At this point in time the world’s nations will no longer be allowed to hurt Israel.
Micah 5:1-8 Now gather yourselves into troops, 'city' of troops. They have laid siege against us. They’ll strike the judge of Israel on the cheek with a rod. 2 But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, tho you are small among the clans of Judah, yet One will come from you to Me, the One to be Ruler in Israel. He comes from the distant past, from the dawn of eternity. 3 He’ll abandon them [Israel!] until the time when the woman in labor gives birth [Revelation 12:4-6]. Then the rest of His brothers will return to the people of Israel. 4 He’ll stand and shepherd His flock in the strength of Yehovah, in the majesty of the name of Yehovah His Elohim, and they’ll live securely because His greatness will reach the arth. 5 He’ll be our peace when the Assyrian invades our land, and when he tramples our fortresses. Then we’ll bring on the scene seven shepherds against them and eight commanders. 6 They’ll rule the land of Assyria with swords, the land of Nimrod in its entrances. He’ll save us from the Assyrian when he invades our land and tramples our territory.
7 The 'survivors' of Jacob will be among the nations, like dew from Yehovah, like showers on the landscape that don’t wait for man, or wait for human sons. 8 The remainder of Jacob’s clan will be among the nations, among many people, like a lion among the animals of the forest, like a young lion among flocks of sheep, that as he goes thru he tramples them and tears them to pieces with no one to rescue them.—The Gabriel Bible
At the appointed time Yehovah will simply make the survivors of His chosen people impervious to destruction! Tho few in number, they will simply be allowed to depart from “among the Nations!”
Amazingly, soon after Yehovah rescues our people from what I believe to be the German led end time Babylon-Asiatic hordes, lusting for Israel’s newly acquired wealth, sweeping in on the newly liberated captives; they will attempt to destroy these people who they mistake for “easy marks”. They plan to take their spoils before they can regroup. Israel will have pillaged their captors, just as when ancient Israel exited Egypt. This is not robbery, it is back pay! There will be a great deal of “booty” in the form of “silver and gold” and “livestock and goods” that they will “plunder”. The multi million man Asian army, unleashed on Israel, will have grossly underestimated Israel’s new “Ally”!
One reason why some teach that these prophecies will occur at the end of the one thousand year period is because of the statement that Israel would be a nation of unwalled villages. They are clearly just brought back from captivity, having been sold to enemies all over the world. Because these individuals teach that both the Great Tribulation and the Day of Yehovah last a combined total of 1,260 days, there would, under that scenario, be no time period for these prophecies to occur prior to the thousand years. Ezekiel 38 and 39 are just one place where it becomes apparent that the Great Tribulation, also known as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, lasts the full 1,260 days, followed by the Day of Yehovah, a separate year, the year of Yehovah’s vengeance:
Isaiah 34:1,7-8 Come near you nations and listen. Pay attention you people! The earth and everything on it should hear, the world and every living thing... 7 Men as strong as a monoclonius [KJV unicorn] will fall next to them, young bulls with strong ones. Their land will be saturated with blood and their soil will be greasy with fat.
8 It is the Day of Yehovah’s Vengeance, a Year of Payback settling the dispute (retribution) over Zion!
During this transitional year, year 6000, the Jubilee year immediately prior to the Everlasting Kingdom, Jubilee 2027 AD?, Yehovah will be punishing the world’s military powers, but unarmed Israel will have returned to their own land, “and now all of them dwell safely” (Ezekiel 38:8). The defeat of the Northern super power is prophesied in great detail in Revelation 17 thru 19. This is also to occur during the Day of Yehovah.
Joel 2:31 The sun will become dark and the moon will become blood red in the presence of [8] the great and awesome Day of Yehovah coming to pass.
The plan to conquer the nations of Israel has been in the works for years, largely due to an inside job, but perhaps some recklessness will alter the “evil plan” resulting in a sense of urgency that will cause the planners to blunder more than they might have. The statement: indicates that Yehovah orchestrated their attack to be premature, but they would have eventually attacked anyway. Israel will be without defensive military weaponry! This is in sharp contrast to Deuteronomy 28:52. Their weapons will have been lost in the war and Elohim (God) will not give His remnant people any more because they won’t need them.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 are quoted in their entirety because this is a primary source of information about the conclusion of this Jubilee Year for Israel:
Ezekiel 38 All: The Word of Yehovah came to me, He said: 2 “Human son, turn and face Gog of the land of Magog, the leader of the head [or Rosh] of the land of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him: 3 ‘Tell him that the Sovereign Yehovah says: “I’m against you, Gog, leader of the head of Meshech and Tubal. 4 I’ll turn you around and put hooks into your jaws, and I’ll bring you out with your entire army, horses and cavalry, all of them clothed in full armor, a large company with bucklers and shields, all of them swordsmen. 5 Persia, Ethiopia and Put will be with you, all with shields and helmets, 6 Gomer and all his troops, the 'nation' of Togarmah from the far north and all his hordes, and many nations with you.
7 “Be prepared! Be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered with you, and be their guard. 8 After many days [about 2,600 years] you’ll be summoned. In the last years you’ll invade a land that has [recently] recovered from 'war' [1], that was gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, mountains that have been a perpetual waste. Its people were all brought from other nations and are now living securely. 9 You’ll go up, you’ll advance like a storm. You’ll be like a cloud covering the land, you, and all your hordes, and many people with you.
10 “This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: When this commemorative day arrives, thoughts will enter your mind and you’ll devise a sinister plot. 11 You’ll say, ‘I”ll attack a land of unwalled villages, I’ll attack a peaceful confident people, all of them living without city walls, without bars on their doors or gates. 12 I’ll plunder and loot and 'use my power' against the waste places that are now filled with people who were gathered from the nations, who now have livestock and property, who live in the center of the world. [2]” 13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and its villagers will ask you, “Have you come to plunder? Have you assembled these hordes to loot; to steal silver and gold, livestock and goods and to seize property?”
14 “So, human son, give this prophecy to Gog. Tell them that the Sovereign Yehovah says: When That Day Comes*, when My people Israel live securely, you’ll certainly know it! 15 You’ll come from your place in the far north, you, and many nations with you, your entire cavalry, a huge and powerful 'allied' army. 16 You’ll advance against My people Israel like a cloud covering the land. Then in the last days I’ll bring you against My land, so that the nations will know Me when I’m renowned thru you, Gog, before their eyes.
17 “The Sovereign Yehovah says: Gog, aren’t you the one I spoke of long ago [about 2,600 years ago] by My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days for many years that I would bring you against them? 18 When That Day Comes, Gog will attack the land of Israel, My rage will be 'ignited',’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah. 19 ‘In My passion and in My blazing wrath, I tell you, on that commemorative day there will be a huge earthquake in the land of Israel (Revelation 6:12). 20 The fish of the sea, the birds from the air, land animals, every 'living' thing that moves on the ground, and everyone on the face of the earth will shake at My presence. Mountains will be leveled, cliffs will crumble, and every wall will crash to the ground. 21 I’ll summon swordsmen against 'Gog' on all My mountains, declares the Sovereign Yehovah. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 I’ll execute judgment against him with plagues and bloodshed. I’ll send rainstorms against him and his hordes and on the many nations with him a torrential shower with huge hailstones, fire and burning brimstone. 23 I’ll reveal My greatness and My distinction [3]. I’ll make Myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah!
[1] We see in verse 8 that Israel has just recently recovered from war, that Israel had just recently “been a perpetual waste”, and that Israel has just been “brought from other nations and are now living securely.” (also v.14). Something else new, in verse 11 Israel is now for the first time “a land of unwalled villages”. In verse 12 Israel had suddenly become green! Something else new: v.23 [2]In this verse, not only will Israel be living in the navel of the earth, but they will be living in the center of the promised land that far exceeds the allotment given in 1948! [3] Holiness is not a ‘kosher’ word.This other virtually unique occurrence will be plainly identified as a Day of Yehovah prophecy in Zechariah 14:1 and 13.
Paul expounded on this event as well:
Hebrews 12:26-27 whose voice shook the earth. But now He has promised, “Once more, I’ll not only shake the earth, but the heavens as well.” 27 By His saying, “Once more”, it indicates another major rearrangement of the things that can be shaken, because they were created in such a way that the things that can’t be shaken will remain.
John tied this earthquake to “Armageddon” the “great day of His wrath” and the Seventh Bowl:
Revelation 16:16-21 They [Aramaic] [the demons, see Gill’s] gathered them to the place that in Hebrew is called Har Megiddo [“Armageddon”] [4].
17 The seventh messenger poured his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came from the Temple, from the throne, that said, “It is finished!” 18 There was lightning and thunder and voices, and there was a 'powerful' earthquake like nothing that has ever happened since people have inhabited the earth, such a widespread earthquake, and such magnitude! 19 The great state was split into three parts. The 'premier' state of the nations fell. Yehovah remembered to 'make' Babylon the Great drink from the cup filled with the wine of His furious wrath. 20 Every island vanished, and the mountains disappeared. 21 'Huge' hailstones a talent in weight [55 pounds] fell from the sky onto people, and they blasphemed Yehovah because the plague of hail was so 'severe'.
This “GREAT EARTHQUAKE” exactly pinpoints the timing of the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39: The timing is about as pinpointed as you can get.
Zechariah 14:1-13,17 The Day of Yehovah is coming, [1] when your possessions will have been plundered right in front of you! 2 I’ll gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem. The city will have been taken, the houses looted and the women raped. Half [2] of the residents will have gone into exile [been taken], but the rest of the people will have been left in the city. 3 Then Yehovah will go out and wage war against those nations, as when He fought on a day of battle! 4 And when this day arrives, His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem. And the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. 5 You’ll flee by My mountain valley, because My mountain valley will reach to Azel. Yes, you’ll flee just like you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Yehovah my Elohim will come, and all of the 'cherished'ones' with Him.
6 When That Day Comes* there won’t be light, cold or frost. 7 It will be the unique day that 'Yehovah makes Himself known' {niphal}, not day or night, but then when evening comes it will be light [3]. 8 When That Day Comes, living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half toward the eastern sea and half toward the western sea, both in summer and winter.
9 Yehovah will be King over all the land [not earth, “eretz”, same word as v.10] [4]. When That Day Comes it will be Yehovah alone, and His name alone. 10 All the land from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, will have become like the Arabah (barren), but Jerusalem will be elevated, from Benjamin’s gateway to the site of the first gate, to the Corner gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s wine presses. 11 People will live there [in Israel] and there will no longer be a curse, and Jerusalem will be safely inhabited. 12 This is the plague that Yehovah will strike all the nations with that have faught against Jerusalem with: Their flesh will rot away while they are still standing on their feet, and their eyes will rot away in their sockets, and their tongues will rot away in their mouths. 13 When That Day Comes a great panic from Yehovah will fall on them. Everyone will seize the hand of his neighbor, and the hand of one neighbor will be raised against the hand of the other... 17 When that time comes, if any of the clans of the region won’t come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, Commander Yehovah, they’ll get no rain.
Ezekiel 39:ALL “Human son, prophesy against Gog, tell him that the Sovereign Yehovah says: I’m against you, Gog, leader of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal! 2 I’ll turn you around and lead you. I’ll bring you from the far north against the mountains of Israel. 3 I’ll strike the bow from your left hand and knock arrows out of your right hand. 4 You’ll fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops as well as your allies. I’ll give you to predatory birds of every kind and wild animals to be devoured. 5 You’ll fall in the open field. I have spoken,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.[1] 6 I’ll send a fire on Magog and on those who live securely along the coast lands. Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah.
7 “I’ll make My 'special' name known among My people Israel [2]. I won’t allow My 'special' name to be profaned any more, and the nations will realize that I am Yehovah, the 'special' One in Israel. 8 It is coming and it will certainly take place,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah [“Yeshua”]. ‘This is the day I spoke about. 9 “Those who live in the cities of Israel will go out and set the weapons on fire and burn them, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, the war clubs and the spears. They’ll burn them for seven years. 10 They won’t need to gather wood from the fields or cut down any trees from the forests because they’ll use the weapons for fire. They’ll plunder those who plundered them and rob those who robbed them,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
11 “When That Day Comes*, I’ll give Gog a burial ground in Israel’s Valley of the Travelers, east of the Dead Sea, and it will stop anyone from traveling thru. They’ll bury Gog and all of his troops there, and they’ll rename it the Valley of Gog’s Hordes. 12 For seven months the House of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. 13 All the people of the land will bury them. The day that I’m clothed with splendor will be quite memorable,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
14 “They’ll appoint men to continually 'search' for those who were invading the land, and bury those lying on the ground to cleanse it. Seven months after the invasion they’ll begin the search. 15 As the searchers pass thru the land and anyone sees a man’s bone, he will set up a marker beside it, until the burial crews have buried it in the Valley of Hamon Gog. 16 There will even be a city by the name of Hamonah [Hoard] there.” This is how the land will be cleansed.
17 “Human son, This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: Tell every kind of bird and every 'wild' animal: “Assemble and come, gather from every side to the zebak that I’m 'preparing' for you, a great zebak on the mountains of Israel where you can eat flesh and drink blood. 18 You’ll eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the leaders of the earth as if they were rams, lambs, goats and bulls, all of them fattened animals of Bashan. 19 You’ll eat fat until you’re full and drink blood until you’re drunk with the offering that I’m preparing for you. 20 You’ll be filled at My table with horses and charioteers, with warriors and all the fighting men,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
21 “I’ll display My splendor among the nations, and all the nations will see the judgment I’ll execute and My ‘fist’ that I’ll lay on them. 22 So the House of Israel will realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, from that commemorative day on. [2] 23 The nations will know that the House of Israel went into captivity because they were guilty, because they were so unfaithful to Me, and that I hid My face from them and handed them over to their enemies, and they all fell ‘in battle. 24 I acted in proportion to their impurities and their rebellion, and I hid My face from them.
25 “So the Sovereign Yehovah says: I’m going to bring Jacob [Israel] back from captivity and have mercy on the whole House of Israel, and I’ll be zealous for My 'special' name. 26 They’ll 'accept responsibility' for their shame and all their unfaithfulness toward Me when they live securely in their land with no one to frighten them 27 when I’ve brought them back from the nations and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands and become special to them in the sight of many nations. 28 Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, once I’ve made them go into captivity among the nations, and then regathered them to their own land. I’ll leave none of them behind 'this time'. 29 I’ll no longer 'turn' My face from them because I have poured out My spirit on the House of Israel,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.”
Actually, every last verse between Ezekiel 34:1 and the end of the book has to do with the time period between now and Yehovah’s return, as well as with events that take place after the Kingdom of Yehovah is established, even the dry bones prophecy, as I explain in Chapter 12: Are the “Unsaved” Lost?.
Zechariah presented an end time narrative that is packed full of significance. Here are some developments to watch for that describe the Great Escape! We begin at a time when the whole world is at ease—except for the vicinity of Jerusalem!
Zechariah 1:11-15 They reported to the Messenger of Yehovah who was standing among the myrtle trees, “We have walked over the earth, and saw that the entire earth is at rest and in peace.” 12 Then the Messenger of Yehovah asked, “Commander Yehovah, how long will You withhold mercy from Jerusalem and the cities of Judah? You’ve been angry with them for seventy years.” 13 Yehovah answered the Messenger who was speaking with me with kind and comforting words.
14 So the Messenger who was speaking with me said, “Announce that Commander Yehovah says: ‘I’m extremely jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion, 15 but I’m very angry with the nations that feel so secure, because I was only slightly angry, but they furthered the disaster.
This is the time when some of Yehovah’s people will build a temple for Him. The entire story on this is covered in Ezekiel chapters 40 thru 48. This does not mean just the Jews, in fact the words “Jew” and “Judah” don’t even appear anywhere in the book of Ezekiel. A salient caption from that extremely detailed account is summarized by Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 43:10 Human son, describe the 'Temple' to the House of Israel so that they’ll be ashamed of their wickedness. May they measure accurately,
Continuing in Zechariah:
Zechariah 1:16So this is what Yehovah says: I’ve returned to Jerusalem with mercy. My 'Temple' will be built in it,” Commander Yehovah says, “and a measuring line will be stretched out over Jerusalem.
To further illustrate that this is a parallel account, notice the Revelation version of measuring the temple as it pertains to the time of the Two Witnesses:
Revelation 11:1 Then I, John, was given a measuring reed like a staff, and a messenger standing by and said, “Get up and measure the Temple [1] of Yehovah and the altar and those who worship there [2].
[1] Here John is actually told to measure the end time third Temple just prior to the Two Witnesses commission (v.3). The terms “measure”, “measured” and “measuring” combined are found dozens of times in reference to the temple in Ezekiel 40-42. This would explain the previous verse (10:11): “John, you must prophesy AGAIN before many nations and peoples and princes and kings.” Is he one of the two witnesses or one of their companions? Same goes for Elijah (Malachi 4:5-6). Does God Travel in Time?
[2] While the Temple is to be literally measured, the people are spiritually measured!
Notice the context. The enemies of Judah and Israel who captured them and sold them into slavery, “scattered” them. They are still a threat to be reckoned with, but notice who Yehovah is going to send to help make possible the rescue—four “common” tradesmen.
Continuing in Zechariah 1:17-21 Also announce that Commander Yehovah says: My cities will again overflow with prosperity, and Yehovah will comfort Zion again and choose Jerusalem again.’” 18 When I 'looked' up I saw four horns [nations]! 19 I asked the Messenger who was speaking with me,
“What are those?” He answered, “They are the horns that scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem.” 20 Yehovah showed me four craftsmen. [Gill’s]. 21 Then I asked, “What are they coming to do?
Continuing into Zechariah 2:1-5 Then I 'looked' up and saw a man with a measuring line in his hand! 2 I asked, “Where are you going?” He replied, “To measure Jerusalem, to determine how wide it is and how long.”
3 Then the Messenger who was speaking with me left, and another Messenger was coming out to meet him 4 and said to him: “Run and tell this young man, ‘Jerusalem will be inhabited like an unwalled village because of the huge number of people and livestock in it. 5 I’ll be a wall of fire around her,’ Yehovah says, ‘and I’ll be the splendor within her.
A “wall of fire” surrounding the many cities of Israel is to become a place of safety! Israel will need protection from her many enemies at this time. This is not “the millennium”; this is the time of the Second Exodus! Notice:
V.6-13 Yehovah says, “Oh no! Oh no!! Flee from the land of the north, because I’ve scattered you to the four winds of the sky,” says Yehovah. 7 Come Zion! Escape, you who live in the Daughter of Babylon.”
8 This is what Commander Yehovah says: ‘Afterward, His Splendor sent Me to the nations that plundered you, because anyone who 'harms' you, 'harms' the pupil of His eye. 9 I’ll wave My 'fist' against them and their slaves will plunder them!” Then you’ll know that Commander Yehovah has sent Me.
10 “Sing and celebrate, maiden Zion, because I’m going to come and live with you,” says Yehovah. 11 Many nations will side with Yehovah When That Day Comes* and become My people. I’ll live among you, and you’ll know that Commander Yehovah has sent Me to you. 12 Yehovah will inherit Judah as His legacy in the 'special' land and choose Jerusalem again. 13 Be silent 'everyone' in the presence of Yehovah, because He is 'springing into action' from Hare 'special', abode!
Zechariah chapters 3 and 4 are exact parallels of the Two Witnesses, but that is another story. Here is the concluding remark about those chapters:
Zechariah 4:14 Then he said, “These are the two anointed ones who stand by the Sovereign of the whole world.
You may have heard of the highway to the twenty first century. This is the real one! In the end, former enemies will blaze a trail to the doorsteps of their neighbors:
Isaiah 11:16 There will be a highway for the survivors of His people from Assyria like there was for Israel during the day when they came out of Egypt.
Isaiah 19:23 When That Day Comes, there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will travel to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians.
Isaiah 34:8 Because Yehovah has a Time of Vengeance, a Year of Payback settling the dispute over Zion.
There is a seven day long Biblical Feast that commemorates the Exodus. It is called the Feast of Tabernacles (bottom half of page). The following passage is what Moses was commanded by Yehovah to tell Israel. What does Tabernacles commemorate? Notice verse 42-43 carefully. They were to celebrate it to memorialize the time of the First Exodus! It portrays the great escape of Yehovah’s people from slavery in Egypt. The stay in tents, or temporary dwellings, represents the makeshift housing that they used on their way to the Promised Land! Will the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) always commemorate the Exodus of ancient Israel?
Leviticus 23:34-43 Tell the Israelites: “The fifteenth day of this seventh month begins the Feast of Tabernacles lasting for seven days to Yehovah. 35 On the first day there is a special public assembly, don’t do any ordinary [employment/home] work.
37 (‘These are Yehovah’s appointed Festivals. Announce them as special public assemblies to present offerings by fire to Yehovah—zebakim [sacrifices], and grain offerings, an atoning offering, and drink offerings, each on its proper day, 38 in addition to Yehovah’s Sabbaths and your gifts, all your vowed and voluntary offerings that you give to Yehovah.)
39 “So on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you’ve gathered in the crops of the land, celebrate the Feast of Yehovah for seven days. On the first day there will be a Sabbath assembly and on the Eighth Day there will be a Sabbath assembly. 40 On the first day you will take fruit from the best trees, branches from palm trees, boughs from leafy trees and willows from the brooks; and celebrate before Yehovah your Elohim for seven days. 41 You must celebrate this Feast of Yehovah for seven days [not two] every year. It’s a permanent rule to be celebrated in the seventh month [it’s not the last month] from generation to generation. 42 You must live in booths for seven days. Every native born Israelite must live in booths 43 so that coming generations will know that I had the Israelites live in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. I am Yehovah your Elohim.
Do you fully appreciate the significance of the last two verses? They reveal the true purpose of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is worth emphasizing because there are literally thousands of people who celebrate a Feast each year, who don’t know its true significance, or even the exact days to celebrate it. You may be surprised to discover that, like Yehovah’s other Feast Days, the little noticed meaning of Tabernacles has more than one fulfillment. The primary purpose for observing this great Feast is soon going to change forever! In the Kingdom the celebration will involve millions Israelite people who didn’t know their heritage, who experienced a new Exodus—escaping the armies of the Beast, (rather than the Egyptians) as they flee to Jerusalem toward a New and much larger Promised Land!
Some teach that the Feast of Tabernacles “pictures the Millennium”. Aside from the fact that the next thousand years concludes the first “millennial week” of Yehovah’s plan for mankind, the only prominent Scriptural features of the “Millennium” are the punctuations in history brought on by Satan! It is Satan’s rebellion that will literally “mark” the conclusion of this millennium, and it will also be Satan’s final rebellion that demarcates the end of the next millennium. In fact, here is the only reference to that thousand year period in the entire Bible.
Revelation 20:6-7 Blessed and 'chosen' is anyone who has part in this first [or best] [5] resurrection, over them the second death has no influence, but they’ll be priests of Yehovah and of His Messiah, and they’ll reign with Them during the thousand years.
[5] A secondary meaning for the Greek protos is “most important” or “best.” It isn’t necessarily first in time order. In the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:30), the harvest represents the resurrection, and the tares are burned before the wheat is put into the barn. 7 When the thousand years are finished, Satan will be released from his prison
Too much emphasis is placed on the “millennium”—not even a Biblical term. There is not going to be just a “thousand year reign”. Adolph Hitler proclaimed a thousand year “Reich”. The Kingdom of Elohim is an EVERLASTING KINGDOM! (Psalms 145:13, Daniel 4:3, Daniel 4:34, Daniel 7:27, 2 Peter 1:11)
Daniel 7:14 He was given dominion, splendor and a Kingdom, so that people of every nation and language would serve Him. His Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom that will never pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
Isaiah 9:7-8 The expansion of His dominion and prosperity will never end, from David’s throne and over His kingdom, arranging it and maintaining it with justice and righteousness from that time on—forever. The zeal of the Word* of Commander Yehovah will make it happen. 8 Yehovah has sent a message against Jacob, and it will fall on Israel.
These Feast Days were intended for all time, for all of Yehovah’s people, not just for Israel.
Jeremiah 23:5-7 The days are coming,” Yehovah says, “when I’ll raise up for David a righteous Branch. He’ll be a King who rules wisely, and do what is fair and right thruout the land! 6 In His days Judah will be delivered and Israel will live in safely. This is the name that He’ll be given: ‘Yehovah Our Righteousness!’ 7 “That’s why the days are coming,” says Yehovah, “When people will no longer say, ‘As Yehovah lives, who brought the Israelites out of the land of Egypt.
I can’t help but put in a plug for Elohim’s (God’s) Sabbath. Notice the things that will be established following Israel’s captivity when there are “New Heavens” and a “New Earth”: Yehovah will select some of the survivors to be “Priests and Levites”! Did you think that Yehovah was finished with them? And “from one Sabbath to another” everyone will worship Yehovah. I would seriously recommend that you check out the allegations that Sunday has ever had any merit with the Elohim of Israel!
Isaiah 66:19-24 I’ll set up signs among them and send [some] survivors to the nations—to Tarshish, Put and Lud, Meshech, Rosh, Tubal, Javan and to the distant lands beyond the oceans who haven’t heard of My fame or seen My splendor. They’ll announce My splendor among the nations. 20 They’ll bring all of your relatives from all the nations as an offering to Yehovah [Second Exodus], on horses, on chariots, on litters, on mules and on dromedaries to My 'special' mountain Jerusalem,” Yehovah says, “like the Israelites bring their offering in a ceremonially clean vessel into Yehovah’s 'Temple'. 21 I’ll also appoint some of them to be priests and Levites [Ezekiel 44:6-15],” says Yehovah.
22 “As the New Heavens and the New Earth that I’ll make will endure in My presence”, declares Yehovah, “So your descendants and your name will endure. 23 “Then, from one New Moon to the next New Moon [every month!], and from one Sabbath to the next Sabbath [every week!], all of humanity will come to worship before Me”, declares Yehovah. 24 They’ll go out and see the carcasses of the people who rebelled against Me, because the maggots devouring them won’t die off. The fire that’s burning them won’t go out. They’ll be abhorrent to everyone.” [3]
[3] Unfortunately, there will be a steady stream of wicked people being thrown into the fire every ‘moonth’ all thru the time of the “New Heavens and the New Earth.” Whatever the fire does not dispose of will keep the maggots well fed. Gehenna was the city dump of Jerusalem.Egypt is not going to be totally forgotten in the next go around. However, the entire world will be commanded to celebrate Yehovah’s Feast of Tabernacles in the Kingdom of Elohim. Elohim takes His Feast Days seriously and will soon let it be known that He will accept no substitutions!
Zechariah 14:16-19 Then everyone who is left behind [survivors] from all the nations that came against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship Commander Yehovah and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. 17 When that time comes, if any of the clans of the region won’t come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, Commander Yehovah, they’ll get no rain. 18 If the people of Egypt don’t show up, they’ll get no rain. This is the plague that Yehovah will strike the nations with that don’t come up and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. 19 That will be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of any other nation that won’t come up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
Why wait until the next Exodus for a reason to celebrate the great purpose of the Elohim of Israel on His Feast Days? Most people reject Scriptures such as these, will you?
Zechariah 8:22-23 Many people and strong nations will come seeking [searching for, to consult] Commander Yehovah in Jerusalem, and pray to Yehovah!’” 23 “Commander Yehovah says that at that time, ten men from every language and nation will take hold of the 'tzitzits' [“tassels”] of a Jew, and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we’ve heard that Elohim is with you.
There is much more information on Yehovah’s seven annual Feast (and Festival) Days on this site.
An understanding of the salvation of Israel is the foundation of Biblical knowledge. Without this understanding, your spiritual house is built on sand. Israel will have to be saved physically before she can be saved spiritually. The Two Witnesses will echo these words to our people:
Romans 11:25-27 Friends, so that you won’t be presumptuous, I want you to know of this hidden mystery—that a degree of spiritual blindness has overtaken Israel until the full complement of nations can come in, 26 and then all of Israel will be saved [alive]. As the Scriptures declare, “A Savior will come from Zion and turn Jacob [the “lost” ten tribes] from sinfulness.” 27 “And THEN [4] they will have My [NEW] COVENANT, after I have forgiven their sins.
[4] The house of Israel and the house of Judah have not lived under a Covenant since the ancient captivity, but that is about to change (Jeremiah 31:31-34)! The Greek totally obscures the matter of timing by substituting “this” for “then”! See The New Covenant—Soon to be Implemented!
The salvation of Israel is the first step into eternity for mankind. The journey since Abraham has been fraught with setbacks. “Blindness... has happened to Israel”, and it will continue until the prophecies detailed in the Scriptures have been fulfilled. However, once a trail to destiny has been blazed, other nations will follow in Israel’s footsteps.
The following Scripture is the admonition that was given to ancient Israel, after the First Exodus, just prior to the time when they were to inherit the Promised Land. Israel failed miserably. The advance knowledge of a Second Exodus and a Second Promised Land, if you believe the Scriptures, is a great blessing. After the coming Exodus Israel will fulfill the role that she should have fulfilled in the following text. And yes, the national statutes and judgments will again be inaugurated as explained in Ezekiel 40-48.
Deuteronomy 4:1-14 Now Israel, listen to the unchanging tenets and to the regulations that I’m teaching you, and obey them, so that you can live to enter and take possession of the land that Yehovah, the Elohim of your ancestors is giving you. 2 You must not add to or subtract from the Words that I’m giving you, in order to obey the Commandments of Yehovah your Elohim that I give you. 3 You saw with your own eyes what what Yehovah did at Baal Peor. There Yehovah your Elohim destroyed from among you all of the men who followed the Baal of Peor. 4 But those of you who clung to Yehovah your Elohim are all alive today.
5 Look, I’ve taught you unchanging tenets and regulations, just as Yehovah my Elohim commanded me, so you could follow them in the land where you are entering to possess. 6 So obey them, because this is your source of wisdom and your understanding that the people see. When they hear about all these unchanging tenets, they will say, “Surely this is a great nation of wise and understanding people.” 7 What other great nation is there that has their gods as near to it as Yehovah our Elohim is to us whenever we call on Him? 8 And what great nation is there that has unchanging tenets and regulations as righteous as this whole Torah that I’m setting before you today?
9 “But you should be careful, and watch yourselves closely, so that you don’t forget the things that you saw with your own eyes. Don’t allow these memories to escape from your mind as long as you live, but pass them on to your children and grandchildren. 10 Remember the day you stood before Yehovah your Elohim in Horeb, when Yehovah told me, “Gather My people so that I can allow them to listen to My words, so that they learn to fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and so they can teach their children.” 11 You came near and stood at the foot of the mountain while it blazed with fire clear into the sky, amid thick clouds and intense darkness. 12 Then Yehovah spoke to you out of the fire. You heard the sound of words, but you didn’t see His form; just a voice. 13 He proclaimed His covenant to you, the Ten Commandments, that He commanded you to obey, and He wrote them on two stone tablets. 14 It was at that time that Yehovah commanded me to teach you the unchanging tenets and regulations that you’re to follow in the land you’re about to cross over into and take possession of.
Romans 11:2-5 Yehovah hasn’t rejected the people who He predestined. Don’t you know what the Scriptures say about Elijah when he complained to Yehovah about Israel? He said, 3 “Yehovah, they’ve killed Your prophets and torn down Your altars. I’m the only one left, and they’re trying to kill me.” 4 And what was revealed to him, “I have kept 7,000 people for Myself who have never bowed down to worship Baal [the lord]!” 5 It is the same today, a remnant have been rescued—selected by dignity.
The Hebrew Scriptures are saturated with the story of Israel. Yet the Testimony of Yeshua (New testament) is also built on Yehovah’s Master plan to save all of Israel: from the beginning in Matthew to the climax in Revelation! This is the very reason for the Book! “The Church” is not the apple of Yehovah’s eye (Zechariah 2:8), or a replacement for Israel. Spiritual Israel, His Congregation thru the ages is the all volunteer rescue team. We are in training to work under the envoys (apostles) and will literally rule the earth!
Matthew 19:28 Yeshua told them, “I assure you that when the Human Son sits on His magnificent throne on the Renewed Earth, those of you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, presiding over the twelve tribes of Israel.
Judging in this instance would be in the sense of the judges who presided over ancient Israel before she had kings.
Here is what is going to happen very soon. The entire book of Revelation is about the near future (except for a few “footnotes” about Satan and the thousand years). This includes the Seven “Churches”, typified by their predecessors (Revelation 2-3) and the New Jerusalem! Check the evidence—there is no 1000 year postponement!
Revelation 21:2,10-12 I saw the 'cherished' city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from Yehovah, like a bride beautifully adorned for her husband [Isaiah 49:18]... 10 In the spirit realm he carried me to the top of a vast lofty mountain, and he showed me the 'cherished' city of Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from Yehovah, 11 bringing with it the splendor of Yehovah. Her brilliance resembled a very precious gem, like a jasper stone as transparent as crystal. 12 It had a very massive and high wall with twelve gates [6]. The names of the twelve tribes descended from Israel were inscribed on them.
[6] No mention of “Angels” in the Aramaic.
There is no changing the timetable; no use praying for Yehovah to abandon His Jubilee plan; no use contacting government representitives—they guarantee the collapse of what passes for civilization!
Chapter 15 is Jubilee 2031/32 AD!