be their prince forever. 26 He’ll make a [New] Covenant of peace with them. It will be an EVERLASTING COVENANT [3] with them, and He’ll establish them and increase their numbers, and set His 'Cherished' Place among them forever. 27 His home [New Jerusalem] will also be ABOVE them. He’ll be their Elohim, and they’ll be His people. 28 The nations will know that Yehovah made Israel 'special', when His 'Cherished' Place [Ezekiiel’s 'Temple': chapters 40-47] [4] is among them forever.”

Fig tree Nation or Fig tree Generation? Aside from the years/dates mentioned, this is the best explanation I know of about what the fig tree represents—the dry bones!

[3] Learn more about the Everlasting Covenant in Isaiah 55:3-5, Isaiah 61:8-9, Jeremiah 32:40-41, Jeremiah 50:4-5, Psalm 105:7-11.d These all refer to the same FUTURE EVENT! In 2 Samuel 23:5, David essentially explained that the entire plan of the Bible as given to Abraham—and that David had inherited—was yet to be realized! Yeshua was actually crucified and resurrected to ensure the fulfilment of the Everlasting Covenant, and now it is about to actually happen: Hebrews 13:20—The New Covenant, Coming Soon!

[4] “I go to prepare a Place for you ... ” John 14:3

Russia’s allies in Ezekiel 38:5-6 don’t include any Arab states on Israel’s border. The nations are Persia (Iran), Cush (parts of Egypt/Sudan), Put (Libya, N. Africa), and Togarmah (a region in present-day Turkey). None of the nations that share a border with Israel: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Gaza are included.

But there is no chance that the event described in Ezekiel 38 and 39 will be the next war of Bible prophecy. All we have to do is read the account.

During this study I had to change my position on the timing of Gog and Magog. I had placed it into the millennium thinking that Israel would need more time to fully recover from the Great Tribulation and the Second Exodus to attract an army of looters, based largely on “After many days” in chapter 38:

Ezekiel 38:8 After many days [about 2,600 years] you’ll be summoned. In the last years you’ll invade a land that has [recently] recovered from 'war' [1], that was gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, mountains that have been a perpetual waste. Its people were all brought from other nations and are now living securely.

[1] We see in verse 8 that Israel has just recently recovered from war, that Israel had just recently “been a perpetual waste”, and that Israel has just been “brought from other nations and are now living securely” (also v.14). Something else new, in verse 11 Israel is now for the first time “a land of unwalled villages”. In verse 12 Israel had suddenly become green! Something else new: v.23 The enemies didn’t seem very aware of Israel’s Savior. This is all due to the Second Exodus!

However it became clear to me during this study that “in the last years” was stretching things beyond reason to include even a bit of the millennium, leaving that battle as well to take place in the Jubilee year, into the last five months or so, following the fall Feast days that I had not found any events in. The physical needs of Israel too should not need much time to be established, with all of the spoils of war being dumped into their land!

The Mount of Olives, Encore

For the date of Yeshua’s return to the Mount of Olives, we need to get a running start:

How many times did Moses fast for forty days? Three times? See here and here!

Note that the traditional dates people cite about when Moses ascended the mountain are from the Talmud and the Midrash.

Scott Fraser ... “There is also no clear indication that Moses began the first 40 days on the day after Shavuot [Pentecost]. Consider the detail that Shavuot was the first day that the cloud would be on the mountain (Exodus 19:9-11). Then, after Moses carried out quite a number of activities, when the cloud had been there six days, he went into the cloud and was in the mount forty days and forty nights (Exodus 24:12-18). By the way, if Elul has 29 days, how is Yom Kippur day 40?”

So it seems more probable to me that Moses’ first 40 day fast aligns with Yeshua’s ascension 43 days after His Passover (Acts 1:3).

Yeshua ascends from the Mount of Olives!

Acts 1:9-11 After saying these things, and while they were watching Him, He was taken up, and the cloud took Him in, and He vanished out of their sight. 10 While they stood intensely gazing into the sky as He was departing, two ‘men’ in white clothing appeared near them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they asked, “why are you standing there gazing toward heaven? This same Yeshua who has been taken up from you into heaven will return from heaven the same way [2] you saw Him ascend into the heavens!

[2] on a cloud; Luke 21:27 & Daniel 7:13—I saw Someone like a Human Son coming with the clouds.

A Planet Rocking EARTHQUAKE Date Stamps The Day of the LORD Yehovah!

The vast majority of commentators make no distinction between the Great Tribulation and The Day of the Lord Yehovah! That confusion destroys the entire time line. The Great Tribulation it is Satan’s seven year long chance to destroy humanity. The Day of Yehovah (as in Isaiah 13) is the year, following that, when Satan’s plot is stopped DEAD in his tracks! As of this writing, and with decades of searching, I have never seen anyone else explain this simple distinction.

Continuing on our quest for the sequence of end time events—how many massive earthquakes are to be expected at the end of the age? I’m talking about the number of quakes big enough to blast us back to the proverbial “stone age”. Could there be six? My conclusion, based on these six prophecies, is that there is only one planet-wide earthquake, and that the various Bible references are all used as a conspicuous benchmark on the prophetic timeline. None of them can occur prior to the Great Tribulation! Every reference to the big one is in the context of the year long Day of the LORD Yehovah. So none occur in the seven prior years—the Tribulation period! THEY ALL INCLUDE THE ATTACK ON ISRAEL. Let’s check them all out.

The Destruction of Babylon the Great (2.0)

Great Earthquake reference #1: I couldn’t leave out a single detail on this one! It indicates that Babylon’s destruction is during the Day of Yehovah (verses 5,9 and 10 below). The beast’s horns (Antimessiah’s kings) are “the weapons of His [Yehovah’s] wrath!”. The predatory beast will come from a “distant country, from the farthest horizons” (verse 5) to destroy Babylon. This is when “the predatory beast will hate the prostitute [Babylon, Revelation 17:16]. They will strip her naked, eat her flesh, and 'set' her remains on fire.” Note: Most translations say here “ends of the earth”, a very common Hebrew expression, rather than “farthest horizons”, as I word it, since “ends of the earth” sounds to me like where a flat earth advocate might step off. Nevertheless, the unique compound “coming from a distant country, from the farthest horizons” does sound like it must be on a heretofore prophetically distant country (">as in the USA).

Gog and Magog along with Babylon are destroyed late in the same “movie”.

Isaiah 13:All The 'burdensome prophecy' against Babylon [1] that Amoz’s son Isaiah saw: 2 “Raise a banner on the bare mountain! Raise your voice to them! Wave them on as they enter the gates of the nobles. 3 I’ve commanded My chosen ones; I’ve summoned My warriors to execute My anger, and they will rejoice when I am exalted.” 4 Commotion on the mountains like that of many people! There’s an uproar among the kingdoms, like nations being gathered together! Commander Yehovah is mobilizing the army for the battle. 5 They’re coming from a distant country, from the farthest horizons, Yehovah and the weapons of His wrath—to destroy the entire country.

6 Cry loudly, because the Day of Yehovah is near! It will come like destruction from the Sovereign. 7 That’s why everyone’s hands will go limp, and everyone’s courage will fail. 8 They’ll be terrified. Pain and sorrows will overcome them. They’ll writhe in pain like a woman in labor. They’ll look at each other in astonishment. Their faces aflame with fear. 9 The Day of Yehovah is cominga cruel day with wrath and fierce anger, to make the land a desolation and to destroy all the sinners within it. 10 The stars in the sky and their constellations will no longer shine. The sun will be darkened when it rises, and the moon won’t reflect its light. [This, another often mentioned but unique event, accompaniess the shaking of v.13, where the Day of Yehovah is “at hand”] 11 “I’ll punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their wickedness. I’ll put an end to the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the ruthless. 12 I’ll make people scarcer than pure gold, and mankind more rare than the gold of Ophir. 13 So I’ll make the 'sky above' tremble and the earth will be shaken out of its place at the wrath of Commander Yehovah during the Day of His fierce anger.

14 Like hunted gazelle, like sheep without a 'shepherd', they’ll each return to their own people, and each will flee to their own land. [It’s a land of immigrants!] 15 Anyone who is found will be stabbed to death, and whoever is caught will be 'executed'. 16 Their babies will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be ransacked and their wives raped. 17 “I’ll stir up the Medes against them. They don’t value silver and have no desire for gold. 18 Their bows will cut young men to pieces. They’ll have no mercy on the 'children', and they won’t have compassion on the babies.” 19 And Babylon, the jewel of the kingdoms, the splendor and pride of the 'Babylonians' will be overthrown by Elohim like Sodom and Gomorrah. 20 'Babylon' will never be inhabited or settled from generation to generation. Nomads will never pitch their tents there, and shepherds will never rest their flocks there. 21 But desert animals will lie there, and owls will fill the houses. Ostriches will also live there, and shaggy goats will frolic there. 22 Hyenas will howl in their castles, and dragons * in the luxurious palaces. Her time is about to come and the 'time' will not be postponed.

[1] Notice that this prophecy is against Babylon. Is the whole land/country going to be destroyed or is it the earth/world? On this compilation of 38 translations, see how ofter it’s translated as land/country vs earth/world. If the whole world is the target, why then would that army “travel from a distant country, from the farthest horizons”. Why not just start destroying their part of earth, right where they are?

Great Earthquake reference #2:

Joel 2:1,10,30-32 Blow a shofar in Zion [1]! Sound the alarm on My 'special' mountain [2]! All the inhabitants of the land should tremble because the Day of Yehovah is coming, it’s soon! ... 10 The earth quakes before them. The heavens tremble. The sun and the moon turn dark, and the stars no longer shine. ... 30 I’ll show wonderful signs in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun will become dark and the moon will become blood red in the presence of [8] the great and awesome Day of Yehovah coming to pass. 32 And everyone who calls on the name of Yehovah will be rescued as Yehovah has said, ‘Because on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a way of escape [rootword: refugees] for the survivors who Yehovah is inviting [calling].

[1] “Blow a shofar in Zion”: The Scriptures mention blowing a shofar on five diffrent occasions: 1) Every year on the Day of Atonements {Leviticus 25:9}; 2) Blowing the shofar on every 49th year on Atonements to proclaim an upcoming Jubilee year; 3) The Ten Commandments were being implemented (Exodus 19) {and sure to be again}; 4) When war is imminent; and 5) by musicians in the Temple. In this chapter, with Mount Zion standing in for the Temple just destroyed, all five reasons apply! [2] This is another account of a still future destruction of Jerusalem, this time from an invincible army! [8] Paw-neem’ usually means “before”, but a literal meaning is “presence” (131 X) (or “face of” 259 X+) of.” The timing is clarified in Matthew 24:29 “Immediately AFTER the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and shooting stars will fall from the sky, and the inherent power of the skies will be shaken.” The Day of Yehovah is also the Jubilee year: Israel saved, neighboring nations conquered.

Great Earthquake reference #3:

The book of Amos is about the fall of Israel—not once, but twice. The very first verse identifies the subjects: Ancient Judah and Israel, still divided into two kingdoms. Interestingly this verse also mentions an earthquake in the former fulfillment:

Amos 1:1 The 'message' of Amos, one of the herdsmen of Tekoa, that he saw concerning Israel during the reign of Judah’s King Uzziah and Israel’s King Jeroboam, son of Yehoash, two years before the earthquake.

The first seven chapters are about the doom of both ancient Israel and Judah, but with parallels in our near future. So I’m captioning the past and focusing on the future. Many commentators never even notice the distinction.

Amos 2:5 So I’ll send fire on Judah that will burn down the citadels of Jerusalem.

Amos 3:1-2 Listen to this 'message' that I, Yehovah, have spoken against you, people of Israel, against the entire family [all 12 tribes] that I brought out of the land of Egypt: 2 Of all the families on earth, you alone are the only one I have known. So I must punish you for all of your sins.

Amos 4:7-8 I withheld your rain three months before harvest. I sent rain to one city, but withheld it from another. One field got rain, another had none and dried up. 8 So two or three cities staggered to one city for drinking water, but did not get enough, yet you haven’t returned to Me,” says Yehovah.

Amos 5:10-13 They hate anyone who speaks out against corruption. They detest anyone who tells the truth. 11 You trample on the poor and extract taxes from their grain. So even tho you’ve built mansions with hand cut stone, you won’t live in them. You’ll never drink wine from the charming vineyards you’ve planted. 12 I know about your many injustices and your numerous sins. You oppose the righteous by taking bribes, depriving the poor of justice in the 'courts'. 13 In a time like this a wise person will keep quiet, because it’s an evil time.

Here is a parallel reference to “the Day of Yehovah” in reference to Israel’s first fall, in contrast to the vast commentary focused on the fall of the many Israelite nations in the process of total destruction right now. It won’t be voted away!

Amos 5:18-20 It will be dreadful for those who long for the Day of Yehovah! Why would you want to bring on the Day of Yehovah? It’s darkness, not light. 19 It’s as if a man runs from a lion only to meet up with a bear, or he goes home and rests his hand against a wall and a snake bites him. 20 Won’t the Day of Yehovah be darkness, not light? Pitch dark with no trace of light?

Amos 6:11 Yehovah is going to command that the mansions be crushed to pieces, and the smaller houses into rubble.

Amos 7:16-17 You say, don’t prophesy against Israel, and quit 'speaking out' against the house of Isaac.” 17 But this is what Yehovah says:

‘Your wife will become a prostitute in the city, and your sons and your daughters will 'die violent deaths'. Your land will be surveyed and divided up, and you yourself will die in an unclean land. Israel will definitely be taken captive and exiled from their homeland.

Now it’s our turn. This is certainly something beyond the Richter scale.

Amos 8:7-14 Yehovah has sworn by the Excellency of Jacob, “I’ll never forget anything they’ve done. 8 Won’t the land tremble for this, and everyone mourn who lives there? The entire land will rise like the Nile River, and it will be tossed up and sink again, like the River of Egypt. 9 “When That Day Comes,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah, “I’ll cause the sun to go down at noon, and I’ll darken the earth in broad daylight. 10 I’ll turn your feasts into times of mourning, and all your singing into lamentation, and I’ll cause you to wear sackcloth on your bodies, and shave all of your heads. I’ll make that time like mourning for an only son. It will end as a bitter day.”

11 “The time will come,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah, “when I’ll send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the Words of Yehovah! 12 They’ll wander from sea to sea, and from the north clear to the east, they’ll quickly run back and forth to find the Word of Yehovah, and won’t find it. 13 When That Day Comes beautiful virgins and young men will faint for thirst. 14 Those who swear by the Guilt of Samaria, who say, ‘As your god lives, Dan,’ and, ‘As the Way of Beersheba lives,’ they’ll fall and never rise again.”

The Great Tribulation is a Holocaust on all twelve tribes of Israel! When we establish the timing of all six of these cataclysmic earthquake references, we get a very clear picture in mind of what follows the Great Tribulation! Differentiating the Tribulation period, centered on Satan from The Day of Yehovah, this time pegging Yehovah’s Day (the LORD’S Day—Revelation 1:10) to the Great Earthquake, when Satan and all evil is crushed.

Amos 9:All I saw Yehovah standing beside the altar [1], and He said, “Strike the tops of the pillars so the thresholds shake, and break them on the heads all the people! I’ll kill the rest of them with a sword. None of them will escape. There will be no refugees.

2 “Even if they dig into sheol, there My hand will take them out. Even if they ascend into 'outer space' [or heaven], I’ll bring them down from there. 3 “Even if they hide at the top of Mount Carmel, I’ll track them down and nab them. And if they hide from Me at the bottom of the sea, I’ll command a sea serpent to bite them. 4 “And if they are taken captive by their enemies, that’s where I’ll command swordsmen to kill them. I’ll fix My eyes on them for harm rather than good.”

5 The Sovereign, Yehovih [a variant spelling], the Commander is the One who touches the land and it melts, and everyone who lives there mourns. All 'the land' rises like the Nile, then sinks like the Nile of Egypt. 6 The One who builds His stairway in the heavens and sets its foundation on earth [2], the One who summoned the water in the sea, and poured it out on the surface of the earth [3], Yehovah is His name. 7 “People of Israel, aren’t you like the Ethiopian 'people' to Me?” Yehovah asks, “Didn’t I bring Israel up from the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor and the Arameans from Kir?

A Remnant!


8 I the Sovereign Yehovah am 'keeping an eye' on the sinful kingdom, and I’ll 'wipe' it from the face of the earth! But I won’t completely destroy the House of Jacob [Israel],” says Yehovah. [4]

9 “I’ll be commanding a sifting of the House of Israel among all the nations as flour is sifted in a sieve, yet not even the smallest particle will hit the ground. 10 All the sinners among My people are 'thinking', ‘We won’t be overcome by a holocaust or die 'violent deaths'.’ 11 “When That Day Comes* I’ll restore David’s fallen tent and repair the gaps, and I’ll repair its ruins. I’ll rebuild them as they were long ago, 12 so they can possess the survivors of Edom and ALL THE NATIONS [KJV: heathen] WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME,” declares Yehovah who will do these things. 13 “The time is coming,” declares Yehovah, “when plowmen [5] will overtake harvesters. Those treading grapes will surpass those sowing seeds. Sweet wine will drip from the mountains, and the hills will melt away. 14 I’ll bring My people Israel back from captivity. They’ll rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They’ll plant vineyards and drink the wine. They’ll plant gardens and eat their produce. 15 I’ll replant them in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land that I gave them,” says Yehovah your Elohim.

[1] This would also be the Yehovah who became known as Yeshua. You don’t die in His presence. [2] Likely a reference to Genesis 28:12. [3] Compare to Psalm 104:6-9. [4] Should Messianic Believers Move to Israel Now? [5] “A primitive root; to scratch”: Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. Ancient “plowing” resembled modern no-till more than mold board plowing: “One early type of plow used in the United States was little more than a crooked stick with an iron point attached, sometimes with rawhide, which simply scratched the ground.” Beating a sword into a plowshare would only require curving it!

Great Earthquake reference #4: Most commentary on Haggi here does not include a literal fulfillment. To me that misses the entire point. But the Keil and Delitzsch OT Commentary is quite sensible there. Skip down to verse 6, then very long paragraph #2 commentary for the end-time relevance. Don’t fret about the grammatical commentary. Obviously, as this commentary indicates, this only needs to happen once!:

Haggai 2:6-7,23 This is what Commander Yehovah says: ONCE more, in a little while, I’m going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. 7 I’ll shake all the nations the Great earthquake], and they’ll come with the treasures of all nations [see JFB], and I’ll fill this 'Temple' with splendor,” says Commander Yehovah ... 22 I’ll overthrow royal thrones and destroy the power of the heathen kingdoms. I’ll overthrow the chariots and their riders; horses and their riders will fall, each by the sword of a countryman.

Great Earthquake reference #5: The huge earthquake event of Revelation 6 and chapter 16 are the same event.

Revelation 6:12 I watched as He broke open the sixth seal, and there was a huge earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of hair, and the full moon turned blood red.

Revelation 16:17-19 The seventh messenger poured his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came from the Temple, from the throne, that said, “It is finished!” 18 There was lightning and thunder and voices, and there was a 'powerful' earthquake like nothing that has ever happened since people have inhabited the earth, such a widespread earthquake, and such magnitude! 19 The great state was split into three parts. The 'premier' state of the nations fell. Yehovah remembered to 'make' Babylon the Great drink from the cup filled with the wine of His furious wrath.

Revelation 6:12-14 I watched as He broke open the sixth seal, and there was a huge earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of hair, and the full moon turned blood red. [3] 13 Stars from the heavens fell to the ground [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4] like unripe figs falling from a fig tree when it is shaken by a strong wind. 14 The sky recoiled like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was 'shaken' out of place.

So this singular enormous earthquake event, as well as the cosmic disturbances that accompany what is usually called “Armageddon”, as well as the destruction of Babylon the Great all happens during the seventh bowl plague of the Day of Yehovah! I also expect that “Armageddon” occupies just (“one hour” Revelation 18:10) during the “fall Feasts” of 2031.

Great Earthquake reference #6:

Revelation 16:16-20 They [Aramaic] [the demons, see Gill’s] gathered them to the place that in Hebrew is called Har Megiddo [“Armageddon”] [4]. 17 The seventh messenger poured his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came from the Temple, from the throne, that said, “It is finished!” 18 There was lightning and thunder and voices, and there was a 'powerful' earthquake like nothing that has ever happened since people have inhabited the earth, such a widespread earthquake, and such magnitude! 19 The great state was split into three parts. The 'premier' state of the nations fell. Yehovah remembered to 'make' Babylon the Great drink from the cup filled with the wine of His furious wrath. 20 Every island vanished, and the mountains disappeared.

[4] See what the Valley of Yehoshaphat has to do with it. Armageddon is really a Greek name.

So if we know exactly where Yeshua ascended from, and when, and we know exactly where He will return to, and that He “will return from heaven the same way”, isn’t that a big clue as to when Yeshua will return to the Mount of Olives. But the clue Luke gives in verse 25 below date stamps the last day of the Great Tribulation as the start of this Jubilee year (when compared with Matthew 24:29), and the very next event is when Yeshua is seen returning in verse 27 below!—Wave Sheaf day in Passover Week! While all of these events are confined to the one year long Day of Yehovah, My present view is that these events will be stretched out over most or all of that year. The Fifth shofar (trumpet) alone lasts for five months (Revelation 9:1-5)

Luke 21, while not mentioning the great earthquake, is still positively part of the same year as seen in another dead giveaway—the accompanying “supernatural signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars”.

Luke 21:20-28 So when you see Jerusalem surrounded by an encamped army [2], then you’ll know that its destruction is approaching. 21 Then those in Judea should flee to the mountain, and those who are inside 'Jerusalem' should evacuate, and those in the fields should avoid 'the city'. 22 These are the days of VENGEANCE that will fulfill everything that is written about in the Scriptures. 23 But pity those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies then, because there will be great adversity in the land, and 'persecution' against these people. 24 They will fall by the edge of the sword and be carried away captive into every foreign nation. Jerusalem will be trampled down by heathens until the times [eras] of the heathens [3] are completely over. 25 There will be supernatural signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, and there will be great stress on earth among the nations—shock and trembling due to the roaring waves [hurricanes] at sea. 26 People will have anxious expectations and fear because of what is coming to the earth, because universal 'law' will be shaken. 27 Then they’ll see the Human Son coming in the clouds with power and with great splendor. 28 When these things begin to happen, take courage and ‘look up’ because you are about to be delivered!

[2] Warning: the Greek says ‘armies’ plural. Aramaic, Latin and Persic all are correct in the singular. If you wait to flee until after another army shows up you will die! In the ‘practice run’ of 70 AD it was the Roman army. In the final fulfillment, it will be the beast’s army. Verse 21 says mountain (singular) in Aramaic. We need to know which one. [3] This time all the Greek translations say “cloud” and the Aramaic translations say “in the clouds.”

So with the earthquake references firmly in mind we can visualize the very next thing on Yeshua’s to-do list in Isaiah 61. In Luke 4 Yeshua stopped quoting His list when He announced the upcoming Jubilee, on the very Day of Atonements of year 49 of the cycle, as He checked that off His list in verse 19 (as instructed in Leviticus 25:9). This is always to be announced on the seventh shemitah in the Jubilee cycle (year 49). (There is only one true Biblical year measurement : Proverbs 20:10).

Isaiah 61:2 to proclaim the Acceptable Year of Yehovah [Jubilee] [Yeshua stopped quoting here. the rest is yet to happen], AND THE DAY OF VENGEANCE of our Elohim, [Jubilee, 2032/2033 AD!] and to comfort everyone who mourns [due to the end time calamity];

So the next thing Yeshua has been planning on doing since that day in Luke 4 is “THE DAY OF VENGEANCE”.

Daniel 7:13 In my vision that night I saw what looked like a Human Son [man] [4] coming with the clouds of the sky [or of heaven], and as He was approaching the Ancient of Days, they escorted Him into His presence.

[4] Messiah in the form of a human being: See all the commentaries on this page.

The Day of Vengeance account in Revelation (as in Jeremiah 46; Isaiah 29:1-15; Isaiah 61 & Isaiah 63) is unmistakably the antitype of the First Exodus.—(This may be the first online source to have make this connection!) Here is a more detailed account about the Trumpet and Bowl plagues being parallel to the Exodus account! The exodus from Egypt is a microcosm of the last year of this age, and The Time After Jacob’s Trouble.

Psalm 83 War

People speak of a Psalm 83 War, where 10 enemies are specifically named, as if it is a totally independent event, sequestered in time. But this too is closely connected in time to:

Joel 3:12 Wake up nations and come up to the Valley of Yehoshaphat [“], because that’s where I’ll sit to judge ALL THE SURROUNDING NATIONS.

Just before the Antimessiah is thrown in the pit, he will apparently be responsible for destroying the ten close neighbors of Israel, named in Psalms 83, who he hates the same way he hates the Jews. But as he is doing this (Daniel 11:44) he will hear about the “kings from the rising sun” coming thru the now dry Euphrates river bed. (Revelation 16:12), and quickly evacuate the area. It is at this time when the surviving Jews realize that their ancestors killed their Messiah!:

All of the nations of the world will send their armies against Jerusalem, but they will come in waves during that Jubilee year, “the Acceptable YEAR of Yehovah, AND the Day of Vengeance of our Elohim” (Isaiah 61:2). They will fall like dominoes in succession as they menace the vicinity of Jerusalem. Some because they hate Jews; Gog and Magog because they just want to loot.

Zechariah 12:10 Then I’ll pour on the family of David and on the residents of Jerusalem the spirit of favor and a plea for mercy. They’ll look at Me (Aleph Tav) [Alpha Omega], the One they’ve pierced, and they’ll mourn for Him, like someone mourns over a firstborn. [1]

[1] Yeshua said He was the One who was pierced, and that this would eventually bring about planet wide mourning! Revelation 1: The letters Aleph & Tav, similar to the Greek Alpha and Omega, are sprinkled thruout the Scriptures in pertinent places, in reference to Yeshua, the Alpha & Omega.

Who knew?:

Daniel 111:40-42 At the time of the end the King of the South will wage war with him, and the King of the North [Antimessiah] will storm against him with chariots, cavalry, and many ships, and he’ll invade many countries, and overwhelm them like a flood and pass thru their land. 41 [The Antimessiah] will also invade the Beautiful Land [Israel], and many countries will be overthrown, but these will be spared from his grasp: Edom, Moab and most of the descendants of AMMON [4]. [home of Petra!] 42 He’ll 'conquer many' countries. The land of Egypt won’t escape.

There is another reference to a special earthquake, and while the magnitude of the quake is not emphasized, the accompanying “intense howling from hurricanes and whirlwinds and the flames of a consuming fire” certainly pinpoint His time of intervention!:

Isaiah 29:5-7 ... Then suddenly, in an instant, 6 Commander Yehovah will come [not Yeshua alone] with thunder clouds, an earthquake, intense howling from hurricanes and whirlwinds and the flames of a consuming fire. 7 The horde of nations that go to war against Ariel, everyone who attacks her and her fortifications and besieges her will be like a dream, a vision in the night. 8 They will be like a hungry man who dreams he is eating, but when he wakes up he’s still hungry, or like when a thirsty man dreams of drinking, but when he wakes up, he is still faint and thirsty. That is how it will be for the hordes of all the nations that fight against Mount Zion.

Notice in the opening verses of Isaiah 29 that Yehovah Himself will bring on another siege of Jerusalem—This is the coming holocaust! But verses 17-24 clearly predict a much brighter millennial day after the siege!

End of EARTHQUAKE Commentary

Spring 2031: A Special Resurrection For Recently Bereaved Children?

Daniel 12:12 extends 75 days beyond the end of Satan’s 7 year long free rein, adding 45 days to the 30 days accounted for in a future census? (the 1,290 days). So was there an historic event that could occur 75 days after the Aviv 1 New Years Day? Not to my knowledge, but I have a theory about something fantastic that I believe will be happening about then—something apparently ignored by professional eschatology:

Isaiah 1Isaiah 49:15-26 Can a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the child she gave birth to? Well they may forget, but I won’t forget you! 16 I’ve inscribed you [12 tribes of Israel] on the palms of My hands [by the nail prints: Gill’s], your walls Revelation 21:12,14,15,17,18,19] are continually before Me! 17 Your children will hurry back. Those who overthrew you and devastated you will flee from You. 18 'But look' around and see all Zion’s children gathering together and returning to You. ‘Yehovah says, As surely as I [the Husband, Isaiah 54:5] live, You [Zion/New Jerusalem] will adorn yourself with them all like jewelry, and put them on you like a bride does [Revelation 21:2].

19 “As for your desolate places and your devastated land—surely now you’ll be too small for the inhabitants [tho 2/3rds of the local Jews had just died: Zechariah 13:8], and those who engulfed you will be far away. 20 The children of your bereavement will yet again say in your ears, ‘The place is too small for me, give me a place to live.’ 21 Then you’ll ask yourself, ‘Who has begotten these children for me since I was bereaved of my children and barren, exiled, and then a wanderer? Who raised these children? We were separated! Where did these children come from?’” [a special resurrection?]

22 The Sovereign Yehovah says: “I’ll 'wave' My hand in a summoning gesture to the nations. They’ll bring your sons in their 'arms', and your daughters will be carried on their shoulders. 23 Kings will be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers, they’ll bow down to you with their faces to the ground, and lick the dust at your feet, and you’ll [finally] realize that I am Yehovah. Those who anticipate My arrival won’t be disappointed.”

24 Can loot be taken from warriors, or even legally obtained captives be set free? 25 But Yehovah says, “Even the captives of the warriors will be 'brought back', and the plunder of terrorists will be retrieved, because I’ll fight with those who fought with you, and I’ll save your descendants! 26 I’ll feed your oppressors their own flesh, and they’ll get drunk on their own blood as if it were new wine. Then all of 'humanity' will know that I, Yehovah, am your Deliverer, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

Fall 2031

Day of Trumpets 2031 Yeshua seen returning to Jerusalem (Revelation 19:11-16)

Spring 2032 (Aviv 1, the next day), the 7th Millennium begins. Not Tishri?

I stated on EverlastingKingdom.info on 6/15/2000 that Bible prophecy indicates that the Monarch, Queen Elisabeth would rule over the former superpower that was to vanish for 70 years, and then the superpower would return! The 70 years has to do with WW2 and the demise of the English super power. Princess Elisabeth joined the military in 1944; 8 years before her 70 year long reign. But 22 years after my post went online, when nothing noteworthy occurred on Sunday, April 3, 2022 (Biblical New Year’s Day, give or take a year), I dismissed my prediction, stating in The Beast of 2024: “As far as theories go, this one [about Queen Elisabeth] is a real dilly; it’s just wrong!” For five months I was resigned to the idea that I had been entirely wrong about the Luke 4 tripwire as well. But while the 70 years did not happen to the day, as I had thought, she did rule for 70 years to the year, and with the new King Charles taking the crown, as I predicted many years ago (with Charles setting the world’s record long wait for a prince to become a king—70 years at his coronation), things could still get extremely interesting very soon.

There are quite a number of factors that must line up perfectly to establish year 6000—the last year of this age. Note that year 6000 is the last year og the 6th millennium—NOT the first year of the 7th Millennium. In the year 2000 on the Gregorian calndar, many people mistakenly celebrated the new millennium, not understanding that all 2000 years of that calendar are path of the 20th century. The 21st century started on January 1, 2001.

People ever since the time of Isaac Newton have been trying to resolve our location in time. I have decided to list many of the factors I considered while endeavoring to determine when this age will be over and when the seventh millennium will begin.

This is my attempt to explain as succinctly as possible how end time events could shake out as I understand them, starting with the good news. There is an Everlasting Kingdom. It already exists: See Psalms 41:13; 106:48; 145:13; Daniel 4:3,34; Daniel 7:14, 27; 1 Chronicles 16:37; 2 Peter 1:11.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

April 10, 2024 (Possibly April 11), 2024 aviv/new moon calendar

Why 2024? This article is an effort to pinpoint the end of this age and the beginning of a far better one, right here on Earth. It is based on several logical suppositions.

1] Many people have believed since many years BC in a 7,000 year long plan for humanity, and with considerable serious justification.

2] Many people also believe that right after 2,000 years following some point in Yeshua’s ministry, the resurrection occurs. It now appears to count from His crucifixion, not from any prior point in Yeshua’s ministry, as I had earlier hoped, since all previously suspected scenarios have now expired.

Hosea 6:1-3 So come, let’s return to Yehovah. He has torn us to pieces but He’ll heal us. He’s wounded us but He’ll bandage our wounds. 2 He’ll revive [resurrect] us after two [millennial] days. On the third [millennial] day He’ll raise us up so we can live in His presence! 3 We should acknowledge Yehovah. We must press on to know Him. As surely as the sun rises, His [Yehovah’s] timetable is firmly established. He’ll come to us like the rain, like the 'spring rains' [hint!] that water the earth.

While the Jubilee Master plan begins in the spring, Yeshua won’t visibly engage in battle on the Mount of Olives until the Day of Trumpets: Zechariah 14:4, note the context of who lands there in verse 3 and verse 9—particularly note the Literal Versions. However: Yeshua is Yehovah—Begin With Proof! and here!

* * *

November 1, 2023: At this point in time, I see no possible way for Israel to survive as a place on the map even until [mid] spring of 2024, given what Col. Macgregor masterfully explains. Yet Bible Prophecy has the Jewish state enduring for precisely three and a half years after the Antimessiah arranges a peace treaty. I also see no logical reason why a treaty like that would even be necessary, given that the Antimessiah has no more love for Jews than Hitler did.—But Yehovah says it will happen. So we’ll just watch it happen. Tho getting all of the Jews in one place does look like a severely dangerous setup.

The tricky part of dating the most important 7,000 year benchmark in time is determining when was Yeshua crucified. The vast majority of sources say He was crucified in either 30 AD or 33 AD, based solely on the Friday crucifixion theory. I have yet to see any other reason for restricting the possibilities to those two years.

3] I go on here to deduce that every millennium ends with a 50th year: a seven year long shemitah (7 years) followed by a 1 year long Jubilee year (Judgment Day or the Day of the LORD Yehovah). That is exactly how long Satan will be “managing” the earth—two 3 1/2 year long periods: 42 months pre-tribulation (or 3 1/2 years) AND 1,260 days of Great Tribulation, (also 3 1/2 years).

Revelation 10:9-11 thru 11:1-4 9 So I went to the messenger and asked him to give me the small book. And he told me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach bitter, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.” 10 So I took the small book from the hand of the messenger and ate it. It was as sweet as honey in my mouth, but after I had eaten it my stomach turned bitter. 11 Then he told me, ”John, you must prophesy again before many nations, peoples, princes and kings [ignore chapter break] ... 1 Then I, John, was given a measuring reed like a staff, and the messenger stood and said, “Get up and measure the Temple of Yehovah and the altar and those who worship there. 2 But don’t measure the courtyard outside of the Temple. Leave it out, because it has been given to the heathens, and they’ll trample the 'cherished' city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 I’ll commission My Two Witnesses. They’ll prophesy for 1,260 days, wearing sackcloth. 4 They are the two olive trees and the two menorahs standing in the presence of the Aloha [Aramaic for God] of the earth.

4] And therefore I expect for the countdown to the Millennial Kingdom to begin 8 years prior to the 7th millennium. (These should be full New Years Day to New Years Day Biblical years, starting in the spring; not 7 years and parts of 2 other years). So 30 AD to 33 AD + 2,000 years puts us entering the Kingdom (according to several commentators) between 2030 and 2033, with an 8 year long Great Tribulation countdown beginning somewhere between 2023 2024 and 2026.

The Key Dates Timeline as I see it.

Scenario #1, Expired, Seven years of “tribulation” 2022/2023 thru 2029/2030 (spring to spring)

Two Witnesses appear Day of Trumpets 2025

Jubilee year 2029/2030

Millennium Begins 2030/2031

Scenario #2, Expired as of 3/23/23.

Seven years of “tribulation” Thursday, March 23, 2023/2024 thru 2030/2031

Two Witnesses appear Day of Trumpets 2026

Jubilee year 2030/2031 (spring to spring)

Millennium Begins 2032/2033

Scenario #3, HIGHLY LIKELY.

Seven years of “tribulation” 2024/2025 thru 2030/2031

Two Witnesses appear Day of Trumpets 2027

Jubilee year 2032/2033 (spring to spring)

Millennium Begins 2032/2033

Scenario #4, Highly doubtful.

Seven years of “tribulation” 2025/2026 thru 2032/2033

Two Witnesses appear Day of Trumpets 2028

Jubilee year 2032/2033 scenario (spring to spring)

Millennium Begins 2033/2034

In The Testimony of Yeshua (“New Testament”) the Everlasting Kingdom is called the Kingdom of Aloha or the Kingdom of Heaven about 96 times. Most of the references are about gaining citizenship (inheritance) before it arrives. Matthew 12:28, Mark 4:30-32; Mark 9:1

World Overtaken by a Mustard Seed!

This is just a fluffy little parable, right?

Matthew 13:32-33 He related another analogy to them, “The Kingdom of the Heavens is like a mustard seed that someone went out and planted in their field. 32 This is the smallest of all seeds, but when it is grown, it is larger than all of the herbs, and becomes a tree, and birds come and nest in its branches.

[Note: Heavens is always plural in Hebrew. There is no singular form, the “im” ending is like adding an “s” in English; same in Aramaic when adding an “in”.]

I’ll have to admit, I never have associated the Parable of the Mustard Seed with anything special; it was just fly over country! So I decided to look at all of the usual Bible commentaries to see if any of them related the mustard seed to the literal Kingdom of Aloha [God]. Not one even came close! They suggested it was about the growth of “the Church” or “the gospel”. If that is what it represents then what a mess it is! Near total division and total heresy, within the “Christian world”, and becoming increasingly godless. It’s better to ask in that regard, “when the Human Son comes, will He find faith on the earth?” A couple commentaries did rightly equate the Mustard Seed with the Parable of the Leaven, but I counted the word “church” 24 times on the leaven page. But I would, with one small quote, explain The Kingdom of from Aloha this way:

Daniel 7:13-14 In my vision that night I saw Someone like a Human Son [4] coming with the clouds of the sky, and as He was approaching the Ancient of Days, they escorted Him into His presence. 14 He was given dominion, splendor and a Kingdom, so that people of every nation and language would serve Him. His Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom that will never pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

[4] Messiah in the form of a human being: See all the commentaries on this page.

The mustard seed could have sprouted when the Bride—Israel (Isaiah 54:5) first exited from Egypt. There was a genuine opportunity for the Bride to be committed to the Bridegroom immediately after her departure from Egypt. (Much more on this below.) But Israel has never been close to fully obedient. There is so much Scripture on that.

Israel had another opportunity to realize the Everlasting Kingdom after the Exodus generation had died off in the wilderness (which should never have had to happen):

Joshua (Yehoshua) 5:6 The Israelites walked forty years in the wilderness, until the entire nation, including the fighting men who came out of Egypt 'had died', because they hadn’t listened to the voice of Yehovah. Yehovah swore to them that He wouldn’t let them see the land that Yehovah swore to our ancestors that He would give us, a land flowing with milk and honey.

And that initial attempt to occupy the Promised Land limped along for a good while, but eventually it fizzled and all twelve tribes were ultimately dispersed all over the world.

Interestingly, in frustration Yehovah proposed a deal with Israel: if they would just do one thing they could keep the land forever! I’d venture few could guess what the offer was:

Jeremiah 17:23-27 Your ancestors wouldn’t listen, or pay attention to Me, they were so 'headstrong' they couldn’t hear, and wouldn’t respond to any discipline. 24 “Still, if you pay attention to Me, Yehovah says, and refuse to bring any loads thru the gates of this city on the Sabbath day, and keep the Sabbath day 'special' by not doing any work, 25 then kings and princes sitting on David’s throne will enter thru the gates of this city, riding in chariots and on horses, they and their princes, as well as the men of Judah, and the citizens of Jerusalem, and this city will be inhabited forever! 26 They’ll come from the cities of Judah, and from the vicinity of Jerusalem, from the land of Benjamin, from the lowland, from the highlands, and from the Negev, bringing burnt offerings, zebakim, grain offerings and frankincense, and bringing thanksgiving offerings to Yehovah’s 'Temple'. 27 “But if you won’t listen to Me and keep the Sabbath day 'special', and refrain from carrying loads thru the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, then I’ll start an unquenchable fire in the gates of Jerusalem. The fire will completely engulf the 'palaces' in Jerusalem.’”

So Yehovah’s physical Kingdom has never literally extended to earth aside from a failed start, and when the King was here, He was sort of an ambassador in a foreign land (Luke 17:20-21). In the mean time we pray “thy Kingdom come!”. During the next Jubilee year it will extend into a greatly expanded Israel that will accomodate all 12 tribes. Yehovah and His Son will take the planet by force, but not all at once! They start with Israel! Ezekiel 20:33-37. Over a period of time the Kingdom will conquer the entire earth. Any opposition will be quickly extinguished. Unrealistically most people think He will be “king of the earth” as soon as He sets foot on the Mount of Olives. In fact virtually every Bible translation says exactly that in Zechariah 14:9, as in the first 25 versions I just checked. As I expected, the only version to get it right that I saw was Young’s, because he was consistent. (I’d bet he likely wanted to make an exception.) The trick is that the word “earth” does not have an exact Hebrew equivalent. Translating “eretz” as earth often doesn’t even make sense; it has to be determined by the context. The very next verse, Zechariah 14:10, provides the context. In the same context eretz is there translated as “land” by the vast majority of the versions that had just translated eretz as earth in the previous verse! Two versions were consistently wrong using “earth” in both verses.

So when the mustard seed finally sprouts, King David will literally begin reigning in Jerusalem.

Major prophecies predict that the Kingdom of Aloha will successfully take root in Israel. First consider that Jews have to be living in an established nation state before the end-time prophecies can even be relevant. The modern Jewish State is covered in considerable detail by Dr. Thomas Ice in “Modern Israel’s Right to the Land”.

With the modern Jewish State—the point of the prophetic spear being a given, let’s start with the bad news:

To get you up to speed if necessary, here are some pertinent links:

What are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse An overview.

The White Horse: Book review The Antimessiah and a Cup of Tea
The Red Horse: War
The Black Horse: Famine, such as this!
The Pale Horse: Epidemics Prophecy, Revelation, and COVID ... (but no rapture)
My usual Disclaimer

The End Time Wars

The most important factor missing in virtually every prophetic time-line concerning the end-time Biblical events is the fact that the modern Jewish state is not Israel—it’s only a fragment of Judah—nothing close to:

“then ALL of Israel will be saved [alive]. As the Scriptures declare, “A Savior will come from Zion and turn Jacob [the “lost” 10 tribes] from sinfulness”!

Still, today’s Jewish state is a primary factor in end time prophecy, and tho much grief is already severly damaging it, there is still victory in the end. Jonathan Cahn covers the end result quite nicely in his: The Israel-Hamas End-Time Mystery.

Soon, (likely Tuesday, March 12, 2024), the modern state of Judea will feel forced (or be forced) to make a “Peace Deal” with the Devil (“the Antimessiah”). They presently have a state of the art Iron Dome and a huge and expanding Wall! But the future Israel will be a land of peaceful unwalled villages, without city walls, bars on their doors or gates. (Ezekiel 38:11).

Between war torn Judea and the peaceful Israel there is a special Jubilee Year—“the Day of Yehovah’s Vengeance”: Isaiah 34:8.

On Pentecost of 1948 (only using the first century calendar as elaborated on here—search word: Pentecost) they considered naming the new country “Judea”, but opted for the name Israel, even tho their more accurate sages recognize that the “lost 10 tribes” must return before the fulfillment of the prophecies concerning the time of the end!

Another very problematic misconception is that people don’t differentiate between the seven years when the Antimessiah and the Beast are busily “controlling” the human population thru his warfare (Tribulation), and the 120th Jubilee year when Yehovah destroys the Beast and all of his militant pawns. That year is known as The Day of the LORD Yehovah". That exact one year long Jubilee period is replete with extensive prophetic details.

Another stumbling block is the strictly modern fabrication known as the rapture. Let’s clear that one up Biblically right now.

As usual, I’m not going to just tell you, I’m going to show in detail how things will turn out, beginning I believe next year (2024), as explained in my Chapters 44 and 45.

Look at the following Bible passages and tell me if you see where a rapture fits in.

Daniel 7:25-28 He [the Beast] will speak against the Most Supreme, and wear down by constant harassment the cherished [holy] ones of the Most Supreme, and his plan will be to make alterations to time, and the cherished ones will be handed over to him [the Beast] for a time, times and half a time. 26 “But the court will sit for judgment, and they’ll take away his dominion, to exterminate and destroy it forever. 27 The kingdom and the sovereignty, and the majesty of every kingdom under every sky will be given to the cherished ones, the people of the Most Supreme. His kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom, and every sovereign will serve, hear and obey Him.’ 28 This is the end of the matter ...

Who are “the cherished ones, the people of the Most Supreme (High)” who will be given the Everlasting Kingdom? Is it only Jews? What about you? You can read about our generation of them in Revelation 2 & 3. They are all contemporaneous here and now! Yet only one of the Seven Assemblies or “Churches” is entirely spared from martyrdom—Philadelphia. Philadelphia is the one that I believe has yet to appear. I’m watching for Philadelphia; it must appear very soon! Historically, Philadelphia was the new kid on the block: the last of the seven cities to be founded—189 BC.

Expect a lot of martyrdom!

Revelation 12:10-11 I heard a 'loud' voice from the sky say, “Now there is eternal Life and power, and the Kingdom of Aloha, and the dominion of His Messiah, because the Accuser of our Friends who accused them day and night before Aloha has been thrown down. 11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and because of their spoken testimony. They didn’t love their lives ‘so much that they wouldn’t 'risk' death.

The Antimessiah’s War

Notice that during the fifth seal the bodies of the martyrs who died for Yeshua. “the Lamb” are figuratively calling for the extermination of those still living on earth who killed them! And they will get their wish that very year!

Revelation 6:9-10 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the bodies of those who were slain because of the Word of Aloha [2] and for the Testimony of the Lamb [3] that they had. 10 They called out in a loud voice, “'Incomparable' and true Master, how long will You wait before judging and avenging the inhabitants of the earth who shed our blood?”

[2] The “Testimony of the Lamb” or the “Testimony of Yeshua” is the so-called “New Testament.” (See the Introduction). [3] The sun will darken “immediately after the time of Tribulation”: Matthew 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-27, Acts 2:19-20, Isaiah 13:9-13, Joel 2:31.

So the Beast will eventually rule over everyone “whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb”. This becomes pertinent when we realize that names are never added to the Book of Life, they can only be removed! Notice:

Revelation 13:7-8 He was given authority over the various tribes and ethnicities and languages and nations and he was 'allowed' to wage war against the 'chosen ones' [saints], and to 'conquer' them. 8 Everyone who lives on earth, whose names are not [not ‘were not’] written in the Book of Life of the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world will worship him.

Daniel 11:32-35 With slick talk he [the Beast] will corrupt [win over] the wicked who violate the covenant [with Israel]. But the people who know their Elohim will be strong and take action. 33 Their wise people will share their understanding with many, yet they’ll be defeated by swords and flames. They’ll be captured and plundered for many days. 34 When they fall, they’ll be given a little help, but many who become allies with them will not be sincere. 35 Some of the wise will fall away to refine them and to purify them and make them white all the way to the time of the end, but it will still happen at the appointed time.

There’s more about Daniel 11 later.

[2] “The Word of Elohim (Aloha) is the (Hebrew) Scriptures—also identified with Yeshua in person, Revelation 19:13. [3] The “Testimony of the Lamb” or the “Testimony of Yeshua” is the so-called “New Testament”. (See the forward).

Revelation 14:8-20 describes the fall of Babylon. Revelation chapters 15 thru 20:3 all describe this time period ending with Satan and the false prophet being cast into the bottomless pit.

Chapter 20 verses 4 thru 6 deal with the resurrections, and verses 11 thru 15 complete the chapter, finishing the commentary on the resurrection. But there is a beartrap:

In ancient Greek there are no footnotes. If there were, chapter 20:7 thru verse 10 would be an outstanding place to put one. This lack of a footnote designation has caused indescribable bewildering confusion! If people were to just understand that these 4 verses are a rabbit trail, and just finish reading the remainder of the book, it would be quite apparent that chapters 20 thru 22 are all in the immediate aftermath of the climax of this extraordinary Jubilee year! But instead commentators like lemmings derail the grand finale of Bible prophecy down the 1,000-year-later rabbit trail—postponing all of the end-time events by that thousand years! It would seem that the New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem would be needed immediately since the one we have thus far in the 21st century is going to need a massive facelift right away since Satan and company will have spent years destroying what is presently fairly intact. In a nutshell, here is what is going to happen—minus the rabbit trail:

Revelation 11:18 The nations were angry, but Your anger has come, and it’s time for the dead to be judged, and for You to compensate Your servants the prophets, and the 'chosen ones' and those who fear Your name, both small and great, and to destroy those who are destroying the earth! [8]

[8] The earth will likely be more damaged than it was when the great flood destroyed the earth. Genesis 9:11. But heaven and earth will be renewed again: Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22.

Note: Everyone starts life with a clean slate. Revelation does not say that everyone alive will worship the Beast and be destroyed—only those with their names removed from the Book of Life will worship the Beast! Unjustly scorned and persecuted people will refuse to comply (sort of like the unvaccinated are today!) The Good News (Gospel, that includes warnings) won’t be sufficiently revealed to the world until the Day of Yehovah is imminent at the end of the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:13-14,29). Then anyone belligerently worshiping the lame duck Beast or accepting his mark AFTER the Good News is announced to “Everyone living on earth” (v.6) during Judgment AND still refusing to repent (v.7) WHILE Babylon is falling (vs.8-9; Joel 2:1-12) is in big trouble. Messenger:1; church:0.

In short, the above should cause anyone to have serious doubts about being raptured out of what is about to hit the fan. The ploy of saying the martyrs are all Jews is ridiculous. Again most Christians and many Jews don’t know a Jew from an Israelite. To hear them talk, only the tribe of Judah experiences the exodus, or that Abraham, grandfather of Judah (Jew—dahh), was a Jew!

Despite massive loss of life there will still be millions of people who survive these events. Perhaps even a tithe of humanity will live on to perpetuate the “thousand generations of Israel” (maybe a total of 50,000 years). Notice the three places where this “Covenant” is mentioned—NEVER be dismissive of one of Yehovah’s Covenants!

1 Chronicles 16:14 He is Yehovah our Elohim. His judgments are in all the earth. 15 Remember His COVENANT forever, the words that He commanded to a THOUSAND GENERATIONS [1], 16 the Covenant that He made with Abraham, His oath to Isaac. 17 He confirmed it with Jacob as a permanent rule, and to Israel as a never ending Covenant, 18 saying, “I’ll give you the land of Canaan, the territory of your inheritance.”

[1] Surely if Yehovah had provided more details about the Covenant He had sworn (Hebrews 6:13-16) to a THOUSAND GENERATIONS, rather than just repeating that the Covenant was a sure thing (Psalm 105:8-11 & Deuteronomy 7:9) people would believe He wasn’t kidding, right?

Psalm 105:8 He remembers His COVENANT forever, the commitment that He made for a THOUSAND GENERATIONS ...

Deuteronomy 7:9-11 So remember that Yehovah your Elohim is the only Elohim, the faithful Elohim. He keeps His COVENANT with enduring love for a THOUSAND GENERATIONS, with those who love Him AND obey His Commandments. 10 But He repays those who hate Him in person, destroying them. He won’t be slack with anyone who hates Him. He’ll personally repay them. 11 So you must obey the Commandments and the unchanging rulings and the regulations that I give you today.

[1] Surely if Yehovah had provided more details about the Covenant He had sworn (Hebrews 6:13-16) to a THOUSAND GENERATIONS, rather than just repeating that the Covenant was a sure thing (Psalm 105:8-11 & 1 Chronicles 16:15-18) people would believe He wasn’t kidding about the duration, right?

Now with rapture off of the table, let’s get started.

(Since the entire book of Revelation is addressed to The Seven “Churches” of Revelation (Revelation Chapters 1 thru 3), I’ll just mention that all seven of them have end time counterparts. Read as a separate topic about how many of them Yeshua warned that He was coming for, in a very disturbing way!)

This would be a great place to mention that the Day of the LORD Yehovah [including the entire Book of Revelation] is about the one year long period immediately following Satan’s seven year long killing spree Revelation 1:10-11)! So all of the prophecied events in Revelation fall within this “Day of Vengeance” Isaiah 61:2; Isaiah 63:4. The fifth messenger’s period of torture occupies a full five months of this year (Revelation 16:10). And right after this (verse 12) the sixth messenger dries out the Euphrates River allowing “the kings from the rising sun” along with their “two hundred million” troops (Revelation 9:16) to head for Jerusalem from their Belt and Road initiative

Now every time fighting breaks out in the Middle East, people wonder if it could be the “Battle of Armageddon”, (not really a phrase found in the Bible). People are often told that there is just one end time war. The book of Revelation mentions that armies will gather in the end time at “a place that is called Har Megiddo, in Hebrew” (Revelation 16:16). Early English translators decided to call it Armageddon.

Multiple Wars and Rumors of More!

It would seem that Matthew 24 would apply to any time from WW1 and beyond, but when the Beast refines the “covenant with many” especially concerning Israel, I fully expect that the first official phase (sign) of the end of this age will start with officially sanctioned daily sacrificing in Israel, (likely on Tuesday, 3/12/2024).) Without realizing it this long and detailed scenario is what the Beast’s covenant (reset) with many will likely preempt. This would not have been the case under the Trump administration (so he was destined to go). With the USA now only encouraging and arming Israel’s enemies, Israel will realize the poor odds of a lone victory against it’s neighbors. So a deal with the new variable in the picture—the Antimessiah, with a surprise “Peace Initiative” option may seem to be the safest bet. But it will prove not to be true on I would expect the Day of Atonements 2027, “the middle of the week” (Daniel 9:27), the Day of Atonements.

My home page has a lot of links to Babylon:

Revelation 18:4 I heard another voice from the sky saying, “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE [1] so that you don’t participate in her sins, and 'suffer from' her plagues.

[1] This is not saying that you are in the wrong “Church” (tho you might be). What it is saying is that if you live in the modern nation of Babylon—FLEE! This is as literal as the rest of the book. It means escape from the modern antitype of Babylon—or die. The last time that Israel was conquered by Babylonians, was it, by figurative Babylonians or literal ones?

The Beginning of Sorrows (First 1,260 Days Beginning March 12, April 10th or 11th, 2024)

(Possibly March 12 [April 11th or 12th, due to the maturity of fresh barley] for the Wave Sheaf offering.)

I strongly expect the sacrifice of a red heifer in preparation for Passover, 2024.

The Beginning of sorrows is over when multiple millions and then billions are dying, rather than hundreds and then thousands.

The link above is a remarkable timetable that Ernest Martin calculated in 1989 (fairly well confirming my outcome). But he made the extremely common mistake of starting Biblical years in the 7th month, rather than the 1st. He also didn’t allow for the Jubilee year following the seven year (shemitah) period—The Day of Yehovah (the Lord)! Those two miscalculations gave him his “2020 C.E. to about 2027 C.E” as his “last seven year period”. Seven times he mentioned “2027 to 2028” as “the start of the millennium”. He cautiously mentioned that he could have made a mistake, just as I am cautious about the spring of 2024 thru 2031 shemitah and spring 2031 to spring 2032 Jubilee Presumably no one else believes that the end times last for eight years. As of 12/29/23, “eight years” + “the end time” = 0 results on Google.

Matthew 24:3-14 As Yeshua sat on the Mount of Olives, His disciples approached, conversing among themselves and asked, “Tell us when will these things happen and what will be the sign of Your coming and the end of the age.” 4 Yeshua told them, “Be careful not to let anyone deceive you. 5 Many will come in My name and say that I’m the Messiah and they’ll deceive many. 6 You’ll hear of wars and the rumors of battles. Don’t be frightened because all of these things must happen, but it’s not the end yet. 7 Nations will rise against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms. There will be famines, epidemics and earthquakes in various places. 8 Yet all of these 'events' are only the beginning of sorrows.

9 They’ll hand you over to be tortured and killed, and you’ll be hated by all nations because of My name. [What no rapture?] 10 Then many will fall away and they’ll hate each other and betray each other. 11 Many false prophets will appear and they’ll delude many. 12 Because of the plethora [Gr. plethuno] of Torah breakers, the love of many will decline. 13 But anyone who perseveres to the end will receive eternal Life. 14 THIS Good News of the Kingdom will be announced thruout the world as a witness to every nation and then the end will come.

Something that I am beginning to suspect is that the two men who will be the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 may organize a more faithful remnant assembly during the three and a half years before the second half of the “tribulation period”, prior to their actually being given their extraordinary powers of destruction. I fully expect, for there to be a Philadelphia Assembly (“church”) at some time late in the age, since I am certain that no organized group fitting the Revelation 3 description exists, unless it is scattered individuals. My web search of “who is Philadelphia church” brought me to the best explanation by far I have yet to find. But the article likely supposes that the members of all seven of these Assemblies are descended from Herbert Armstrong, but I strongly disagree: here with that notion! I do believe that his efforts resulted in the “Pergamos Assembly”. I can’t imagine that Philadelphia could wait much longer to form, since the Great Tribulation that Philadelphia avoids will have to be in a place of safety (Revelation 3:10) as soon as the Temple becomes the headquarters of the Antimessiah!

Have you ever wondered what the “two witnesses” witnessed?

Matthew 26:27-28 The Human Son will return in the splendor of His Father with all His 'cherished Messengers', and then He’ll COMPENSATE EVERYONE BASED ON WHAT THEY HAVE DONE. 28 I am certain that some of you who are standing here won’t die until you have seen the Human Son coming with [or “in”] His Kingdom!”

Obviously, this is a poor place for a chapter break!

Matthew 27:1-3 Six days later, Yeshua (Jesus) took Cephas, James, and his brother John and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 Yeshua underwent a supernatural metamorphosis [Gr. metamorphoo] in front of them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothing became as white as light. 3 Then Moses and Elijah just appeared and began talking with Yeshua!

John Measures the Temple

Revelation 10:11 thru 11:3 Then he told me, ”John, you must prophesy again before many nations, peoples, princes and kings. [Misplaced chapter break] Revelation 11:1-3 Then I, John, was given a measuring reed like a staff, and a messenger standing by and said, “Get up and measure the Temple [1] of Yehovah and the altar and those who worship there. 2 But don’t measure the courtyard outside of the Temple. Leave it out, because it has been given to the heathens, and they’ll trample the 'cherished' city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 I will give [power] to My Two Witnesses. They’ll prophesy for 1,260 days, wearing sackcloth.

[1] The Aramaic word can refer to “legs” or “feet”, but the Greek translator chose “pous”, a word that only refers to “feet”, instead of “skelos” (leg). Legs can be like pillars, but feet can’t.

Only one of the seven “churches” that the book of Revelation is addressed to (Revelation 1:11) is promised protection from the coming horrific prophecies (Revelation 3:7-12), and I believe that place of protection is HERE. Sorry, no rapture.

Revelation 3:10-11 Since you’ve patiently obeyed My Word, I’ll protect you from the Hour of Trial that is about to overtake the entire inhabited world to test those living on the earth. 11 I AM COMING SUDDENLY! Hold tightly onto what you have, so that no one takes your crown.

Some who claim that they are the fulfillment of the Biblical Philadelphia “church” claim that they are doctrinally pure, and to question any tenet of their teachings is apostasy. “How could Philadelphia ever be wrong?” (In 2000 I was booted from one such Armstrong group for having expressed a single doubt to a family member). For several years I had actually believed it safer to stop reading the Bible entirely and only read that churches’ abundant literature, and “to be safe” I also abstained from reading “dissident literature” as they insisted. Being booted was definitely one of the best things that ever happened to me! Subsequently, I have questioned everything I was ever taught at “church”. This website is the result.

Of the prototypical seven ancient cities, Philadelphia was established last (189 BC). That is a pertinent prophetic factor, overshadowing the relative location of Philadelphia on the Roman mail route.

Yeshua continues answering the question:

Matthew 24:15-28 When you see the sign of the detestable desolation mentioned by the prophet Daniel, standing in the Cherished Place—may the reader discern!— [2] [3] 16 then those of you who are in Judea should escape to the mountain/s! 17 No one on the roof should come down to get anything out of their houses, 18 and no one in the fields should return to get their clothing. 19 But I pity pregnant and nursing mothers in those days. 20 Pray that your flight won’t be during the winter [rainy weather] or on the Sabbath. 21 There will be Great Tribulation then, such as has never occurred from the beginning of the world until now, and will by no means ever happen again. 22 If were it not for those days being terminated [by the Day of Yehovah!], no one would survive. But for the sake of the Select, those days will be terminated [4]. 23 Then if anyone tells you, ‘Messiah is over here’, or ‘He’s over there’, don’t believe them. 24 False Messiahs and false prophets [Gr. pseudoprophetes] will appear and perform great miracles and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the Select. 25 Remember, I told you this in advance! 26 So if people tell you, ‘Look, He’s in the [Jordan?] desert’, don’t go there, or, “Look, He’s in a secret room”, don’t believe them. 27 Like lightning coming out of the east and flashing into the west, that is how the coming of the Human Son will be. 28 Wherever the carcass is, that’s where the vultures are gathered.

[2] This is reminiscent of Matthew 28:16. [3] See my All Sources Disclaimer. [4] Matthew 24 describes the exact same events that Daniel 12:11-12 does, and as Daniel explained, the events will be totally “terminated” after 1,335 days. Here ia a good explanation, (other than the rapture!)

What mountain or mountains do you suppose Yeshua cautioned people to flee to before the desolation of the land of Israel? That would be really handy to know! I see dozens of clues! I see them HERE and HERE, but that’s another story! Hint: It has something to do with a real Jacob’s ladder!

Here is a very interesting link called The Prophecy of Ezekiel 4 and the Modern Jewish Return that pinpoints many of the prophetic setbacks that Israel has experienced. However the claim that Israel and Judah were reunited in 1948 is not remotely correct. Only Israelite descendants from the southern kingdom are allowed to become citizens. The modern state does not recognize anyone descended from the 10 northern tribes!

They cite the very Biblically significant 430 year period: “430 years x 7 TIMES = 3010 years”. I agree with the year 1948 being significant, but not as a fulfillment of the Dry Bones prophecy—only the Jews have done any returning thus far.

I suggest that the 430 years x 7 TIMES = 3,010 years is correct, but it would far more likely apply to 979 BC thru 2032—3,010 years, the first year of the 7th Millennium; the time when all 12 tribes of Israel actually unite, a reunification plan that only a few few Jewish scholars such as Yair Dividiy mention as of yet.

From April 1 (estimated day), 979 BC thru April 1, 2032 AD = exactly their 3010 years! Those last six things could easily apply to the 4th Temple described in the final nine chapters of Ezekiel, as well as to the time of David!

979 BC Psalms of David Psalms 2—145 (Assorted)
979 BC Psalms of Korah Psalms 42—44, 84, 85, 87, 88
979 BC Psalms of Asaph Psalm 50, 73, 75—78, 80—83, 89
979 BC Psalms of Unknown Authors Psalms 1—150 (Assorted)
979 BC David Forces a Census 1 Chronicles 21
979 BC Preparation for building the Temple 1 Chronicles 22
979 BC Preparation of Priesthood 1 Chronicles 23
979 BC Divisions of Levites 1 Chronicles 24
979 BC Preparation of sanctuary singers 1 Chronicles 25
979 BC Preparation of gatekeepers, treasurers 1 Chronicles 26
979 BC Preparation of government 1 Chronicles 27

Perhaps the reason that there is no Temple in New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:22) is because it descends to earth from Heaven, ready built and “much too large to fit on the present Temple Mount” After all Yeshua said “(I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). He’s had plenty of time in these 2,000 years to build anything He wants!

The Fig Tree Generation Nation!

Since early childhood I expected a Figtree Generation. It turns out the numbers now support the translation “Fig Tree Nation” rather than a generation!

Matthew 24:32-44 Now, learn the parable from the fig tree. As soon as its branches become tender and it produces leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 Similarly, when you actually see all of these things, you will realize that He is near, approaching the door!

(Note that the timing of “Armageddon”, the fall of Babylon and Gog and Magog occur later in the Jubilee year, at the “grand finale”.)

The Olivet Conversation [7]

34 It is certain that the Israelite nation [Aramaic Sharebtha: tribe, people or nation] will not cease to exist before all these things have taken place. 35 [The New] Heaven and earth will pass away arrive [8], and My words will never disappear. 36 But no one knows the exact day or hour [9], not even the messengers in Heaven, but the Father alone. 37 At the advent [Gr. parousia] of the Human Son, it will be just like it was in the time of Noah. 38 Just like before the flood, people were eating and drinking, taking wives and giving them to husbands right up until the day when Noah entered the ark, 39 and they were clueless until the flood came and swept them all away. That’s how it will be at the advent of the Human Son. 40 Then two men will be in the field. One will be taken and one will be left behind. 41 Two women will be grinding grain at the mill, one will be taken and one will be left behind. 42 So watch [for the new moon] [10], since you don’t know the exact time when your Sovereign is coming. 43 But be assured that if the head of the house knew in which watch the thief was coming, he would stay alert and not allow his house to be broken into. 44 So remain prepared, because the Human Son will arrive at a time when He’s 'least expected' [11].

[7] This link is a remarkable timetable that Ernest Martin calculated in 1989. He made many of the same asumptions as I had. Still a lot of good info. The passage of time necessitated the start of my countdown 2,000 years from Yeshua’s crucifixion rather than start from the beginning of His ministry. (otherwise the Great Tribulation would be well underway by now.) [8] Parerchomai can mean pass away, come near, come forward and arrive in Greek! Aramaic too, so far as I can tell. I would much rather see the New Heaven and the New Earth arrive (rather than pass away), with the eternal nature of His words never “disappearing.” [9] A thinly disguised reference to the Day of Trumpets that begins each year immediately after the thin crescent of the New Moon is seen in Jerusalem, with the exact “day and hour” annually in question. A select few still anticipate it annually! [10] This is a clue about the Day of Trumpets that arrives the moment that the crescent New Moon is sighted on a day and hour often somewhat of a surprise. [11] The Human Son’s arrival shouldn’t surprise “You”! (1 Thessalonians 5:2-6)

Anyone born in the so-called Figtree “Generation” would have to live a bit beyond age 80 to witness the year 6000 in 2031. I would just squeak in with a few months to spare, having been born in late 1951. The 1948 generation will live to see the Antimessiah begin his reign, but will need to go overtime to see the Jubilee year:

Psalm 90:10 The days of our 'life' are seventy years, or eighty if we’re strong. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble. Soon it’s over and we fly away.

“ ... But now reconsider that Scripture and the fig tree being the nation of Israel. Its branch becoming tender was at the time of it reestablishing itself as a nation in 1948, i.e., the branch became tender, ready to bring forth the leaves! And so, that was 1948, as far as the branch becoming tender. But as far as it putting forth leaves, that would have been at a different time ... Therefore, it was important for Jerusalem to be under Israeli control. And that did not fully happen until 1967, when that City became united under the control of the nation of Israel. Then could we say that Israel as a nation, with Jerusalem as its Capitol, put forth leaves!.”

Daniel 8:23-25 Toward the latter part of their reign [human empires], when defiant conduct is about to be finished, a bold faced king who understands dark obscure utterances will step up. 24 He’ll become very strong, but not by his own power, and he’ll cause astonishing destruction and succeed in everything he does. He’ll destroy powerful men and the 'chosen' people. 25 And thru his cunning He’ll cause deception to succeed by his influence. He’ll become arrogant, and destroy many while they are off guard. He’ll even oppose the Commander of commanders, but he’ll be broken without human intervention.

The Deadly Day of Trumpets of 2027

The midpoint of any seven year shemitah period is exactly the first day of the seventh month (the Day of Trumpets). So the shemitah before the coming Jubilee will play right into Satan’s penchant for stirring up trouble during Yehovah’s Festival days, like the Yom Kippur War in 1973, and the war 50 years later—The Seventh (or Eighth) Day War in 2023 (depending on your calendar). Likewise in 2027, Daniel 9:27 should come into play:

Daniel 9:27 Then he [the desolator] will force a strong 'contract' on many for one septad time period. Then in the middle of the period of seven [shemitah cycle] he [the desolator] will stop the zebakim [sacrifices] and the offerings: [Daniel 12:11] And the winged one of abomination will cause desolation, until the predetermined destruction is poured out on the desolator.” [During the Jubilee year: Isaiah 34:1-8]

Of eleven commonly cited old commentaries, only the 19th century Keil and Delitzsch OT Commentary had the vision to see that Daniel 9:27 is yet to be fulfilled by Antimessiah in a new temple; an understanding many have yet to grasp with it already planned and only months from happening (undertaken by the future King of the North).

It is at this point that the crushing Great Tribulation on Israel begins, as spelled out in great detail in my Should We Move to Israel Now? But it is not just terrible for Judah, it is just as lethal for Ephraim (representitive of the 10 “lost” tribes): So if you know where these “lost” tribes settled—The USA and the British Commonwealth—this is dire news indeed!

Hosea 5:3-9 I know Ephraim and Israel can’t hide from Me. Ephraim, you’ve turned to prostitution; Israel is defiled. 4 Their behavior won’t allow them to turn to their Elohim. They have a spirit of prostitution and they don’t know Yehovah. 5 Israel’s arrogance testifies against him. So Israel and Ephraim will stumble in their wickedness, and Judah along with them. 6 They’ll go with their flocks and herds to seek Yehovah, but they won’t find Him. He has withdrawn from them. 7 They’ve committed infidelity against Yehovah and they’ve given birth to illegitimate children. Now a New Moon [within a month] will devour them and their 'land'. 8 Blow a shofar in Gibeah and a trumpet in Ramah! Sound a battle cry in Beth Aven: “Behind you, Benjamin!” 9 Ephraim will be destroyed on the day of reckoning. I announce what is certain for the tribes of Israel.

“Thenceforth the history of Ephraim is merged in that of the Northern Kingdom, in which it remained the dominant factor, so that, especially in figurative speech, its name came to be used for the state of the Ten Tribes (Isa. vii. 2-5, 8; Hosea v. 3, 5, 9; vi. 4, and elsewhere).—Jewish Encyclopedia

I met with a couple of Messianic groups over a period of 11 years. I don’t recall the leaders ever discussing whether people go to heaven or not, or when they die, whether they plan on being raptured or not. Presumably, every possible inclination was felt among the individual members. I did ask a pastors wife if she was planning on going to heaven, and she was. But what I did hear quite often was peoples desire to move to Israel—as soon as possible. So I ended up writing: Should We Move to Israel Now?—Another Jewish Holocaust in Prophecy! The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck provides excellent news daily about what is going on in Israel. But he promotes, almost daily the view that the Gog and Magog war will save the present Jewish state from being crushed—eliminating the occurrence of another holocaust and a second exodus. I wish he were right!

It seems that there is a factor that involves the Great Tribulation that was inconceivable until relatively recently—SUNSPOTS:

“With that, the most dangerous time with the highest solar cycle amplitude will be between November 2024 and March 2026.” This period coincides nicely with when I expect that the Antimessiah will be rising to power, just prior to the Great Tribulation.

“Tchijevsky found that fully 80% of the most significant events [wars, revolutions, riots, expeditions and migrations] occurred during the 5 years of maximum sunspot activity.”

Sunspots and Human Behavior “Tchijevsky discovered that the solar minimum is the lag period when repression is tolerated by the masses, as if they lacked the vital energy to make the needed changes. He found that during the sunspot maximum, the movement of humans is also at its peak.”

Immediately after the Great Tribulation comes the Day of Yehovah (Matthew 24:29). Satan will have had 5,999 years. Yehovah has only reserved one year to undo most of the damage! (Isaiah 34:8). Note that those are separate topics, but the Day of Yehovah is year number 8 in the end-time countdown.

Matthew 24:29-31 Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and stars will fall from the sky [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4], and the miraculous power of the skies will be shaken. 30 Then the miraculous sign of the Human Son will be seen in the sky, and then all the nations on earth will mourn when they see the Human Son coming on the clouds in the sky with great power and splendor. [6] 31 Then He’ll send out His spirit messengers with a loud shofar blast [7] and they’ll gather together His selected people from the four winds [north, south, east and west], from one farthermost bound of the horizon [heaven] to the other.

[6] Yeshua was alluding to Daniel 7:13 where “Daniel saw Someone like a Human Son coming with the clouds in the sky. So what is the sign—it will look like a human (son of man) descending from the sky! Immediately after Satan’s nearly unhindered seven year long rampage, everything begins to change in a day. Another entire set of prophecies will play out during the The Year of Payback (Isaiah 34) [7] This link is a remarkable timetable that Ernest Martin calculated in 1989. He made many of the same asumptions as I had. Still a lot of good info. The passage of time necessitated the start of my countdown 2,000 years from Yeshua’s crucifixion rather than start from the beginning of His ministry. (otherwise the Great Tribulation would be well underway by now.)

It will be a very short battle—finished the same day it begins, and the renovation begins in the next verse! Continuing:

The Zechariah 14:6-13 “battle” will be over in a flash!

Reparations must be paid for the devastation that initiated the conquest. Continuing:

Zechariah 14:14 Judah [it’s not really Israel] will also fight in Jerusalem, and the wealth of all the neighboring [surrounding] nations will be gathered together—great quantities of gold, silver and clothing.

People often say that the Day of the Lord Yehovah could happen at any instant. So why does Yehovah reserve a full Jubilee Year? The reason most elaborated on is for the punishment of the wicked (since the lake of fire may be too quick), but a pertinent reason for a full year is to allow the slowest learnering survivors time to repent even after the Great Tribulation!:

Joel 2:11-14,28-32 Yehovah’s voice 'thunders' before His army, because His forces [3] are extremely large. Those who obey His 'commands' are powerful. The Day of Yehovah is great and very dreadful. Who can endure it?” 12 “Yet even now,” Yehovah says, “Turn to Me with all your being, with fasting and crying and mourning. 13 Rip your 'paradigm', not your clothes, and return to Yehovah, your Elohim, because He is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in love and hesitant to send disaster. 14 Who knows He’s returning? [4] He’s granting a reprieve, and leaving a blessing behind, resulting in a grain offering and a drink offering to Yehovah your Elohim ... 28 “After this [after the Great Tribulation], I’ll pour out My spirit on all flesh [7]. Your sons and daughters will prophecy and your old men will dream prophetic dreams, your young men will see prophetic visions. 29 I’ll even pour out My spirit on servants and handmaids in those days, 30 I’ll show wonderful signs in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun will become dark and the moon will become blood red in the presence of [8] the great and awesome Day of Yehovah coming to pass. 32 And everyone who calls on the name of Yehovah will be rescued as Yehovah has said, ‘Because on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a way of escape [rootword: refugees] for the survivors who Yehovah is inviting [calling].

[3] Just like Babylon and Assyria where His armies scattered His unfaithful bride. [4] Lots of people talk about Yeshua (Jesus) returning, but who talks about Yehovah, the Ancient of Days returning? See Daniel 7:21-22. The italicized word if is added in the Joel 2:14, KJV, unnecessarily casting a doubt on His return. It set a precedent that virtually every modern version (revision) has repeated. [7] “All flesh,” as the KJV says, can mean animal life, as in Genesis 6:19, or it can mean all human life, as in Genesis 6:13 and dozens of other places. But in this context it appears to be an exclusive reference to all of the “children of Zion” and “Israel” receiving 'Yehovah’s spirit' first. [8] Paw-neem’ usually means “before”, but a literal meaning is “presence” (131 X) (or “face of” 259 X+) of.” The timing is clarified in Matthew 24:29 “Immediately AFTER the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and shooting stars will fall from the sky, and the inherent power of the skies will be shaken.” The Day of Yehovah is also the Jubilee year: Israel saved, neighboring nations conquered.

These spoils will help reimburse the mustard seed (New Israel) that will be quickly growing at the beginning of the Heaven sent Kingdom.

Here’s where it gets interesting. While the surrounding nations are totally defeated and looted, it may take a while before those nations are ready to worship the Elohim of their ‘enemy’. So sanctions will be placed on them. Note that Europe, the supposed Beast is not mentioned here:

Isaiah explained how the Kingdom of Elohim would begin with “David’s throne” and never stop expanding!

Isaiah 9:6-7 A Child will be born for us, a Son is given to us. The government will rest on His shoulders. He’ll be named Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Elohim, Everlasting Father, Peaceful Leader. 7 The expansion of His dominion and prosperity will never end, from David’s throne and over His kingdom, arranging it and maintaining it with justice and righteousness from that time on—forever. The zeal of the Word* of Commander Yehovah will make it happen.

But before that, Ephraim, Manasseh and Judah will be crushed at the same time! All the rest of Isaiah Chapter 9 describes that—total destruction that must come before the Kingdom arrives!

But within a very few centuries of the mustard seed sprouting, other planets will be required for occupation. Remember, the Kingdom never stops expanding!

The original plan was for Israel to be given the land of Israel miraculously, and then they would gratefully serve Yehovah. But after wandering around for 40 years in the wilderness the next generation took their land the hard way. Plan “A” was for Israel to become a righteous priesthood that would win over the world by example: Deuteronomy 4:6-9.

(This source does a great job on summarizing the exact 6,000 year plan leading up to today and beyond.)

Isaiah 9 is great news/horrible news contrasted. The first 7 verses contain words to write songs about, but the bulk of the chapter is only applicable for dirges. Eventually the entire region (eretz) will be “filled with the knowledge of Yehovah”. Isaiah 11 explains that both Israel and a huge portion of the region (vs 10-12) will be recovering almost simultaneously! This while the Philistines and part of Egypt are still being destroyed! Even the tribes of Israel will be learning to play nice (v.13). There’s so much on that here.

Yet almost without missing a beat, a highway will begin construction, connecting Israel to her historic arch enemies (v.16).

But the zombies will never be entirely exterminated, only kept outside of New Jerusalem, even until the end of the thousand years. (Revelation 22:15) By the way, New Jerusalem’s arrival is an end time event!

SUNSPOTS, 2032/2033

Bible prophecy mentions a lot about signs involving the sun:

Isaiah 13:9-10 The Day of Yehovah is coming—a cruel day with wrath and fierce anger, to make the land a desolation and to destroy all the sinners within it. 10 The stars in the sky and their constellations will no longer shine. The sun will be darkened when it rises, and the moon won’t reflect its light.

Isaiah 30:26 When That Day Comes the light from the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day when Yehovah bandages the fracture of His people and heals the wounds He inflicted.

Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and stars will fall from the sky [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4], and the miraculous power of the skies will be shaken.

Acts 2:19I’ll display miraculous signs in the sky above and unusual occurrences on the earth—blood, fire, and columns of smoke.

Strictly Yet to Come!

The Daniel 11 prophecy spans millennia, but here is the end of the story:

Daniel 11:31-45 Armed forces will rise up and defile the 'Temple' refuge and put a stop to the daily burnt zebakim [sacrifices], and they’ll set up an appalling detestable idol [KJV, abomination of desolation]. 32 With slick talk he [the Antimessiah] will corrupt [win over] the wicked who violate the covenant [“with many”]. But the people who know their Elohim will be strong and take action.

33 Their wise people will share their understanding with many, yet they’ll be defeated by swords and flames. They’ll be captured and plundered for many days. 34 When they fall, they’ll be given a little help, but many who become allies with them will not be sincere. 35 Some of the wise will fall away to refine them and to purify them and make them white all the way to the time of the end, but it will still happen during the specified time.

36 ““The king [Antimessiah] will do whatever he wants to, he’ll exalt himself and claim to be superior to every god, and say astonishing things against the El [God] of elim [elohim], and he’ll succeed until the wrath is finished, because what has been determined must be done. 37 He will show no regard for the god of his ancestors, or a god favored by women, or regard any god at all, because he’ll exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of these he’ll honor the god of fortresses, and he’ll honor a god that his ancestors never knew, honoring him with gold, silver, precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He’ll deal with the most defensive fortresses with the help of an alien god [3], greatly honoring those who acknowledge him. He’ll have them rule over many people, and distribute land for 'a price'.”

40 “At the time of the end the King of the South will wage war with him, and the King of the North [Antimessiah] will storm against him with chariots, cavalry, and many ships, and he’ll invade many countries, and overwhelm them like a flood and pass thru their land. 41 He’ll also invade the Beautiful Land, and many countries will be overthrown, but these will be [temporarily] spared from his grasp: Edom, Moab and most of the descendants of AMMON [home of Petra!] 42 He’ll 'conquer many' countries. The land of Egypt won’t escape. 43 He’ll take control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the treasures of Egypt, and the Libyans and the Nubians will also be in submission. 44 But then news from the east and the north will quickly alarm him, and he’ll leave in a great rage to destroy and completely exterminate many. 45 He’ll pitch his palatial tents between the sea and the beautiful 'special' mountain, yet he’ll come to his end, and no one will help him.

[3] Apparently the god the antichrist credits is beneath him. Of course he would never admit that the alien or foreign god is Satan. Since the ‘War Of the Worlds” radio broadcast in 1938, Hollywood has been pushing science-fiction movies of aliens or gods coming to earth. Of late the fiction part is eliminated. I think the antichrist will find many welcoming groupies for a gods from space ‘re-education”. ‘Fortification” will be necessary for protection.

This war is like none ever before:

Revelation 12:9 The huge Dragon was thrown down, the ancient Dragon who is called the Deceiver and the Adversary who seduces the entire inhabited world was thrown to the ground and his angels were thrown down with him.

It’s a supernatural war that takes place in the atmosphere in the middle of the Tribulation. Most people believe that this has already happened, but look where it is—the book of Revelation! It’s also in Isaiah 14 along with the Second Exodus and Satan’s first death!

Michael and his messengers will face off with Satan and his angels. Michael and his messengers will win the war with casualties, and Satan will be cast down to the ground below. His access to Yehovah’s throne is now permanently terminated (verse 10).

Satan’s down but not out yet. When this happens, Satan realizes that he’s short on time (he’s read the Book)! In his rage, Satan will attempt to destroy all of the tribes of Israel, and that initiates the next war. When he’s cast down to the ground, he will possess the Beast (Revelation 13:2) and convince him to annihilate all Israelites.

How does the nation of Jordan fit into this? Is it a safe place?

Edom, Moab, & Ammon During the End Times

Many teach that surviving Jews (or Christians) will flee to a place in the “wilderness”, a place of safety (Revelation 12:13-14). Many also believe this place of safety will be the ancient city of Petra, located in modern Jordan (ancient Edom, Moab and Ammon). I was taught that Jordan will be spared for the Worldwide Church of God very loosely based on what Daniel said:

Daniel 11:41 He’ll also invade the Beautiful Land [Israel], and many countries will be overthrown, but these will be spared from his grasp: Edom, Moab and most of the descendants of AMMON [4]. [home of Petra!]

[1] The KJV’s only reference to “chosen people”, using this exact popular phrase applies to Israel’s enemy, the King of the North. However the Masoretic text uses the term in Isaiah 43:20 for Israel.

But what happens there before this happens?:

Zephaniah 2:8-9 I’ve heard the taunting of Moab and the insults of the Ammonites [home of Petra!], who insulted My people and 'threatened' their territory. 9 So as surely as I live,” declares Commander Yehovah, the Elohim of Israel, “Moab will become like Sodom, the Ammonites like Gomorrah, a place overgrown with nettles and salty marshes, a perpetual ruins. The survivors of My people will plunder them, and the survivors of My nation will inherit 'their land'.

I like this explanation about Edom, Moab, & Ammon better than what I was going to have here.

Daniel 11:40-41 “At the time of the end the King of the South will wage war with him, and the King of the North will storm against him with chariots, cavalry, and many ships, and he’ll invade many countries, and overwhelm them like a flood and pass thru their land. 41 He’ll also invade the Beautiful Land, and many countries will be overthrown, but these will be spared from his grasp: Edom, Moab and most of the descendants of Ammon.

Who among the unconverted masses will survive the coming time of trouble? In Jeremiah 24 the King of babylon was raiding Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 24:1-2 After Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon had taken Yehoiakim’s son Jeconiah, king of Judah along with the officials of Judah and the craftsmen and the smiths from Jerusalem and brought them to Babylon, Yehovah showed me two baskets of figs set in front of the 'Temple' of Yehovah! 2 One basket had very good figs, like the figs that ripen first, and the other basket had figs that were so bad that they couldn’t be eaten.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that these figs represent people. (Actually forget that, rocket scientists probably wouldn’t figure it out, and Bible scholars are even less likely.) Since Yeshua Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever (sorry dispensationalists) we can expect Him to protect those who are too good to burn during the next invasion. Continuing:

Jeremiah 24:3-10 Then Yehovah asked me, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” I said, “Figs, the good figs are very good, and the bad, very bad. They can’t be eaten, they’re so bad.” 4 The Word of Yehovah came to me. and said: 5 “This is what Yehovah, the Elohim of Israel says: These good figs represent the captives of Judah who I’ve sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their own good. 6 I’ll 'watch over' them for their good, and I’ll bring them back to this land, and I’ll build them up and not tear them down, and I’ll plant them and not uproot them. 7 I’ll give them the 'desire' to recognize that I am Yehovah, and they’ll be My people, and I’ll be their Elohim when they return to Me with their whole heart.’

8 Yehovah says, “Like bad figs that are so bad that they can’t be eaten, I’ll abandon Zedekiah the king of Judah and his officials and the survivors in Jerusalem who remain in the land and those who are ling in Egypt. 9 I’ll allow them to be exiled and scattered all over the kingdoms of the earth for harm, to be scorned, a euphemism and a curse wherever I banish them. 10 I’ll send 'war', famine and plague against them until attrition removes them from the land that I gave to them and their ancestors.”

This link explains the historic “fig people” in this chapter well!

My link explains how the same principle will apply to the surviving high-grade figs who are too good to burn in 2031, as well as the good figs who perished without benefit of a Bible ever since Adam & Eve!

* * *

Yeshua knew that fake news about His return would spread in the last days of this age:

Matthew 24:26 So if they tell you, ‘Look, He’s in the [Jordan?] desert’, don’t go there, or, “Look, He’s in a secret room”, don’t believe them.

The Beautiful Land is Israel, and the timing of this prophecy is during the Great Tribulation. I don’t know why Edom, Moab and Ammon are spared from the anti-Christ. Maybe it’s a trap? We’ll see. But it doesn’t look like a very good real estate investment:

Zephaniah 2:8-11 “I’ve heard the taunting of Moab and the insults of the Ammonites, who insulted My people and 'threatened' their territory. 9 So as surely as I live,” declares Commander Yehovah, the Elohim of Israel, “Moab will become like Sodom, the Ammonites like Gomorrah, a place overgrown with nettles and salty marshes, a perpetual ruins. The survivors of My people will plunder them, and the survivors of My nation will inherit 'their land'.” 10 This is what they’ll get in return for their pride, since they insulted and 'belittled' the people of Commander Yehovah. 11 Yehovah will terrify them when He starves all the gods on earth. Everyone from every nation, on every continent [coastland] will worship Him from their own 'lands'.

Isaiah 34:4-10 The entire array of stars will disappear [1]. The sky will roll down like a scroll, and all of its stars will fall [1] like withered leaves falling from a grapevine or a fig tree. 5 When My sword is drenched with blood in the sky, it will descend on Edom, a nation I have doomed for destruction. 6 Yehovah’s sword is drenched with blood. It’s covered with fat and with the blood of lambs and goats, with fat from the kidneys of rams. Yehovah 'will receive' a zebak in Bozrah, a great slaughter in the land of Edom. 7 Men as strong as a monoclonius [KJV unicorn] will fall next to them, young bulls with strong ones. Their land will be saturated with blood and their soil will be greasy with fat. 8 Yehovah has a Time of Vengeance, a Year of Payback settling the dispute over Zion. 9 Edom’s streams will be turned into pitch, and the ground turned to burning sulfur, and its land will become burning pitch. 10 It won’t be quenched night or day. Its smoke will go up forever. From generation to generation it will remain deserted. No one will ever travel thru it.

[1] The exact timing here is revealed in Matthew 24:29.

This is not an historic battle. It will take place before the kings of the east arrive.

Jeremiah 25 contains a long list of regions destined for destruction. Edom, Moab and the Ammonites are mentioned among them in verse 21 ... 33 “Those slain by Yehovah that day will extend from one end of the earth to the other, they won’t be mourned, picked up or buried, they’ll be like manure 'scattered' on the ground.”

But Zechariah indicates that two-thirds of the Jewish people in the land (of “Israel”) will be killed by the Beast during this time.

Zechariah 13:8-9 Yehovah says “Thruout the land, two thirds will have been eliminated and dead, but one third will be left there. [2] 9 If anyone continues to prophesy, then his father and his mother who gave birth to him will say, ‘You must die because you’ve told lies in the name of Yehovah.’ Then his father and his mother who gave birth to him will stab him with a dagger [daqar] when he prophesies.

[2] This is after nearly three thirds of the entire population of Jerusalem had already been killed at one point during the Great Tribulation: Ezekiel 5:1-4. I wouldn’t rush back in.

Revelation says the Dragon will make war against a woman and her “offspring”.

Revelation 12:17 The Dragon was furiously angry with the woman, and he went off to make war with the rest of her offspring, those who obey the Commandments of Yehovah [the so-called “OT”] AND have THE TESTIMONY OF YESHUA [the so-called “NT”. So few of these would be Jews!]

This link very clearly demonstrates who the “woman” is.

Revelation pictures a great multitude of people coming out of (surviving) the Great Tribulation. They are people from about every country on earth! There is no reason to believe they were martyrs!

Revelation 7:9-14 After this I saw an enormous crowd of people that no one could count, from every people, nation, tribe and language. They were standing in front of the throne and the Lamb, wearing white robes, and they were holding palms in their hands. 10 They were shouting, “Eternal Life to Yehovah, to the One who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!” 11 All the messengers stood around the throne with the Elders and the four living beings, and they bowed face down in front of His throne and worshiped Yehovah, 12 and said, “Aw-main'. Blessing and praise and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to Yehovah forever and ever, Aw-main'.’” 13 Then One of the Elders turned and asked me, “Who are these people wearing white robes, and where do they come from?” 14 I said, “Friend, you know”. He replied, “These are the ones who are coming out [1] of the Great Tribulation. They’ve washed their clothes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 That’s why they are in front of the throne of Yehovah, serving Him day and night in His 'Temple'. [2] And the One seated on the throne will 'protect them under His shadow' [Aramaic nageen alihun, ‘shadow over them’]. 16 They won’t hunger or thirst any more [3], nor will they be 'overcome' by the sun or burning heat, 17 because the Lamb who is in the center of the throne will feed them and lead them to springs of living water, and Yehovah will wipe every tear from their eyes.” [2] “The verb form in the Greek for ‘come’ is present participle.” This is an ongoing process! They survive the Great Tribulation! See any “Literal” translation. [3] Ezekiel chapters 40-48 are all about the Temple services during the Everlasting Kingdom, tho people don’t want to hear that. Ezekiel 47 is clearly the same time period as Revelation 21-22. But the Levites, other than descendants of Zadok, are disqualified from serving in the future Temple (:10-16.) [4] Isaiah 49 (noting verse 10) further describes these exact same conditions: the end of “hunger”, “thirst”, “heat” and “sun”, along with “springs of water” in the context of survivors of the Great Tribulation, from all twelve tribes of Israel returning to the land of Israel during the Second Exodus, at the beginning of the Everlasting Kingdom!

Invincible Survivors and the Missing Puzzle Piece!

Joel 2 describes the time when an invincible army will destroy Israel, a land “like the garden of Eden”. Interrestingly another invincible army will retake that land!

As already mentioned, the end time Jewish state (unknowingly) declared its independence on Pentecost of 1948, and the first Arab—Israeli War began immediately. On Pentecost of 2028, exactly 80 years after that war, I expect an encore performance. Yeshua Himself said that His soldiers would fight for Him when the time is right!

John 18:36 Yeshua answered, “My authority to rule does not originate from this world. If My royal power were from this world, My army [literally crewmen] would fight to prevent My being handed over to the Jews, but My authority to rule isn’t here yet.”

Toward the end of the Great Tribulation, chosen “families of Judah” will “burn up all the surrounding nations right and left.” Once the Communist “kings of the east” have been slaughtering both of the opposing fascistic armies in the middle east, it will be a great tactical time to batten down the land before anyone else takes a serious interest. Unlike their ancient ancestors, these surviving Jews will fight their giants! They will fight on faith and get all of the Help they need. Of course this is before people from the other tribes or even other Jews are involved in the coming exodus. This is before the dry bones prophecy of Ezekiel 37:11 involving the entire entire House of Israel; before two sticks Judah and Ephraim get together (vs 15-23). It’s before we need to ask: “Can a country be born in one day?”: Isaiah 36:8. This is not Yeshua returning; it’s just some pioneering Jewish families, something on the order of Gideon’s army of 300 men (Judges 7:7). After this victory there will be a time reminiscent of the time when the second Temple was built. This will be the time when Yehovah will return to Jerusalem in Person (Zechariah 8:3). This is when people from all over the world will be searching for a Jew, not to kill them but to lead them to Jerusalem, “because we’ve heard that Elohim is with you.”

Zechariah 8:20-23 “Commander Yehovah says: People and citizens from many cities will be coming. 21 The inhabitants of one city will go to another and say, ‘We should go at once to seek the favor of Yehovah, and to seek Commander Yehovah. I’ll be going too.’ 22 Many people and strong nations will come seeking [searching for, to consult] Commander Yehovah in Jerusalem, and pray to Yehovah!’” 23 “Commander Yehovah says that at that time, ten men from every language and nation will take hold of the 'tzitzits' [“tassels”] of a Jew, and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we’ve heard that Elohim is with you.”:

Zechariah 12:5-14 The families of Judah will say to themselves, ‘The residents of Jerusalem have strong support thru Commander Yehovah, their Elohim.’ 6 “When that day comes I’ll make the leaders of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a burning torch among sheaves. They’ll burn up all the surrounding nations right and left, while the people of Jerusalem will once again be secure. 7 “Yehovah will save Judah’s tents first so that the honor of David’s family and the honor of the residents of Jerusalem won’t exceed [the rest of] Judah. 8 When that day comes, Yehovah will defend the residents of Jerusalem so that the weakest of them will be like David, and David’s descendants will be like Elohim, like the Messenger of Yehovah going before them. 9 When that day comes I’ll begin to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. 10 “Then I’ll pour on the family of David and on the residents of Jerusalem the spirit of favor and a plea for mercy. They’ll see Me (Aleph Tav) [Alpha Omega], the One they’ve pierced, and they’ll mourn for Him, as someone mourns over a firstborn. [2] 11 When that day comes there will be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning of Hadad rimmon in the valley of Megiddo [Armageddon]. 12 “The land will mourn, each tribe by itself; the family of the house of David by itself and their wives by themselves; the family of the house of Nathan by itself and their wives by themselves; 13 the family of the house of Levi by itself and their wives by themselves; the family of the Shimeites by itself and their wives by themselves, 14 all the families that remain, every family by itself, and their wives by themselves.

[2] Aleph Tav hidden in the Hebrew text here [= Alpha & Omega in Greek] Yeshua is One who was pierced, and knowledge of this will eventually bring about planet wide mourning and sorrow! The Hebrew letters Aleph & Tav, (equivalent to the Greek Alpha and Omega), are left untranslated thruout the Scriptures in pertinent places, in reference to Yeshua, the Alpha & Omega!

Once Judah begins fighting for freedom AND Yeshua, Yehovah will step in and do the heavy lifting.

Zechariah 14:12-14 This is the plague that Yehovah will strike all the nations with that have faught against Jerusalem with: Their flesh will rot away while they are still standing on their feet, and their eyes will rot away in their sockets, and their tongues will rot away in their mouths. 13 When That Day Comes a great panic from Yehovah will fall on them. Everyone will seize the hand of his neighbor, and the hand of one neighbor will be raised against the hand of the other. 14 Judah will also fight in Jerusalem, and the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be gathered together—great quantities of gold, silver and clothing.

Isaiah 10:20-23 At that time the remainder of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will never again rely on the one who struck them, but will truly rely on the Word* of Yehovah, the Cherished [holy] One of Israel. 21 'Survivors' will return, 'survivors' of Jacob to the Mighty Elohim. 22 Tho your people Israel are like grains of sand on the seashore, only a few survivors will return. Righteous destruction is necessary. 23 The Sovereign, Yehovih [a variant spelling] the Commander has decreed complete destruction on the 'region'.

Romans 11:25-26 Friends, so that you won’t be presumptuous, I want you to know of this hidden mystery—that a degree of spiritual blindness has overtaken Israel until the full complement of nations can come in, 26 and then ALL Israel will be saved [alive]. As the Scriptures declare, “A Savior will come from Zion and turn Jacob from sinfulness.”

The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel are part of the original Twelve Hebrew tribes that under Joshua, their leader, captured the Promised Land, after Moses died. The tribal names are Asher, Dan, Ephraim, Gad, Issachar, Manasseh, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, and Zebulun—all sons or grandsons of Jacob. The ten tribes formed the independent Kingdom of Israel in the north and the other tribes, Judah, Benjamin, and half of Levi became the Kingdom of Judah in the south.

The fractured family has never been reunited but Israel and the Jews have been at war with each other:

1 Kings 12:21 When Rehoboam returned to Jerusalem he 'mobilized' the entire House of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin, 180,000 elite soldiers to fight against the House of Israel and restore the kingdom to Solomon’s son Rehoboam.

The analogy of the two sticks in Ezekiel 37 is about the monumental reunification of ALL 12 tribes! How could so many prophecy teachers ignore this!

The Analogy of the Two Sticks Explained!

Ezekiel 37:15-20 The Word of Yehovah came to me again. He said: 16 “Human son, take a stick and write on it: ‘Praise Judah and his Israelite companions.’ Then take another stick, (the stick representing Ephraim) and write on it: ‘Joseph increases, as well as the House of Israel, his companions.’ 17 Then join them together as if they were one stick, and they’ll become one in your hand. 18 When your 'fellow Israelites' ask you, ‘Are you going to tell us what you mean by this’? 19 Tell them, ‘The Sovereign YEHOVAH says He’ll take the stick of Joseph that’s in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his companions, and put them with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they’ll be one in His hand!’ 20 “The sticks that you write on will be in your hand where they can see them.

I’ve saved the dry bones prophecy until now for a reason. Look at my subtitles for the first 35 chapters of Ezekiel. Do you see a common theme? 1) Until this point of the prophecy, Israel is shown to be consistently in rebellion against Yehovah. 2) There are unmistakable indications that Israel’s future will be much better. 3) Israel’s enemy armies will be entirely wiped out. Consider:

EZEKIEL Chapter Subheadings:

Ezekiel 1: The Word Shows Up With Shiny Wheels and Stories to Tell

Ezekiel 2: Ezekiel Prophecies Against Israel

Ezekiel 3: Israel’s Watchman

Ezekiel 4: A Sign To the House of Israel

Ezekiel 5: Another Prophecy Against Israel

Ezekiel 6: Plague, War and Famine Coming to Israel

Ezekiel 7: The End of Israel!

Ezekiel 8: Israel’s Easter Sunrise Abominations in Israel

Ezekiel 9: The Righteous of Jerusalem Marked and Spared

Ezekiel 10: Yehovah Abandons Jerusalem’s Temple

Ezekiel 11: Slaughter thruout Jerusalem and Israel

Ezekiel 12: Israel’s Towns Lie in Ruins

Ezekiel 13: Prophecy Against Israel’s Preachers

Ezekiel 14: Israel’s Idolaters Destroyed

Ezekiel 15: Jerusalem in Flames

Ezekiel 16: Israel: Infancy, Prostitution & Future Bride

Ezekiel 17: The Dry Tree Israel Replanted

Ezekiel 18: Righteous Saved By Good Works: Christians Say, “That’s Unfair”!

Ezekiel 19: Prophecy Against Israel’s Politicians

Ezekiel 20: Israel, The Rebellious Bride

Ezekiel 21: Yehovah Sends A Sword Against Israel

Ezekiel 22: Israel Scattered Among the Nations

Ezekiel 23: Israel as Two Prostitutes

Ezekiel 24: Jerusalem: Filthy Until the very End

Ezekiel 25: Israel Ruined; Edom, Moab & Ammon (Modern Jordan & Petra}—Destroyed!

Ezekiel 26: Jerusalem Broken; Ancient And Modern Tyre Destroyed

Ezekiel 27: International Commerce Canceled

Ezekiel 28: Satan, the King of Tyre, Dies. Israel Regathered

Ezekiel 29: Israel’s Enemy Egypt to be Destroyed, Now History

Ezekiel 30: The First “Day of Yehovah” Was Against Egypt

Ezekiel 31: Greatest “Tree” Ever (Egypt) Cut Down

Ezekiel 32: The First “Day of Yehovah” Against Israel’s Enemy Egypt Continues

Ezekiel 33: The Wicked Judged by Their Deeds (Not Necessarily by What they Knew!)

Ezekiel 34: The Shepherds Devouring Israel Condemned

Ezekiel 35: Edom Condemned Over Hostility Against Israel

Ezekiel 36: Israel to be Entirely Rebuilt!

Ezekiel 37: The Dry Bones and the Two Sticks

Ezekiel 38: Gog & Magog’s Invasion

Ezekiel 39: Gog and Magog Destroyed in Israel

The entirety of chapter 36 is preparatory for a great transition! All of the terrible things associated with Israel in the first 35 chapters radically change at this juncture! Ezekiel 38 and 39 are actually about Supernatural protection of the fledgling New Israel, while the next nine chapters give us a unique look at “ordinary” life in Millennial Israel. Those chapters will be commented on (eventually) at the end of this chapter.

This was the original plan promised to Abraham

Genesis 17:5-9 You’ll no longer be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham, because I’ve made you the father of very many nations. 6 I’ll make you exceedingly fruitful. Your descendants will establish many nations. Kings will be descended from you. 7 I’ll establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you, thruout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be your Elohim and the Elohim of your descendants after you. 8 I’ll give you and your descendants after you the land where you are living, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession. I’ll be their Elohim. 9 “Elohim said to Abraham, “Your responsibility is to preserve My covenant, you and your descendants after you thruout their generations.

After some delay ...

Jeremiah 31:31,38-40 Yehovah says: “The time is coming when I’ll make a New [marriage] Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah ... 38 The time is coming,” Yehovah says, “when the city will be rebuilt for Yehovah from the Hananel Tower to the Corner Gate. 39 The measuring line will stretch from there straight to Gareb Hill, and then turn toward Goah. 40 The whole valley that was covered with dead bodies and ashes, and all of the fields as far as the Kidron Valley, as far as the corner of Horse Gate toward the east, will be 'special' to Yehovah, it will never be uprooted or overthrown again.”

In Chapter 36 Ezekiel announces the ultimate fulfillment of Yehovah’s covenant with Abraham:

Ezekiel 36:24 “I’ll remove you from among the heathens, gather you out of all those countries and bring you into your own land.”

So here we are at the brink of the ultimate Biblical utopia! The stage is set, the villains are about to be vanquished and ALL the Israelites who survive the Great Tribulation are set to migrate to the Promised Land!

Oh no! Something is happening! Everyone on stage has vanished. There is no one finally ready and eager to migrate to Israel!

But we were expecting bones rattling, a rapture and a giant broken stick being mended. OK, I’ll admit, Ezekiel 37 a figurative analogy about the rebirth {so to speak!} of the nation of Israel—People who were thinking that they were as good as dead! But really, it’s figurative, these Israelites are not dead—this is about the fulfillment of the theme of the entire first 36 chapters:

But instead we have a heap of bones in a valley?

Isaiah explained this same event but without using the bones analogy that is so often misunderstood.

Isaiah 66:7-9, 19-20 Before she has* [tense] any labor pains, before any pain, she will give* birth to a son! 8 Who has heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such a thing? Can a country be born in one day? Can a nation be born instantly? Yet as soon as Zion has* labor pains, she’ll give birth to her children! 9 Would I bring to the moment of birth and not bring about the delivery?” Asks Yehovah, “Would I, the One who brings about births shut the womb?” Asks your Elohim ... 19 I’ll set up signs among them and send [some] survivors to the nations—to Tarshish, Put and Lud, Meshech, Rosh, Tubal, Javan and to the distant lands beyond the oceans [Scroll to v.18 comment] who haven’t heard of My fame or seen My splendor. They’ll announce My splendor among the nations. 20 They’ll bring all of your relatives from ALL the nations as an offering to Yehovah [Second Exodus], on horses, on chariots, on litters, on mules and on dromedaries to My 'special' mountain Jerusalem,” Yehovah says, “like the Israelites bring their offering in a ceremonially clean vessel into Yehovah’s 'Temple'.

This second (greater) exodus is certainly not the exodus from Egypt. This one is an exodus from ALL the nations! The second exodus will in all likelihood begin on the morning following Passover (the First Day of Unleavoned Bread), like the first exodus! There will be many other similarities. Israelite survivors from every tribe will begin their pilgrimage toward Israel—as “Battle of Armageddon” is taking place in the Valley of [Y]ehoshaphat.

Leviticus 25:8-10,13 ‘You must count off seven Sabbaths of years—seven times seven years, so that the seven Sabbaths of years amounts to a period of forty-nine years. 9 Then you will sound the shofar alarm [Literally “shofar shofar”] [2] on the tenth day of the seventh moon, on the Day of Atonements you’ll sound the shofar alarm thruout your entire land. 10 You’ll dedicate the fiftieth year, and shout liberty thruout the land to all of its inhabitants. It will be a Jubilee for you, and each of you can return to your own property, and each of you will return to your own clan ... 13 In the Year of Jubilee everyone can return to their own property.

[2] The KJV wrongly says “trumpet of the jubile[e]”, in agreement with the Jewish custom of beginning years in the seventh month—a practice begun in Babylonian captivity. But an upcoming Jubilee was meant to be announced on the Day of Atonements of the Shemitah year (the 49th year), and then begin on New Year’s day of the 50th year) in the spring.

So I’m expecting that the announcement of the Jubilee on the Day of Atonements of 2030, will be followed by mass immigration beginning just after Passover of 2031—the morning of the First Day of Unleavened Bread.

Chapter 37: Israel’s Dry Bones

Ezekiel 37:11-14 Then he said, “Human son, these bones 'represent' the entire House of Israel. They say, , ‘Our bones have dried up and our hope is lost, we’ve been completely 'exterminated'.’ 12 So prophesy and tell them that the Sovereign Yehovah says, ‘I’ll open your graves, and bring you out of your graves, My people, and I’ll bring you back to the land of Israel! 13 You’ll realize that I am Yehovah once I’ve opened your graves and caused you to come up out of your graves, My people. 14 I’ll put My spirit in you and you’ll live, and I’ll settle you in your own land. Then you’ll realize that I, Yehovah, have 'predicted' it and 'fulfilled' it, declares Yehovah.’”

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Amazingly, Yeshua gave us another parable about The Fig Tree Nation that explains precisely what the dry bones represent!

Bones and Sticks in Simple Terms!

So how did Ezekiel explain the bones and the sticks?

Ezekiel 37:21-23 Then explain to them: “The Sovereign Yehovah says He’ll take the Israelites from among the nations where they’ve gone, and gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. 22 He’ll make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel. One king will be over all of them. They’ll never be two nations or two kingdoms again. 23 They will no longer defile themselves with their idols or their detestable things or with any of their rebellion, because He’ll rescue them from everywhere they’ve settled and everywhere they’ve sinned. He’ll cleanse them so they’ll be His people, and He’ll be their Elohim.

Well, which is it? Will Israel be filled with immigrant survivors of the Great Tribulation or dead and resurrected bone people?

Hmm. What if Ezekiel’s analogy is figurative. I know, usually when someone says something in the Bible is “figurative”, I start backing away, right away. They are likely not to be trusted. But occasionally it has to be strictly figurative! After all, when was all of Israel “slain” in some valley without being buried? Why are the only bones coming back to life former military? Think about it, the survivors of the Great Tribulation will be so traumatised they’ll consider themselves as good as dead! But then sudden supernatural intervention. The Valley of Yehoshaphat literally becomes a bone yard, but for their enemies (Ezekiel 39:15)! Now the whole book of Ezekiel is cohesive—make no bones about it!

Frankly, it baffles me how so many people can reduce the meaning of the first 37 Chapters of Ezekiel to one figurative passage about dry bones and then 'literally' ignore the whole focal point Ezekiel’s prophecy—the Second Exodus and the formative stage of the establishment of the Kingdom of Elohim, beginning in Jerusalem (chapters 40-48), the mustard seed!

The Second Exodus/New Covenant story is the essence of all end-time prophecy as well as the understructure for the entire Bible—culminating in the actual marriage of the Lamb (Isaiah 54:1-8)! It is the primary reason that Yeshua is returning—not just for the small flock He already has! The story that began in Genesis 35:10-12 ends in Revelation 21:10-14, yet not one Christian in 10,000—not one incorporated church anywhere understands the prophecy that launches the concept of the New Covenant! The New Covenant will be a direct result of the Second Exodus that is soon to happen, (about 2030)! This is all spelled out in exactingly simple to read terms— ALL of the fine print is so simple that a child could explain it—were it not for all of the brainwashing done for most of the last two millennia by sermons—saying the New Covenant is for the church here and now! I encourage you to read every word about the Second Exodus that will soon give rise to the New Covenant! All the other brief references to “the New Covenant” refer back to this event that’s soon to occur, according Jeremiah 30 and 31. For a more detailed explanation see: The “New Covenant”—Coming Soon to “ ... the family of Israel AND the family of Judah!” And here is a sampling of Ezekiel’s breaking news:

Jeremiah 30:3,7-11, 20 The time is coming when I’ll bring My people Israel and Judah [1] back from captivity. I’ll bring them to the land that I gave to their ancestors, and they’ll take possession of it,’” says Yehovah ... 7 That day will be terrible! There will never be another like it. It’s the time of Jacob’s trouble [The Great Tribulation], but he’ll be saved out of it [have survivors].” 8 When That Day Comes*,” Commander Yehovah says, “I’ll break the yoke from your neck, and snap your chains. Foreigners will no longer enslave you. 9 They will serve Yehovah their Elohim, and David their king who I’ll cause to arise for them. 10 “So don’t be afraid, Jacob, My servant; Yehovah says. Don’t be dismayed, Israel. “I’ll rescue you from distant lands, and your posterity from the land of captivity. Jacob [2] will return, and have peace and security, and no one will frighten him. 11 I’m with you to save you,” Yehovah says. “I’ll completely destroy all the nations where I had you 'exiled', I won’t completely destroy you. I’ll discipline you in just measure, but I can’t let you go unpunished.” ... 20 Their children will be like they were long ago, and their assembly will be established in My presence, and I’ll punish all their oppressors.

[1] “bring again ... captivity of ... Israel and Judah—the restoration not merely of the Jews, but also the ten tribes together forming the whole nation (Jer 30:18; Jer 32:44; Eze 39:25; Amos 9:14, 15). ‘Israel’ is mentioned first because its exile was longer than that of Judah. Some captives of the Israelite ten tribes returned with those of Judah (Luke 2:36; ‘Asher’ is mentioned). But these are only a pledge of the full restoration hereafter (Rom 11:26, ‘All Israel’). Compare Jer 16:15. This third verse is a brief statement of the subject before the prophecy itself is given”—JFB [2] Again, the “lost 10 tribes” as distinct from the Jews, or collectively “Israel”: Lamentations 2:2; Hosea 10:11; Hosea 12:2; Micah 1:5.

Chapter 31 without missing a beat calls it a New Covenant with Israel AND Judah!

JEREMIAH 31:1-4,8,11,20-22,27-28,31-36,40 When That Day Comes*,” declares Yehovah, “I’ll be the Elohim of all the families of Israel, and they’ll be My people.” 2 This is what Yehovah says: “The people who survive the 'war' will find favor in the wilderness. I’ll give rest to the people of Israel.” 3 Yehovah appeared to us long ago and said: “I’ve loved you with an everlasting love, so with faithful love. I’ve drawn you out. 4 I’ll rebuild you, and you’ll be rebuilt, virgin Israel. Again you’ll take up your tambourines and go out dancing joyfully ... 8 I’ll bring them from the North Country, and gather them from the remotest parts of the earth. Blind and lame people will return as well as expectant mothers and women in labor. A huge crowd will return here ... 11 Yehovah has paid the ransom for Jacob, and reclaimed him from those too strong for him ... 20 “Is Ephraim [representitive of the ten non-Jewish tribes] My dear son? Is he a pleasant child? As often as I speak against him, I still remember him and passionately yearn for him. I’ll surely have mercy on him,” says Yehovah. 21 Set up road signs, make guideposts. Start thinking about the highway, the same direction that you left from. Return, virgin Israel, return to your cities. 22 How long will you wander from here and there, you apostate daughter? Yehovah has created a new thing in the land, a weak woman will 'overpower' [Clarke’s] a strong man.” ... 27 “In days to come,” Yehovah says, “I’ll repopulate [sow] the House of Israel [the “Lost” 10 Tribes] AND the House of Judah with people and animals. 28 Once I oversaw their uprooting and tearing down, their overthrow, destruction and disaster. Now I’ll oversee their building and planting,” says Yehovah ... 31 Yehovah says: “The time is coming [1], when I’ll make a New [marriage] Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. 32 It won’t be like the [marriage] Covenant that I made with their ancestors during the time when I took them by the hand led them out of the land of Egypt, since they broke My Covenant, tho I was their Husband,” says Yehovah. 33 “In this [marriage] Covenant that I’ll make with the House of Israel after those days,” Yehovah says, “I’ll put My Torah in the very hearts. I’ll be their Elohim, and they’ll be My people. 34 People will no longer teach their neighbors or their relatives, or ask, ‘Do you know Yehovah’ [the Lord], because they’ll all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” says Yehovah. [No more evangelism!] “I’ll forgive their wickedness, and I’ll never again remember their sins.” 35 Yehovah says that He provides the sun to light the day and the 'orderly succession' of the moon and stars to light the night, and He instantaneously calms [U] the raging waves of the sea—Commander Yehovah is His name: 36 “If these fixed conditions ever fail in My presence,” Yehovah says, “then the Israelites will cease to be a nation in My presence forever.” ... 40 The whole valley that was covered with dead bodies and ashes, and all of the fields as far as the Kidron Valley, as far as the corner of Horse Gate toward the east, will be 'special' to Yehovah, it will never be uprooted or overthrown again.”

[1] Jeremiah 30 and 31 are one long prophetic monologue about the events to occur at the time of the Second Exodus (Jeremiah 23:7-8), when all 12 tribes of Israel return to the land (not just the Jews!) AND The Time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7)—better known as the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:1-22). Not one verse of this 2 chapter prophecy has been fulfilled, including the Torah being written on anyone’s hearts (an actual ‘download’, hence verse 34). Why single verse 33 out of all this futuristic context?

There really is a resurrection—into the spirit realm. The First Resurrection also happens when the New Covenant is implemented, but that is another story (1 Corinthians 15).

I’ve heard people mention the dry bones hundreds of times in my lifetime, but I don’t recall even one instance where anyone said that Ezekiel explained the metaphoric language in literal form in that same chapter! People often say that if a Bible passage is difficult to understand, that we should look for related verses on the same topic. The interpretation of the “dry bones” in Ezekiel 37 is not very well hidden (it’s all thru the 36 chapters leading up to it)!

An example of simply reading in context is the passage where Peter was told to “kill and eat” a boat load of unclean animals (Acts 10:12). Of course he refused in the next verse, but people begin to lose interest by that verse, and by verse 28 it becomes clear that Peter really had to repent of something that didn’t involve eating anything. But the people I know don’t use context consistently.

Learn more about the Everlasting Covenant in Isaiah 55:3-5, Isaiah 61:8-9, Jeremiah 32:40-41, Jeremiah 50:4-5, Psalm 105:7-11.d

These all refer to the same FUTURE EVENT! In 2 Samuel 23:5, David essentially explained that the entire plan of the Bible as given to Abraham—and that David had inherited—was yet to be realized! Yeshua was actually crucified and resurrected to ensure the fulfilment of the Everlasting Covenant, and now it is about to actually happen: Hebrews 13:20—The New Covenant, Coming Soon!

Isaiah 2:2-4 In the future, at the end of the 'age', Yehovah’s mountainous 'Temple' [1] will be established on the summits of the mountains and be borne above the hills, and all nations will beam [or flow] into it. Continuing: 3 People from many nations will come and say, “Come, let’s go up to the mountain of Yehovah, to the House of Jacob’s Elohim. He’ll teach us His path to life and we’ll 'live' His way.” The Torah will go out from Zion and the Word of Yehovah from Jerusalem.” 4 He’ll govern the nations and 'settle the feuds' of many nations, and they’ll beat their swords into harrows and their spears into pruning hooks. Nations won’t raise swords against other nations and they won’t learn how to wage war any more.

[1] There is no distinct word for Temple in Hebrew. House is the literal word.

Judgment Day in “Yehovah Judges in the Valley” (of Yehoshaphat, 2031)

Joel 3:1-9,16-20 In those days and in that time, when I bring back the captives [not “fortunes” or “captivity”] of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I’ll gather all the heathens [Psalm 83:1-8] and bring them down to the Valley of Yehoshaphat [not Armageddon], and I’ll execute judgment on them there on behalf of My people, because they’ve scattered My heritage Israel among the nations and divvied up My land. 3 They cast lots for My people. They traded boys for prostitutes, and sold girls for wine so they could get drunk.

4 “What business do you have with Me, Tyre and Sidon and all of the regions of Philistia? Are you repaying Me for some wrong? If you’re repaying me, I’ll quickly return your payment on your own heads. 5 Since you’ve taken My silver and My gold [from His 'Temple'], and brought My precious treasures into your pagan shrines, 6 and sold the House of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks in order to remove them far from their homeland.

7 “I’m going to cause an awakening among them in the places where you’ve sold them, and return your payment on your own head. 8 I’ll sell your sons and your daughters into the hands of the House of Judah, and they’ll sell them to the Sabeans, a nation far away. I Yehovah have spoken.”

9 Announce this among the nations: “Prepare for war!” Stir up the warriors. Bring it on warriors, come and attack ... 16 Yehovah will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem, and the sky and the earth will quake, but Yehovah will be a refuge for His people and a means of safety for the House of Israel.” 17 “Then you’ll realize that I am Yehovah your Elohim, living in Zion, My 'special' mountain. Then Jerusalem will be 'special', and no foreigners will ever invade her again. 18 When this day arrives, the mountains will drip with sweet wine, and the hills will flow with milk. All the streams of Judah will flow with water. A spring will flow from Yehovah’s 'Temple' and water the Valley of Acacia. 19 Egypt will become a wasteland, and Edom a barren desert due to the violence done to the 'people' of Judah, since they shed innocent blood in their land. 20 “But Judah will be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem will endure thru all generations.

The prophesied ten nation Arab alliance further elaborated on in this noteworthy article concerning the timing of the Psalm 83/Isaiah 17 war will get their wish, but at a very high cost for everyone involved, including the total Destruction of Damascus Syria and much of Northern Israel. On the timeline I suspect this would occur close to Tuesday, March 25, 2031. This is further described in Daniel Chapter 9; Ch 10; Ch 11:36-45 & Ch 12.

The land of Israel will later be massively invaded by 200 million people following orders given by “the kings of the east”, (tho the plundering will have begun by the King of the North):

Again from Zechariah 14:

Zechariah 14:1-7 The Day of Yehovah is coming, [and when it does] your possessions will have been plundered right in front of you! 2 I’ll gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem. The city will have been taken, the houses looted and the women raped. Half of the residents will have gone into exile [been taken], but the rest of the people will have been left in the city. 3 Then Yehovah will go out and wage war against those nations, as when He fought on a day of battle! 4 And in that day His [Yeshua’s (Jesus’)] feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem. [This is not the Great Tribulation period, rather it is stated to be “The Day of Yehovah” this is after the wise have fled.] And the Mount of Olives will be split in two, from east to west, forming a very large valley, [Elohim is on Mt. Zion, Isaiah 10:12] so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. 5 You’ll flee by My mountain valley, because My mountain valley will reach to Azel. Yes, you’ll flee just like you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Yehovah my Elohim will come, and all of the 'cherished' ones with Him.

This is way more than a solar eclipse!

6 When that day comes there won’t be light, cold or frost. 7 It will be the unique day that Yehovah makes Himself known {niphal}, not day or night, but when evening comes it will still be light!

“It is likely that Joel’s prophecy includes an eclipse visible in Israel just before the second coming of Christ. This would be evidence of God’s intricate timing. However, it is also possible that a supernatural event will occur, blocking the sun’s light from the entire planet. This would explain how the sun could look dark and the moon red at the same time—although the prophecy does not stipulate that the two events are simultaneous.”

Both Father and Son share the Family name: Yehovah. Yeshua returns, as explained in Acts 1:10-12. This is not the Great Tribulation period, rather it is stated to be “The Day of Yehovah”. This is after the wise have already fled.

Ancient Israel was destroyed in “the Jezreel Valley”: “Armageddon”.

Hosea 1:4-5 Yehovah told him, “Name him Jezreel, because in a little while I’ll avenge the blood of Jezreel on the 'dynasty' of Jehu, and put an end to the Kingdom of Israel. 5 At that time I’ll break the bow [military] of Israel in the Jezreel Valley.”

So it only seems fitting that their vicious neighbors would be defeated there too.

The Fate of Israel is Without Doubt the Most Detailed Topic in the Bible!

Modern “Israel” is nothing like it was “long ago”, except for comparisons to the time when Yehovah warned of it’s destruction. But it will be restored similar to how it was during King David’s reign (v.11). In fact a perfected David will be there! (Ezekiel 34:23). Furthermore, in the next go around the survivors of their enemy nations will be called by Yehovah’s name (v.12). Obviously that has never happened. And there will be an agricultural revolution of abundance such as has never happened since Adam & Eve got booted out of the garden! No one can envision this better than Amish farmer John Kemph, tho if he knows it he hasn’t mentioned it. Israel’s ownership of the land will never again be questioned! (v.15)

Amos 9:8-15 I the Sovereign Yehovah am 'keeping an eye' on the sinful kingdom, and I’ll 'wipe' it from the face of the earth! But I won’t completely destroy the House of Jacob [Israel],” says Yehovah. [4] 9 “I’ll be commanding a sifting of the House of Israel among all the nations as flour is sifted in a sieve, yet not even the smallest particle will hit the ground. 10 All the sinners among My people are 'thinking', ‘We won’t be overcome by a holocaust or die 'violent deaths'.’ 11 “At that time I’ll restore David’s fallen tent and repair the gaps, and I’ll repair its ruins. I’ll rebuild them as they were long ago, 12 so they can possess the survivors of Edom and all the nations who are called by My name,” declares Yehovah who will do these things. 13 “The time is coming,” declares Yehovah, “when plowmen [5] will overtake harvesters. Those treading grapes will surpass those sowing seeds. Sweet wine will drip from the mountains, and the hills will melt away. 14 I’ll bring My people Israel back from captivity. They’ll rebuild the ruined towns and live in them. They’ll plant vineyards and drink the wine. They’ll plant gardens and eat their produce. 15 I’ll replant them in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land that I gave them,” says Yehovah your Elohim.

[4] Should We Move to Israel Now? [5] “A primitive root; to scratch”: Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. Ancient “plowing” resembled modern no-till more than mold board plowing: “One early type of plow used in the United States was little more than a crooked stick with an iron point attached, sometimes with rawhide, which simply scratched the ground.” Beating a sword into a plowshare would only require curving it!

The Good News About the Great Tribulation!

The horrific close of this period of human history will present a unique opportunity for everyone alive to understand at least enough for salvation and eternal life! Between Revelation 10:11 and 11:13 you have the Two Witnesses informing everyone on earth about what on earth is happening. Perhaps the most significant truth will be coming from a powerful Messenger (“angel”) flying thru the sky: Revelation 14:6-7. Unfortunately, most people will fail to choose life, even tho everyone will have seen enough miracles to be “cured” of Atheism and Agnosticism. That should be an entire article in itself.

The Seven “Churches” of Revelation are all part of the end of this age! They are not eras spread out over the last 2,000 years. The entire book of Revelation was addressed to them (Revelation 1:11). Five of them are a disappointment to Him. They do have this one thing in common:

Revelation 12:17 The Dragon was furiously angry with the woman, and he went off to make war with the rest of her offspring, those who obey the Commandments of Yehovah [“OT”] AND have THE TESTIMONY OF YESHUA [“NT”].

But only one of these Commandment keeping “Churches” (emphasis on 4th Commandment keepers) will be spared from the end time horrors—Philadelphia:

Revelation 3:8-10 I know your works. See, I have placed an open door in front of you that no one can shut, because you have a limited strength and you’ve obeyed My Word and haven’t denied My name! [2] 9 I have something for those of the cabal of Satan who claim to be Jews and aren’t, but lie, I’ll make them come and kneel [3] before your feet, and realize that I love you! 10 Since you’ve patiently obeyed My Word, I’ll protect you from the Hour of Trial that is about to overtake the entire inhabited world to test those living on the earth [4].

[2] What does the “open door” represent here? Now note the closed door to Laodicea in verse 20 that some may open. Now just two verses later (Revelation 4:1) we have “an open door in the sky” leading to 25 thrones, and John is being invited up! Is this New Jerusalem? [3] How many assemblies even know He has a name? [4] The 'chosen ones' [saints] will be made worthy of worship on Judgment Day.

Philadelphians will be protected prior to being instantaneously made spirit, skipping the whole death experience. It doesn’t appear that Philadelphia will exist prior to the eight year countdown, unless it is only in the form of scattered individuals.

So it appears to me that a vast number of Yehovah’s own followers will have to prove their loyalty in martyrdom, shortly before being resurrected: 1 Corinthians 15:50-55.

Yet there will be millions of very bewildered survivors coming out of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 7:9-17). They are the true Bride!: Who is the Messiah’s Bride?

Here Comes Israel the Bride—Again!

Hosea 2:14-23 “But I’m going to allure her [Israel] back. I’ll bring her into the wilderness [Ezekiel 20:35] and speak tenderly to her there. 15 I’ll give her back her vineyards beginning there and the Valley of Achor [trouble] into a door of hope. She’ll respond there as in the days of her youth, just like when she came out of the land of Egypt.” 16 Yehovah says: “When that day comes you’ll call Me ‘Husband’ [Ishi] and you’ll never again call Me ‘Lord’ [Baali]. 17 I’ll remove the names of the Baals from your mouths, and you will never mention them again. 18 At that time I’ll make a covenant with all the wild animals of the plains, the birds from the air and the animals that move around on the ground. I’ll abolish bows and swords and weapons of war from the “earth”? [eretz: land or region] so that everyone can live in peace. [3] 19 I’ll be betrothed [4] to you forever. Yes, you’ll be betrothed to Me in righteousness and in justice, in faithful love and compassion. 20 I’ll be faithful to you, and you’ll finally know Yehovah intimately. 21 “When that day comes, I’ll respond,” Yehovah says, “I’ll respond to the heavens and they’ll respond to the earth. 22 Then the land of Israel [eretz] will respond to the grain, the new wine and the olive oil, and they’ll respond to what happened in Jezreel [Hosea 1:5,11]. 23 I’ll plant 'Israel' in the land for Myself. I’ll show love to those I called ‘Not loved’ and I’ll tell those who were not My people: ‘You are My people’, and they’ll say, ‘My Elohim’!”

[3] After Israel, the bride, has returned to her land, she will be totally dependent on her Husband for defence, (no Iron Dome) but not so much everywhere else yet: Ezekiel 38, special emphasis on verse 11!

[4] Betroth literally means: “a fine, literally pay the price, and gain the right of possession”. Yeshua paid the price. So when does He take possession? And Who is the Messiah’s Bride?

Most churches claim that Christians are the Messiah’s Bride—that Israel was disqualified. But there are serious flaws with replacement theology. But there is something much better.

Luke 20:34 Yeshua responded, “The men of this world take wives, and wives are given to husbands. 35 But those who are worthy of that age and the resurrection from the dead will never marry or be given in marriage. 36 They can’t die anymore and are similar to the spirit messengers, and are Yehovah’s children, because they are children of the resurrection.

How is it that many think that “the Church” is the focal point of Bible prophecy, rather than the instrument that Elohim created to teach the world about, among other things, the prophecies concerning Israel? The teaching, commonly called “Replacement Theology”, is clearly traced to Augustine’s (354-430 AD) “Sermon Against the Jews”. Doing a web search on “Replacement Theology” will uncover lots of leads. Within these articles you can specifically search for the name “Augustine”. The Good Shepherd will leave the flock to search for even one lost sheep. The 12 tribes are always the context.

Isaiah 65 and 66 (mentioned below) obviously tells a far different story.

After the ‘Battle’ of Jezreel (a single unobstructed knock out punch), mistakenly called the Battle of Armageddon (not a Biblical phrase), Israel will fulfill her destiny, substantially illustrated from Genesis 17:5-10 thru Revelation 21:10-14. Gog and Magog will simply be erased very shortly after that!

The Ancient of Days Returns BEFORE Yeshua, AND Kills the Beast.

Daniel 7:7-12 After that [the first 3 beasts] in my vision that night I saw a fourth wild beast! It was dreadful, terrifying and extremely strong. It had huge iron teeth. It was crushing and devouring things, and trampling underfoot anything that was left. It was different from any of the beasts that preceded it, and it had ten horns. 8 While I was contemplating the horns, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were ripped out by the roots right in front of it. This horn’s eyes appeared to be human and it was mouthing arrogant claims! 9 I watched until thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated. His clothing was as white as snow, and the hair on His head was like pure wool. His throne was ablaze with flames, and its wheels were like blazing fire. 10 A river of fire flowed out from before Him. Millions served Him, and one hundred million stood before Him. The court 'convened', and the books were opened. 11 I kept watching due to the boastful voice that the horn spoke with, I watched until the wild beast was killed, and its body was destroyed and 'thrown' into a blazing fire. 12 As for the other wild beasts, their sovereignty was taken away, but their lives were prolonged for a period of time.

Everyone teaches that the Father returns before Yeshua, right? It’s the old Christian adage: “Assume and ye shall find”.

Then Yeshua Comes, is Given Dominion, Splendor and a Kingdom!

Continuing: 13=14 In my vision that night I saw Someone like a Human Son [1] coming with the clouds of the sky, and as He was approaching the Ancient of Days, they escorted Him into His presence. 14 He [still Yeshua] was given dominion, splendor and a Kingdom, so that people of every nation and language would serve Him. His Kingdom [still Yeshua’s] is an Everlasting Kingdom that will never pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

[1] Messiah in the form of a human being: See all commentary footnotes on this page.

Psalm 18 provides a more detailed account of Yehovah, the Most Supreme, returning amid hailstones and coals of fire”.

Psalm 18:6-13 In my distress I called on Yehovah, and cried to my Elohim. He heard my voice from His Temple. My cry reached Him and He 'listened'. 7 Then the earth shook and quaked. The foundations of the mountains also quaked and shook because He was angry. 8 Smoke ascended from His nostrils. Consuming fire came out of His mouth, flaming coals blazed ahead of Him! 9 He bent [1] the heavens and came down with thick darkness under His feet. 10 He rode a cherub and flew, soaring on the wings of the wind. 11 He made darkness His hiding place, His temporary shelter was circuitous in thick clouds of dark water in the skies. 12 Out of the brightness in front of Him thick clouds passed by with hailstones and burning coals. 13 Yehovah thundered in the sky. The Most Supreme’s voice reverberated amid hailstones and coals of fire.

[1] “Albert Einstein taught that due to his general theory of relativity, a massive body like Earth should bend the space-time fabric of the universe, causing it to curve and flex like a trampoline supporting a bowling ball.”

Ephesians 1:20-23 He brought this [understanding (v.18)] about in the Messiah after raising Him from the dead, and seating Him by His right side in the Heavenly realm, 21 high above every government, authority, power and ruler, and above anyone who could be named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. 22 He [Yeshua] is in control of everything under His feet, and He has entrusted Him with supremacy over His assembly 23—that being His body—making the Perfecter perfect, everything in every way.

I like how it is explained in this commentary:

“Further, because it is said, Colossians 1:17, He is before all things, and by him all things consist; and because we are told, Hebrews 1:3, that the Son, while he spake the gospel, upheld all things by the word of his power; it is believed, that besides the mediatorial kingdom which the Son administered in the human nature [flesh], and which he will deliver up to the Father after the judgment, he possessed the government of the universe from the beginning, in his character as Creator: and that, after the mediatorial kingdom is delivered up, the kingdom which he holds as Creator, will remain with him as from the beginning. So that after the judgment, the righteous shall enter still into the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ, as they are represented to do, 2 Peter 1:11.”— Macknight. Indeed, the divine reign, both of the Father and the Son, is from everlasting to everlasting. And only so far as the Father gave the kingdom to the Son, shall the Son deliver it up to the Father, John 13:3. Nor does the Father cease to reign when he gives it to the Son, neither the Son when he delivers it to the Father; but the glory which he had before the world began, (John 17:5; Hebrews 1:8,) will remain even after that is delivered up. Nor will he cease to be a king even in his human nature, Luke 1:33. If the citizens of the New Jerusalem shall reign for ever, (Revelation 22:5,) how much more shall he!”—Benson Commentaries

Once the Ancient of Days has returned to Jerusalem, and finishes cleaning up the mess, the 7th Millennium will begin, with a few speed bumps at the onset, as the Kingdom of Aloha expands from a tiny mustard seed (Jerusalem) into the largest of garden plants (Mark 4:30-32). Swords will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks, and “nations will not lift up swords against other nations” Isaiah 2:4). All the resources that are wasted on armaments will be spent benefiting the people; food security will stop being something to fear (Amos 9:13). There will be no homeless people. Every family will have their own vineyard and orchard (Micah 4:4).

Matthew 24 spans the Beginning of Sorrows (verses 1-14), then the Great Tribulation (verses 15-28), then the Day of the LORD Yehovah. In unbroken context chapter 25 launches into parables about what Yeshua is going to do with various people groups.

The Ten Virgins (Bridesmaids)

The first parable concerns how Yeshua will deal with professing Christians during the transitional Jubilee year. The wise and foolish virgins are associated with each other during the seven shemitah years prior to the Jubilee Year (the Day of Yehovah). And while they were all asleep (under varying degrees of deception) and relatively virtuous, some were much more responsible. The bottom line is that a lot of people who consider themselves Christians are even worse of than asleep thru this period!

The parable of the Minin also separates deceived “believers” from the worthy ones. For some “there’ll be crying and clenching of teeth.”

The Clueless Sheep and Goats!There is far more to this topic than people imagine, and is a more incredible opportunity than people can imagine! It is my favorite onsite link.

The Second Exodus!

Ezekiel 20:34-38 I’ll bring you out of the nations and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered, with a mighty hand with an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured out. 35 I’ll bring you into the wilderness of the people [Isaiah 1, Hosea 2:14], and I’ll judge you there face to face, 36 just like when I judged your ancestors in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, that’s how I’ll judge you, declares the Sovereign Yehovah. 37 I’ll make you pass under the shepherd’s rod, and I’ll bind you in a [Kimchi] [New] Covenant.

This concerns descendants of ancient Israel who are as clueless as was the Israelite general public when they left Egypt. And while most are of Israelite descent, the rebels will be culled out.

38 and I’ll purge out the rebels from among you, and those who disobey Me. I’ll bring them out of the land where they were living, but they won’t enter the land of Israel. Then you’ll realize that I am Yehovah.

Those on the fence will hopefully wake up and serve Him.

The above pertains to the general public of Israelites. But these virgins were expecting Yeshua’s return. They are Christians who professed “Jesus” but were ignorant of “works”, particularly pertaining to the Sabbaths. Most of them will have been shocked when they learn that the Antimessiah is corrupting the world, but that there was no rapture (a doctrine of demons designed to keep Christians asleep!) They’re hoping that the Bridegroom is only “delayed”. These Christian virgins, no matter their ethnicity can be literally grafted into the new and expanded nation of Israel. They won’t be judged as if they were totally unaware of what was at stake. Half (5 of 10)) will be able to enter the Kingdom of Aloha—an earthly kingdom in the Middle East. They are not among the dead who will be resurrected, and they are not among those true disciples of Yeshua who are instantaneously given spiritual bodies without seeing death. The five foolish virgins live on into the millennium, but they will not have an inheritance and the privileges granted to the tribes of Israel. Like men going out to protect their homeland from invaders, if they grab their rifles but forget their ammo, they can’t support the cause. Due to a lack of perhaps zeal or good works (“oil”?), there will be a price to pay.

The wise virgins will enter the physical aspect of the Everlasting Kingdom, while the foolish virgins are excluded in this life from living in the restored land of Israel.

The Sequence of End Time Events According to Isaiah 66

Isaiah 66 is the place to read before Revelation 21. It’s easier to follow the order of end time events here:

Verse 15 Yehovah returns.

Verse 16 Yehovah kills many people.

Verse 17 Practicing idolators will be exterminated. This is after Yehovah has demonstrated many miraculous signs, including having a Messenger (an “angel”) proclaim the everlasting gospel to the world (Revelation 14:6-7), and having sent His two witnesses who deliver shock and awe for 1,260 long days. This is a literal fulfillment of burning the tares BEFORE putting the wheat into His barn. (Matthew 13:24-30)
Verse 18 This is the wheat being separated from the tares (Matthew 25:31-46)
Verse 19 News will spread worldwide that Israel is to return to the Promised Land.

Verse 20 This is the actual Second Exodus.

Verse 21 Priests and Levites (teachers) are selected. They will be very fast learners (likely downloaded).
Verse 22 The renewing of the planet: terraforming a New Heavens and New Earth is set in motion. This is a massive RENEWING of our devastated planet. Humanity had been rapidly polluting and destroying everything even before all of the end time destruction. In Ezekiel 37 he went on to describe the exact terraforming process.

Verses 23-24 After the earth is made habitable again, what will happen to the people who pose a threat to everyone else? About five times a month, every month, anyone getting too rowdy will be dealt with:

Isaiah 66:23-24 Then, from one New Moon to the next New Moon [every month!], and from one Sabbath to the next Sabbath [every Sabbath!], all of humanity will come to worship before Me”, declares Yehovah. 24 They’ll go out and see the carcasses of the people who rebelled against Me, because the maggots devouring them won’t die off. The fire that’s burning them won’t go out. They’ll be abhorrent to everyone.” [3]

[3] Unfortunately, there will be a steady stream of wicked people being thrown into the fire every ‘moonth’ all thru the time of the “New Heavens and the New Earth”. Whatever the fire does not dispose of will keep the maggots well fed.

Satan will be decommisioned for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3). Sin and crime will be dealt with quickly. The “Good Figs”, Israelites who were specifically chosen to survive the final eight years Jeremiah 24 (very important) will all be relocated to Israel!

A War in the Heaven Above: Early 2031

Who even talks about a war in heaven where even “angels” (Yehovah’s own Messengers) are hurled to the ground and trampled (Daniel 8:9-12). Likely, nothing of this scale has happened since the world was created in perfection—and then nearly destroyed before the seven day salvage operation in Genesis 1.

People ever so often take Revelation 12:9 out of context and apply it to a time before Genesis. But just look at the context: Satan seducing the world; the earthly Kingdom established; our being accused day and night; the blood of the Lamb; and martydom! It is amid this context that Satan is cast down between verses 9 and 12!

Satan and his angels will fight against Michael and his messengers. Michael is a high ranking commander in Yehovah’s army (Daniel 10:13, 21 and 12:1). Michael and his messengers win this war. In John’s preview of the future, he saw that:

Revelation 12:9-12 The huge Dragon was thrown down, the ancient Dragon who is called the Deceiver and the Adversary who seduces the entire inhabited world was thrown to the ground and his angels were thrown down with him.

10 I heard a 'loud' voice from the sky say, “Now there is eternal life and power, and the Kingdom of Aloha, and the dominion of His Messiah, because the Accuser of our friends who accused them day and night before Aloha has been thrown down. 11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and because of their spoken testimony. They didn’t love their lives ‘so much that they wouldn’t 'risk' death’. 12 So the heavens should be joyful and those of you who live there. Pity the land and the sea, because the deceiver has been cast down to you, filled with rage, knowing that his time is short. 13 When the Dragon saw that he had been cast to the ground, he persecuted the woman who had given birth to the Son.

This war will be quite different than the others. It begins as an attack on Yehovah’s throne:

Isaiah 14:12-15 How you’ve fallen from heaven, Morning Star [not Lucifer!], son of the dawn! You’ve been cut down to the ground, you who brought down the nations! 13 You said to yourself, ‘I’ll ascend to heaven! I’ll raise my throne above the stars of Elohim! I’ll sit on the mount of assembly in the furthest parts of the north! 14 I’ll ascend above the highest clouds! I’ll make myself comparable to the Supreme!’ 15 Yet you’ll be brought down to sheol, to the depths of the pit.

The fight ends with the cessation of bombardments on the earth:

Isaiah 14:7 The whole earth is at rest and quiet. They [Babylon’s victims] burst into shouts of joy.

Daniel 8:9-13 Out of one of them came a little horn [aka the Beast] that grew exceeding great toward the south, the east and toward the Beautiful Land. 10 It grew so great that it even reached the army from heaven, and caused some of the army and the stars to fall to the ground, and it trampled them. 11 It became arrogant and powerful, and even challenged the Commander of heaven’s army, and it took away from him the continual burnt zebakim [sacrifices], and the 'Cherished' Place was overthrown. 12 Because of the rebellion, the army [of the 'chosen' ones: saints] were given over to it, along with the daily burnt offerings, and it threw truth to the ground, and 'the horn' did whatever it wanted to and prospered.” 13 Then I heard a 'special' one speaking, and another 'special' one asked the one who was speaking, “How long is the prophecy [vision] about the continual burnt offerings and the desolating transgression [ravaging of the city] going to last—the surrender of the 'Cherished' Place [Temple] and its army being trampled?”

It only seems logical that if “angels” were to die in battle, then their Creator could resurrect the faithful ones. Let’s look at the rest of the story:

Revelation 12:7-17 Then there was war in the sky, Michael and his messengers fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon and his angels waged war, 8 but they were 'defeated'. And there was no longer any place for them in heaven. [the sky] [3]. 9 The huge Dragon was thrown down, the ancient Dragon who is called the Deceiver and the Adversary who seduces the entire inhabited world was thrown to ground and his angels were thrown down with him. 10 I heard a 'loud' voice from the sky say, “Now there is eternal life and power, and the Kingdom of Aloha, and the dominion of His Messiah, because the Accuser of our friends who accused them day and night before Aloha has been thrown down. 11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and because of their spoken testimony. They didn’t love their lives ‘so much that they wouldn’t 'risk' death’. 12 So the heavens should be joyful and those of you who live there. Pity the land and the sea, because the deceiver has been cast down to you, filled with rage, knowing that his time is short.

13 When the Dragon saw that he had been cast to the ground, he persecuted the woman who had given birth to the Son. 14 The woman was given the two wings of a huge eagle so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place of habitation, where she would be nourished for a time, times, and half a time, from the 'presence' of the serpent. 15 The Dragon spewed water from his mouth like a river toward the woman, attempting to sweep her away by the flood. 16 But the ground helped the woman. It opened its mouth and swallowed the flood that the Dragon had spewed from his mouth. 17 The Dragon was furiously angry with the woman, and he went off to make war with the rest of her offspring [recent converts?], those who obey the Commandments of Yehovah [“OT”] AND have THE TESTIMONY OF YESHUA “NT”].

[3] Satan presently rules in the atmosphere. He is “The prince and power of the air” perhaps he just broadcasts there. (Ephesians 2:2).

Revelation 12:1-9 'Amazing imagery' was seen in the sky: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 Being pregnant [1], she cried out from birth pains and agony about to give birth. 3 Another sign appeared in the sky, a huge fiery Dragon [Gr. drakon] that had seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems were on his head. 4 His tail 'swept' away a third of the stars [angels, Revelation 9:1] in the sky and cast them to the ground. The Dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that as soon as she had given birth he would devour her Son.

5 She gave birth to a Son who is to rule all nations with a scepter of iron. Her Child was quickly taken up to Yehovah and to His throne. 6 Then the woman fled into the wilderness where Yehovah had prepared a place for her, so that THEY [2] could nourish her for 1,260 days. 7 Then there was war in the sky, Michael and his messengers fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon and his angels waged war, 8 but they were 'defeated'. And there was no longer any place for them in heaven. [the sky] [3]. 9 The huge Dragon was thrown down, the ancient Dragon who is called the Deceiver and the Adversary who seduces the entire inhabited world was thrown to ground and his angels were thrown down with him.

[1] This looks to be a bit more involved than just Yeshua being the first-born Son: Exodus 4:22 Then you can tell Pharaoh, ‘This is what Yehovah says, ‘Israel is My firstborn son ... This woman represents the re-birth of a nation in a Second Exodus (Isaiah 66, not just verse 8, as in 15 & 16!). These surviving Israelites are the remnant seed stock of the twelve tribed nation that was destined to bless the entire world (Genesis 12:1-3), we just never thought it would take this long. [2] Most modern Greek versions omit the original Aramaic source “THEY”! [3] John saw a future skirmish where Satan will cast one third of the messengers (angels) to the ground (v.4). (It would seem that Satan would never do that to his own guys.) This will start a full on war. This time the Dragon and pals get the boot. So by verses 7-13 the Dragon has boots on the ground. Satan is presently “The prince and power of the atmosphere.” (Ephesians 2:2). This is not history, it is revelation!

The Tragic Isaiah 17/Psalm 83 War: Day of Trumpets of {likely} 2027

The modern state of Israel (Judah) will largely be destroyed on the Day of Trumpets, which is the exact midpoint of the seven years (or any other shemitah cycle): (Leviticus 23:24—the First day of the 7th month) along with Damascus becoming a heap of rubble overnight (but sorry, no rapture), initiating the Great Tribulation. This looks to be the Samson Option being played out. Satan loves starting wars on Festival dates.

Isaiah 17:2-6 The cities of Oraru [Dead Seas Scrolls] will be deserted. They’ll be places for flocks to lie down, and no one will frighten them. 3 The fortified cities will disappear from Ephraim [Tel Aviv area], and sovereignty from Damascus. The survivors of Aram [Syria] will be like the splendor of the Israelites,” declares Commander Yehovah. 4 “When That Day Comes* the splendor of Jacob [Israel] will 'fade', and his fattened 'body' will become gaunt ... 6 But some gleanings [survivors] will remain in 'Israel' like an olive tree that had been beaten—two or three olives on the highest branch, four or five on its fruitful branches,” declares Yehovah, the Elohim of Israel.

Second Exodus and the Ark Returns?

Jeremiah 3:12-18 Go and proclaim this 'message' toward the north: ‘Come back, unfaithful Israel.’ Yehovah says, ‘I won’t look toward you in anger because I’m the Unique One’, says Yehovah, ‘I won’t stay angry forever. 13 Only acknowledge your sins—that you’ve rebelled against Yehovah your Elohim, and have dispersed your 'favors' to strangers under every evergreen tree, and that you haven’t obeyed My voice,’ says Yehovah.

14 “Come back, you apostate people” Yehovah says, “Because “I’m your husband. I’ll take one of you [His Bride] from this city and two from that family, and I’ll bring you to Zion. 15 I’ll give you shepherds who understand Me, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.

16 “And once your land is filled with people again,” Yehovah says, “They’ll no longer say, ‘The Ark of the Covenant [1] of Yehovah.’ It won’t come to mind, they won’t remember it or miss it or make another one. 17 When That Day Comes* they’ll call Jerusalem ‘The Throne of Yehovah’, and all of the nations will gather there in the name of Yehovah, to Jerusalem. They’ll cease to 'live by' their stubborn evil desires. 18 In those days the House of Judah will live with the House of Israel. You’ll return together from the Land of the North, to the land that I gave to your ancestors as an inheritance.” [This is a rarely noted critical prerequisite factor!]

[1] The fact that “They’ll no longer say, ‘The Ark of the Covenant” in this Second Exodus context rather strongly implies that Israel will have retreived it from hiding and will have been using it at some point at the end of this age as a weapon! Perhaps this is why the remnant of Judah even manages to survive until Yeshua returns! As of October 28, 2023 I’m wondering how “Israel” will even survive until New year’s Day.

The Destruction of Damascus

Isaiah 17 describes the total destruction of the city of Damascus and other regional cities. The old city of Damascus is considered to be among the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world.

Many commentators believe that the Isaiah 17 prophecy is imminent and that a soon coming likely Israeli air strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities could coincide with the timing of the total destruction of Damascus—“Israel AIRSTRIKES Near Damascus; Iran Threatens to DESTROY Tel Aviv & Haifa ”—Watchman Newscast

Yet as plausible as imminent timing might seem, what does the “fine print” of the Bible indicate? It should be common knowledge that Israel will be sacrificing on the Temple mount for three and a half years before “the end”. Isaiah 17 begins with “The 'burdensome prophecy' against Damascus” which is a sure sign of “interesting times”!

Isaiah 17:1-3 The 'burdensome prophecy' against Damascus: “Damascus is about to become a heap of ruins rather than a city! [1] 2 The cities of Oraru [Dead Seas Scrolls] will be deserted. They’ll be places for flocks to lie down, and no one will frighten them. 3 The fortified cities will disappear from Ephraim [Tel Aviv area], and sovereignty from Damascus. The survivors of Aram [Syria] will be like the splendor of the Israelites,” declares Commander Yehovah.

[1] No city in history has experienced such total and permanent destruction—yet, not even Hiroshima or Nagasaki! Verse 14 also indicates instantaneous destruction for much of northern Israel within a single day. Damascus is the oldest continuously occupied city in the world. This is not history!

But while Isaiah does not specify who brings on the destruction, Jeremiah does!

Jeremiah 49:23-27 Against Damascus: “Hamath and Arpad are humiliated because they’ve heard the bad news and are agitated like the sea, it can’t be calmed. 24 Damascus has become feeble, she turns to flee but panic has gripped her. Anguish and sorrows have seized her like a woman in labor. 25 Why has the renowned city not been abandoned, the [second] city 'that brings' Me joy? 26 When this day arrives, her young men will fall in her streets, and all the warriors will be destroyed,” says Commander Yehovah. 27 “I’ll set fire to the wall of Damascus, and it will devour the strongholds of Ben-hadad.”

Returning to Isaiah we see that Israel is in quite dire straits at the end of the age.

Isaiah 17:4-6 When That Day Comes* the splendor of Jacob [Israel’s “Lost” Tribes] will have become diminished, and his fattened 'body' will be gaunt. 5 It will be like a harvester gathering standing grain [by the armful], and harvesting the ears with the [other] arm. It will be like gathering grain in the Rephaim Valley [between Jerusalem and Bethlehem]. 6 But some gleanings will remain in 'Israel' like an olive tree that had been beaten—two or three olives on the highest branch, four or five on its fruitful branches,” declares Yehovah, the Elohim of Israel.

“When That Day Comes” is how I word it in the 112 places in the Prophets where it is usually phrased “in that day”. Actually every one of those 112 verses concern the Day of Yehovah (following the Great Tribulation) or else the very beginning of the 7th millennium! Every verse involves the time of Yehovah’s supernatural intervention, very often referring to Him by name in the same verse.

... “the splendor of Jacob” [Israel] is a certain reference to the becoming “gaunt” remnant of the descendants of the 10 northern tribes of Israel. It will be a small but well selected harvest—the best seed stock!

Isaiah 1:9-14 When That Day Comes* their strong cities will be like abandoned places in the forest, or like places abandoned to thickets and undergrowth [like the land of the Hivites and Amorites] [3] were abandoned before the Israelites; and the 'homeland' will be devastated. 10 You’ve forgotten the Elohim of your deliverance, and haven’t remembered the Rock whose Word* was your strength. So you plant luscious plants and propagate exotic cuttings. 11 On the day that you transplant them, you fence them in. One morning you nurture them so they’ll grow, but the expected harvest becomes a pile of brush in a time of grief and unbearable sorrow. 12 How terrible it will be for many people who rage like the roaring sea! The uproar of nations is like the roar of 'rushing' water! 13 Tho the nations roar like a surge of rushing water, He’ll reprimand them, and they’ll scatter far away, driven like chaff in the mountains before the wind, or like whirling dust before a gale. 14 In the evening, sudden terror! By morning they no longer exist! This is the 'fate' of those who plunder us, and what will happen to those who rob us.

[3] For once the LXX, with access to older texts then in existence, apparently preserved a phrase that seems lacking in the Hebrew. See the Benson & Cambridge Commentaries.

The Great Tribulation ends in March/April—the last day of the Biblical year from Adam—5999 (which is 2030 AD). Jubilee starts the next Day.

I go into great detail of the Scriptures detailing this in The Time After Jacob’s Trouble—The Untold Story of the Second Exodus! (Jubilee!)

Good News for Survivors of All 12 Tribes

“The desert will blossom like a rose”, BUT THE CONTEXT IS ALL FUTURE!

Isaiah 35:1-10 The wilderness and the parched land will be overjoyed; the desert will be delighted and blossom like a rose [or crocus?] [1]. 2 It will blossom profusely, and celebrate with joy and singing. It will have Lebanon’s splendor, the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They’ll see Yehovah’s splendor, the majesty of our Elohim. 3 Encourage the 'exhausted', steady the shaking knees! 4 Tell those who are afraid, “Be strong. Don”t be afraid. Your Elohim will come with vengeance, Elohim’s retribution is coming, but He’ll save you.” 5 Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unimpeded. 6 Then the lame will leap like deer, and the 'mute' will sing for joy. Water will flow in the wilderness and streams in the desert. 7 The scorched sand will become pools, and thirsty ground artesian springs. The haunts where dragons * once lived will become grass, reeds and papyrus. 8 A highway will be there, a roadway, and it will be called The 'special' Highway. The unclean won’t travel on it, but it will be for those who walk the Way. Fools won’t wander onto it. 9 There won’t be any lions there or any other ferocious beasts getting on it. They won’t be found there, but the redeemed will walk there. 10 Those Yehovah has ransomed will return, will enter Zion with singing with everlasting joy crowning their heads. They’ll be overcome with gladness and joy, as sorrow and mourning flee away.

[1] This has nothing to do with 1948, desalination plants or irrigation (see Isaiah 30:18). Not another verse in this chapter or any verse from Chapter 24 to the end of this chapter (all referencing the same future time) is ever cited by the misguided teachers who claim that the desert blooming like a rose is being fulfilled right now. Same goes for Jeremiah 31:31. Isaiah 34:8 is the context!

Isaiah 42 is entirely about how Yeshua (unmistakibly identified) will handle His blind “servants”. It will be a unique time of incredible change on a scale not seen since the Great Flood.

Both Peter and Luke compared the coming climax of this age to the Great Flood that “destroyed” the world:

2 Peter 3:5-8 They deliberately ignore that the Heavens have existed since antiquity, and that the continents rose up from the water, and are sustained by water, by the Word of Aloha, 6 and that by means of this same water, the previous world was covered again and destroyed. 7 The Heavens and the earth that now exist are preserved by His Word, and awaiting the fire of Judgment Day, and the destruction of the wicked. 8 But dear friends, don’t forget this one thing: A day to Yehovah is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day.

Luke 17:26-27 Just like it was in the time of Noah, that is how it will be in the days of the Human Son. 27 They ate and drank, they 'married' wives, and were 'marrying' husbands until the day that Noah entered the ark, then the flood came and destroyed everyone.

If you can handle the truth, the comparison to the end of this age to the Great Flood is no exaggeration. The post flood time brought about a new heaven and earth and “the New Heaven and New Earth” described in great detail in Isaiah 65 and 66 are unmistakably associated by irrefutable context to the close of this age that we are on the very cusp of entering. Anyone imposing a 1,000 year postponement within these chapters is credibility impaired!

The Jewish “Rapture”

Judea, while completely surrounded by vicious enemies, calling for their extermination, does not dwell on the details concerning the end of the age! To them, Gog and Magog is only associated with the physical salvation of the Jewish people on a “distant day” (Maybe that is changing now?). It’s like the pre-tribulation rapture theory is to most of Christianity. Both Jews and Christians, by and large believe that all the “bad stuff” happens to the “other guys”; they dare not dwell on the fine print—because “bad stuff” happens thruout the entire planet for exactly seven full and complete years (not 6 full years and parts of 2 others!) Only after those seven years—after most of humanity is dead, does Yehovah begin His Jubilee year, and: “If it weren’t for those days being terminated, no one would survive. But for the sake of the select those days will be terminated.” (Matthew 24:22):

Who are the 144,000?

Are they Catholics? Jehovah’s Witnesses? Jews? (OK 12,000 are), Mormons? Adventists: (“only symbolic”), or maybe these other guys?

It seems that everyone wants to make the 144,000 part or all of their church. Starting from the footnote from my version of Revelation 7 above, I was planning to spend this Sabbath debunking the whole “they are from my church” thing. I also wanted to include the perspective from any one of the splinter groups that formed after the Worldwide Church of God slid into apostasy, since I am so familiar with that story line, (those groups are mostly like peas in a pod).

But right off the bat I found this 19 minute monologue online from a splinter group that I have been keeping an eye on lately. I was so surprised. David Grabbe started out rather apologetically, asking for forgiveness for sharing a view differing from the traditional teaching within the Sabbatarian “Churches of God”. I would have expected him to be terminated, but he is still there after several years! Late in the last century I, in a sister group, tried a different approach in a short monologue on a Bible topic without any of their sectarian baggage, thinking it should slide right by, but the minister there told me: “That was great Lon—Don’t ever do that again!” David knocked it out of the park (Imagine two sports metaphors from a guy who has never bothered to watch a sporting event!) This is way easier than having to do all of the research myself. Imagine what David could have done if permitted an hour long sermon monolog! David knocked it out of the park (Imagine two sports metaphors from a guy who has never bothered to watch a sporting event!) This is way easier than having to do all of the research myself. Imagine what David could have done with an hour long sermon monolog!

The sealing is supernatural protection for the chosen few Israelites—“out of every tribe, and language, and people, and nation” who happen to be alive during the end time. They won’t die in the Tribulation, rather, they will be singled out while still in the flesh! They will be “sealed” and preserved from death during the perils of the end time—that is why the Spirit Messengers (angels) must protect them from the harmful things that will occur in the physical realm—things hurting “the earth”, “the sea” and “the trees”.

Yeshua Has Other Sheep!:

Romans 2:9-16 Tribulation and extreme suffering is reserved for everyone who is evil, starting with the Jews, but also every other ethnicity. 10 Yet praise, honor and peace of mind is granted to everyone who is a good servant, beginning with the Jews, but also ever other ethnicity. 11 Yehovah does not show partiality. 12 Anyone who sins without the Torah will also die without the Torah. When anyone wanders from the Torah of Yehovah, their judgment will be determined by the Torah. 13 It’s not those who hear the Torah who Yehovah deems righteous, rather, those who obey the Torah will be deemed righteous. 14 When people of other ethnicities who don’t have the Torah instinctively do what the Torah requires, they, while not upholding the Torah, are essentially their own Torah! 15 They demonstrate the behaviors associated with the Torah because it is written in their 'hearts', while their consciences also bear witness. The decisions of their conscience are either a legal accusation or a legal defense excusing them 16 on the Judgment Day, when Yehovah will judge the secret behavior of humanity, as My Good News declares thru Yeshua Messiah.

That is amazingly good news, but how exactly does that work?

The Valley of Yehoshaphat, Armageddon?, World War 3, Har Megiddo

The Book of Revelation predicts that armies will gather at the end of the age at a place called in Hebrew Har-Megiddo (Revelation 16:16). English translators call it Armageddon. In reality, it is the staging ground for a battle that is intended to be fought in the Valley of Yehoshaphat. Megiddo was an important town in ancient Palestine, overlooking the Valley of Jezreel. There is no “Valley of Armageddon,” or “Battle of Armageddon”—mentioned in the Bible. Revelation 19 explains that Yeshua will come to this location already spattered with blood from prior battles, but this time there is simply a knock-out punch, no real battle. Satan, the false Messiah, the false prophet and a host of demons are all taken out of the way. And then for the next thousand years there will not be a spiritual entity stirring humanity to war!

The name Armageddon appears only once in most Bibles: Revelation 16:16. And the vast majority of these Bible translations state that it’s “a place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon”, but actually Armageddon is Greek! It should really say “a place that in Hebrew is called Har Megiddo”. Knowing the real Hebrew name enables you to look up the same location in the Hebrew Scriptures and get some context. Har Megiddo or “Armageddon” is really just the staging ground where Israel’s local surrounding enemies gather. The actual battle takes place specifically in the Valley of “Yehovah is Judge” (Yehoshaphat, not actually Armageddon!

Joel chapter 3 tells all about it. But there is a real problem in many versions when they leave out or confuse one word! The NASB and the CEB, for example, clarify that “Armageddon” involves a Middle Eastern war, whereas the EB and the NLT say “ALL you nations”. The NIV and others are accurate but sometimes a little unclear. But many modern translations make it clear that “Armageddon” is a very large regional battle between Israel and the “surrounding nations”! Again

Psalm 83, being called “Psalm 83 War” lists all 10 of the regional nations to be involved in the battle. Obviously, the Gog and Magog’s armies are not destroyed here—just yet! (An important point not noted in the otherwise excellent subtitle link.)

Antimessiah Meets the Kings of the East in 2031:

The Day of the LORD Yehovah lasts for a full year.

Revelation 1:10-11 I found myself transitioning into the spirit realm on the Day of Yehovah [6], and I heard a loud voice behind me like a shofar that said, 11 “Write what you are seeing in a document and send it to the seven assemblies: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”

[6] Not your typical Sunday picnic! The “LORD’S Day translates exactly as “the Day of Yehovah into Hebrew—one of the most prophesied events in the Scriptures. After John witnessed the Day of Yehovah, he was instructed to record EVERYTHING he saw (v.19), beginning with “the things that are (presently):7 first century assemblies (“churches”) in chapters2 & 3, as well as chapters 4&5 (Things presently in heaven) and then progressing to the seal plagues of the Great Tribulation in Chapter 6. The Weymouth New Testament (the first accurate translation of the verse) and The Complete Jewish Bible say “the Day of the Lord”. The Tyndale New Testament of 1526 AD started the “Sondaye” (Sunday) nonsense. (Tho to be fair, he was burned at the stake by “the church” partly for insisting that the word “church” really means a pagan temple!)

Frankly, these seven “churches” in the first century, or even the seventeenth century could not have made much sense from the book of Revelation. It is primarily addressed to the considerably larger 21st century counterparts of those seven local congregations! The Revelation covers the one year long Jubilee finale of this age where Yehovah and His Son intervene in world affairs, and stop people from destroying Their earth:

Revelation 11:18 The nations were angry, but Your anger has come, and it’s time for the dead to be judged, and for You to compensate Your servants the prophets, and the 'chosen ones' and those who fear Your name, both small and great, and to destroy those who are destroying the earth[7]!

[7] The earth will likely be as damaged as it was when the great flood “destroyed” the earth. Genesis 9:11. But heaven and earth will be renewed again: Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22.

The Kings of the Rising Sun Join the Fray.

Revelation 9:17-19 While I looked at the horses within view, and at those who rode them, I saw that their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue [jacinth] and yellow [sulfur]. The horses had heads like lions. Fire, smoke and sulfur came out of their mouths. 18 A third of humanity was killed by these three plagues—by fire, smoke and by the sulfur that came out of their mouths. 19 The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails, because their tails were like snake heads that inflict injury.

Daniel 11:36-44 The king [Antimessiah] will do whatever he wants to, he’ll exalt himself and claim to be superior to every god, and say astonishing things against the El [God] of elim [elohim], and he’ll succeed until the wrath is finished, because what has been determined must be done. 37 He will show no regard for the god of his ancestors, or a god favored by women, or regard any god at all, because he’ll exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of these he’ll honor the god of fortresses, and he’ll honor a god that his ancestors never knew, honoring him with gold, silver, precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He’ll deal with the most defensive fortresses with the help of an alien god [3], greatly honoring those who acknowledge him. He’ll have them rule over many people, and distribute land for 'a price'.”

40 “At the time of the end the King of the South will wage war with him, and the King of the North [Antimessiah] will storm against him with chariots, cavalry, and many ships, and he’ll invade many countries, and overwhelm them like a flood and pass thru their land. 41 He’ll also invade the Beautiful Land [Israel], and many countries will be overthrown, but these will be [temporarily] spared from his grasp: Edom, Moab and most of the descendants of AMMON . [home of Petra!] 42 He’ll 'conquer many' countries. The land of Egypt won’t escape. 43 He’ll take control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the treasures of Egypt, and the Libyans and the Nubians will also be in submission. 44 But then news from the EAST and the NORTH will quickly alarm him, and he [Antimessiah] will leave in a great rage to destroy and completely exterminate many.

[3] Apparently the god the antichrist credits is beneath him. Of course he would never admit that the alien or foreign god is Satan. Since the ‘War Of the Worlds” radio broadcast in 1938, Hollywood has been pushing science-fiction movies of aliens or gods coming to earth. Of late the fiction part is eliminated. I think the antichrist will find many welcoming groupies for a gods from space ‘re-education”. ‘Fortification” will be necessary for protection.

Zephaniah 2:8-11 “I’ve heard the taunting of Moab and the insults of the Ammonites [home of Petra!], who insulted My people and 'threatened' their territory. 9 So as surely as I live,” declares Commander Yehovah, the Elohim of Israel, “Moab will become like Sodom, the Ammonites like Gomorrah, a place overgrown with nettles and salty marshes, a perpetual ruins. The survivors of My people will plunder them, and the survivors of My nation will inherit 'their land'.” 10 This is what they’ll get in return for their pride, since they insulted and 'belittled' the people of Commander Yehovah. 11 Yehovah will terrify them when He starves all the gods on earth. Everyone from every nation, on every continent [coastland] will worship Him from their own 'lands'.

Ezekiel 25:2-4,14-16 “Human son, go and face the descendants of Ammon [part of Jordan], and prophesy against them, 3 and tell the Ammonites to listen to the 'message' of the Sovereign Yehovah. This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: Because you 'cheered' when My 'Cherished' Place [the coming third Temple] was profaned, when the land of Israel was ruined, and against the 'people' of Judah when they went into captivity [Matthew 24:20-22], 4 I’m going to 'hand' you over to the 'people' of the EAST as property! They’ll set up their military encampments and pitch tents among you; they’ll eat your fruit, and they’ll drink your milk! ... 14 I’ll lay My vengeance on Edom by the hand of My people Israel, and they’ll deal with Edom according to My anger and according to My wrath, and they’ll know My vengeance, declares the Sovereign Yehovah.

15 “The Sovereign Yehovah says that the Philistines are vengeful, and 'collectively' take revenge with spitefully animosity, in their effort to destroy [Judah] with a perpetual hatred. 16 So the Sovereign Yehovah says that He’s raising His 'fist' against the Philistines, and eliminating the Cherethites [Carians, see more], and going to wipe out what remains of the coastal people!

The Enormous Invasion by China:

This, being in the Book of Revelation, as explained before, locates the timing to the day of Yehovah. In my scenario that is spring 2031 to spring 2032.

Revelation 16:12-16 The sixth messenger poured his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water dried up to prepare a passage for the kings from the rising sun [2]. 13 I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming from the mouth of the Dragon and from the mouth of the predatory beast and from the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are the spirits of demons who perform signs, going out to all the kings of the “inhabited” world, to gather them to the battle of the great [Judgment] Day of Yehovah Almighty [3].

15 I [Yeshua] will come as stealthily as a thieving false minister! Anyone who is cautiously prepared and keeps their clothes on is blessed because they won’t walk around naked, exposing their shame. 16 They [Aramaic] [the demons, see Gill’s] gathered them to the place that in Hebrew is called Har Megiddo [“Armageddon”] [4].

[2] “Rising sun” is both Aramaic and Greek. The best explanation I could find about these kings is in the first half of this link. I virtually never entirely endorse anything, and this older link is no exception. [3] Notice the context of verses 13 & 14. The beast and the false prophet and demons are preconditioning the world into believing that the “Antimessiah.” to arrive first is the true Messiah. Undoubtedly the Beast and the false prophet will masquerade as the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11. This explains why he is “welcomed” by such a vast military might. Zechariah 14. [4] See what the Valley of Yehoshaphat has to do with it. Armageddon is really a Greek name.

Let’s back up to verse 14. If this battle involves the armies of the entire inhabited world then how is it that Gog and Magog with an entirely different named cast of allies could soon after mount an entirely separate battle that takes seven years to clean up. Actually, neither the Greeks or the Hebrews viewed the “world” as we do. The Hebrews don’t really even have a word for world—their word “eretz” either means a bit of land or a lot of land. Aramaic and Greek cultures viewed “the inhabited world” as basically the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Everywhere else was considered savage lands. The Greeks actually debated the extent of the boundaries of the “world” on this planet for centuries! So Revelation 14 is describing, in the terminology of the day, their “vast regional world” being invaded by savage kings from east of their world, with Gog and Magog being another unworldly realm.

Revelation 9:17-19 While I looked at the horses within view, and at those who rode them, I saw that their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue [jacinth] and yellow [sulfur]. The horses had heads like lions. Fire, smoke and sulfur came out of their mouths. 18 A third of humanity was killed by these three plagues—by fire, smoke and by the sulfur that came out of their mouths. 19 The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails, because their tails were like snake heads that inflict injury.

In this Vial Judgment, we see that the Euphrates is dried up for the specific purpose of allowing the "Kings of the East" to cross with their 200 million man army. Wow, the Kings of the East. What country is East of Israel that is capable of fielding a 200 million man army? There is only one country: China ...

“Fire” ranges from yellow to bright red, and usually shades in between

“Jacinth” is defined in the dictionary as being “Reddish Orange”

“Brimstone” is defined as being “Bright Yellow”

“These colors are traditional Chinese colors.”

Here is what is considered a very well respected account of the Chinese invasion by “the kings of the east” leading to “Armageddon”. I’ll let him tell the story.

Far more prophecy concerning the destruction of Israel is announced in the Prophets with the astonishing details Here is my list.

Suffice it to say that Satan will attempt to instigate a coup to take over both heaven and earth. Isaiah 14 provides the blow by blow account of his failure.

When is the Gog & Magog Invasion Against Jerusalem?

Major factors about the Gog and Magog war are routinely overlooked. First note that a Second Exodus will definitely have already taken place! But most of the people of the 12 tribes of Israel will not survive to see it!

Jeremiah 23:5-8 The days are coming,” Yehovah says, “when I’ll raise up for David a righteous Branch. He’ll be a King who rules wisely, and do what is fair and right thruout the land! 6 In His days Judah will be delivered and Israel will live in safely. This is the name that He’ll be given: ‘Yehovah Our Righteousness!’ 7 “That’s why the days are coming,” says Yehovah, “When people will no longer say, ‘As Yehovah lives, who brought the Israelites out of the land of Egypt.’” 8 Instead, they’ll say, ‘As surely as Yehovah lives, who brought about the 'exodus' of the descendants of the House of Israel from the North Country, and from all the countries where He had banished them.’ They’ll live in their own land!”

Some people think that this is just the temporary “safety” referring to the 3.5 years when the Antimessiah holds back the vast armies surrounding Israel. But that is not peace and safety, that is only a cease fire to allow the Antimessiah to consolidate his plans! Simply put, this battle brought on from distant nations takes place after the survivors of all 12 tribes have been gathered out of slavery and are starting to experience some of the Deuteronomy 28 blessings she should have been reaping from ancient times. These are not the Psalm 83 nations; and this is not the battle of Jezreel (Armageddon). This is really about an attack against the ultimate fulfillment of peace: a fully united 12 tribes of Israel; an objective in the works since Abraham: the fulfillment of Ezekiel 37. This is not by accident spelled out in detail just preceding the Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 Gog and Magog war!

Hosea 1:10-11 “Yet the number of the people of Israel will be like the sand of the seashore that can’t be measured or numbered, and then in the location they were told, ‘You are not My people’, they’ll be called ‘Sons of the living Elohim.’ 11 The Houses of Judah and Israel will be reunited. They’ll appoint a leader for themselves and flourish in the land, because the Day of Jezreel [the Day of Vengeance] will be profound.

The entire book of Hosea portrays Israel’s adultery, and eventual reconciliation with Yehovah, culminating with His 'special' spirit being poured out on Israel just prior to the Gog and Magog War (the final verse of Ezekiel 39), just before the Millennial Israel!

Ezekiel 39:21-29 I’ll display My splendor among the nations, and all the nations will see the judgment I’ll execute and My ‘fist’ that I’ll lay on them. 22 So the House of Israel will realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, from that commemorative day on. 23 The nations will know that the House of Israel went into captivity because they were guilty, because they were so unfaithful to Me, and that I hid My face from them and handed them over to their enemies, and they all fell ‘in battle. 24 I acted in proportion to their impurities and their rebellion, and I hid My face from them. 25 “So the Sovereign YEHOVAH says: I’m going to bring Jacob [Israel] back from captivity and have mercy on the whole House of Israel, and I’ll be zealous for My 'special' name. 26 They’ll 'accept responsibility' for their shame and all their unfaithfulness toward Me when they live securely in their land with no one to frighten them 27 when I’ve brought them back from the nations and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands and become special to them in the sight of many nations. 28 Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, once I’ve made them go into captivity among the nations, and then regathered them to their own land. I’ll leave none of them behind 'this time'. 29 I’ll no longer 'turn' My face from them because I will have poured out My spirit on the House of Israel,’ declares the Sovereign YEHOVAH.”

I did a web search using Gog, Magog, Ezekiel and maybe another search term to find the most searchable results. I did exclude wikipedia and a Bible site with no commentary. I was only looking for perspectives on when the Ezekiel 38 and 39 battle takes place, without regard, for now on exactly who attacks Israel. Here in a nutshell are the first 10 viewpoints I came up with:

1) What are Gog and Magog?Before the tribulation begins. This view points to the fact that, after the battle, the people of Israel will be burning the enemy’s weapons for seven years and spend over seven months burying the dead (Ezekiel 39:9–10, 12–16). That length of time most likely requires the battle to be fought before the tribulation, and possibly even before the rapture of the church.” OR

During the first part of the seven-year tribulation. This view hinges on the fact that Israel is at peace when the attack begins (Ezekiel 38:8, 11). The security Israel enjoys is assumed to be the result of Israel’s covenant with the Antimessiah at the beginning of the tribulation, Daniel’s 70th Week (Daniel 9:27a).”

2) Gog and Magog: Who Are They and What Do They Have to Do with the Last Days? “God has no intention of allowing Russia to take over the land of Israel. The Antimessiah intercepts Gog and Magog and defeats them. Note that two battles are described here, separated by at least 2,500 years.”

3) The Two Wars of Gog Magog–Ezekiel 38 and 39 Explained (now basically a dead link). Someone must have called them on the error.

“This passage [Ezekiel 38:14-16] makes several reference to events that occur during the Day of The Lord and Daniel’s 70th week–the final 7 years before the Second Coming of Christ to Earth. Thus rather than being about the end of the Millennium–it is a reference to the events just before the millennium.” AND:

“Ezekiel 38 and 39 seems to indicate two different times in Israel during two different eras: Ezekiel 38 details Israel during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ – the 1,000 year period on Earth after the Day of The Lord, reign of the Antimessiah and Armageddon. Ezekiel 39 (for the most part) describes Israel at the start of the Day of The Lord (also known as the Great Tribulation).”

4) “Gog and Magog’s Timing ... Scripture seems to indicate that it will happen before the Tribulation but after the Rapture.”

5) The Repudiation of Gog and Magog “Ezekiel 39:9-12–since the Jews will be evicted from Israel midway of the Tribulation, the “Gog-Magog” war must start at least 3 ½ years before the beginning of the Tribulation for them to be burning the implements of war for 7-years.”

6) ... the timing of the Gog-Magog Battle after the Rapture of the Church but just before or at the very onset of the Tribulation best fulfills these prerequisites and makes the most logical sense in the prophetic timeline.

7) The Ezekiel 38/39 Gog Magog War: Invasion of Israel. “Drs. Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy quote Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum in assessing the Ezekiel invasion as a pre-tribulational event, though not necessarily pre-rapture:”

8) Dr. Rhodes: Here’s a chronological problem, and I’m going to try to explain it real clear. It hinges on when Israel is in a state of peace and security. Now, some people say that Israel’s peace and security will come from the covenant that the Antimessiah signs with Israel and which starts the Tribulation period ... there is another position that a lot of people hold to, and I think it’s got good credence to it, and that is Israel’s state of security could be due to its own military and its air force. If this is the case, then this invasion wouldn’t have to wait until the Tribulation begins, but it could actually take place a number of years before the Tribulation. What we do know that is really clear, though, is that the Gog-Magog War happens in the end times.

9) Ezekiel 38-39 corresponds to the events that will occur at the battle of Armageddon. While Daniel 11:44-45 describes the actions of nations from both the east and north, it seems best to conclude that Ezekiel provides additional information about the invading northern nations. The description of Ezekiel 38-39 also corresponds closely with Revelation 19:11-19.

10) When Does The War With Gog And Magog Begin? “In Ezekiel 37:15-28, God explains the 12 Tribes of Israel will one day be rejoined together in their own land. I agree, that has not happened yet. When that prophecy is fulfilled, king David will sit on the throne, and Israel will not “defile themselves,” (Ezekiel 37:23) ... However, Ezekiel 38 does not occur during the Millennium, it is reserved for the final moments of the Tribulation ... In Ezekiel 38:13-14, God explains Gog is concerned with “cattle,” “goods,” “silver,” and “gold.” Yet, those are not objects people will be concerned about during the Millennium. Instead, those are desires and treasures men focus on today.

Here are a “few more“ opinions.

Obviously there is great disagreement as to when this battle takes place. If you are interested in the timing, then I recommend reading the entire two chapters for yourself.

The Kingdom of Elohim actually starts in Israel, at the onset of the Millennial Reign, like Yeshua’s mustard seed parable (which is actually the blueprint!). It soon grows to include Israel’s neighboring countries, after their military defeat. Eventually it permeates every nation and then of necessity would seem to spread to other worlds as soon as the “space” is needed (Isaiah 9:7).

At no time since ancient Israel fell have Jews anywhere lived “securely” in “unwalled villages” of their own. Antisemitism has never yet ended and is worse now than ever.

I’m just going to post the whole invasion here. Why edit or summarize it? You probably haven’t read it in a while.

It appears to me that the commentators on Gog & Magog have not read any of the fine print. So much has to happen before this war can possibly happen. It is definitely NOT imminent in 2023!

Gog & Magog’s Invasion of Millennial Israel

Ezekiel 38:ALL The Word of Yehovah came to me, He said: 2 “Human son, turn and face Gog of the land of Magog, the leader of the head [or Rosh] of the land of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him: 3 ‘Tell him that the Sovereign Yehovah says: “I’m against you, Gog, leader of the head of Meshech and Tubal. 4 I’ll turn you around and put hooks into your jaws, and I’ll bring you out with your entire army, horses and cavalry, all of them clothed in full armor, a large company with bucklers and shields, all of them swordsmen. 5 Persia, Ethiopia and Put will be with you, all with shields and helmets, 6 Gomer and all his troops, the 'nation' of Togarmah from the far north and all his hordes, and many nations with you.

7 “Be prepared! Be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered with you, and be their guard. 8 After many days [about 2,600 years] you’ll be summoned. In the last years you’ll invade a land that has [recently] recovered from 'war' that was gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, mountains that have been a perpetual waste. Its people were all brought from other nations and are now living securely. 9 You’ll go up, you’ll advance like a storm. You’ll be like a cloud covering the land, you, and all your hordes, and many people with you.

10 “This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: When this commemorative day arrives, thoughts will enter your mind and you’ll devise a sinister plot. 11 You’ll say, ‘I”ll attack a land of unwalled villages, I’ll attack a peaceful confident people, all of them living without city walls, without bars on their doors or gates. 12 I’ll plunder and loot and 'use my power' against the waste places that are now filled with people who were gathered from the nations, who now have livestock and property, who live in the center of the world. [2]” 13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and its villagers will ask you, “Have you come to plunder? Have you assembled these hordes to loot; to steal silver and gold, livestock and goods and to seize property?” 14 “So, human son, give this prophecy to Gog. Tell them that the Sovereign Yehovah says: When That Day Comes*, when My people Israel live securely, you’ll certainly know it! 15 You’ll come from your place in the far north, you, and many nations with you, your entire cavalry, a huge and powerful 'allied' army. 16 You’ll advance against My people Israel like a cloud covering the land. Then in the last days I’ll bring you against My land, so that the nations will know Me when I’m renowned thru you, Gog, before their eyes.

17 “The Sovereign Yehovah says: Gog, aren’t you the one I spoke of long ago [about 2,600 years ago] by My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days for many years that I would bring you against them? 18 When That Day Comes, Gog will attack the land of Israel, My rage will be 'ignited',’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah. 19 ‘In My passion and in My blazing wrath, I tell you, on that commemorative day there will be a huge earthquake in the land of Israel (Revelation 6:12). 20 The fish of the sea, the birds from the air, land animals, every 'living' thing that moves on the ground, and everyone on the face of the earth will shake at My presence. Mountains will be leveled, cliffs will crumble, and every wall will crash to the ground. 21 I’ll summon swordsmen against 'Gog' on all My mountains, declares the Sovereign Yehovah. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 I’ll execute judgment against him with plagues and bloodshed. I’ll send rainstorms against him and his hordes and on the many nations with him a torrential shower with huge hailstones, fire and burning brimstone. 23 I’ll reveal My greatness and My distinction [3]. I’ll make Myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah!;

[2] In this verse, not only will Israel be living in the navel of the earth, but they will be living in the center of the promised land that far exceeds the allotment given in 1948! [3] Holiness is not a ‘kosher’ word.

Gog and Magog Destroyed just before Millennial Israel

Ezekiel 39:ALL Human son, prophesy against Gog, tell him that the Sovereign Yehovah says: I’m against you, Gog, leader of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal! 2 I’ll turn you around and lead you. I’ll bring you from the far north against the mountains of Israel. 3 I’ll strike the bow from your left hand and knock arrows out of your right hand. 4 You’ll fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops as well as your allies. I’ll give you to predatory birds of every kind and wild animals to be devoured. 5 You’ll fall in the open field. I have spoken,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.[1] 6 I’ll send a fire on Magog and on those who live securely along the coast lands. Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah.

7 “I’ll make My 'special' name known among My people Israel [2]. I won’t allow My 'special' name to be profaned any more, and the nations will realize that I am Yehovah, the 'special' One in Israel. 8 It is coming and it will certainly take place,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah [“Yeshua”]. ‘This is the day I spoke about.

9 “Those who live in the cities of Israel will go out and set the weapons on fire and burn them, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, the war clubs and the spears. They’ll burn them for seven years. 10 They won’t need to gather wood from the fields or cut down any trees from the forests because they’ll use the weapons for fire. They’ll plunder those who plundered them and rob those who robbed them,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah.

11 “When That Day Comes*, I’ll give Gog a burial ground in Israel’s Valley of the Travelers, east of the Dead Sea, and it will stop anyone from traveling thru. They’ll bury Gog and all of his troops there, and they’ll rename it the Valley of Gog’s Hordes. 12 For seven months the House of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. 13 All the people of the land will bury them. The day that I’m clothed with splendor will be quite memorable,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah.

14 “They’ll appoint men to continually 'search' for those who were invading the land, and bury those lying on the ground to cleanse it. Seven months after the invasion they’ll begin the search. 15 As the searchers pass thru the land and anyone sees a man’s bone, he will set up a marker beside it, until the burial crews have buried it in the Valley of Hamon Gog. 16 There will even be a city by the name of Hamonah [Hoard] there.” This is how the land will be cleansed.

17 “Human son, This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: Tell every kind of bird and every 'wild' animal: “Assemble and come, gather from every side to the zebak that I’m 'preparing' for you, a great zebak on the mountains of Israel where you can eat flesh and drink blood. 18 You’ll eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the leaders of the earth as if they were rams, lambs, goats and bulls, all of them fattened animals of Bashan. 19 You’ll eat fat until you’re full and drink blood until you’re drunk with the offering that I’m preparing for you. 20 You’ll be filled at My table with horses and charioteers, with warriors and all the fighting men,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.

21 “I’ll display My splendor among the nations, and all the nations will see the judgment I’ll execute and My ‘fist’ that I’ll lay on them. 22 So the House of Israel will realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, from that commemorative day on. [2] 23 The nations will know that the House of Israel went into captivity because they were guilty, because they were so unfaithful to Me, and that I hid My face from them and handed them over to their enemies, and they all fell ‘in battle. 24 I acted in proportion to their impurities and their rebellion, and I hid My face from them.

25 “So the Sovereign Yehovah says: I’m going to bring Jacob [Israel] back from captivity and have mercy on the whole House of Israel, and I’ll be zealous for My 'special' name. 26 They’ll 'accept responsibility' for their shame and all their unfaithfulness toward Me when they live securely in their land with no one to frighten them 27 when I’ve brought them back from the nations and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands and become special to them in the sight of many nations. 28 Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, once I’ve made them go into captivity among the nations, and then regathered them to their own land. I’ll leave none of them behind 'this time'. 29 I’ll no longer 'turn' My face from them because I have poured out My spirit on the House of Israel,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.”

[1] They had several millennia of fair warning! [2] Prior to the Gog and Magog War against Israel in the latter part of the next Jubilee year, Israel will just be coming to the realization of who Yehovah actually is! But after this (verse 23) even the civilian populations the world over will come to realize that the Second Exodus was necessary to correct Israel, and that Yehovah had actually hidden His face from them. 1948 had hardly made a dent in their awareness. Gog and Magog happens just after The WHOLE House of Israel comes “back from captivity” (verses 25-28). Israel will have just experienced the PENTECOST event that Peter thought was happening in Acts 2:14-20! “because I have poured out My spirit on the House of Israel”.

This is the condition of the people in the land of Israel once they finally realize what has happened.

Zechariah 12:10-14 “Then I’ll pour on the family of David and on the residents of Jerusalem the spirit of favor and a plea for mercy. They’ll look at Me (Aleph Tav) [Alpha Omega], the One they’ve pierced, and they’ll mourn for Him, like someone mourns over a firstborn. [1] 11 When that day comes there will be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning of Hadad rimmon in the valley of Megiddo [Armageddon]. 12 “The land will mourn, each tribe by itself; the family of the house of David by itself and their wives by themselves; the family of the house of Nathan by itself and their wives by themselves; 13 the family of the house of Levi by itself and their wives by themselves; the family of the Shimeites by itself and their wives by themselves, 14 all the families that remain, every family by itself, and their wives by themselves.

[1] Yeshua said He was the One who was pierced and would eventually bring about great mourning planet wide. Revelation 1:7

The Very Very Last War

Suppose a million zombies descended on Washington DC. The media would claim it was the end of the world. But given that there are billions of people not participating, the threat level would be drastically overblown. In fact with the contagion locked down to just one area, their eradication would be a cinch! (This is only hypothetical—in the real world Zombies pillage, destroy and burn towns they happen to live in!) That is how I view the ‘footnote’ in Revelation:

Revelation—Satan Returns After 1,000 Years

Even after a thousand years of peace, prosperity and safety, some people will choose to rebel (sort of like their father who fell from heaven), this too will be dealt with quickly.

Revelation 20:7-10 When the thousand years are finished, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and go out to seduce the nations in the four corners of the world, Gog and Magog, and gather them for battle. Their number is like grains of sand in the sea. 9 They swarmed over the broad expanse of the world, and surrounded the 'cherished' assembly of the 'chosen ones', the greatly loved city. And fire came down from Yehovah out of Heaven and consumed them. 10 The Accuser who seduced them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the predatory beast and the false prophet were thrown. They’ll be tormented day and night for a period of time, an age. [6]

[6] “If we understand ‘they will be tormented’ to include the Beast and the False Prophet, we must explain the phrase ‘forever and ever’ (as it appears in most versions: eis tous aionas ton aionon). Literally, this means ‘to the ages of the ages,’ and would seem to imply perpetuity. However, we must be careful with the word aion. It’s range of meaning runs from ‘a space or period of time’ to ‘a lifetime’ to ‘an age’ to ‘eternity.’ As in all such cases, the context must give the sense.” Also, the primary literal meaning of “tormented” (“heurisko”) is: ”1) to test (metals) by the touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the color of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal.” What happens if someone is thrown into a fire and they fail the test?

Peace In Our Time

There are 28 “times" in Ecclesiastes. Here are the last 4:

Ecclesiastes 3:8e to love and a time to hate, a time “a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.”

After the record breaking war comes the record breaking peace.

There is no better place to describe that peace than Isaiah 65 and 66!

The first 14 verses set the stage contextually for the transition away from the bad and into the good. This verse, like a picture, sums up a thousand words!:

Ezekiel 38:8 This is what Yehovah says: “Just as new wine grapes are found in clusters, and someone says, “Don’t destroy them, because they are a blessing,’ so I’ll act for My servants’ sake, by not destroying them all!

Israel of old faced scattering, not near total extermination as in the Great Tribulation:

But starting in verse 16 of Isaiah 65 we start seeing the rest of the story as the fog of war has lifted. But right away in verse 17, people way too often apply the same rabbit trail down a steep slope, mentioned above, that they imagine exists, postponing the wonderful news for a thousand years! But there is no 1,000 year quantum leap in time implied in Isaiah either. These two chapters apply to this very generation—no ifs ands or postponements. We start off with an New Heaven, New Earth and a New Jerusalem immediately after the population of earth has diminished in quantity to less than the sum of pure gold. For reference sake, all of the purified gold in the world could be housed in one oversized barn stacked to the ceiling. All of this is centered where the garden in Eden was.

All of Bible prophecy is centered on Israel—from start to finish!

I would not be surprised if by Biblical New Year’s Day 2024 there will be the first “Teratorn event”! All of these black swan events put together will not come close to what I’m calling a “teratorn event”. Black swan events are man made monetary events. “The first characteristic of a black swan event is its tremendous impact, far beyond normal economic consequences ... The second characteristic of a black swan event is that even the use of forecasting tools like modeling cannot foresee a black swan event ... The third characteristic of a black swan event is a reaction from historians and economists afterward to rationalize the event as if it could have been predicted.” But none of “the models” include anything summarized in the Bible including astronomical events, famine, genuine epidemics and a modern world war with massive new toys! The plandemic crowd will get their wish—most of humanity will die! But like the historic Biblical analogy in Jeremiah 24 (that no one ever mentions), the “good figs” of verses 5-7 (relatively innocent “unsaved” bystanders) will be protected in the last way they will have expected, while the “bad figs” (verses 8-10) will be exiled, scattered, cursed and banished. (The 7 end time “groups” of knowledgable people are dealt with in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.)

Long story short, we are at the threshold of the ultimate rest-of-the-story about Israel and Judah right here in a nut shell—so simple, and so overlooked!

Zechariah 8:3-15 This is what Yehovah (God) says: I’ll return to Zion and live amid Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be called “The City of Truth” and the mountain of Commander Yehovah will be called “The 'special' Mountain.”’ 4 “This is what Commander Yehovah says: Old men and old women will once again sit along the plazas of Jerusalem, each with a 'cane' in hand due to their age. 5 The plazas of the city will be filled with boys and girls playing in 'them'.’

6 “This is what Commander Yehovah says: ‘Tho it seems incredible in the eyes of the survivors of these people at that time, but should it also be incredible in My sight?’ declares Commander Yehovah. 7 “This is what Commander Yehovah says: ‘I’ll save My people from the 'land of the east' and from the 'land of the west'. 8 I’ll bring them back and they’ll live in Jerusalem. They’ll be My people and I’ll be their Elohim in truth and in righteousness!’”

A Time Like When the Second Temple Was Built!

Continuing: 9 “This is what Commander Yehovah says: ‘Strengthen your hands, you who are listening to the 'message' that the prophets spoke during the time when the foundation of Commander Yehovah’s 'Temple' was laid for the rebuilt 'Temple'. 10 Prior to that there were no wages to hire people or animals. There was no safety from the enemy for anyone coming or going since I had turned everyone against their neighbors. 11 “But now I won’t treat the survivors of these people as in the past,’ says Commander Yehovah. 12 Seeds will flourish, grapevines will yield their fruit, the land will yield its produce, the skies will produce dew. I’ll 'see to it' that the survivors of these people inherit all these things. 13 Just as you were a CURSE [condemned] among the nations, House of Judah and House of Israel ONCE I SAVE YOU, you’ll be a blessing. Don’t be afraid. May your hands be strengthened.

14 “This is what Commander Yehovah says: Just as I had planned to harm you when your ancestors provoked Me to wrath, and I didn’t relent”,’ says Commander Yehovah, 15 so I have resolved at this time to do good again to Jerusalem and the House of Judah. Don’t be afraid.

So it appears that Genesis 12:3b ... “All of the families of the earth will be blessed thru you [Israel].” is still future!

The Last World War: Gog and Magog—at it Again

While the magnitude of this disappointment at the end is large, the account is ever so brief and the timing is quite apparent:

Revelation 20:7-10 When the thousand years are finished, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and go out to seduce the nations in the four corners of the world, Gog and Magog, and gather them for battle. Their number is like grains of sand in the sea. 9 They swarmed over the broad expanse of the world, and surrounded the 'cherished' assembly of the 'chosen ones', the greatly loved city. And fire came down from Yehovah out of Heaven and consumed them. 10 The Accuser who seduced them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the predatory beast and the false prophet were thrown. They’ll be tormented day and night for a period of time, an age.

The Seventh Milennium In Summary:

The Entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation is wrapped around this story. Everything else is much like viewing the world thru a beer bottle.

Hosea 1:10-11 Yet the number of the people of Israel will be like the sand of the seashore that can’t be measured or numbered, and then in the location where they were told, ‘You are not My people’, they’ll be called ‘Sons of the living Elohim. 11 The Houses of Judah AND Israel WILL BE REUNITED. They’ll appoint a leader for themselves [1] and flourish in the land, because the Day of Jezreel (“Armageddon”) will be profound!

[1] As opposed to the puppet kings after the exile in the latter part of the 6th century B.C.

I could keep adding pages, but I need to flee Babylon!

The End
Details and links may be added; any corrections would be dated.

Back Chapter 45: The Beast of April 10, 2024

Next Chapter 47: King David’s Everlasting Dynasty is Here and Now!

Some of the frogs are beginning to realize that they are in hot water! Will they get out? Watch this amazing video. It is about the present state of affairs—“The Great Taking”, from the author of the book “Indoctrinating our Children to Death”! It concisely illustrates the proverbial “end of the rope” and “the wolf being at the door”!

2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World

Semitism vs Antisemitism Part 1, The Structure of Our History. (But Israel is still comprised of 12 large “tribes”!)

The Brain Drain The reason why Albert Einstein renounced his German citizenship soon after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor, leaving him without a legal home is a lesson for today!

The Holy Grail of Prophecy?

Is the year of Jubilee a blindspot among Bible scholars?

Do I believe my writings are inspired? No, other than for my compulsion to keep digging; and a lifetime of making any necessary changes the day I become aware of them. While that may seem commendable, it’s really just an obsession.

Since it appears to me that this site has been HIGHLY CENSORED for years, with not a single email, favorable or not, I have to consider this site my personal journal. In 2004 I was the first person to put the name “Yehovah” online where it appears about 6,000 times in my online Tanak {OT} and there are 1,608 more in my “NT” including the footnotes), replacing as best I can the places where early Christians deleted His name entirely + thousands more times in my online Bible commentary. Yet now, this site is not listed in the top 100 searches for “Yehovah” on Google, and apparently not listed period. Unless you stored a link years ago or someone were to send you one, I don’t know that you could even end up here.


Feast Days

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