Everlasting Kingdom: Unraveling the Bible’s Secrets

JUBILEE: 2032/2033 AD

When Will Yehovah and His Messiah Return?

(Or, When will “The LORD AND His Christ” Return?)

Satan Has An Agenda 2030.

Yehovah Has An Agenda 2032/2033!

Back Next First thing, I need to address the typical Christian roadblock that people throw up when any discussion of end time chronology is discussed: Yeshua (Jesus) said of His return, “No man knows the day or the hour”. When properly understood from a first century perspective, this Hebraic idiom is a direct reference to the Day of Trumpets! No one was able to determine the exact day and hour of the Day of Trumpets because there is no advance notice. This Feast commences immediately after the seventh crescent New Moon is sighted every year in Jerusalem. So Yeshua was really saying, concerning His “coming on the clouds in the sky with great power and splendor”, that it would happen on the Day of Trumpets, known then as “the Feast that no man knows the day or the hour”! This link still has the fewest difficulties on “the day and hour” I could find of the many hits a search engine locates (now except for the 2028 part)! The wording has nothing to do with Yeshua’s followers being ignorant of the time line! Interestingly, NASA accurately calculated in advance the first sightings of new moons from Jerusalem back to the time of Yeshua, tho the data is now gone, (but preserved here).

People love to mention the “thief in the night” reference from Matthew 24; His taking the world by total surprise. But how often do they also mention the other “thief in the night” reference from 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 that says: “That Day won’t catch you off guard...”.

My Messianic friends dutifully count off the 49 days (7X7 weeks) leading up to Shavuot (Pentecost) as do I. They count 7 Sabbaths and end on day 50, the Feast day. It’s called counting the omer. The count starts on a Sunday during the Days of Unleavened Bread. But they seldom make the connection to the Jubilee: the 7X7 weeks of years preceding the Jubilee. Pentecost is an annual reminder of the Ultimate Plan!

If you believe or suspect that the 70 weeks prophecy is calculated entirely in lunar years (360 day years: Sir Andersen’s calculations) then you must read this first!. The numbers simply do not work! Nonetheless, historically and prophetically years were and are to be again exactly 360 days long!

NOTICE: Many of the pages on this site are being updated to reflect end-time chronology based on a countdown from Yeshua’s crucifixion in 32 AD. I had been basing prophecies counting two millennial days (2,000 years) from the begnning of His ministry. The numbers can no longer possibly support that. For a 2,000 year long countdown to include 7 years of chaos (a shemitah cycle including the Great Tribulation) followed by a Year of Redemption, Jubilee #120: Isaiah 63, especially verse 4, Yeshua’s mission statement there must allude to everything that He accomplished during His earthly ministry—His death on the cross in particular—but far more importantly to the prophecy fulfillment in all of Isaiah 49! The vast majority of commentators assume that the year of Yeshua’s crucifixion would have been either 30 or 33 AD, based on the notion that Yeshua was crucified on a Friday, and based on the 4th century Hillel 2 Jewish calendar that was obviously not even in use yet, and various supposed years of the edict that began the 70 weeks prophecy, often retrofitted to accomodate a Good Friday year. So according to the link just mentioned, 2033/2034 would be the last option for the numbers to total 2,000. I now believe 2032/2033 to be far more likely, with the beast striking a deal that results in the Jews sacrificing on the actual Temple site (on Monday, March 31, 2025, Biblical New Year’s day).

* * *

For there to be a Jubilee, the following must take place:

According to biblical law, the Jubilee is only observed when all twelve tribes of the Jewish nation are living in Israel, as is derived from the verse,1 “And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year, and proclaim freedom throughout the land for all who live on it,” which implies that the Jubilee is only sanctified when “all who live on it”—meaning, all who are meant to be living there—are in the Land of Israel. Furthermore, the Jubilee is only observed when every tribe is living in the specific part of the land which it was allotted when the Land of Israel was divided...”

According to the above source, the Jubilee clock stopped and the intervening time is not part of the Jubilee cycle. But anciently, when Israel went into captivity they had to make up for all the sabbatical (7th years) and Jubilee (50th) years they had failed to observe!—Rabbi Baruch S. Davidson

Continuing from the above source:

“We eagerly await the day when G-d will bring our entire nation back to our homeland—including the ten “lost” tribes—and we will again resume observing the Jubilee year, as well as so many other mitzvot which we are incapable of performing until that awaited day.

My premise is that Yeshua will return exactly two millennial days from when He was crucified. I had recently narrowed the crucifixion timing to either be 31 AD or 32 AD. For several years I believed from misunderstanding Luke 4 that the countdown to “the acceptable year of the LORD Yehovah”—the final Jubilee of this age was started on the first day of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) ministry. No such luck. Those numbers no longer supported that possibility, which has sent me scrambling to find a scenario that works. A 2,000 year long countdown to the next millennium must include 7 years of chaos—a shemitah cycle including the Great Tribulation, followed by a Year of Redemption—Jubilee #120, preceeding millennium #7: Isaiah 63, especially verse 4, (that no one ever factors into the time line).

2032 one year correction only made to here.

Many people assume the amazing Isaiah 49 prophecy was fulfilled at Yeshua’s crucifixion. But in fact, as the read this first! link explains so effectively, not one of those prophecies have been completely fulfilled—yet! Seven years are yet to be accounted for before Yeshua can be annointed as King of kings and the Ezekiel Temple can be annointed.

The vast majority of commentators assume that the year of Yeshua’s crucifixion would have been either 30 or 33 AD—based entirely on the notion that Yeshua was crucified on a Friday, and based on the 4th century Hillel 2 Jewish calendar that was obviously not even in use yet, and various viewpoints as to which date is the benchmark of the 70 weeks prophecy of the Daniel edict, that began the 70 weeks prophecy. So according to the link just mentioned, 2033 would be the last option for the numbers to total 2,000. I now believe 2032/2033 is extremely likely to be exactly 2,000 years from the crucifixion; having also considered this source and this one. Both 2031 and 2032 will have a umpets begin on a day when “No man knows the day or the hour” when the crescent new moon will be sighted, but in light of the sources just listed, I now believe that the infamous Daniel 9:27 covenant (contract) concerning sacrifices in Israel will be initiated on 3/12/2024—the first day of the Biblical new year (sighted moon reckoning). This timing would allow 7 exact years for the tribulation period + the 1 year long Day of Yehovah. In this scenario the Beast will strike a deal that results in the Jews sacrificing on the actual old Temple site (not the Dome of the rock) in 2024, on Biblical New Year’s day.

A Key Quote from “The Timing of Yeshua’s First and Second Coming”:

The chapter break below is misplaced compared to the Arabic, the Targum and the Syriac versions that logically connect Yehovah’s return to heaven (and Yeshua’s) to the comment about the three millennial days.

Hosea 5:15 thru 6:2 Then I will return again to My place [heaven] until they [Israel] admit their guilt and seek My 'presence'. In their tribulation they’ll diligently search for Me.”. [1] 1 “So come, let’s return to Yehovah. He has torn us to pieces but He’ll heal us. He’s wounded us but He’ll bandage our wounds.

2 He’ll revive US after two days. On the third [millennial] day He’ll raise US up so WE can live in His presence!

Another interesting example of “two days later” is the time Yeshua spent with the Samaritans. He had initially been reluctant to deal with foreigners, such as the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7:24-30, yet He deliberately left Israel for the region of Tyre and Sidon to get away from Israel for two timestamped days. Day count periods seldom if ever serve no purpose. This appears to be another clue as to how long Yeshua would remain in heaven before returning!

The Timing of Yeshua’s First and Second Coming is about establishing the imminent timeline. This chapter is focused on the people living into the end times and beyond.

Here are three rather recent links I took into consideration that MISTAKENLY made 2028 seem likely: ARCHBISHOP USSHER’S CHRONOLOGY RECONSIDERED—by Steven Collins, (I now consider these 3 near misses.)

Major Geopolitical Changes Ahead: The Peace Plan, Brexit, & Chexit Search term “3974”.

We Might Be Closer Than You Think Search term “3974”.]

Chapter 15, Part 1 Preview: Will Yeshua (Jesus) actually return during the next Jubilee year, and fulfill numerous specified requirements associated with the Jubilee year of release [Leviticus 25]? Yeshua presented a very unusual “mission statement” early in His ministry in 27 AD. Immediately after the account of His immersion (baptism) and the account of Satan tempting Him is a reference to some of His first recorded words. These words have JUBILEE stamped all over them! This chapter focuses on several differing reasons that appear to indicate that Yeshua will return on the next Jubilee year. My understanding of Daniel 12, combined with Yeshua’s mission statement in Luke 4 about the Jubilee, the Acceptable Year of the Lord Yehovah seems to indicate that the end times countdown begins on the first day of the first Biblical month (Aviv 1) in the year 2024 AD, with the actual sighting of the New Moon on Aviv 1; after the conjunction found here. The Great Tribulation would begin three and a Half years later in the fall of 2027. Several other prophetic countdowns appear to converge in 2032/2033 AD (year 6000), such as Yeshua and His Father returning: Daniel 7:13-14 & 21-22! Why would the end times begin on the Biblical “New Years Day”? Because a three and a half year long period would not be three years and two partial years, nor would Jubilee span two Biblical calendar years.

The Great Judgment Day

First a question. How many people believed Yeshua when He announced the only proof that He was the Messiah, when He said He would be in the grave for three days and three nights? Did even one follower come to the grave site to welcome Him Back? How many people believe that He pinpointed the Jubilee Year on the Day of Atonements, the day the Jubilee year was to be announced (not begun!)

We need to consider every word of Yeshua’s “mission statement”. After the account of His immersion and the account of Satan tempting Him, we begin to read His first recorded words. Commentators freely acknowledge (bottom half of link) that Yeshua was referring to the JUBILEE when He mentioned “the acceptable year of the Lord Yehovah”, but then they spiritualize the words away! Luke gave us the circumstances leading up to Yeshua’s statement:

Luke 4:16-21 He went to Nazareth where He had been raised, and He went into the synagogue as usual on the Sabbath and stood up to read. 17 He was handed the scroll of Isaiah the prophet. Yeshua unrolled the scroll and found the place where it says: 18 “The Sovereign Yehovah’s spirit overlooks Me, because Yehovah has anointed Me to bring Good News to the afflicted. He has sent Me to relieve the grief stricken, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind and to set the oppressed free; 19 to proclaim the Acceptable Year [1] of Yehovah... [Jubilee] [Directly from Isaiah 61:1-2] 20 He rolled up the scroll and gave it to the attendant and sat down. Everyone in the synagogue was gazing at Him. 21 Then He told them, “Today the Scripture you just heard read has been fulfilled.”

The phrase “the Acceptable Year of the Lord Yehovah” is simply the way that the Jubilee year is described in Yeshua’s native Aramaic, as well as in Syriac, Arabic and in Isaiah 61:1-2.

In koine Greek, the root word for “acceptable” meant “to take by the hand”. That is essentially what will happen to Israel.

Shockingly, within less than a minute of His opening statement the hometown audience was taking Him away to kill Him!

Luke 4:29-30 They got up and rushed Him out of town, then brought Him to the top of the hill that the city was built on, intending to throw Him over a cliff. 30 But He walked right thru 'the mob' and went His way.

This chapter in my printed book version is based on the full 50 year long Jubilee cycle, not the 49 year long “Jubilee cycle” mandated by the Roman conquerors, and also not a Jubilee said to begin on the Day of Atonements in a seventh month, a chronology the Jews adopted while in Babylonian captivity where years begin in the fall. The chronology I use announces the upcoming Jubilee on the Day of Atonements that then commences on the first day of the new year: March/April. Keep in mind that the vast number of writers have adopted the “Jubilee year starts in the seventh month” approach. The Jews hadn’t actually observed the last three or more Jubilees due to Roman occupation, tho they certainly would have been aware of why, and in fact they were living out the shemitah years right up until the destruction of the Temple. Yeshua announced the upcoming Jubilee six months (day of Atonements) in advance of the Aviv 1 start of the Jubilee year with shofars just after sundown:

Psaml 81:3Blow the shofar at the sighting of the New Moon, and at the full moon on our Feast Day [1]

[1] Only the King James Version fails to mention the full moon in this verse, and substitutes ‘in the time appointed”..

Perhaps part of the reason they tried to kill Him that very moment was because He was reminding them of “the Acceptable Year of Yehovah” that they were failing to practice. In any event, the fact that they actually tried to throw Him over a cliff (Luke 4:29) that day is convincing evidence that they likened Him to the Azazel goat (Leviticus 16) that represented the One who was to “carry all their sins on himself” (verse 22). They were to be releasing thiis sin bearing animal alive into the wilderness each year on the Day of Atonements, according to the commandment, not only on the Year of Jubilee, but every year, so that they wouldn’t forget. Yet they preferred to throw it over a cliff each year to kill him!

“The last time a jubilee year was officially celebrated in Judea may then have been as late as about the year 122 BCE--and no later. If not as late as the year 122 BCE then a jubilee year would more certainly have been celebrated prior to the time of the Jewish revolt. From this premise, a jubilee year may have been celebrated in Judea about the year 172 BCE (give or take the span of a year).”

Also essential to understanding the significance of the Jubilee cycle is the understanding of a 7,000 year long plan since the time of Adam. There are dozens of articles online that elaborate on this topic. I just found this one from an organization that I was once a part of. None of the dozen or so of them I looked at for the purpose of adding a link to for those unfamiliar with the topic really has my endorsement for various reasons. But any way you slice it, 6,000 years divided into 50 year Jubilees cycles puts us at the end of the first six millennial days.

Yeshua was actually underwriting the objectives of the Jubilee with His own blood and the first witnesses to hear of it in detail wanted to spill that blood. The Day of Atonements (yes, it’s plural) is the epitomy of the Jubilee. It’s a Festival to be announced by the jubilant sounding of shofars:

Levitivus 25:8-10 You must count off seven Sabbaths of years—seven times seven years, so that the seven Sabbaths of years amounts to a period of forty-nine years. 9 Then you will sound the shofar alarm [Literally “shofar shofar”] [2] on the tenth day of the seventh moon, on the Day of Atonements you’ll sound the shofar alarm thruout your entire land. 10 You’ll dedicate the fiftieth year, and shout liberty thruout the land to all of its inhabitants. It will be a Jubilee for you, and each of you can return to your own property, and each of you will return to your own clan.

I am making the case that the Jubilee year will begin on the first day of the first month of the Biblical year: March 25, 2031 (Aviv 1), and that it will end on the last day of the year, March 12, 2032 AD (tho these dates are only place holders since 360 day long years will return into effect during the Great Tribulation, due to a cosmic shock). That is two full millennial days (2000 years), to the day after Yeshua was crucified in 31 AD. When you allow for a 7 year long Tribulation/Great Tribulation period and a full one year long Day of Yehovah (which is also the Jubilee Year) then 2023 will be the last full year on our Roman calendar before the official and recognizable “last days” begin on Aviv 1: March 12, 2024.

[Note: March 12 could be the earliest New Year between now thru at least 2050, April 10th or 11th using the first century calendar—the barley harvest in Israel being a determining factor, but the weather is always subject to extremes that could push pushed the date out by one month to coincide with or be quite near the Hillel 2 calculation.]

Yeshua indirectly mentioned the Jubilee during the first year of His ministry. None of the many commentaries explain this right, but several contend that Yeshua was alluding to a Jewish idiom in John 4:35, particularly as mis-stated in the Common English Bible (CEB) “Don’t you have a saying ‘Four more months and then it’s time for harvest’?...” Here’s how I state the full comment in my The Gabriel Bible


John 4:35-36 Wouldn’t you say that the harvest is four months away? [3] But look! I ask you to look around at the fields. The grain is already white and ready for harvest. 36 The harvesters are earning wages and gathering the fruit of eternal life. The sower and the harvester are celebrating together.

[4] The Greek says “country.”

Here Yeshua was just contrasting a common Biblical agricultural practice. The fall grain had not been harvested that year, and the spring harvest was four months away, as was normal during a Jubilee (and Shemitah) year, but that a spiritual harvest was not about to stop! Ernest Martin was apparently the first to explain this verse in the light of a Shemitah year (7th year), but I contend that it was the Acceptable year, the Jubilee year—particularly since Yeshua started His ministry on day one of that year, fulfilling the 70 weeks prophecy to the day! The entire chapter of Leviticus 25 explains why it was such a special year.

The 12th-century Jewish philosopher Maimonides mistakenly thought the biblical date of Creation was in 3761 BC, putting the millennial kingdom off over 200 years from now, but some are having second thoughts. It seems apparent that the entire world is on the brink of devastation! But furthermore I don’t think anyone but a handful of people from the first century until now ever knew when the Jubilees began. Even Bible historian Earnest Martin’s astonishing 1990 accounting: addendum #7 of the time from Adam only came close with 2028. I, in mathematical hindsight start the clock at 31 AD.

Before the 120th Jubilee when the 12 tribes of Israel can reclaim the entire promised land (Ezekiel 47), not just the sliver presently held by part of the Jewish tribe, obviously a major war must occur:

Isaiah 2:2,8 In the future, at the end of the 'age', Yehovah’s mountainous 'Temple' [1] will be established on the summits of the mountains and be borne above the hills, and all nations will beam [or flow] into it... 8 Their land has been filled with idols; they worship the work of their hands, things their own fingers made.

[1] There is no distinct word for Temple in Hebrew. House is the literal word.

So notice in Leviticus that the shofar is blown on the Day of Atonements of the 49th year (vs.8-9) in preparation for the 50th year (v.10)!

Leviticus 25:8-11 You must count off seven Sabbaths of years—seven times seven years, so that the seven Sabbaths of years amounts to a period of forty-nine years. 9 Then you will sound the shofar alarm [Literally “shofar shofar”] [2] on the tenth day of the seventh moon, on the Day of Atonements you’ll sound the shofar alarm thruout your entire land. 10 You’ll dedicate the fiftieth year, and shout liberty thruout the land to all of its inhabitants. It will be a Jubilee for you, and each of you can return to your own property, and each of you will return to your own clan. 11 The fiftieth year will be your Jubilee year. During ‘that year’ you won’t plant, or preserve the “after crop”* from what grows by itself, or make wine* from any leftover* grapes.—The Gabriel Bible

[2] The KJV wrongly says “trumpet of the jubile[e]”, in agreement with the Jewish custom of beginning years in the seventh month—a practice begun in Babylonian captivity. But an upcoming Jubilee was meant to be announced on the Day of Atonements of the seventh Shemitah year (the 49th year) and then begin on New Year’s day (the 50th year) in the spring.

The ultimate fulfillment of this is the Jubilee year of the Second Exodus. Millions of Israelites from all 12 tribes [Ezekiel 47] will migrate to the Promised Land and claim their land! This time they will get it right!

(It is worth noting that the KJV, the KJV 2000, and the American KJV all stick the word ‘Jubilee’ into verse 9 where it does not exist in the Hebrew. Most other Bibles don’t do that.)

This chapter examines the most apparent reasons why the next Jubilee is so important. But contrary to the opinion of some, Yeshua will not abandon His Elohim (God) out in the heavens and return alone (as in “the Second Coming of Jesus Christ”), as explained by the verses found in the subtitle link of this chapter. Further still, BOTH Father and Son are planning on staying here on earth!


Luke 4:1-2: Yeshua was filled with the 'special' spirit. He returned from the Jordan river and the spirit led Him into the wilderness 2 to be tempted by the devil for forty days.

It’s likely that people knew that Yeshua had spent the first forty days following His birthday (Aviv 1, 2BC) in the wilderness where He had fasted. Perhaps they were reminded of that on that Day of Atonements when Yeshua emphasized the importance of the Jubilee year, that they ceased to actually practice several cycles ago due to the Romans. Still the Jews feared that an annual Azazel goat that had been released alive could wander into town. That’s why the Jews began throwing the Azazel goat over a cliff each year!

Each Day of Atonements one of two goats was slain. This can be perceived to be a representation of the Messiah’s death on the cross “that is for the people” (v.15), for the sins at least 6000 years of humanity ultimately. The Azazel goat was sent “away into the wilderness” bearing “all the iniquities of the children of Israel”. It had to have all the sins of Israel symbolically put on its head by Aaron, or succeeding high priests.

Judaism and Catholicism typically misunderstand the connection between Azazel and Yeshua, concluding that the Azazel is burdened with all of the sins put on him, but that the Azazel removing the sins of humanity is evil itself. But Yeshua, not some evil creature took on all of our sins!

It was apparently on the Day of Atonements of 28 AD when Yeshua reminded His fellow Jews of the significance of the Jubilee in accordance with the instruction given in Leviticus 25. Within a minute of Yeshua disclosing His mission statement the Jews tried to kill Him45. It’s a foretaste of the ultimate fulfillment of Leviticus 25:10. Yeshua went from being a person of great interest to being a great threat to the powers that be. Miraculously, He escaped from the mob intent on killing Him, by throwing Him over a cliff, by just walking away unnoticed!

(For those of you who understand that Yeshua was crucified on a Wednesday, and on the Aviv/Crescent New Moon calendar {Hillel’s calculated calendar didn’t exist yet}—His crucifixion would likely have been on Passover, 32 AD dated from the 70 weeks prophecy that started a countdown in 455 BC. See this calendar calculator, (tho retro calculating from the Hillel 2 Jewish calendar that disregards actual visible New Moons places it at 31 AD. (More on this in the sequel.) Yeshua likely began His ministry at the age of thirty on the Day of Atonements of 28 A.D. Three and a half years later, at the Passover, Yeshua said “it is finished”, meaning His Luke 4:17-19 itinerary was complete. The sighted New Moon would have been one or two days following the invisible conjunction. Incidentally, the Day of Atonements to Passover ministry totally shashes the one year, or 70 weeks theory of His ministry.)

Interestingly, there are six other specific Messianic prophecies in the Seventy “Weeks” of Daniel 9:24! I will comment on each of them. A primary purpose of this chapter is to elaborate on the importance of Yeshua’s “mission statement”. Had Yeshua finished quoting from Isaiah 61, we would see that up to that point in time, He was only to fulfill them to the point in mid sentence where He stopped reading! It is easy to see that none of the rest of Isaiah’s prophecy has been fulfilled. The seventieth week of the 70 was put on hold.

Two Jubilee Years Announced!

Isaiah 61:1-9 The Sovereign Yehovah’s spirit overlooks Me, because Yehovah has anointed Me to bring Good News to the afflicted. He has sent Me to relieve the grief stricken, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind [1] and to set the oppressed free; 2 to proclaim the Acceptable Year of Yehovah [Jubilee] [Yeshua stopped quoting here—to be continued], AND the Day of Vengeance of our Elohim, [Jubilee, 2032/2033 AD!] and to comfort everyone who mourns [due to the end time calamity]; 3 to provide for those who mourn in Zion, to give to them crowns instead of ashes on their heads, the oil of joy instead of mourning, clothing of praise instead of a spirit of weakness, so that they can be called ‘terebinth trees of righteousness’, ‘a cluster planted by Yehovah’, so that they can display His splendor.

4 They’ll rebuild places desolate since antiquity, they’ll rebuild the ancestral places and places now wasted and deserted, and they’ll restore cities parched from heat, and places deserted for many generations. 5 Foreigners will tend your flocks; they’ll farm your land and work your vineyards. 6 And you’ll be called the priests of Yehovah, people will call you the ministers of our Elohim. You’ll savor the wealth of the nations. You’ll change places with them. 7 Your shame will be replaced with a double inheritance, and instead of humiliation you’ll shout for joy over your territory. So in your land you’ll own twice as much as the other nations. You’ll have everlasting joy.

8 “Because I, Yehovah, love justice. I hate robbery and injustice. I’ll certainly give you your compensation, and I’ll make an EVERLASTING COVENANT [i.e. The New Covenant] with you. 9 Your descendants will be revealed [2] among the nations, and their descendants among all ethnicities. Everyone who sees them will acknowledge that they are the descendants of the people who Yehovah has blessed.” [Today His people are scorned by the nations].”

[1] The phrase about blindness that Yeshua quoted in Luke 4:18 was deleted by the Masorites. [2] Today most of even Judah needs the “lost” tribes of Israel to be revealed to them!

Alternative Realities

Might there have been an alternative course in the history of humanity? Might Elohim (God) have hoped to use an alternative plan? What if Yehovah laid out the timetable for Israel with the hopeful optimism that Israel would accept His Messiah, as the parable of the vineyard alludes to (as we’ll see below)? What if the 70th week of the Seventy Weeks prophecy was designed to hopefully follow on the heels of the 69th week. Were the Jews given a bona fide opportunity to accept the Messiah, or was Yeshua simply playing out a role that was predestined to end in His death? Had Yeshua been able to live out a seven year ministry, He would have been there for the next potentially significant Seventieth Year. Since Yeshua was killed just after the third year of the seven year span that might have ended in the Seventieth week, perhaps the alternative reality is that the Seventieth Week was delayed for 2,000 years. In the next “go around”—the absolute end of the 70 “weeks”—only animal ze’bakim (sacrifices) will be presented in the middle of the “week”. Did Yehovah make a good faith offer to the descendants of those who returned to Jerusalem?

Imagine what might have happened if Judah had accepted their Messiah. Certainly there are prophecies that would have failed, (1 Corinthians 13:8) but Yehovah will cancel a punishing prophecy if we repent, as the book of Jonah illustrates. Perhaps even the prophecies about Yeshua suffering could have had some alternative fulfillment.

Why would Yeshua’s death have been predestined, when even He didn’t know until the very end for certain that He would have to literally be the Passover Lamb, instead of eating it? (Mark 14:36). Certainly the envoys (apostles) had not been prepared for an extended “postponement” of the Everlasting Kingdom, the missing seventieth week. Even Paul was expecting the Kingdom to come in his lifetime:

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 We declare this to you by the Word of Aloha’s own authority, that we who survive and are alive when our Sovereign returns will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep [into the Kingdom]. 16 Our Sovereign will 'personally' come down from Heaven with a mandate, and with a voice like the chief Messenger and with Yehovah’s shofar, and the dead who 'belong to' the Messiah will rise first! 17 Then, we who are still alive, having survived, will be carried away together with them into the clouds to meet our Sovereign in the expanse. And we will be with our Sovereign forever.

Alternative reality #1: At the very beginning of the 7,000 year plan, Adam and Eve had an opportunity to bring about a lasting Paradise. Why should we believe that Yehovah had “predestined” that they fail? All that they had to do is decide who to believe: Yehovah saying “avoid the fruit”, or the stranger saying, “No, it’s yummy”! It might have been a 50/50 call!

Alternative reality #2: Exactly 2,000 years later(?), Yehovah gave a childless couple, Abraham and Sarah, an opportunity to have children and to grant all of their descendants a Paradise. The deal was conditional upon Abraham’s being willing to give his “only son” as an offering on a mountain in the “land of Moriah”.

Genesis 22:2 He said, Please [1] take your son, your only son Isaac who you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I’ll show you.

[1] Of the 22 Bible versions I checked (here), only the ISV includes the word “please”, which changes the entire narrative. Isaac was a young man who also had to voluntarily submit to the request of his father, a man well over 100 years of age. This equates to Yeshua voluntarily submitting to His Father’s will on earth.

In this reality, an animal was substituted for the only son at the last minute! The fulfillment of this reality began going full tilt when Abraham’s descendants had multiplied into twelve large tribes. However following the Exodus, the participants boycotted the blessings. If Yehovah had known for sure, in advance, that Abraham would be willing to offer Isaac, He would not have had to test him so rigorously. So all of history hinged on Abraham’s decision!

Alternative reality #3: 2,000 years later, (I believe this to be exactly the year 4,000 since creation week) Yehovah sent His “only Son” to the descendants of the faithful people who had returned to the Promised Land. He gave them a good faith offer, His “good news”, but it was refused. Yehovah actually gambled that “They will respect my son”, as the parable found in Matthew below and Mark 12:6 explains!

Yeshua saw how the new deal was going and gave this thinly veiled commentary. Do we believe what Yeshua said about His Father’s intentions?

The analogy (parable) of the Vineyard:

Matthew 21:33-42 Here’s another analogy. “There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, enclosed it with a hedge, dug in a winepress and built a tower. Then he leased it to sharecroppers and traveled abroad. 34 When it was time to harvest the fruit, he sent his servants to the sharecroppers so that they could collect his share of vintage. 35 The sharecroppers grabbed his servants and beat one, stoned another and killed another. 36 So he sent another group of servants, more than the first time, and they did the same thing to them. 37 Finally, he sent his son to them, because he thought, ‘Surely they’ll respect my son.’ 38 But when the sharecroppers saw his son, they said to themselves, ‘This is the heir, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ 39 So they grabbed him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. 40 Now when the owner of the vineyard COMES [His Father!], what will he do to those sharecroppers?” 41 They replied, ‘He’ll utterly destroy them and lease the vineyard to other sharecroppers who will give him his share of the harvest.’ 42 Yeshua asked them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures, ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the uppermost cornerstone. Yehovah brought this about, and it’s astounding to 'see'’ [Psalm 118:22-24]

Three strikes and they’re out! This time, due to the poor character of many of Abraham’s descendants, there was no sparing the only Son. His being our Passover bought humanity another 2,000 years, and the time for Yehovah to redeem a few kings and priests (Revelation 1:6, 5:10) to rule when the Everlasting Kingdom comes—by force.

Alternative reality #4: 2,000 years later, (I believe that the implementation of this is to include the year 6,000, following the exodus from Eden.)

Back to the Future:

Moriah is where Abraham went to offer his son, and Moriah is only mentioned twice in the Scriptures. This is intriguing, especially given the number of times that Yehovah’s temples (1st, 2nd, and soon to be the 3rd) are mentioned.

2 Chronicles 3:1 Then Solomon began to build Yehovah’s 'Temple' in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where Yehovah had appeared to his father David, in the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

The next reality will not be an alternative! Yehovah will forcefully implement peace on earth. All of the wicked who oppose Him will be exterminated. There is much commentary on this website about the Two Witnesses (you could search it out on my Google search.) Suffice it to say that John, along with the Two Witnesses will spearhead a “temple movement”! (Revelation 10:11—11:6. See Does Father Travel in Time?) It’s back to Mount Moriah! Israel has to go back to Mount Moriah and start from scratch! Ezekiel Chapters 40-48 thoroly describes the activities of the third temple; prophesied to be rebuilt on Mount Moriah. Ezekiel chapters 2-3 mentions the word “measure” 29 times in connection to the temple. This is the tie in of the Two Witnesses to their “measuring commission”:

Like a Thieving False Minister

Most people say that Yeshua “will come like a thief in the night”, and for them they are probably right, they are like the audience Yeshua was dealing with prior to the 'special' spirit being poured out:

Matthew 24:36-44 But no one knows the exact day or hour [9], not even the messengers in Heaven, but the Father alone. 37 At the advent [Gr. parousia] of the Human Son, it will be just like it was in the time of Noah. 38 Just like before the flood, people were eating and drinking, taking wives and giving them to husbands right up until the day when Noah entered the ark, 39 and they were clueless until the flood came and swept them all away. That’s how it will be at the advent of the Human Son. 40 Then two men will be in the field. One will be taken and one will be left behind. 41 Two women will be grinding grain at the mill, one will be taken and one will be left behind. 42 So watch [for the new moon] [10], since you don’t know the exact time when your Sovereign is coming. 43 But be assured that if the head of the house knew in which watch the thief was coming, he would stay alert and not allow his house to be broken into. 44 So remain prepared, because the Human Son will arrive at a time when He’s 'least expected' [11].

[9] A thinly disguised reference to the Day of Trumpets that begins each year immediately after the thin crescent of the New Moon is seen in Jerusalem, with the exact “day and hour” annually in question. A select few still anticipate it annually! [10] This is a clue about the Day of Trumpets that arrives the moment that the crescent New Moon is sighted on a day and hour often somewhat of a surprise. [11] The Human Son’s arrival shouldn’t surprise “You”! (1 Thessalonians 5:2-6)

But for some few, by the time Paul was ministering, there was a follow up reference about that thief: Yeshua had shown Paul that He would NOT come as a thief in the night for everyone:

1st Thessalonians 5:1-6 But friends, concerning the time periods and the specified times of crisis, it is unnecessary for me write to you, 2 because you know for certain that the Day of Yehovah will come like a thieving false “minister” in the time of moral stupidity and darkness [1]. 3 When people are saying, “Peace and security” [2], then suddenly destruction will overtake them like the labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they won’t escape.

4 But you, friends, aren’t in darkness. That Day won’t catch you off guard like a thieving false “minister”, 5 because you are all sons of the light, and sons of the day. You aren’t sons of the night or sons of darkness. 6 So let’s not sleep like everyone else does, but let’s stay awake and be sober.

[1] or “like a thief in the night”

From my 4 part online chapter entitled Israel’s 7 Apocalyptic Days of the Jubilee year: “Some of us actually rely on a true observance of the crescent New Moon, from Jerusalem, to determine when the seventh month begins and this signals the Day of Trumpets. Others in Israel are awaiting a Sanhedrin, or the Messiah, before returning to the use of actual sightings. Modern Jewish calculations do not consistently coincide with visible New Moons, calculations are “approximate New Moons”—actual New Moons are witnessed! My friend Rick remarked that the Day of Trumpets came as a “thief in the night” for us in 2004. Cloud cover often delays the sighting of the New Moon—adding a day to the sixth month. Was it an oversight on Yehovah’s part that the Day of Trumpets can come as a total surprise even with modern computer forecasts? (I hope they go back online!) We could still be surprised, and not “know the day or the hour” when the sighting of the New Moon arrives. Consider each Day of Trumpets as a preparedness check!

There is now onsiderable evidence that the Jubilee year will begin in 2031, it’s Judgment Year (Revelation 20), and the Fall Day of Trumpets is when the numbers seem to indicate that Yeshua will visibly return. It now appears to me that cosmic events alone will make the new moons, especially the 7th month beyone even calculation—no one will know the day or the hour of the Day of Trumpets.

Because so many historians use the 7th month of the year as “New Year’s Day”, their count could differ from my count by one year, since I believe the count must be by the first Hebrew month (not the 7th as was a habit formed during the Babylonian captivity).

The calculated Jewish calendar is acknowledged by the Encyclopedia Judaica to only be “temporarily” (since the 4th century) “in the ballpark” of the actual start of months, so the evening of Thurssday, September 17, 2031 (Erev Yom Kippur) is their calculated (but mathematically drifted) date to begin Yom Kippur (Trumpets). Since the Jewish calculated dates can vary more than a day from actually sighted New Moons, and it can be two days before an actual sighting after the lunar conjunction takes place, this is too variable to pinpoint Yeshua’s return on the Day of Trumpets (Yom Kippur) which will be exact!

Also, expect to see the Envoy (Apostle) John make an encore return!

Revelation 11:1-3 1 Then I, John, was given a measuring reed like a staff, and a messenger standing by and said, “Get up and measure the Temple [1] of Yehovah and the altar and those who worship there [2][3]. 2 But leave out the courtyard outside of the Temple, don’t measure it, because it has been given to the heathens, and they’ll trample the 'cherished' city underfoot for forty-two months.

[1] Here John is actually told to measure the end time third Temple just prior to the Two Witnesses commission (v.3). The terms “measure”, “measured” and “measuring” combined are found dozens of times in reference to the temple in Ezekiel 40-42. This would explain the previous verse (10:11): “John, you must prophesy AGAIN before many nations and peoples and princes and kings.” Is he one of the two witnesses or one of their companions? Same goes for Elijah (Malachi 4:5-6). Does God Travel in Time? [2] In the architectural planning, the outer court is excluded/ruled out! That space on the Temple Mount “has been given to the heathens”. And while the Temple is to be literally measured, the people are spiritually measured! [3] After a long search, I found a link that comes close to my views, other than for Moses, Elijah and John time traveling and the final eight years.

I had never considered an alternative seventieth “week” until I was graphing out the first 483 years of The Seventy “weeks” Prophecy. Here is the “week that wasn’t”; the “week” that might have been the seventieth “week”. While preterists attempt to force fit the martyrdom of Stephen into the apex of a 34 AD fulfillment of week 70—that was certainly not anything noteworthy enough to fulfill The Ultimate Prophecy!

New Years Day, Aviv 1, 31 AD: Yeshua’s Ministry began, which simultaneously begins the Jubilee year.

Passover 31 AD: Three years and a after the beginning of Yeshua’s Ministry He is crucified

38 AD would have been the end of the 70 Weeks prophecy were it not for the major delay in week 70.

The last day of year of 2031, or 6000 counting from the fall of Adam and Eve, Biblcal time completes the 70 weeks prophetic cycle and 120 Jubilee years.

“When You See An Encamped Army...”

The last generation of the modern nations of Israel are, for the most part, oblivious to the red flags warning of impending doom for Western society. The few voices crying in the wilderness to flee from the coming holocaust will continue to be ridiculed. This coming time, known as the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7) will engulf all of the English speaking nations, and other nations descended from those twelve original tribes. When the Northern Army finally descends on Jerusalem—the final warning—few will associate this to Yeshua’s instructions to flee:

Luke 21:20 So when you see Jerusalem surrounded by an encamped army [2], then you’ll know that its destruction is approaching.

[[2] Warning: the Greek says ‘armies’ plural. Aramaic, Latin and Persic all are correct in the singular. If you wait to flee until after another army shows up you will die! In the ‘practice run’ of 70 AD it was the Roman army. In the final fulfillment, it will be the beast’s army. Verse 21 says mountain (singular) in Aramaic. We need to know which one.

Hosea 5:6-7).

Daniel 12 mentions three separate countdowns to the exact beginning of the “Time of Trouble”—the “Great Tribulation” on Israel:

Daniel 12:1-12 “AT THAT TIME, Michael will take a stand, the great commander who stands for your people, and there will be a time of trouble [the Great Tribulation, worse than 536 A.D, The Worst Year In History], such as there has never been since the first nation up until that time, AND AT THAT TIME [during the “time of the end!”] your people will escape, everyone whose names are still found {niphal} recorded in the Book [of Life]. 2 Multitudes of people sleeping in the dust of the earth will wake up, some of them to everlasting life, and the others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. 4 But Daniel, keep this message a secret, and put a seal on the book until the time of the end. Many will travel around quickly, and knowledge will greatly increase”. 5 Then I, Daniel, looked, and there were two others standing there. One was on the bank of the river on this side, and one on the opposite bank of the river.”[1]hovering above the river water, ‘How long will it be until the end of these miracles?’ [2]

7 I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the water of the river, when he raised his right and left hands toward heaven, and swore by the One who lives forever that it will be for a time, [a year], times [2 years], and half a time [1/2 a year], and when they’ve made an end of breaking in pieces the power of the 'chosen' people, all of these things will be finished.” 8 I heard, but I didn’t understand, so I asked, “Master, what will be the end result of these miracles?” 9 He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the matter is secret and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will purify and refine themselves, but the wicked will continue to be wicked, and none of the wicked will understand, but those with discernment will understand.

11 “From the time that the continuous burnt zebakim [sacrifices] are removed and the abomination that causes desolation is set up there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed are those who 'persevere' and attain the 1,335 days [3].

[1] The timing of Daniel 12:1-3 is pinpointed with even more specificity in conjunction with 1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and Revelation 11:15—popularly known as the rapture. Serious confusion occurs since sites like this do not realize that the end time is divided into 3 segments—two 3.5 year long parts totaling 7 years (a shemitah), followed by the Day of the Lord Yehovah (Isaiah 34:8)—the Jubilee year! [2] I was astonished (in 2017) to find this decades old analysis of end time prophecy by Ernest Martin. But I was surprised that he did not conclude this age in 2032/2033, the Jubilee (as I had). I’ve linked to him for years. [3] Second Passover: The 1,335 days extends 75 days beyond the end of Satan’s 7 year long free rein. And 75 days after Aviv 1 is always a Second Passover (counting from an actually sighted new moon, not the Jewish calendar now in use)! So this falls early in the Jubilee year! “Blessed are those who 'persevere' and attain the 1,335 days!” On the surface “arise to your compensation at the end of the days” appears to mean that Daniel would arise at the end of the 1,335 days. But that flatly contradicts Matthew 24. It doesn’t mean that. (Interestingly, the other place usually translated as “the end of the days” refers to the end of the three and a half year period when Nebuchadnezzar lived as a wild beast, Daniel 4:34.) Actually, the phrase “the end of the days” used in this context means the same thing that all eight instances of the “last days” refer to in the Tanak, and all eleven references to the “latter days” means “the end of the age.

Yeshua stated that the cessation of animal ze’bakim, and the abomination of desolation, mentioned in Daniel 12:10, would mark the time for His people in Jerusalem to “flee”.

Matthew 24:15-16 When you see the sign of the detestable desolation mentioned by the prophet Daniel, standing in the Cherished Place—may the reader discern!—[2] [3] 16 then those of you who are in Judea should escape to the mountain/s!

[2] This is reminiscent of Matthew 28:16. [3] See my All Sources Disclaimer.

Daniel 11:31 Armed forces will rise up and defile the 'Temple' refuge and put a stop to the daily burnt zebakim [sacrifices], and they’ll set up an appalling detestable idol [KJV, abomination of desolation].

Daniel 9:27 Then he [the desolator] will force a strong 'contract' on many for one septad time period. Then in the middle of the period of seven [shemitah cycle] he [the desolator] will stop the zebakim [sacrifices] and the offerings: [Daniel 12:11] And the winged one of abomination will cause desolation, until the predetermined destruction is poured out on the desolator.” [During the Jubilee year: Isaiah 34:1-8]

[Note that at the very end of the age there are two or three superpowers duking it out: Antimessiah—the King of the North (of Israel), The King of the south (of Israel) and that threat to the King of the North from the east. No one world government, no USA. (Daniel 11)]

This is a reference to the time when Ephraim’s “prince” (Daniel 9:26-27) and the false prophet (the “abominator” of Daniel 11:31) will cut a seven year deal with Judah, and then “they”, that is those who follow the Beast, will devastate Jerusalem in the “middle of the week”. The prince appears to be identified in a fascinating book entitled The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea, by Tim Cohen, or his 2019 version. See his original youtube link. (Anyone have a better verion?) Here is the historic beast.

Daniel 9 is the renowned seventy weeks prophecy chapter. It is from these Scriptures that the wise men determined the year of the first coming of the Messiah. Might it not also indicate His next public arrival? The “abominator” will begin “week” number seventy with an agreement or “covenant”. He will then break his covenant “in the middle of the week”, but ultimately the abominator will be consumed! “Consummation” (Strong’s 03617) as used here, literally means “consumed” or “complete destruction”. This consumption will take place at the conclusion of that seventieth prophetic week, as “is determined”. Ironically, the one who stopped the burnt zebakim will be consumed as a zebak himself!

Revelation 19:17-18 I saw a messenger standing in front of the sun, and he shouted to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather for the great supper of Yehovah, 18 so that you can eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains of thousands, the flesh of valiant men, the flesh of horses and their riders, the flesh of everyone both free and slave, those of little status and the highly esteemed.

Zephaniah and Jeremiah also described this event.

Zephaniah 1:7 Be silent at the presence of the Sovereign Yehovah [“Yeshua”], because the Day of Yehovah is near. [2] Yehovah has prepared a zebak. He has invited [sarcasm] His guests.

Jeremiah 46:10 That day is the day of the Sovereign, YEHOVIH [a variant spelling] the Commander, a day of vengeance when He’ll take vengeance on His enemies. His sword [1] will 'destroy' until it has had enough and drink its fill of their blood, because the Sovereign YEHOVIH the Commander has an atoning zebak to make in the North Country by the Euphrates River.

Daniel 12 reveals a 1,260 day countdown, a 1,290 day countdown and a 1,335 day countdown. Yehovah “gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things...”(Daniel 2:21-22).

Furthermore, we know that:

Amos 3:7 Surely the Sovereign Yehovah will do nothing without revealing His intentions to His servants the prophets.

Considering the devastation that will “trouble” Israel, we might surely want to know HOW MUCH LEAD TIME will Yehovah give “the wise” of Daniel 12:10? One thing we know is that they will be “blessed”, having waited 1,335 days following the cessation of the zebakim (v.11-12).

This chapter reveals a fourth countdown found in Daniel, one of seven years duration. It concludes the week that included the three countdowns mentioned above. More importantly, there is an overlooked timetable, a final 2,000 year countdown that is racing to completion.

The entire 23rd chapter of Leviticus goes into great detail explaining when Yehovah’s people should celebrate the Sabbath and the seven Feast Days on Yehovah’s own calendar. Most of Yehovah’s doctrines do not have an entire chapter devoted to explaining them in this manner. Verse 2 serves as an introduction.

Leviticus 23:2 Speak to the Israelites and tell them: These are Yehovah’s appointed Festivals that you will proclaim to be special public assemblies. They are My Festivals:

Leviticus 25 is another such chapter, and it also pertains to Yehovah’s calendar. Shortly afterward, when Moses was on Mt. Sinai, Yehovah also explained the importance of celebrating Sabbatical years and Jubilee years. Imagine the impact that a Sabbatical year would have on a strictly agricultural society.

Leviticus 25:3-4 You are to sow your fields for six years, and prune your vineyards for six years, and gather in fruit, 4 but during the seventh year there will be a Sabbath, a Sabbath rest for the land to honor Yehovah. You must not sow your fields or prune your vineyards.

The Old and New Marriage Covenants

The following verse indicates that Yeshua “honors His marriage covenant” “with those who love Him, and with those who obey His commandments....” in spite of the fact that most of Israel at that time had broken the covenant. That time is not unlike our own time as far as being faithful goes. An “everlasting marriage covenant” was the essence of the covenant that Yehovah made to Abraham. (The root word of “everlasting” indicates that the end, when applicable, is way out of sight.) Whether the covenant is Abraham’s covenant, that remains unfulfilled (Hebrews 11:13), or the covenant given from Mt. Sinai, that was suspended, or the New Covenant with Israel, that is yet to come (Jeremiah 31:31-34), the issue always concerns a promise of His people, to love, honor and obey Yehovah.

Daniel 9:4 I prayed to Yehovah my Elohim and confessed:

“Oh Yehovah, You are the great and awesome Elohim who honors His covenant of faithful love with those who love Him and preserve His Commandments.

Speaking of the Future:

Romans 11:27 His home [New Jerusalem] will also be ABOVE them. He’ll be their Elohim, and they’ll be His people.

All of these “covenants” are really facets of the “everlasting covenant” that we were promised by Ezekiel and other prophets:

Ezekiel 37:26-27 He’ll make a [New] Covenant of peace with them. It will be an EVERLASTING COVENANT [3] with them, and He’ll establish them and increase their numbers, and set His 'Cherished' Place among them forever. 27 His home [New Jerusalem] will also be ABOVE them. He’ll be their Elohim, and they’ll be His people.

(See The New Covenant, Soon to be Implemented!)

The future awareness of Yehovah’s covenant, and willingness to agree to its terms will be due to the message that Israel will hear from the Two Witnesses! Their message is about the fulfillment of the Jubilee and the marriage of Israel! Israel has amnesia! She doesn’t know who she is or that she had been married!

Ezekiel 16:8 And when I passed by you again, I and saw that you were old enough for love! I spread My robe over you and covered your nakedness. I swore to you and entered into a covenant with you,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah, “and you became Mine.

This is really what the covenant or marriage agreement will be about: it’s about being faithful to Yehovah and His remaining a faithful Provider.

Who is Your Covenant With?

All of the Hebrew Scriptures can be summarized under the banner of Yehovah wanting to marry a 'special' People! Here is the “marriage proposal” or ketubah.

Deuteronomy 26:17-19 You have declared today that Yehovah is your Elohim, and that you will ‘live’ by His ways, and obey His unchanging tenets, and His Commandments and His regulations, and obey Him. 18 And Yehovah has publicly declared today that you are His people, a treasured possession, as He promised, and that you must obey all of His Commandments, 19 and He will set you high above all the other nations that He has made, in praise, fame and honor, so that you can be a people special to Yehovah your Elohim as He promised. [Clark’s comment]

[Note: A ketubah (engagement) was so serious that it could only be ended in divorce, (such as Joseph had considered doing to Mary). Where is any evidence that the Old Covenant was ever consummated?]

Jubilee: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb?

Might Sabbatical years in the Kingdom be celebrated in the same manner that a marriage was to be celebrated in ancient Israel? Is there to be a relationship between the Jubilee and marriage?

Deuteronomy 24:5 When a man is newly married, he must not be sent out with the army or be given any other duty. He must be free at home for one year to bring happiness to the wife he has married.

Compare to:

Isaiah 62:4-5 You’ll never again be called ‘Forsaken’, and your land will never be called ‘Desolate’ again, instead, you’ll be called ‘Hephzibah’ [Literally, “My delight is in her”], and your land ‘Beulah’ [Literally, to marry], because Yehovah delights in you, and your land will be married. 5 Just like a young man marrying a virgin, your sons will marry you [1], and like a bridegroom rejoicing over his bride, that’s how your Elohim will rejoice over you.

Imagine what it might be like to have “one year” long second, third ...“honeymoons” every seventh year! During a One Thousand Year long Sabbatical, when “Land Sabbaths” have become the norm for all of the nations of the New Earth to come, might Yehovah’s desire for Sabbatical “land” rests for the rural majority not also include every segment of society, even those who do not live off of the land?

But isn’t the land being married just figurative speech? We know that it is actually the “church” that will be married then, right?

Luke 20:35 But those who are worthy of that age and the resurrection from the dead will never marry or be given in marriage.

Not only does this say that the assembly or “church” will not marry in the Kingdom, but SPECIFICALLY it is at the very resurrection associated with the “wedding supper” that they do not marry! You have probably always heard that this marriage supper was for Yeshua and His “church”. Could John (via Yeshua) actually have been referring to a marriage that was alluded to at a much earlier time? Might the marriage actually be the jubilant time when His cherished ones (saints) are blessed; the time that I believe typifies what the Jubilee actually commemorates—the restoration of Israel? The time when the land of Israel is re-seeded with Israelites. I believe that it is. A great many Bible verses that the churches say pertains to them actually pertain to the twelve tribes of Israel. A salient introduction to this topic is The Actual Message of Matthew 24.

The Dragon Is Slain And The Wedding Is On!

Can the Testimony of Yeshua (New testament) come to an entirely different conclusion than the Prophets? Israel’s Savior (the 'Special' One)— her betrothed, will come to her riding on a white horse, and He will slay Leviathan, the fire breathing dinosaur (dragon), with a sword! (Leviathan represents Satan.)

Revelation 19:7-11 Let’s rejoice and be exuberant and praise Him, because the Marriage Banquet of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. 8 She was given fine linen clothing to wear, bright and pure, because fine linen represents the righteousness of the 'chosen ones'.

9 He told me, “Write this, ‘Those who are called to the Marriage Banquet of the Lamb are blessed.’” Then he told me, “These are the true words of Yehovah.” 10 I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said, “Don’t do that! I’m a fellow servant, I’m your brother who also holds to THE TESTIMONY OF YESHUA [His ‘written statements’]. Worship Yehovah, because THE TESTIMONY OF YESHUA is spirit inspired prophecy [1] [or ‘the spirit of prophecy’].” 11 I saw the sky open up, and a white horse appeared, and its rider is named Faithful and True. He judges righteously and wages war.

Isaiah 27:1 When That Day Comes* [Ch 27:21 above] Yehovah will punish Leviathan with His fierce, large and very sharp sword, the fugitive Leviathan, that twisted serpent. He’ll kill the dragon * in the sea.

Leviathan is invincible to humans, but just like in folklore, the prince marries once the dragon is slain.

Job 41:1, 4, 19-21, 33-34 Can you catch Leviathan [plesiosaurus?] * with a fishhook or tie his tongue down with a rope?... 4 Will he make an alliance with you? Will you capture him as a permanent slave?... 19 Flaming torches shoot from his mouth. Sparks of fire go flying. 20 Smoke streams from his nostrils like a boiling pot over burning rushes. 21 His breath ignites coals, and flames shoot from his mouth... 33 There is nothing like him on earth—a creature without fear. 34 He looks down on everything that is high. He is king of everyone who is arrogant.

The marriage covenant is for apostate Israelites who survive the end times—even if it’s only for one person in a city:

Jeremiah 3:14 Come back, you apostate people” Yehovah says, “Because “I’m your husband. I’ll take one of you from this city and two from that family, and I’ll bring you to Zion.

Israel broke her former or “Old” marriage Covenant with Yehovah, but Yehovah promised to make a new marriage covenant!

Isaiah 14:1 Yehovah will have mercy on Jacob and choose Israel again, and settle them in their own land. Immigrants [voluntary proselytes] will join them and merge with Jacob’s descendants.

This is a new marriage covenant, with better promises! Given a second chance, Yehovah will “still choose” to marry Israel. This marriage is the fulfillment of the Jubilee!

Jeremiah 31:31-36 Yehovah says: “The time is coming [1], when I’ll make a New [marriage] Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. 32 It won’t be like the [marriage] Covenant that I made with their ancestors during the time when I took them by the hand led them out of the land of Egypt, since they broke My Covenant, tho I was their Husband,” says Yehovah. 33 “In this [marriage] Covenant that I’ll make with the House of Israel after those days,” Yehovah says, “I’ll put My Torah in the very hearts. I’ll be their Elohim, and they’ll be My people. 34 People will no longer teach their neighbors or their relatives, or ask, ‘Do you know Yehovah’ [the Lord], because they’ll all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” says Yehovah. [No more evangelism!] “I’ll forgive their wickedness, and I’ll never again remember their sins.”

35 Yehovah says that He provides the sun to light the day and the 'orderly succession' of the moon and stars to light the night, and He instantaneously calms [U] the raging waves of the sea—Commander Yehovah is His name: 36 “If these fixed conditions ever fail in My presence,” Yehovah says, “then the Israelites will cease to be a nation in My presence forever.”

The Land Will Be Married!

Notice that the pleasant land is the “heritage” or “possession”, or as I believe, the marriage present that Yehovah, Israel’s provider, will present to His chosen “bride” following the Second Exodus.

Back to Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 3:18-22 In those days the House of Judah will live with the House of Israel. You’ll return together from the Land of the North, to the land that I gave to your ancestors as an inheritance.” [This is a rarely noted critical prerequisite factor!] 19 “I said how much I wanted to treat you like My children and give you a desirable land, the most beautiful 'property' of any nation. And I said, ‘You’ll call Me ‘Father’, and never turn away from Me.’ 20 Surely like when a treacherous wife leaves her 'husband', that’s how you’ve been unfaithful with Me, House of Israel,” says Yehovah.

21 A voice is heard on the barren heights, the crying and the pleading of the Israelites, because they have perverted their ways, they’ve forgotten Yehovah their Elohim. 22 “Return you apostate children, and I’ll heal your apostasy.”

I can’t help myself. Here is another Scripture that equates the Second Exodus to the joy of a marriage:

Jeremiah 33:10-11 “This is what Yehovah says: You say that this is, ‘a desolate waste, without people or animals.’ Yet in these deserted cities of Judah and streets of Jerusalem, devoid of people and animals, 11 the sounds of joy and happiness will be heard again, the sounds of bridegrooms and brides, and the sounds of those saying,

Sufficient has already been given to make a connection between the land being married (resettled with pioneers). Could the land being married possibly be a reference to anything other than the Jubilee, I think not.

For this revision I went looking for an article on the bride to link to, (other than my own), to illustrate exactly who the bride is and I found this very well done article. Because of their view of the Sabbath I will mention my Disclaimer, which actually applies to virtually all of my outside links.

There is a direct connection between the Jubilee years and Yehovah’s plan that is illustrated by understanding the symbolism of Israel’s 7 Apocalyptic Days. The KEY is in Yeshua’s fulfillment of the prophecy, which specified that He would “Proclaim the acceptable YEAR of the Lord”! This marvelous proclamation needs to be explained. Yeshua confirmed which year is the Jubilee, among His first recorded statements!

Every fiftieth year Yehovah intended an additional “Sabbatical” year. Again, all commercial agricultural practices were to stop:

Leviticus 25:11-12 The fiftieth year will be your Jubilee year. During ‘that year’ you won’t plant, or preserve the “after crop”* from what grows by itself, or make wine* from any leftover* grapes. 12 It’s a Jubilee, it will be a ‘time of dedication’ [special] for you. You can eat the fresh voluntary produce from your fields.

During this time, two “land sabbaths” were to occur back to back, the 49th and the 50th years. There is a detailed explanation for how “lands Sabbaths” were likely implemented (and will be again) in a separate article on the subject following this chapter. It is entitled Why the Land Sabbath? Faith was not even required when not sowing commercial crops for two consecutive years, because of the miraculously heavy yields promised in the sixth year. There would not have even been a market for crops during those years because everyone was learning the value of growing their own food, at least during those special years when everyone knew not to eat from a new harvest.

Incidentally, some people have tried to farm this way during this present age and outside of the land of Israel, but the double to triple harvests simply did not materialize. I myself have tried to make this work, believing that I was resting my land on the proper years, but apparently Yehovah is not blessing us individually now in this regard. It appears to be a national rather than an individual blessing. I think if gardeners or farmers started getting four to six full sized ears of corn on a stalk and could credit it to sabbatical years; reporters would be pounding on their doors.

Leviticus 25:21-22 I’ll send such a blessing to you in the sixth year that it will produce a crop sufficient for three years. 22 When you are sowing the eighth year, you’ll still be eating some of the old harvest, and continue eating from it until the harvest of the ninth year comes in.

This is apparently the primary way that Yehovah will handle the grain and legume harvests and other less perishable foods. Seed crops remain viable (alive and eatable) for several years.

Furthermore: ANCESTRAL PROPERTY.” (Leviticus 25:13) It goes on to explain that if for some unfortunate reason, you or your family “sold” the family homestead out of necessity—the next generation would get it back. This is a form of land rental to some more fortunate or ambitious individual. An individual should never deprive his descendants of their fair share of the earth—indefinitely. The worst case scenario is that one would have to collect rent on his homestead and move into a small house in a village. (v.31) Imagine, a world without mortgages, no more slaving away to pay rent and no more homeless people. The last fifteen chapters of Ezekiel describe the conclusion of this age and the establishment of the “New Earth” to come. Here is an example of Jubilee law as it pertains to the future:

Ezekiel 46:16-18 “The Sovereign Yehovah says: If the prince [not Yeshua] gives gifts out of His inheritance to His sons, it becomes their property by inheritance. 17 But if He gives a gift from His inheritance to one of His servants, it will be his until the Year of Freedom [Jubilee, 2031year AD!]. Then it reverts to the prince. His inheritance belongs strictly to his sons. 18 The prince must provide his sons an inheritance from his own property, so that none of My people will be 'homeless'.”

Think about it: year 6,000, the year of Yehovah’s wrath, is a “Jubilee” year! Yeshua will return His people to their ancestral possessions during that very year: Leviticus 25:10,13,28,41. Actually, because He died, making us His heirs, we will return to our possessions along with Him, to help manage the recovering apostate bride! It’s part of our “gift”! No more diaspora. After 6,000 years the long anticipated Seventhth millennium will begin—“The Millennium”.

What is so special about year 6000? The ancients all understood and anticipated year 6000—Jews, Christians and even pagans. The following three subheadings are quotes from an excellent linked article on the topic entitled: God’s Grand Design:

The Universal Rest Day

Besides this, many sources inform us of a special veneration for the seventh day of the week. Even pagans retained this truth.

Mythologically it was the day ruled over by Saturn. In English we call it Saturday or “Saturn’s Day.” T. W. Doane has this to say about the seventh day,

“...all the principle nations of antiquity kept the seventh day of the week as a Holy day...[It] was sacred to Saturn from time immemorial. Homer and Hesiod call it the Holy Day” (Bible Myths, p.392f).”

Jewish Tradition

The writings of the prophets in the centuries just prior to the time of Yeshua are filled with the concept of a grand design for mankind. Talmudic traditions filtering down from the time of Enoch thru the prophet Elijah were rich in references to a 7000-year plan of Yehovah. The Jewish Encyclopedia summarizes:

“The six thousand years of the world will be concluded by the seventh thousand of the Messianic Kingdom...The Sabbath corresponds to the seventh thousand” (Vol. 8, Art. Millennium).

The early Believers, too, were well aware of this plan stretching over seven millennia. In fact, it is referred to by almost every Christian author of the first two or three centuries. The author of Bible Myths clearly summarizes the early Christian teaching:

“As the works of creation had been fixed in six days, their duration in the present state was fixed to six thousand years. By the same analogy it was inferred that this long period of labour and contention, which had now almost elapsed, would be succeeded by a joyful Sabbath of a thousand years” (p.240).

Herbert Armstrong, a powerful promoter of the millennial kingdom, believed that Yeshua’s return could be no later than 1996. He began a two thousand year count down beginning in 4 BC, believing that to be Yeshua’s birth year. He accepted the chronology of James Ussher (1580-1655)—that Yehovah had used the birth of Yeshua as a great millennial benchmark in time—rather than the Jubilee. He also taught that Yehovah would have to “cut short” His own return agenda rather than cut short Satan’s agenda of destroying “all flesh”. Yehovah’s plan will not be altered; He has an “appointed time” with us at precisely the end of mankind’s 6000 years. There is a mile marker! However theologians have “moved it”. They calculated the fifth millennium beginning with the wrong event. The 70 weeks prophecy was not about His birth or His death, it was about Him being anointed:

Luke 4:18-19 The spirit of Yehovah is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim Good News to the poor...19 and to announce the Acceptable Year of Yehovah.

More serious tamperings with “Times” are soon to come:

Daniel 7:24-25 As for the ten horns, ten kings will come from this kingdom, then another will rise to power after them. He’ll be different than the previous ones, and he’ll subdue three kings. 25

Daniel 7:25-28 He [the Beast] will speak against the Most Supreme, and wear down by constant harassment cherished [holy] ones of the Most Supreme, and his plan will be to make alterations to time, and the cherished ones will be handed over to him [the Beast] for a time, times and half a time.

Incidentally, about Daniel 7, “Most Biblical scholars believe that the four beasts stand for Babylonia, Medes, Persia, and Alexander’s Greek empire. The ten horns represent the kings from Alexander on through the Seleucid kingdom”. But the context thruout is clearly about Judgment Day (v.9-10, 13-15, 26-27). We see that when “the Judge sat, and the books were opened” (v.10) that the fourth beast was killed BUT THE OTHER BEASTS LIVED ON:

The four beasts represent four superpowers (kings/kingdoms) that are dominant in the end time. But Superpower number four will severely trample the other three, but not totally destroy them:

Daniel 7:11-12 I kept watching due to the boastful voice that the horn [Antimessiah] spoke with, I watched until the wild beast was killed, and its body was destroyed and 'thrown' into a blazing fire. 12 As for the other wild beasts, their sovereignty was taken away, but their lives were prolonged [3] for a period of time.

Daniel 7:17-18 These four huge wild beasts represent four kings who will rise to power from the earth. 18 But the 'chosen' ones [saints] of the Most Supreme will receive the Kingdom and possess the Kingdom forever, for all ages to come.

Who could these end time Super powers be? Daniel mentioned the King of the North seven times in Daniel 11, and the King of the South seven times there. He also mentioned what I call the King of the North-East in verse 44. Then in Revelation 9:16 there is mention of a 200,000,000 man army. It just so happens that China has amassed such an army.

The Greatest Mile Marker in Time

Actually, there is a tremendous mile marker in time recorded in the Bible! The mile marker is the Jubilee. Daniel’s seventy “weeks” prophecy, history will record, also brought to a close the fourth millennium. Nearly two millennial “days” have passed since the fifth millennium began.

(Before moving to Part 2, I want to note that the information in this chapter is presented as being factual. I believe that my conclusions are primarily correct. I have not placed a lot of disclaimers in the text specifying that others may consider certain statements to be speculative. It should go without saying that anyone reading information relating to the Bible should treat anything as speculative until personally certain that sufficient evidence has been presented as proof.)

Now for Part 2

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Intro Feast Days

July 2006
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