Chapter 44 What happens when you combine the Seventy Weeks Prophecy with The 7,000 Year Plan (6000 + 1000) extant since before Yeshua was born? You get the timing for “the time of the end!”
New later 2024 opening comments (similar to here): It is now apparent that my April 2024 expectation of the beginning of the end-time seven year Shemitah period of Daniel 9 did not occur. After reconsidering, the 457 BC start of the 70 weeks prophecy, it works perfectly with the commonly held 4 BC birth of Yeshua when added to His 30 years of age when He started His ministry in 27 AD; fulfilling the first 69 'sevens', with the final (7 year long) 'seven' yet to happen, fulfilling the 490 “week” requirement.
I still adamantly deny the easily debunked Good Friday myth. A Friday is widely popularized by a slight-of-hand use of the 4th century Hillel 2 calendar (which is riddled with changes), being retrofitting with the altered dates into the first century. I also believe that every Biblical year starts with the first month, not the 7th month. Note that using the 457 BC to 27 AD scenario doesn’t allow for a 3.5 year ministry; that seems suspiciously like a plot to split the 70th week between two millennia. A five year ministry into 32 AD would fall between the popular 30 AD vs 33 AD suppositions.
As of now, the spring of 2025 thru spring 2032 or 2033 are the earliest dates that would allow for the prerequisite final seven year Shemitah before the 120th Jubilee year. Furthermore, dates beyond the Biblical year 2032/2033 seem to be a stretch for marking 2000 years since Yeshua’s crucifixion. Due to simple arithmetic, many projections of mankind’s final 'seven' have fallen by the wayside, like my and the typical Church of God’s 31 AD crucifixion that I have now mathematically dropped as a consideration.
I have been reconsidering the day count for the 70th 'seven' (Satan’s final 7 year period). It is “1,260 days” or “42 (30 day long) months” and also “time, times and half a time” (or half of a 'seven'). But between 700 BC and now those years have never been the reality. But what if we use these same prophesied “idealized 360 day years” and just do a day count: 69 weeks X 7 days X 360 years = 173,880 days. From 445 BC, Sir Robert Anderson’s popular starting date for the 69 'sevens' until a 32 AD crucifixion is 173,880 days—when allowing for one 'simple' lunar cycle correction, Dr. Gavin Finley’s fascinatingly singular correction ends at Passover 32 AD, including Yeshua’s ministry (regardless of the equinox)!
I strongly suspect that the dreaded last Shemitah/Jubile cycle of the sixth millennium will begin on Monday, March 31, 2025—Biblical New Years Day, really get heated by the fall Feasts, and culminate in a peaceful spring of 2033 AD—two millennial days after Yeshua’s crucifixion. And I still strongly lean toward the 7 years beginning on a Biblical New Year’s Day (one complete Shemitah period). Besides, there are four red heifers now available in Israel. Previous premises advocating for an earlier timing of the end-times have expired. The 6000 year plan has to be nearly complete. Yeshua will not postpone His return!
The often mentioned 69 “weeks” were fulfilled when Yeshua began His ministry in what looks to me to have been in 27 AD (Daniel 9:25). Mainstream Christianity is split between 30 AD and 33 AD for Yeshua’s crucifixion year, while those I know best would say 31 AD. Yet now only years 32/33 AD and 33/34 AD + 2000 (baring some outlier) allow enough time for Satan’s final seven year long devastation followed by the Day of Yehovah (Jubilee 120). This narrows down the “interesting times” to beginning in early 2025 or early 2026. I don’t foresee the massive political and military pot not boiling over any longer than Biblical New Year’s day, 2025.
Here is by far the most detailed accounting of the time line of the crucifixion week and the Wednesday crucifixion I have ever seen. Yeshua’s supper is discernible but could use more emphasis.
The sequence of end time events in the rest of this chapter is being moved back by one year.
A 2,000 year long countdown that includes two 3.5 year periods—7 years of chaos (a Shemitah cycle including the Great Tribulation) followed by a Year of Redemption—Jubilee #120 (Isaiah 63—and the Day of Yehovah, especially verse 4) puts us already too far into the sixth millenniun to allow for most of the previously suspected 7 year Tribulation periods, (not to mention the actual 8 years necessary for a complete 6000 years.) Yeshua only alluded to His ultimate objective during His earthly ministry. His death on the cross in particular guaranteed that outcome as fully spelled out in Isaiah 49!]
Understanding the Shemitah/Jubilee cycle is essential to understanding the end times timeline! If you understand how Pentecost (aka Feast of Weeks, Shavuot or Firstfruits) is determined in the Bible then you can relate to the Jubilee cycle.
Leviticus 23:15-16 From the day following the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the wave sheaf [lit: omer] offering, you must count off seven complete Sabbaths. 16 You must count fifty days, to the day following the seventh Sabbath. Then you’ll present a new [fresh] grain offering to Yehovah... 21 That commemorative day will be proclaimed a special public assembly for you, you must not do your usual labor. This is a permanent rule wherever you live thruout your generations.The Gabriel Bible
The Jubilee cycle is the same, except for counting years rather than days: Count 7X7 years (instead of weeks), then take a year long sabbatical!
It is not difficult to see other people’s timelines of 2000 year intervals between Adam to Abraham to Yeshua’s life to His return. I have believed since likely 1996 that at some point within His ministry, there was a line in the sand marking the exact 2000 year point between His life in the flesh and the date He will return as a conqueror. Most of that time I have been convinced that the year 6000 would be 2031, but for a couple of years I thought that the first day of His ministry was the more likely starting point. Millions of people believe in a final 7 year countdown starting after sacrifices on the Temple Mount have begun rather than the actual 8 years. In any event, I have not had an opinion starting outside of the range of suspected years within His Ministry. It’s rare for anyone to point to a later date for His crucifixion than that year. In any event 2025 is the last date within the range of possibilities I can see that starts the end-time wrecking ball rolling. It will be the beginning of the countdown to the 7 years of Tribulation and Great the Tribulation, followed by “the Day of Yehovah’s Vengeance” (Isaiah 34:8.) Thanks to new insight likely originating here, and cited by Jonathan Cahn here. I believe that Yeshua’s birth on the first day of spring is more than circumstantial evidence indicating that end-time years start and end on “new year’s days” in the spring. No partial years need apply.
There is significance to the fact that Yeshua chose EXACTLY three days and three nights as the only sign that He was the Messiah. It indicated that there remained, at that time, precisely three millennial ‘days’ in Yehovah’s master plan. I expect that the second of those three millennial ‘days’ will expire in the cspring of 2033. Then “He’ll revive [resurrect] us after two [millennial] days. On the third [millennial] day He’ll raise us up so we can live in His presence!” (Hosea 6:2) So the resurrection is immediately after year Biblical 6000 expires, as year 6001 begins—New Years Day! The ‘bad’ news is that the return of Yehovah “and all of the 'cherished' ones with Him” (Zechariah 14:5), will not occur before the Jubilee year of 2032/2033 AD, as will be shown.
The parable of the fig tree that Yeshua cursed after three years of inspection (ending in the spring just before Passover)—likely the very tree He was crucified on, is another perfect illustration of the significance of the number three, relevant to His ministry.Yeshua even mentioning part of His objective assured His ultimate death as they tried to kill Him very early in His Ministry. The vast majority of commentators assume that the year of Yeshua’s crucifixion would have been either 30 or 33 AD based on the bad arithmetic (1 day +1/2 day = 3 days) that Yeshua was crucified on a Friday afternoon, and based on the 4th century Hillel 2 Jewish calendar that was obviously not even in use yet. (If He had been crucified on a Friday those years wouldn’t even work out on the first century Biblical calendar!) Also various supposed years of Cyrus’s edict that began the 70 'sevens' prophecy still do not account for the 4th century change to the Hillel 2 calendar, usually retrofitted to accomodate a supposed Good Friday year. So according to the bolded link just mentioned, 2033 would be the last option for the numbers to total two millennial days. Antichrist confirming a covenant that results in the Jews sacrificing on the actual Temple site—near or on where the Dome of the Rock stands—not the City of David. I expect sacrificing to begin in 2025 on Biblical New Year’s day. As Tim Cohen says, the Daniel 9:27 covenant could easily confirm/strengthen the Great Reset!: The ONLY Man Alive Who Could Be THE Antichrist [With Proof] - the Prince of Whales/King Charles.
When my supposed dates had obviously not added up, I decided to just read Luke 4 again, Yeshua’s ultimate objective. It now seems plain to me, in hindsight, that Luke 4 is not about what Yeshua did that day—it is about His entire earthly itinerary—what He was going to during those years, and what He was going to do on the Jubilee year of His return! What ended at a Roman cross when He said, “It is finished!” was just the beginning!
The Kingdom of Aloha [God] will be “like a mustard seed” or a dab of “leaven” (Matthew 13:32-33)—a profound change, but initially it will only be an enlarged nation of Israel. (See Zechariah 14:9.
Luke 4:18-21 The Sovereign YEHOVAH’s spirit overlooks Me, because Yehovah has anointed Me to bring Good News to the afflicted. He has sent Me to relieve the grief stricken, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind and to set the oppressed free; 19 to proclaim the Acceptable Year [1] of Yehovah...[Jubilee] [Directly from Isaiah 61:1-2] 20 He rolled up the scroll and gave it to the attendant and sat down. Everyone in the synagogue was gazing at Him. 21 Then He told them, “Today the Scripture you just heard read has been fulfilled.
[1] The azazel goat being led out into the wilderness in Leviticus 16:10 corresponds with the spirit leading Yeshua into the wilderness in Luke 4.So it suddenly dawned on me that He had not accomplished any of those things that day—He had only begun announcing the process when it was interrupted by His crucifixion. There is still one seven year long “week” (Daniel 9:27 below) of bad news to come before a Jubilee year of intervention. In the last century I had believed that His birth date designated the new millennium, later I figured it had to be His death, until I was sidetracked by: “TODAY the Scripture you just heard read has been fulfilled.”
As I just mentioned, the final eight years almost certainly begins in the spring of 2025 for Yeshua’s death to be directly correlated with the 6000 year plan. It appears to me now that there is no other option than to believe that the countdown to millennium #7 must begin the count from the year of the His crucifixion in 32 AD + 2,000 years.
I believe that Passover 32 AD was a Wednesday on the Biblical calendar THEN in use. Retrofitting Hillel’s 4th century calendar into the first century is why most people rule out that year + 2000 years as a possible year 6000, since they look for a Friday.
I stated on my website on 6/15/2000 that Bible prophecy indicates that the Monarch, Queen Elisabeth would rule over the former superpower that was to vanish for 70 years, and then the superpower would return! The 70 years has to do with WW2 and the demise of the English super power. Princess Elisabeth joined the military in 1944; 8 years before her record setting 70 year long reign. But 22 years after my post went online, when nothing noteworthy occurred on Sunday, April 3, 2022 (Biblical New Year’s Day, I dismissed my prediction, stating in The Beast of 2022: “As far as theories go, this one [about Queen Elisabeth] is a real dilly; it’s just wrong!” For 5 months I was resigned to the idea that I had been entirely wrong about the Luke 4 tripwire as well. But while the 70 years did not happen to the day, as I had thought, she did rule for 70 years to the year, and with the new King Charles taking the crown, (setting the record for a prince waiting to become a king) as I predicted many years ago, world events are starting to get very interesting.
Isaiah 23:2,15-18 Be silent you people of the [British] Islands, you merchants from Sidon, whose seafarers are overflowing with merchandise...15 When That Day Comes* Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, like the reign of a MONARCH [2]. At the end of seventy years, Tyre will become like the prostitute in the song: 16 “Take a harp and 'strut' around the city, you forgotten whore. Play a sweet melody. Sing many songs, so you’ll be remembered.” 17 Then when the seventy years have elapsed, Yehovah will revive Tyre, and she’ll return to her hire as a prostitute with all the kingdoms on the face of the earth. [Compare to Ezekiel 27 & 28.] 18 Her merchandise and her profits will be set apart for Yehovah. It won’t be stored or hoarded. Her merchandise will be for those who live in the presence of Yehovah, an abundance of food and fine clothing.
[2] The Hebrew word malak is generally translated as “king” but it can also just mean “monarch”, or even “royal” as in Genesis 49:20, 1 Samuel 25:36, 2 Samuel 14:26; 1 Kings 10:13; Amos 7:1 and Amos 7:13. The Isaiah 23 context continuously references a personified female (sort of like Britannia) culminating in a monarch reigning for 70 years. When it says “the days of a monarch’s reign”, the indication is that it is pinpointing a literal seventy year administration of a particular monarch’s actual governance. An exceedingly rare occurrence! In fact only one prominant monarch in world history has surpassed a 70 year reign! Queen “Elizabeth II is [was] the longest-lived and longest-reigning British monarch, the longest-serving female head of state in history, the oldest living and longest-reigning current monarch, and the oldest and longest-serving incumbent head of state.” She [was] the only person alive who could have had a seventy year long monarchy. While America is Babylon in prophecy, the British (Ephraim) are like modern Tyre: “like Tyre, but Ephraim will bring out their children to be killed.” Hosea 9:13.
There are quite a number of factors that must line up perfectly to establish year 6000—the last year of this age. People ever since the time of Isaac Newton have been trying to resolve our location in time. (And no, it has nothing to do with Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire.) I have decided to list many of the factors I considered while endeavoring to determine when this age will be over and when the 7th millennium will begin. But first I want to examine the benchmark year that I had ruled out (until 4-22-2022).
As with all of the other benchmark events there are differences of opinion as to when they occurred. As with every major Biblical event there are a range of dates suggested for the actual date. I am convinced that the Exodus occurred on a Jubilee year. Isaiah 61 is all about it. Plan “A” was for Israel to exit away from slavery and immediately occupy the land of Israel (as will occur during the Second Exodus). That Jubilee is defined in Leviticus 25:8-55. Of course ancient Israel threw a monkey wrench into the First Exodus, even wanting to kill Moses.
The time of the first Exodus is close to occupying the exact middle of the 7,000 year long millennial week—a most popular date: 1446 B.C. I’m not going to give any odds on this date because dating the time of the Exodus is very controversial. This may just be coincidental and certainly not enough to bet on. But should 2032/2033 (spring to spring) be the right year, then allowing for a seven year long Tribulation period (a Shemitah), followed by a one year long Day of the LORD Yehovah, then Monday, 3/31/2025 (New Years Day) will likely begin the end times! I checked to see if anyone else was considering the spring of 3968 BC and I did find someone counting back from 33 AD to come up with that same year.
Everything I have written on Biblical chronology is based on there being a 7,000 year plan, with the final eight year long countdown to year 6,000 very quickly approaching. This analysis of end time prophecy by Ernest Martin shocked me when I found it six years ago (so close). And this page is a great first exposure (or last one) about the 7,000 year plan if you are undecided. (A source does not have to like me for me to link to them.)
In Luke 4 it is very plain that Yeshua came to announce “the Acceptable Year of Yehovah”, which all of the commentaries acknowledge is the Jubilee year. When we get to 120 of those years, (120 X 50 = 6,000), Yehovah and His Son Yeshua will be here together (Daniel 7:13-14). Unfortunately, there is no consensus on which year that Jubilee was, tho many of the formerly “contending” years (resulting in 2027-2031) have now proven not to be correct after allowing for an eight (or even 7) year long end time.
Why eight years? So far as I know, I am the first and only person to have supported a seven year long tribulation & Great Tribulation period as a seven year Shemitah cycle, with the 7th of 7 of these periods followed by the Jubilee Year (Judgment Day)—totaling an eight year long end time period, tho Tim Cohen told me in an email correspondence that it will be in his “Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period”, multi-volume series”.
Knowing exactly when Adam and Eve got booted from Eden all by itself should settle the date issue, but there is no consensus on that to set a benchmark in time, tho as usual there are realistic estimates to work with. Assuming that the “first man Adam” lived for 30 years before being tested like “the Adam to come” (Romans 5:14) makes the departure date from Eden relevant. Adding the time spent in Eden would all but certainly put us in the seventh millennium right now—not really feasible.
When exactly did the seventy 'sevens' prophecy of Daniel countdown to Yeshua’s rturn begin? Knowing exactly when Yeshua was born, or annointed as Messiah or even when He died would give us a benchmark to set the millennial clock. In 2020 I thought for a short time that I had found a sure ancient witness to His birth date—but that early report was in error. Unfortunately there is serious disagreement on any given date, tho many estimates would put us in the 6,000+ years setting—and I don’t see any lions playing with lambs.
When does a Biblical year begin? Virtually everyone believes the Biblical year starts in the 7th month! But Exodus 12:2 says otherwise. (Judaism has been using several types of years in addition to the 7th month since the Babylonian captivity.) For there to be a final eight years, or seven for that matter, I fully expect for it to be full Biblical years beginning and ending on a new moon day of a particular “spring” (Aviv 1.) Also as I have stated, sacrificing was begun and reinstituted on Aviv 1 several times in the past, as I expect it will in the near future.
A New Pentecost segment from Chapter 44: The Fig Tree “Generation” theory about people 70 to 80 years of age following 1948 will have expired after the 8 year long end time period (more expired still in the popular seven year scenario).
Counting “fig tree generation” then a Feast day would most likely be involved. Until recently I had no idea which month the independence of the Jewish state came into being, just somewhere between January and December. The problem is that the Greek word for ““nation” is the same word as “generation”. That changes everything! The Fig Tree “Nation” on the other hand simply means that the Jewish nation will not “cease to exist” in the end times, (tho the Antichrist will attempt their destruction, as have so many others).
Aside from the supposed countdown, I had never considered 1948 to be especially prophetically significant! My reasoning is found in the opening paragraph here:
Matthew 24:34 It is certain that the Israelite nation [Aramaic Sharebtha: tribe, people or nation] will not disappear before all these things have taken place. Some commentators are convinced that the end time seven years (actually eight) began in 2023, despite that no seven year long contract “with many” was made and that sacrificing on the Temple mount has not begun yet. They will have some explaining to do when the circumstances in Jerusalem change. Yeshua apparntly began His ministry in 27/28 AD and was crucified in 32/33 AD, bringing to a close the 4th millennial week, adding 2000 years to 2032 should close out the 6th millennial week in 2032/2033 AD. Pilate governed Judaea between 26-36 AD, which seems to be timing that is not disputed. Daniel 12:9-11 He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the matter is secret and sealed until the time of the end.
10 Many will purify and refine themselves, but the wicked will continue to be wicked, and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise [3] will understand.
11 “From the time that the continuous burnt zebakim [sacrifices] are removed and the abomination that causes desolation is set up there will be 1,290 days. Temple treasures in the Vatican?”—The Jerusalem Post. The premise of this chapter is that Yeshua will return exactly two millennial days (2,000 years) from His crucifixion. “A chronology of Jesus typically has the date of the start of his ministry estimated at around AD 27–29...” (I feel like a marksman firing off a few shots to sight in his rifle.) So I am defaulting to 27 AD as His “First Coming” and 2032 AD as His promised return. If correct, sacrificing will begin in Jerusalem in 2025, Biblical New Year’s Day—utilizing actual sighted new moons rather than the fourth century “ballpark”, anciently calculated, Hillel 2 Jewish calendar, or the no-moon.
When the (I contend) eight year long end time actually begins, the wise—those with “discernment” will understand the timeline, but “none of the wicked” will understand.” Presumably the discerning 'special ones' (saints) will quickly bring up to date their less informed associates. Daniel 12:6-13 One asked the man dressed in linen, who was hovering above the river water, ‘How long will it be until the end of these extraordinary things?’
7 I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the water of the river, when he raised his right and left hands toward heaven, and swore by the One who lives forever that it will be for a time, [a year], times [2 years], and half a time [1/2 a year], and when they’ve made an end of breaking in pieces the power of the 'chosen' people, all of these things will be finished.”
8 I heard, but I didn’t understand, so I asked, “Master, what will be the end result of these miracles?”
9 He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the matter is secret and sealed until the time of the end.
10 Many will purify and refine themselves, but the wicked will continue to be wicked, and none of the wicked will understand, but those with discernment will understand.
11 “From the time that the continuous burnt zebakim [sacrifices] are removed and the abomination that causes desolation is set up there will be 1,290 days.
12 Blessed are those who 'persevere' and attain the 1,335 days [2].
13 “But go your way until the end, because you will remain resting, and arise to your compensation at the end of the days [age].” [2] On the surface “arise to your compensation at the end of the days” appears to mean that Daniel would arise at the end of the 1,335 days. But that flatly contradicts Matthew 24. It doesn’t mean that. (Interestingly, the other place usually translated as “the end of the days” refers to the end of the three and a half year period when Nebuchadnezzar lived as a wild beast, Daniel 4:34.) Actually, the phrase “the end of the days” used in this context means the same thing that all eight instances of the “last days” refer to in the Tanak, and all eleven references to the “latter days” means “the end of the age. With a fair consensus of writers dating Yeshua’s (Jesus’’) crucifixion being between 30-33 AD, 2033 is the last mathematical option for Yeshua to begin His reign at the beginning of the seventh millennial day, unless an outlier date were to somehow be correct. Proverbs 18:17 The first to state their case seems right, until his neighbor begins to cross-examines him. (Commentary) I seriously doubt that there has been a “true prophet” since the first century. In my mind, claiming to be one makes a person a false prophet! (This is about to change. Revelation 11:3-12) This chapter remains an attempt by a guy living out in the wilderness, with no followers, to unravel the timing of the world’s greatest prophecy. It is my hope that the factors I am presenting will be helpful to the first person to get all of the ducks lined up (if I have not). There is a long list of people who have claimed to know when the “rapture” will be, or the “extinction of humanity” or “end of the world” or the “end of time (a fairly good link). I don’t believe in any of those things: (“world without end”!-Eph.3:21 KJV). Most of the prognosticators have based their predictions on dreams (everyone dreams), wishful thinking, simple numerology, when their church started, hard times, “God told me”, and other whimsical approaches. I have simply tried to reconcile the many fascinating Biblical clues that demand an answer in reference to the end of this age and the beginning of the next millennium. After way too much research, I have concluded and linked to compelling evidence that Yeshua was crucified in 32 AD—pinpointing the Jubilee year and all to follow in 50 year increments, as in 2032/2033, indicating the end of the 6th millennium. One year correction to here A primary example of a variable is found in “Chronology of Jubilees”. The Design of Time site is the most informative source of historic Jubilee information I know of, and the statement below caused me some uncertainty until the math didn’t work out: “If a jubilee year was celebrated in this modern era—as a projection of jubilees celebrated in the Temple Era—it is probable that the next jubilee year would correspond to about the year 2029 CE (+ or - 1 year). Due to some uncertainty inherent in the assumptions currently made and due to the antiquity of the cited source material, the current analysis should be considered to be very speculative.” Another factor to note (same source) is that there was no real Jubilee during the life of Josephus. “The possibility that a jubilee year was not officially celebrated in the region of Judea after the 177th Seleucid year [135-134 BC] is made manifest from late Second-Temple sources. These several sources confirm that—by the end of the Temple Era—Judeans celebrated only an unbroken cycle of 7th years.” There may not be a reliable way to convert our Roman calendar to the 1st century sighted new moon calendar used by Jews and Christians at the time (some planetary factor could have changed), tho people, to my amazement think they can retrofigure dates from the significantly different Hillel 11 calendar of the 4th century. Hillel’s calendar was slow to be accepted and not in it’s final form until the 9th century! Maybe someone will find aviv barley records that determined the first month of any year and the start date of many of the months, when the new moon fell on a borderline visible month, tho computer programs often determine dates when visibility should have been certain, except during heavy cloud cover. Another consideration is that for many years I have rejected the majority Jewish viewpoint that New Years begins in the seventh month. It contradicts Exodus 12:1-2. Half of the historic dates can be a year off with this “modern” Jewish variable in the mix. (My Jewish Learning explains “How Rosh Hashanah Became New Year’s Day”.) I have actually struggled with the 6 month error in reference to historic dates since 2006 when I wrote extensively about the Jubilee. I prefer taking the chance of being wrong on the count rather than just saying nothing. Many peoples predictions and speculations steming from the 2000 year countdown from the Messiah’s first coming have expired, pushing the envelope of reasonable estimations as to when the final seven year long Shemitah/tribulation period will begin! A factor to consider in order for Yeshua to have had a 33 year long lifespan is the time of year He was born. I learned to my great surprise from Jonathan Cahn (disclaimer) in December 2019 that there is a great deal of evidence that Yeshua was born on the first day of the first month of a Hebrew year (Aviv 1) from this his likely source, tho I don’t accept their best calculated “guess” as to the calendar year without having had a boots on the ground observation of the barley and the crescent moon on the first day of the first month of the Hebrew year (Aviv 1), rather than during the Fall Feast days. This is an absolute MUST SEE that changed my understanding of the time line. He had to be 30 years old when He began His ministry (Luke 3:23 thru 4:20). Since His spring birth would predate His ministry by 30 years (in a spring to spring Biblical calendar). My trying to determine when Yeshua was born + 30 years in an effort to determine the year when Yeshua became the Messiah has been quite frustrating. I think we can safely say that starting a count from Yeshua’s birth or even when He began His ministry + 2000 years does not benchmark a millennial period. This took me a while to resolve, but with my recent acceptance of His 32 AD crucifixion (almost by default), along with a spring birth of the Messiah. Using estimated days His lifespan from Aviv 1, 2 BC to Aviv 14 32 AD adds up to 33 years and 2 weeks: (New year’s day to Passover.) Of course this puts me in another lonesome box: an unpopular crucifixion year combined with an unpopular birth date. Until December 2019 I never in my wildest dreams thought that Yeshua could have been born on Biblical “New Year’s Day”, Aviv 1 (Nisan 1), until I watched this from Jonathan Cahn! It is essential to see it to get a running start on what I’m about to explain! (Later, you might also watch him here for even more details). Now, adding 30 years to 2 BC (spring to spring calendar) results in spring, 29 AD, which would be when Yeshua began His ministry. When He was crucified in the spring of 32 AD, that is when adding 2000 years for the end time. But 2 BC thru 2032 AD gives us
2,033 years from Yeshua’s Birth to His return and from His crucifixion in 32 AD to His return 2,000 years later in 2032
which is exactly 2000 years. This includes the final 8 year countdown from spring 2025/2026 thru spring 2032/2033, ending this millennium. The basis of this chapter is that Yeshua’s “second coming” is related to the countdown given in Daniel 9:20-27, the famous 70 'sevens' prophecy to the beginning of His ministry in 29 AD—483 Daniel chapter 9 type “weeks” + His 33 year life to 32 AD, then adding two millennial days (2,000 years) to arrive at His return in 2032. The controversy is usually whether the countdown began in 457 BC or 458 BC. But further difficulties arise as to which calendar is being referenced: Biblical or “Babylon-derived”. The Shiloh Excavations has an interesting article that I believe ironically helps support the Biblical “spring to spring” calendar. After their conclusion I point out what I believe to be two serious assumptions: “Conclusions: The decree of Cyrus set in motion God’s plans for bringing the Jews back to the Land after the Babylonian exile. This decree unfolded gradually, culminating in the decree in the seventh year of Artaxerxes I Longimanus, 457 BC, which permitted rebuilding of city infrastructure and defenses. The “weeks” of Daniel 9 were understood by the ancient Jews as referring to sabbatical year cycles, which, being tied to agriculture, were always counted from the month of Tishri. Sabbatical year observance only applied when people resided in the land of Judea, so the count had to be restarted after the exile. Since the restoring of Jerusalem had a necessary spiritual aspect, the work of Ezra was part of the fulfillment of Daniel 9:25, and the return from the exile was not finished until Ezra and his companions arrived. Given that Ezra did not depart for Judea until Nisan 1 in early spring of 457 BC, Artaxerxes’ decree was most likely issued during the winter of 457 BC. Thus, Tishri 1, 457 BC would have been the earliest time the observance of sabbatical year cycles could have been implemented after the exile.” Assumption #1: “which, being tied to agriculture, were always counted from the month of Tishri”. This assumes that the Jews were “kosher” in adopting any Babylonian reckoning for their calendar. Only when Babylonian month names are specified can we understand that they were used to clarify to ancient readers within the Babylonian realm “what time it is”. Yehovah only specified one calendar. When the months are numbered, that reflects the Biblical calendar. Assumption #2: “so the count had to be restarted after the exile”. The whole reason for the seventy 'weeks' prophecy is to explain the penalty for their forsaking of the Jubilee cycles which brought on their punishment. This error can not be corrected by messing with the very start of Jubilee years—pushing them out by six months every cycle into perpetuity, adding insult to injury!“Some people try to use verse 34 to say that Jesus was only speaking to that particular generation of Jews living at the time. They say Jesus said this around 30 AD and a generation is 40 years and so many from that generation would have been around during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The problem though is that that generation has long passed away and not all of the things that Jesus said have happened. Certainly not the great heavenly signs and the Second Coming or the end of the age or the gathering of His elect which was all supposed to happen “immediately after the destruction of Jerusalem”. The only deduction is that Jesus wasn’t only referring to that immediate generation of Jews but also the Jewish people as a race and that they would not pass away before His Second Coming and the end of the age. That current generation will witness the destruction of Jerusalem but the race of Jewish people will not be destroyed before the end of the world [age]. Therefore what Jesus was saying was not just a prediction it was also a promise and a guarantee that Jewish people will not be wiped out...
The Time of the End
Variables to Consider Timing End-Time Events
When was year 4000, the highly significant year that Yeshua fulfilled the first 69 weeks of the prophecy? Until just recently this looked like it to me: “Then [Yeshua] told them, “Today the Scripture you just heard read has been fulfilled.” (Luke 4:21). Knowing when week 69 ends is the key to pinpointing year 6000, as well as the seventh millennium. Commentators generally suspect several years within a narrow range to identify the event. In my younger years, I believed that end of the 70 weeks prophecy would culminate in His birth, later His death, later still when He began His ministry. But now I see the 70 weeks pinpointing His birth, but His crucifixion pinpointing year 4000, thus pinpointing year 6000—the end of this age.
The vast majority of commentators expect a 7 year “last days”, whereas I actually expect a 7 year Shemitah cycle, followed by a Jubilee year, the Biblical ending to the narative, the Year of Payback.
Furthermore, the vast majority of commentators do not expect a cosmic level event to speed the earth’s revolution to a literal 360 day year; rather they count the 1,260 days, “forty-two months” as if a 360 day year already exists.
With the world policeman falling apart daily, it would be a shame if the United States were to self destruct before the Pre-Tribulation 1,260 days even begins!
A majority of Christian commentators feature the year 1948 as a Jubilee year, since Israel became a nation then, or at the very least a very foundational prophetic milestone. But Bible prophecy never predicts a highly secular Israel with essentially only one of the 12 tribes returning to a small sliver of the original real estate as the ideal. While the existence of the Jewish state is significant and necessary in end time prophecy, it in no way is fulfilling the wonderful prophecies—only the dire ones!
What is necessary is for all of these often nearly unique variables and more to be correct to calculate “the end of the days” prior to the zebak [sacrifice] of a red heifer on the Temple Mount!
The 69 “weeks of years” or 483 year countdown to Yeshua is usually considered to have begun in either 457 BC or 458 BC. Establishing the date 457 B.C is an Adventist article that makes really good sense concerning the start of the 70 weeks prophecy—except that their objective is to make the year 1844 of some importance to the establishment of their church and nothing more! (Most? other Adventists realize nothing of the sort happened). Again, where I differ from this start is the idea that just the Jews adopted the Babylonian fall to fall calendar doesn’t make it right. It results in a six month difference in the start date. The last line of the article says, “So the probability that Ezra used the fall-to-fall calendar can be established from both biblical and extrabiblical sources.” But would Ezra have used another calendar in an inspired prophecy?:
Exodus 12:1-2 Yehovah said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, 2 “This New Moon will be the beginning of your New Moons [months]. It will be the first New Moon of your year.
Exodus 12 is entirely about the Passover in the the first month (spring)!
The 457 BC to 1844 connection came from a Sunday Baptist preacher named William Miller who convinced tens of thousands of Christians that Jesus was coming back in 1844. Out of the confusion and disappointment sprang three churches: Two Sabbath keeping groups: The Seventh Day Adventists and the (Sabbatarian) Churches of God and one Sunday group: the Advent Christian Church
If the fall of 457 BC was correct then 27 AD would have been the start of Yeshua’s ministry, and His crucifixion would have been in 30 AD, and the end of the age would be 2030 AD, preceded by the final eight years beginning in the spring of 2022 [a scenario now expired]. (With a 458 BC start we would have seen the prophetic signs in 2022.)
Maybe I would have figured the Seventy Weeks out sooner if I hadn’t just spent 22 years creating the Gabriel Bible. Anyway, the Seventy Weeks Prophecy is a separate prophecy. This article ends with something that actually happened after “2,300 evenings and mornings”. The writer admits that the numbers come very close to working out perfectly. The error may be entirely from his misunderstanding of the Biblical calendar used even in the first century AD in Israel. The Jewish calendar used today, based on calculations instead of actually sighted new moons (often two days away from reality) used ripening barley as the only indicator as to when a new year was to start, leading to one month discrepancies. The Jews did not adopt the Greek fixed 19-year Metonic cycle until they were driven from their land. Most of the evolution to that calendar was solidified in the Jewish Hillel 2 calendar of the 4th century, tho other changes happened even later.
As an aside, the modern Roman derived calendar was based on ancient lunar calendars: it even began in the spring:
“This meant that some of the month names no longer agreed with their position in the calendar. For example, September means ‘the 7th month,’ but it was now the 9th month of the year—an inconsistency that was preserved and is still part of the Gregorian calendar in use today.”
“It had a ‘Leap Month, Mercedonius’, just like the Biblical [modern Jewish] month.
“It apparently announced “the day of the New Moon (or the first sliver of the Waxing Crescent Moon)” just like the Biblical calendar.
“The lunar calendar even marked full moons: ‘the Ides marked the day of the Full Moon’”.
In any event, the delayed 70th week is about to begin; the seven year long period so many people expect, followed by a full year of payback (retribution: Isaiah 34:8). I expect the final eight years, consisting of the seven Shemitah years followed by the Jubilee year, when Yehovah and Yeshua will both arrive and Yeshua will be coronated and begin ruling (Daniel 7:13-14), to begin with “the Beginning of Sorrows” (Matthew 24) in 2024, with the end of this age being the Jubilee Year: Hebrew year 2032/2033. Daniel 9:27 will immediately begin with Daniel 11:31 to follow three and a half years later. When Yeshua returns He will join His Father here on earth: Daniel 7:8-14!
The tiny two page original project that I began in January 2020 has really evolved. If serious prophetic events don’t begin on the Biblical New Year’s day of 2024, I don’t see how the Seventy Weeks Prophecy could be relative to end-time prophecy.
There is a very interesting article on the Shemitah cycle written by someone who most definitely believes in the existence of the cycle, but credits the fulfillment to exploitation from “NWO GLOBALISTS AND BANKSTERS” going back for centuries (chicken or egg?). He readily demonstrates a seven year pattern consistently repeating itself in the economic realm. While this appears to be a curse, associatd with neglecting to rest the land (and I believe it was meant to be a sabbatical for all professions) it is on an altered cycle of it’s own. Because of sin, missed Shemitah years bring on a curse rather than a blessing! On the time line I calculate, the next Shemitah (the 7th seven year period in the Jubilee cycle) begins in the spring of 2030, the year before the Jubile, year 50—the infamous seven years of the end time followed by The Day of the LORD Yehovah—Judgment Day (the 120th Jubilee Year) Isaiah 13.
Here are some thoughts based on the seventeenth century studies of James Ussher that may be proved to be almost exactly right. First a quote:
“Archbishop James Ussher (1581–1656) was one of the most important biblical scholars of the 17th century. His research and scholarly work have even earned high praise from some who are opposed to his conclusions. Called “the greatest luminary of the church of Ireland” and “one of the greatest scholars of his day in the Christian Church,” his work has influenced generations of Christian thinkers with a force still felt today.
I have a couple of disagreements with the Ussher calculations of creation week: It only makes sense to me that the year of creation (which began with a “waterworld” no longer fit for life) began on the first day of the first month of some year—not some year in the fall, the seventh month—we’re talking creation here! Was James Ussher half a year off early or off late?! Here are the three links suggesting a beginning to the 6,000 years alotted to this age based on astronomy: ARCHBISHOP USSHER’S CHRONOLOGY RECONSIDERED—by the popular writer Steven Collins who also wrote Is he Earth 6000 Years Old? Major Geopolitical Changes Ahead: The Peace Plan, Brexit, & Chexit Search term “3974”. We Might Be Closer Than You Think Search term “3974”. The passage of just a very few years has made it very difficult (I’d say impossible) to fit 3974 BC into a 6,000 year long period just prior to the 7th millennium. According to the math, year 6000 counting from a supposed 3974 BC would make 2027 AD year 6000, not enough time for a final 8 (or even 7 year) end time. But using March/April 3970 BC (New Years Day) as the starting date certainly looks good. That would make March/April 31 AD, the crucifixion exactly 4000 years later and March/April 2031 exactly 6,000 years from [re]creation week. I have the good fortune of figuring the likely date after the many other theories have expired. There will be little time before my “estimate” is tested—sacrificing in Israel under an Antichrist approved deal “with many”—Daniel 9:27 Ussher, of course, is the subject of much ridicule today, but Ussher’s work, the Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti (Annals of the Old Testament, deduced from the first origins of the world), was a highly respected work of scholarship in its day. Ussher’s proposed date of 4004 BC, in the scheme of things differed little from other biblically-based estimates such as those of Bede (3952 BC) and Ussher’s near-contemporary, Scaliger (3949 BC), and such renowned scientists as Johannes Kepler (3992 BC) or Sir Isaac Newton (c. 4000 BC). If adam and Eve had lived to age 30 in the Garden before they were put to the test (like “the second man Adam” (Yeshua), then Newton would be nearly perfectly alligned with 2031 AD—year 6,001 AD.
I’ve had lifelong interest in Biblical timing. I gave up Christmas as a child, because like the Santa Claus myth, I had proved that the date and all of the customs originated in paganism (what kid reads the Encyclopedia Americana anyway?), tho my parents really didn’t appreciate my entirely boycotting Christmas. My current thought on the dates of the 6000 year plan of humanity is for Adam and Eve to have been created in the garden in the spring of 3970 BC, but to have been tested—and failed at age 30 in 4000 BC (the “last Adam”. {While Yeshua: 1Cor 15:45} passed the test at age 30). This dating is similar to many other people’s estimates, some a bit earlier, some later, with my evaluation resulting in Yeshua’s ministry ending at the close of the 4th millennium ended in 31 AD, and returning in 2031 for a very eventful year.
As is often the case, by happenstance I surfed onto the late Ernest Martin’s website. He had looked into chronology and narrowed down the prospective years of Yeshua’s birth to either 3 BC or 2 BC by carefully reviewing all of the relevant historical data from the amazing writings of Josephus from the first century, and other sources. Ernest Martin’s entire book on the subject is in audio form on his website. But Earnest’s prospective birth month coincides with the 4th century Jewish calendar that only approximates new moons and seasons based on ancient Greek mathematics. A further complication is the odd belief that years start in the seventh month, resulting in the flawed seventh month-Tishri: September 11, 3 BC, their approximate Day of Trumpets—rather than the actual New Year’s date of Nisan 1 (Aviv 1); a practice the Jews adopted ages ago, perhaps when the entire world was on a 360 day lunar calendars then). So I wanted to check out the day and month elsewhere. Since the 1960’s I too believed that it had to be one of the fall Feast Days, likely Trumpets (I was even attending the same corporate Earnest Martin was certain that “The key verses to the time of Christ’s birth are Revelation 12:1–2. As discussed in Dr. Martin’s book: The Star that Astonished the World (Portland: ASK Publications, 1996)” [3 BC]. However, his successor, David Sielaff, added: “The ‘wonder’ in Revelation 12:3 is the same kind as the ‘wonder’ in Revelation 12:1. That likely means that the wonder in verse 3 is also an astronomical indicator. However, Dr. Martin was never able to identify the celestial formation that indicated when, where, or the pattern in the heavens, of the second sign in verse 3, other than the information in the text. I asked Dr. Martin (bugged him about it actually) at least 4 times over a ten year period. He said he [had] not yet developed more information about that ‘wonder’ in Revelation 12:3.” I am simply amazed by much of the history that Ernest Martin explained, and I link to it frequently; but some of his ideas are really disturbing. He abandoned Sabbath keeping and adopted universal salvation-where Satan himself and every Adolph Hitler type who ever lived are eventually saved! So the above situation is not all that surprising to me. People assume that this prophecy is about something that happened millennia ago, but that would not be in any part of the context of the book of Revelation. Revelation 12:3-4 Another sign appeared in the sky, an enormous fiery red Dragon [Gr. drakon] that had seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems were on his head.
4 His tail 'swept' away a third of the stars [angels, Revelation 9:1] in the sky and cast them to the ground. The Dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that as soon as she had given birth he would devour her Son. This explanation of the symbols in the first 5 verses of Revelation 12 appears (after a thoro web search) to be unique, and very insightful—and way too long! I seem to find a lot of one-trick-ponies where someone explains a concept with amazing precision, while nothing else on a website is of any particular value to me. Ernest Martin (no known relationship) is not one of those. This link might be very useful in regard to the heavenly signs, or perhaps this one. I just skimmed thru them. They are extremely detailed. I do have trouble “following” the planets pinpointing a location on earth, tho an “angel” (Messenger) could easily do it. But Jonathan Cahn uses 6 BC as the year of Yeshua’s birth, based on a significant astronomical event that year. But after some checking I saw that his chosen date was very interesting from an astronomical perspective, but that it’s way too soon (or we’d already be well into the Great Tribulation). And his Shemitah book was fascinating too, but the Jubilee year to follow that Shemitah, according to Jonathan was to be September 23, 2015. If you are fully expecting the Messiah to return triumphantly on a Jubilee year riding a white horse as I do, then using his timetable for that Jubilee (and I would add the seventh Millennium) would begin no sooner than 2065!) I can’t help but wonder if the precise dates that Jonathan comes up with on the flawed modern (4th century Hillel 2) Jewish calendar are being used by Yehovah to get modern Judah’s attention about the coming second holocaust! Surprisingly I found someone who actually mentioned the dates I’m advocating! “Calculated Dates for the Births of John the Baptist and Jesus. He made some very interestingly points about the Priestly Order of Abijah, and like the other orders, the priests served twice a year—six months apart. And tho he was honest enough to make the comment, he doubted the outcome: “In 4 BC (Jesus’ birth is assumed to be in 3 BC from other historical evidence as well as astronomical evidence)...Of course, the other possibility is that the date that the angel struck Zechariah and caused him to lose his speech [during the Priestly Order of Abijah] was during Zechariah’s second service term in the second half of the year, rather than during the first term of service in the spring. However, this is unlikely, as it would have caused the birth of John the Baptist to be near mid-September. Consequently, Jesus’ birth would have been in March...”. (But only three inches of rain in March would have delighted the shepherds!)circus church Ernest Martin was in for a while, before he quit decades ago.) There are proponents for most of the fall Feast days. I have been thinking for a while about the Tribulation period having to begin on the Aviv 1 of a Biblical year, similar to how Yeshua was buried precisely at sunset on Passover, so as to be in the grave for precisely three days and three nights, with no fractional days. So I was intrigued with the two year range, but not his conclusion on the day or month! [Consider Ussher Explained And Corrected]
Another way to get the year wrong is calculating from the discredited year that Herod died. 4 BC had been the widely accepted date until Earnest Martin largely rattled the Christian world with evidence that Herod died in 1 BC. More on this later.
OK, now I’m going to disagree with everyone’s chronology. Here is Luke 1, abridged to make one simple point:
Luke 1:5,8-9,13,23-24,26-31 In the time of Herod the king of Judea there was a priest named Zacharias, of the priestly division of the house of Abijah, and his wife was descended from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth...8 But while he was serving as priest during his scheduled order of ministry in Yehovah’s presence, 9 according to the custom of the priesthood, the lot fell to him to burn the incense. So he entered the inner portion of the Temple of Yehovah... 13 Yehovah’s Messenger told him, “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elisabeth will give you a son, and you’ll name him John... 23 When the days of his service were finished, he went home. 24 Meanwhile, the people were standing around waiting for Zechariah, wondering why he was staying in the most 'cherished' part of the Temple so long... 23 When the days of his service were finished, he went home. 24 Soon after this time, his wife Elisabeth became pregnant and remained in seclusion for five months... 26 In the sixth month, Yehovah sent the Messenger Gabriel to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 27 to a virgin engaged to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 Yehovah’s Messenger came to her and said, “Peace, favored one! Yehovah is with you. You are a very blessed woman.” 29 When she saw him, she was troubled by what he said, and she wondered what this visit meant. 30 The Messenger told her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary, because you have found favor with Yehovah. 31 You’ll conceive and give birth to a Son, and you will name Him Yeshua (Jesus)!
When does “the sixth month” not refer to a calendar month? When would any event be dated in reference to when someone else became pregnant? Can you think of this ever happening in history? Have you ever phrased anything in that way? At the very least, shouldn’t you at least wonder whether the sixth month is a month of some particular year, like any other numbered month in the Bible? Several modern versions (NIV, NLT, GNT, ISV, NET, GWT) actually stuff wording in verse 26 to make it agree with the common wishful assumption!
After seeing this point I decided to see if anyone else had reached the conclusion that “the sixth month” was a normal calendar month, and I found just one; it’s entitled THE SIXTH MONTH. Kenneth reasoned just like I did that this was a specific month, not a reference to a pregnancy. But from there he presumed that Luke was most likely referring to the Syro-Macedonian calendar (essentially the Babylonian Calendar), that approximates the modern Jewish calendar, but with other customized month names:
“There is a high probability that the Annunciation [conception: I had to look it up] in the sixth month is a reference to the sixth lunar month according to Luke’s Syro-Macedonian calendar. In 5 BCE the sixth lunar month of Xanthikos was from March 10 to April 7. The middle of that month was about March 25, 5 BCE, the traditional date for the Annunciation. This was also the day of the Vernal Equinox. The dates of the Vernal Equinox during this period occurred on March 22/23. See USNO link [if they put it back up]. Jerusalem time is 2 hours and 13 minutes earlier. — Conclusion: If Luke was referring to the sixth calendar month, then that month would likely have been the sixth month of his Syro-Macedonian calendar. That month was Xanthikos, and the middle of that month in 5 BCE was March 25. This was also the first day of spring.”
This quote ends up with Yeshua being born around December 25—not somewhere I was looking to go. Surely the Hebrew calendar would work right? August/September conception, May/June birth? No! So at this point, while rechecking everything, I pulled down my entire chapter and killed the links. I threw in the towel. I had lost over 100 hours of research and writing. It suddenly dawned on me: Most of the writings of the envoys (apostles) had originally been just personal letters, epistles. Why couldn’t the only non-Israelite Bible writer, other than Job, a Roman citizen writing to a friend named Theophilus, thought to be a Roman official, in all likelihood writing from Rome Italy itself, where his companion Paul, “the apostle to the gentiles” was in prison for two years, and unaware that he was “writing Bible” use a Roman date? [Did I just make a sentence that sounds like Paul?] Of course Paul, before he was executed, along with John eventually realized that a lot of time lay ahead and organized the letters into the book that John named “The Testimony of Yeshua”—not the New Testament, for posterity. John, in his original Aramaic “Book of Revelation” referred to Revelation as a polyglot (meaning he had it translated into multiple languages!) and pronounced a curse on anyone who would mess with the text of his culmination of the Bible (Revelation 22:18-19), ironically most grossly perpetrated in verse 14!
I’m really hesitant to use the Roman calendar: June conception, March birth, but that is the only way I can demonstrate an Aviv 1 birth. Every other scenario has bugs in them somewhere:
Let’s look at the other options: if in Luke 1:26, “the sixth month” is not a numbered month, like well over a hundred months are, but a redundant reference to Elizabeth’s pregnancy, then Luke failed to give Theophilus any clue about the month of the year when either John or Yeshua would be born, it could be any day of the year so far as any Roman was concerned, it would have not have told Theophilus anything relevant. If Luke was referring to the sixth month of the year on the modern Jewish calendar, with years beginning in September/October, (in use since the Jews went into Babylonian captivity and copied their method of starting the year in the seventh lunar month), then Elizabeth was six months pregnant in March/April, and John was born in June/July, and Yeshua would have been born six months later—about the time of the winter solstice, Saturnalia! Alternately, if in the sixth month, when Yehovah sent the Messenger Gabriel to Mary, that “sixth month” was a reference to the original New Moon/Aviv Biblical calendar, March/April, the first month of spring, then Yeshua would have been born nine months later, around December/January. A leap month would have made it January/February—still off. Note that Mary had immediately become pregnant after the Messenger left (Luke 1:38-42).
But if Yeshua was really born on Aviv 1, as I am now contending, then John would have been born exactly six months earlier, Tishri 1, on the Day of Trumpets 4 BC. How fitting for the man who was to announce the arrival of the Messiah in the first go around. Perhaps John will annouince the Jubilee year on the Day of Atonements preceeding the upcoming Jubilee year—Yeshua returning at the blast of “the Great Shofar” (Isaiah 27:12-13) to save His people “one by one” on that same day in a year when “no one knows the day or hour”. But 2031 is a year when there is presently no doubt as to which “day and hour” the new moon will be sighted for the Day of Trumpets, the date is certain—someone fairly close to Israel (using known parameters) will be able to spot the new moon. Israel’s first aviv new moon was sighted from Egypt (Exodus 13:4). The year 2030, a year when the majority of the “Good Friday” +2,000 years advocates default to currently has a Day of Trumpets when a sighted moon is a certainty—unless there is a major celestial event changing earth’s orbit. But if that happens, then every new moon will be unpredictable until the new heaven is restored. So my 8 year countdown leading up to the 7th millennium could easily begin in the spring of 2024 since great disturbances in the sky are inevitable with spectacular astronomical events “scheduled” for AFTER the Great Tribulation!(Mark 13:24)
The “day or hour” reference is a thinly disguised reference to the Day of Trumpets that begins each year on “The Day That No Man Knows” immediately after the thin crescent of the New Moon is seen in Jerusalem, with the exact “day and hour” annually in question. And a select few still anticipate it annually!
So going back to Jonathan’s 6 BC year, I looked around to find out what other planetary conjunctions were happening in the nearby time span and found the one in 6 BC, but there were an astonishing eight more related “star events” during 3 BC with the big one on September 11 and six more in 2 BC if they matter. I believe that the Magi had retained what Daniel had taught them about astronomy and knew where the “star” (planetary alignment) was about to take place, and when, before it even started becoming obvious, and like Ezra, they also knew about the four month journey to Jerusalem (Ezra 7:8-9).
It’s not often that I cite the consensus of early church “fathers” on anything, many of whom were first and second century writers who pointed to 2 BC or 3 BC as Yeshua’s birth year, according to author and historian Cassiodorus Senator (3 BC specifically). Others cite both years: St. Irenaeus of Lyon, St. Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian of Carthage, Julius Africanus, St. Hippolytus of Rome, “Hippolytus of Thebes”, Origen of Alexandria, Eusebius of Caesarea, Epiphanius of Salamis and Orosius. How long have Christians merged the birth date with the day that the Magi actually showed up for the child? It looks to me like the confusion may have come early on considering how prevalent the notion is. Utilizing both 2 BC and 3 BC as relative satisfies both positions.
Yeshua was apparently born in 3 BC on Biblical New Year’s day (spring). Bethlehem is the very place where the Passover lambs were raised for Passover zebakim (sacrifices). And there is only one time of year when shepherds are out with their sheep at night—while sheep are birthing lambs; working as “midwives” around the clock—Passover season. (To be offered at one year of age the next spring.)
I believe that I know why so many Catholic fathers hedged their bets by mentioning two different years as contenders for being Yeshua’s birth year. I surmise they counted backwards 30 years from the end of the 69th week (Yeshua’s immersion) to arrive at Yeshua’s birthday, but there has been a long controversy as to which year actually started the countdown to “Messiah”. (A 70 year period not on the 70 cycle, Daniel 9:2) terminates in an Aviv 1, 28 AD immersion/baptism date (BC/AD calculator), because there was no 0 year. Counting from 455 BC terminates in a 3 year ministry. The spread on the front resulted in a spread on the back. And 455 BC would have resulted in a 2022 start for the final eight years.
Counting from Aviv, 31 AD to Aviv 2031 = 2000 year.
It doesn’t seem like it would have been that difficult to determine when Yeshua was born in the first and second century. When I was quite young I remember having religious conversations with both of my grandfathers, and I usually only saw them once a year. I also befriended a WW1 veteran. I asked him about the war, but I could have asked him about his grandfather in the Civil War, about some particular major event to see if he could narrow the date down to two years—basically early or late in the war. If not, surely I could have asked around to find someone who had a sense of history. More so with Yeshua, certainly someone had asked an older relative when the most important person to have ever lived was born and when they died, particularly in such a unique time and way! And I would think they could do better than a two year spread.
Judaism was actually waiting for the Messiah to return, identify and reestablish the actual New Moon, or for a the new Sanhedrin to end it’s “temporary” status: “Rabbis now know that Hillel’s calculations were/are off, sometimes as much as two days, or a month and two days which means the festivals are not celebrated on the correct days. But the rather new Sanhedrin has not made it a priority.”
Why is it that so many people believe that He was to live exactly thirty three and a half years? The reason I was taught is that “Jesus stopped the sacrificing in the middle of a seven year week”, citing Daniel 9:27 as proof.
Daniel 9:27 Then he [the desolator] will force a strong 'contract' on many for one septad time period. Then in the middle of the period of seven [Shemitah cycle] he [the desolator] will stop the zebakim [sacrifices] and the offerings: [Daniel 12:11] And the winged one of abomination will cause desolation, until the predetermined destruction is poured out on the desolator.” [During the Jubilee year: Isaiah 34:1-8]
But applying this to Yeshua is an obvious misapplication of the first half of the soon coming seven years concept, as is often accepted. Yeshua is not going to “introduce abominations”, this is speaking about the Antichrist who will stop the third Temple zebakim [sacrifices] to fulfill the contract (covenant) that he will make with the enemies of the Jews in the spring of 2024, if I have it right, despite all of the balderdash dished out by almost every commentary I’ve ever seen. Could the seven years have already started? Could the covenant have already been implemented in secret? Only if the Jews are also secretly sacrificing on the most watched turf on the planet!
Yeshua would have been two weeks old at His first Passover. His ministry spanned four Passovers, counting the Passover He died on; spring 28 AD thru spring 31 AD, (now that I know that He was born in the spring).
There are many proponents of Sir Robert Anderson’s proposed dates of 29-32 AD, but he arrived at this time by entirely different means than presented here. Robert assumed the 490 years began with the 445 BC edict, rather than the commoner 455-457 BC span, but he supposed the 483 years were “prophetic years” of 360 literal days each. This reduced the 483 years by ten years resulting in the typical count of “Seventy Weeks”. But the prophecy is based on the literal seven-year sabbatical cycle. So the seventy weeks are seventy literal Shemitah cycles (that always start on New Years Day) or 490 literal years. The 360 day years are applicable in Revelation. Wait for the astronomical change! Full 360 day solar years is what makes 2024 so interesting!
Hosea 5:15 thru 6:2 Then I will return again to My place [heaven] until they [Judah and Ephraim] admit their guilt and seek My 'presence'. In their tribulation they’ll diligently search for Me.” [1]. 6:1 “So come, let’s return to Yehovah. He has torn us to pieces but He’ll heal us. He’s wounded us but He’ll bandage our wounds. 2 He’ll revive [resurrect] us after two [millennial] days. On the third [millennial] day He’ll raise us up so we can live in His presence!
[1] The chapter break here is misplaced compared to the Arabic, the Targum and the Syriac versions, that logically connect Yeshua’s return to heaven to the comment about the three millennial days.
Were we to count two “short” millennial days (2000 years) composed of 360 day years from 31 AD (2000 X 360 = 720,000 literal days, which is 1971.25 normal years), the whole ‘shootin match’ would have been over in 1970 years starting from 31 AD, or 2002 AD!
Exodus 12:3 Announce to the entire congregation of Israel: On the tenth day of this month [the first month], every man must select a lamb, within their ‘tribal’ households, a lamb for each [often extended] household.
In 31 AD, on the 10th day of Aviv (Nisan), Yeshua triumphantly rode into Jerusalem—He was the Lamb to be killed as the Passover! This was 3 years and 10 days into His ministry! Now skip down three verses:
Yeshua fulfilled this typology. He was set aside on the tenth day of the month, a Sabbath, killed on the afternoon of the 14th and buried as the sun set.
Exodus 12:6 You must keep him until the fourteenth day of this month, when the entire congregation of the congregation of Israel will kill him in the ’afternoon’ [ie between the evenings].
So here is a timeline that seems to meet all of the relevant criteria: I suggest a year from Daniel’s countdown that works—3 BC, and a day that seems right for His birth, Aviv 1, and I happen to surmise that His birth was punctual to the minute; that He was the firstborn of the year in 3 BC! Keep in mind that Yeshua was born long before the Magi showed up to visit the young child—no longer an infant:
Matthew 2:7-8 Then Herod privately called for the Magi and determined from them precisely when the star had appeared to them. [1]ng, “Go and search carefully for the Child, and when you have found Him, come and tell me so that I can also come and pay Him homage.
[1]The Aramaic says that the star (a bright shiny Messenger) appeared to them—not to the entire middle east!If the Magi were awaiting a planetary alignment and the very year it would happen, and the coming astronomical events soon to be visible in Babylon, and were called in to inform Herod. Who better to have explained the prophecy in Daniel 9 long before to an earlier generation of Magi than Daniel, during the 70 years of exile in Babylon? For all practical purposes he was the king of Babylon!
Of course the Magi never went home to their despot to inform him.
That Day of Trumpets is when Yeshua was first recognized by the Magi—highly influential individuals in the ancient world. They presented the Child king with gold, frankincense and myrrh.
If the KJV is correct, as I strongly suspect, the coming Antichrist only needs to strengthen or “confirm” an existing covenant, such as the Abraham Accords or perhaps the Great Reset! I suspect that after a couple of nukes go off people will suddenly realize the danger the world is in and a hero will emerge to “save the planet”. The prophecied “covenant” will affect “many” nations, not just Israel. When no rapture happens, the churches will latch onto the peace plan “saying ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.” (Ezekiel 13:10 & 16; Jeremiah 6:14 & 8:11). When I was a boy, children were calmed from the threat of nuclear war by gathering in the school gymnasium and sprawling out on the floor for safety. I remember the boys being so frightened that they gazed up the girls dresses to distract themselves. In the modern world we know that that was silly. We use paper masks and shoot up with snake oil for our safery concerns!
When Yehovah returns (Zechariah 14:3,5,12) to Jerusalem (on a Day of Trumpets) and initiates His true peace plan, the Israelite residents will be given the gold and frankincense, and the Israelites will be recognized as His first nation! So if Yeshua uses His calendar (and He’s not waiting for someone else to return) He may be distributing your “gold and frankincense”. Here is something to watch for:
Isaiah 60:6,11,14,20-21 Vast caravans of camels will cover your land, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah. All the people from Sheba will come bringing gold and frankincense and proclaiming the praises of Yehovah...11 Your gates will always be open, they’ll never be shut, day or night, so people can bring you the wealth of the nations, with their kings being led in procession. 12 Any nation and kingdom that won’t serve you will be destroyed; those nations will be completely wasted...14 The descendants of those who oppressed you will come bowing to you, and everyone who despised you will bow down at your feet, and they’ll call you ‘The City of Yehovah’ and ‘The Zion of the 'special' One of Israel.’”...20 Your sun will no longer set, and your moon will no longer wane, because you will have Yehovah as your everlasting light, and the days of your mourning will be over. 21 Your people will all be righteous, they’ll inherit the land forever, a shoot that I planted, the work of My hands bringing about My splendor.
This was just a tiny sample of what will happen when the real restoration of Israel occurs; don’t believe all of the 1948 explanations! How Much Prophecy Was Really Fulfilled in 1948?
I just happened to order some frankincense about a week ago for my wife’s arthritis. You’re probably wondering “OK, gold and frankincense, so where’s the myrrh?” “Myrrh is a pungent/astringent aromatic herb...Myrrh symbolizes suffering and was one of the three gifts offered to the baby Jesus by the three wise men (Matthew 2:11)...Myrrh comes from a spiny deciduous thorny tree or shrub which grows as thickets to the height of 15 feet in desert regions...Jesus was offered “wine mingled with myrrh” when he was crucified—perhaps as a kindness to ease the pain, though it was done in a mocking manner (Mark 15:23.) Myrrh and aloes (which is actually in the Coral Bell family) were brought by Nicodemus from Jesus’ burial (John 19:39)”
So we can scratch the myrrh from any future celebrations.
All seven of the Feast Days of the next Jubilee Year will have very significant events happen on them. True shock and awe! I explain this in great detail in this six part series.
Anyone familiar with the 70 weeks prophecy is familiar with a proclamation given by Artaxerxes starting a 483 year long countdown to the first coming of the Messiah. While some people might advocate that the relevant date for the prophecy is one of Artaxerxes other proclamation dates, most people running the numbers see the beginning of the 483 years somewhere between 455 BC and 458 BC. By default 456 BC seems to be the last option that makes spring 2024 so “interesting” since the other dates did not “happen”. Again, noting that the Romans, the Jews and the Biblical record all start the year in different months. (BC/AD calculator) As this link explains “The beginning point for the ‘seventy weeks’, according to the historical-Messianic interpretation, is the ‘going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem’ (Daniel 9:25). The [first] 69 weeks or 483 years, takes us to the anointing of Messiah the Prince, at His baptism in 28 A.D.. This was preceded by John the Immerser’s ministry that began on the 15th year of the Roman emperor Tiberius.
I ran across this: Why 70 weeks? David used to be my pastor about 40 years ago.
While this edict for Jerusalem is easily established as the countdown to the Messiah, and most commentators see it, the arithmetic people use going from this date forward needs to be a little more wonky! The famous Isaac Newton, who spent more time with the Bible than he did with falling apples was perhaps the first person known to simply try to chart out the weeks. He tried using 360 day long years, a fascinating topic, but it didn’t work to determine the date when the Messiah would first appear publicly, or when He would die (Newton’s assumed end point) that he believed the prophecy was meant to do. So Isaac figured it was ballpark-right and attempted to pick a nearby year when Passover was on a Friday as the solution, but that only eliminated the correct year because Yeshua was actually crucified on a Wednesday. (Newton also theorized a 4.5 year ministry, trying to end the 70th year.) He and others also have tried to determine which Passover He was killed on by using the fourth century mathematically calculated Hillel 2 calendar retroactively. But in the first century the Jews were sighting the actual New Moon and checking for the necessary new crop of barley for the associated Wave sheaf Day for their “calendar”, to determine when the year was to start. That is easily proven in the Encyclopedia Judaica.
At this point I’d like to recommend that if you aren’t well acquainted with the Daniel 9 prophecy that you begin by listening to a terrific and popular story teller, Jonathan Cahn on the very important topic of the Seventy Weeks, likely originating here. It directly relates to the exact date when Yeshua began His ministry, the exact date He was crucified, the exact date when He will return again, and it’s a benchmark in plotting dates for other end time events including when the Everlasting Kingdom begins! (Daniel 7:27) Jonathan makes a lot of important points, seldom if ever heard. Even tho I disagree with some of his conclusions, he is still absolutely inspiring!
I would like to make some disclaimer remarks tho, in advance. Jonathan believes that 2015/16 [or 2016/17?] was a Jubilee year. I very strongly believe that the actual Jubilee year, the 120th since Adam (120 X 50=6,000 years) will be the most significant year in world history. Yeshua died in order to effectuate an Everlasting Kingdom and be able to resurrect His followers into it, within the New Jerusalem and on the New Earth. So we disagree on when a months starts, when a year starts, when the Shemitah starts, when the Jubilee year starts...century and millennium. But I do agree with the Karaite Jew Nehemiah Gordon on days and months; I learned about the fine points of it from him.
Matthew 24:1-2 As Yeshua left the Temple and was going on His way, His disciples approached Him and acknowledged the wonder of the Temple buildings. 2 He told them, “Do you see all of these? I assure you not one stone here will be left on another that isn’t demolished.
The Western wall is actually part of the Temple Mount, but not the Temple itself. New Evidence Proves the Temple Really was on the Temple Mount Exactly Where the Dome of the Rock Is (after all)!
Some people teach that Yeshua fulfilled half of week seventy during His earthly ministry. They don’t see two three and a half years periods back to back forming the final Shemitah cycle before the Jubilee.
[To see absolute concrete proof from ancient Jewish records that the calendar in use in the time of Yeshua was not being determined by calculations, and that it can not be counted on to work retroactively, see Frank Nelte’s extensive evidence. (Note that he does not factor in any 455-457 BC decree, because he assumes that 6,000 years counting from Yeshua’s BIRTH {not His immersion/baptism} puts us past any usable information.) I met Frank at a mutual friend’s house in Dayton Ohio shortly after he wrote this bombshell article in 1998. (Since then he also has opted for equinox determinations rather than barley.) It was apparent even then that Yeshua’s birth date did not work with the 70 weeks prophecy.]
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, had the Jews accepted Yeshua, the seventieth week of the seventy would not have been postponed and things could have worked out far differently. The Jews had a real opportunity to accept Yeshua, it’s called free moral agency, and Yeshua was deeply disappointed that they refused Him. Had it been a sure tragedy all along He wouldn’t have bothered sending all of those prophets!
Matthew 23:37-39 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who murder the prophets and stone those who have been sent to you. How often I wanted to gather your children like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you refused! 38 Now your house [the Temple] is left abandoned! 39 I assure you that you won’t see Me again until you say, ‘Blessed is the One who comes in Yehovah’s name.’” [5]
[5] By the time the Great Tribulation is over, the Jews will be ready to greet Yeshua! Zechariah 12:9-12
Again, Jonathan teaches that Yeshua was born in 6 BC, but that He was crucified in 30 AD, which would make Him 32 years old when He began His ministry, rather than in His 30th year. (Luke 3:23) which would make Him 35 years old when He was crucified—a point he may not actually try to defend.
The modern Jewish calendar that He uses puts year 6000 AD out into the future over two centuries. Have you seen any real news lately? And it uses the seventh month of the year as New years Day—a tradition the Jews picked up in Babylononian captivity. But surprisingly Jonathan INDIRECTLY convinced me that Yeshua was born on the real first day of the year: Aviv 1 (Nisan 1, 3 BC the pagan name of the month).
Let’s consider Yeshua’s 33 year lifespan, based on retro-calculating the fourth century Jewish calendar (since actual visible sighted New Moon dates may not even be available). It quite often has a different leap month (not a leap year as on the Roman calendar) than the Aviv/visible New Moon calendar used long before the fourth century calculated calendar. So in verifying we can expect a likely one month difference and change between the calendars. A 3 BC (calculated) New Years day thru a (calculated) Passover of 31 AD, on this Online Calculator results in Him being about 33 years old.
Considering Yeshua’s Aviv 1 (New Years Day) ministry (beginning with Satan challenging Him in Luke 4) counting from the Aviv 1, New Years Day, maybe March/April 456 BC (spring to spring); the Ezra 7:9-13) Edict thru Passover 28 AD. Counting backward 14 days from Passover we arrive at the New Years Date of 28 AD (remember the Hillel calculated calendar wasn’t invented until the 4th century). To fulfill the 69 “weeks” that virtually everyone acknowledges, we need it to be close to 483 years plus maybe that leap month (having to estimate since we don’t have Aviv/Barley calendar records). When the historical records are accurate it should never vary much more than a month (on the Roman calendar when the necessary leap month might be added) and very frequently the calendars arrive at the same day (differing only by the difference between the estimated/calculated New Moon and the actual sighted New Moon, and of course their trumped up date postponements for convenience). Using the BC/AD calculator puts my figure at 483 years. Nuff said.
The order of events just prior to the day Yeshua’s ministry began: Yeshua is immersed (baptized) Matthew 3:13-17; Yeshua is tempted by Satan: Matthew 4:1-11; Yeshua begins His ministry: Matthew 4:12-17. If He began His ministry at exactly 30 years of age, and why wouldn’t He have, it would be New Years Day.
With these considerations in mind, I searched the entire Bible for the other first day of the year verses, “New Year’s Day” events, and found out that it’s “a thing”. I’m pretty sure that historic events are more likely to happen on Biblical New Year’s Days than on any particular Feast Day. In addition to Yeshua being born on aviv 1, 3BC:
Genesis 8:13 By the first day of the first month of Noah’s six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth. Noah removed the covering of the ark and saw that the surface of the ground 'looked' dry.
Exodus 40:2,17-19 On the first day of the new moon [“month”] of the new year you are to set up the Tabernacle—the appointed festival tent... 17 So the Tabernacle was set up on the first day of the first month of the second year... 29 He also put the altar for burnt offering at the entrance to the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle of Meeting, and offered the burnt offering and the grain offering on it as Yehovah had commanded Moses.
Exodus 40:17,29 So the Tabernacle was set up on the first day of the first month of the second year...29 He also put the altar for burnt offering at the entrance to the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle of Meeting, and offered the burnt offering and the grain offering on it as Yehovah had commanded Moses.
2 Chronicles 29:17 They began the 'cleansing' on the first day of the first month, and by the eighth day of the month they reached the portico of Yehovah’s 'Temple', and on the sixteenth day of the first month they finished.
Ezra 10:17 By the first day of the first month, they were finished investigating all the men who had married foreign women.
Ezekiel 26:1 In the eleventh year [of Jehoiachin’s captivity?], on the first day of the month, [1] the Word of Yehovah came to me. He said:
[1] “Here the number of the month is not given in the Hebrew or the Vulgate, while the LXX. inserts the ‘first month.’ In Ezekiel 32:17 we have a like omission, and in both cases it is natural to assume an error of transcription.—Pulpit Commentary”Ezekiel 26:17-19 Then on the first day of the first month of the twenty-seventh year, the Word of Yehovah came to me and...promised a reward to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
This one is interesting because the last nine chapters of Ezekiel concern the millennial Temple:
Ezekiel 45:18-19 The Sovereign Yehovah says: In the first month, on the first day of the month you must take a young unblemished bull and purify the 'Cherished' Place. 19 The priest will take some of the blood from the sin offering and put it on the doorposts of the 'Temple', on the four corners of the ledge of the altar and on the gateposts of the inner courtyard.
Without necessarily converting this date into a dying generic Roman calendar day, note that when Ezra got his hands on the edict he headed for Jerusalem on New Years Day! How fast do you suppose he was making tracks once he got his copy of the sealed document giving him legal possession of Jerusalem? While Abraham waited all the way until early and company had bug-out-wagons ready to go on a moments notice, after all he was in the morning upon instruction to offer up his son—horrible news, I’m sure Ezra was anticipating that trip! The ink was still wet as he left!
But notice when the countdown begins. Often people allow “five months” for Ezra to make the long journey to Jerusalem. Yet it does not say anything about the count waiting until he gets there! Keeping it simple, the count begins on New Years Day and ends on New years day
Ezra 7:9-11 He had arranged to leave Babylon and on the first day of the first month, [Aviv 1, 457 BC], and he arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month, because his Elohim was 'with' him. [1] 10 Ezra was determined to seek the Torah of Yehovah, and to practice it, and to teach the unchanging rulings and regulations in Israel. 11 This is the copy of the letter that King Artaxerxes gave to Ezra the priest, a scribe with a thoro knowledge in matters of the Commandments of Yehovah and His unchanging rulings for Israel:
Such date specificity is indicative of valuable information!
It is interesting to note that immediately after the Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem, “they began to offer burnt offerings” on the Babylonian New Years day! It might have been justifiable to begin this because it coincided with the Day of Trumpets, being the new moon, but Jews the world over began demarking the date as their own New Years day ever since:
Ezra 3:6 From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to Yehovah, but the foundation of the 'Temple' of Yehovah wasn’t laid yet.
Knowing that there is a final 70th “Shemitah week”, with seven years left following the first 69 weeks of years already accounted for in 29 AD, and knowing that Yeshua was cut-off before He could fulfill any of the week—postponing the final seven years; and understanding that there is a 7,000 year long “week”—putting all of the pieces together, it should be apparent that we are dangerously close to the end of this age. But really, you can just watch what not so civil-ization is up to, to estimate closely and know that nothing can stop the snowball that’s rolling down the mountain now. Satan won’t manage to exterminate all of humanity in seven years, and tho he would like to have a little more time, Yehoval will “cut short” (limit) his play time to seven years.
From The Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures website:
“The 4th and 6th words in Gen. 1:1 are "ET" or Alef-Tav...The deeper meaning by the Rabbis of the 4th and 6th words (Alef Tav) is that there would be two comings of the Messiah, one at 4,000 years and the other at 6,000 years from creation. After coming at 4,000 years, he ascended to heaven. We see the word right after the 1st Alef Tav is "heaven." The word after the 2nd Alef Tav is "earth." In the year 6,000 from creation, he will return to the earth. "Earth" is the 7th word in Genesis. The 7th 1,000 year period is the millennium when he will set up his righteous kingdom on the earth ruling upon the throne of David.”
Zechariah 12:10 “Then I’ll pour on the family of David and on the residents of Jerusalem the spirit of favor and a plea for mercy. They’ll see Me (Aleph Tav) [Alpha Omega], the One they’ve pierced, and they’ll mourn for Him, as someone mourns over a firstborn. [2]
[2] Aleph Tav hidden in the Hebrew text here [= Alpha & Omega in Greek] Yeshua is One who was pierced, and knowledge of this will eventually bring about planet wide mourning and sorrow! The Hebrew letters Aleph & Tav are left untranslated thruout the Scriptures in pertinent places, like an exclamation mark from Yeshua, the Alpha & Omega!Counting forward from a spring to spring with the clock starting in 456 BC, and adding 2,000 years (2 millennial days) from the day Yeshua turned 30 in 28 AD; brings us to the final Jubilee year of this millennium—2031. So the sixth millennium ends with the 7th millennium, the millennial Sabbath begind the very next day, with all of the end of the age prophecy fulfilled! (Again using today’s Roman calendar.) Oh and the epic Day of Trumpets when Yeshua sets foot on the Mount of Olives would be __________; but there won’t be many skeptics around once Yeshua is ready to return.
But there are two more important dates that I’d like to pinpoint and explain how I determined them: First, when does the 70th week start; the 7 year span that includes both 3 1/2 year periods—the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:1-14) and the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15-51). By subtracting the 7th 7 year Shemitah cycle lasting from Sunday, 3/12/24, and ending on Friday, 3/24/2031, and subtracting what I call “The Year of Payback” (Isaiah 34): Sabbath, 3-17-2029 thru 3/25/2031, the Day of the Lord Yehovah (and Jubilee), lands us at New Years Day Aviv 1, Monday, 3-12-2024. I expect that this will be a very bad day; a day that virtually no one will be aware of in advance! It is day #1 of an exact Biblical seven years—Week! The Great Tribulation, aka the Time of Jacob’s trouble is not the absolute end of the age! There is still an eighth year after that: The Day of the Lord Yehovah that will settle the dispute that set the world ablaze: Isaiah 34:8. See The Time After Jacob’s Trouble. Where could you be then? New Jerusalem–A Place of Safety!
The day when Yeshua returns to the Mount of Olives needs some more comment. Actually, Yeshua came right out and said when He will return! It will be:
Matthew 24:29-30 Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and stars will fall from the sky [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4], and the miraculous power of the skies will be shaken. 30 Then the miraculous sign of the Human Son will be seen in the sky, and then all the nations on earth will mourn when they see the Human Son coming on the clouds in the sky with great power and splendor.
Of course the “miraculous sign” is the very next day after the “Two Witnesses” will have finished their end-time warning, as described in this link. Tho I strongly lean toward the two being the literally time-traveling Moses and Elijah (Malachi 3:1-3), sort of like an extended transfiguration—Mark 9:1-4. Perhaps they vanished from antiquity for a “moment”, that will have turned out to be fourty-two months! That would explain the great fear when people the world over see Yeshua coming in the sky—as forewarned by the Witnesses. I envision that as like everyone the world over watching the same gigantic theater screen!
The seven year long Shemitah will have just ended and Jubilee will begin
Yeshua was alluding to Daniel 7:13 where “Daniel saw Someone like a Human Son coming with the clouds in the sky”. So what is the sign—it will look like a human (son of man) descending! Immediately after Satan’s nearly unhindered seven year long rampage, everything begins to change literally overnight. Another entire set of prophecies will play out during the The Year of Payback (Isaiah 34)
Yet I believe this “sign” is likely to be just a preview of what is coming later in the year—specifically an exact six months later on the first day of the seventh month when Yeshua appears again to His old tomping grounds, the Mount of Olives, not alone this time, but with His huge army (Revelation 19:1-4):
Leviticus 23:23-25 Yehovah said to Moses: 24 “Say to the Israelites: ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month you are to have a Sabbath assembly, commemorated by the blasts of shofars; a special public assembly. 25 You must not do any regular work, but you must present an offering by fire to Yehovah.
The great implications of this Feast Day have been kept as a surprise!
1 Corinthians 15:52 In the smallest possible fraction of a second [Gr. atomos], while the last [seventh] shofar is sounding, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be transformed!
But “No one knows when that day or hour will come—not the angels in heaven, not the Son, but only the Father” knows which day is the Day of Trumpets in 2031: Thursday, September 18, 2031 or Friday, September 19, 2031 (Mark 13:32—ISV). You see, the The United States Naval Observatory (USNO) can usually determine within about a minute when an actual New Moon can be sighted in Israel, but in 2031 it’s too close to call! It could be a Thursday or a Friday that year, because it will be a difficult New Moon to see that month. The uninformed think Yeshua was hiding the time of His return, when in reality He was saying that He was returning on the Day of Trumpets! It’s the only Feast of the seven that can sneek up on us, and in this century, thanks to the USNO, many prospective years have been eliminated, due to the passage of time, and they are no longer in question!
Again, if you are unfamiliar with the 6,000 Year Plan for humanity, then consider Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? (the link is from a source VERY much like what I was associated with for decades), I would encourage you to investigate it. Or enter “6,000 year week millennium” into my recommended search engine,, and read many of the results. The understanding has been very common and around almost forever! I scanned many more and found Might the U.S.A. Be Gone by 2028? I looked no further, after all “better the preacher you know, than the preacher you don’t”. While these two links don’t pinpoint an exact date for beginning of the next millennium, it focuses on a very narrow range. However the evidence for an extremely long lived and endorsed history of the subject is made very compelling on these links, and without a lot of rabbit trails. My topical searches do take me to this site frequently, but not by design. The cogwriter is quite prolific. He and I spent many years in the same corporate organization before it collapsed under the heavy weight of Nicolaitan hierarchy late in the last century. He now has his own splinter version of Herbert Armstrong’s legacy, a legacy I love and hate. It is an improvement, one of the better of many splinter groups, but I am assuredly not welcome in any of them. But there is one quote I particularly liked:
“However, it should also be mentioned that in the 21st century, Dr. Hoeh told someone I was consulting with (the late R.C. Meredith) that he felt that because of the overlap of reigns of the kings, the 6000 years may not be up until 2028.”
Great quote! I knew them both, particularly Rod Meredith. I even started a “franchise” under him in 1993, and was welcome in that corporate circus church (same etymology) for seven years, until news leaked that I held a different viewpoint about the Jewish calendar.
We are down to the wire on the end time events. And as I now see it, considering my findings on the year 3970 BC, I believe that “the beginning of sorrows” described in Matthew 24 will kick in on Aviv 1—Monday March 31, 2025, Biblical New Year’s Day. And a global economic and political tailspin [as an example] has already begun. Things will have to cool off for us to survive until the Great Tribulation!
How old were Adam and Eve when they got booted from Eden. I figure that they would have been 30 years old before they were tested by Satan, just like Yeshua was. Did they have an edge because they personally knew Yehovah and learned from Him and didn’t need 30 years? Yeshua knew His Father for eons and He still waited 30 years in the flesh before He was tested by Satan. There are several other 30 year benchmarks in the Bible. So I thought to myself what would adding 30 years do to the timeline that James Ussher had come up with for creation week in the 17th century, (tho he figured it happened in the seventh month). I was surprised since genealogies have nothing to do with what I was looking into, and everything to do with what James Ussher had calculated. Of course he had assumed that 6,000 years from 4004 BC would be the time of Yeshua’s birth and by extension the end of the age in 1997 AD. Hindsight eliminates that. And the time in Eden was not part of the timeline, or the count would be over. Calculating with a BC to AD calculator. 4000 BC, if Ussher was wrong about the Genesis beginning in the fall of 4004—with nothing existing before that) thru 31 AD using March 23 as the day and month (as a random example of the Biblical New Years Day, as in 2023), and it comes out four millennial days plus the 30 years before the time clock started. It’s possibly within a margin of error by adding 2,000 years to arrive at the Day of Trumpets in 2031. The first “man Adam” and the second “man Adam” both could have been the age at 30. (1 Corinthians 15:45]
Frank Nelte, mentioned above, thinks the data about the 70th week could be off by one year. And I do see potential problems with the astronomical calculations that could affect dates. I believe that Yeshua was crucified in 31 AD. A somewhat common belief among the sabbatarian “Churches of God” is that the 4th century Hillel 2 calendar pinpoints 31 AD, proving the Wednesday crucifixion (and I still believe it was a Wednesday, but it’s cheating to use Hillel 2’s 4th century calendar for determining 1st century dates anyway).
There is little wonder why I never read past the first paragraph here after reading: “The evidence strongly points to Friday, 3 April, A.D. 33 as being the date when Christ died.” I kept thinking that surely someone would try to establish an accurate timeline, even if they only had some of it right. And these men apparently do prove by the calender actually in use during the first century (the first such evidence I have seen) that April 3, 33 A.D. was indeed a Friday! But quite ironically, the writers indirectly supply evidence from their “Table 1” that Yeshua had His last supper on the evening of the 13th of the aviv (Nisan) which was Tuesday evening, March 27th, 31 AD—the day of preparation for the Passover, just prior to being crucified on the actual 14th of aviv, Passover, as the Jews were slaughtering lambs—thus eliminating all other suspected years, before and after, as the actual year of the crucifixion.
All they needed to do was to reject Good Friday tradition and study the gospel accounts about the week with a Sabbath and a High Sabbath! They discovered what had been hidden and overlooked what was in plain sight!
So Humphreys and Waddington boldly stated unanimity of belief in the Scriptural account:
“Thus there is an impressive unanimity from all sources that the crucifixion was on 14 Nisan and consequently the only two plausible years for the crucifixion are A.D. 30 and A.D. 33.”
But all sources? You only need this one:
Numbers 28:16-17 Yehovah’s Passover falls on the fourteenth day of the first new moon. 17 There is a Feast on the fifteenth day of this month. For seven days the bread you eat must be unleavened.
They do express some misunderstanding in this statement: “There is some uncertainty, depending upon the atmospheric conditions, as to whether this day was the 14th or 15th Nisan.” But the only issue ever is which day is the new moon—day #1. Once that is determined, there is never an issue as to which day is the 14th or 15th. Still, they were ahead of their time in 1985.
Also impressively, they understood that “the crops” determined leap months. (Actually it is specifically barley.) Other writers retrofit the 4th century calculated calendar into the mix, which never sights the new moon or considers “the crops”, leaving both the day and month in question!
“However, a leap month could be decreed if the crops had been delayed by unusually bad weather (since the first fruits must be ripe for presentation on Nisan 16...”)
Actually, the wave sheaf is always waved on a “Sunday”:
Leviticus 23:10-11 Tell the Israelites, ‘Once you’ve entered the land that I’m giving you, and reaped a harvest, then you must bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest. 11 He is to wave the omer before Yehovah, so that YOU will be accepted. The priest is to wave it on the day after the Sabbath.
I would love to go back in time and run the Friday crucifixion error past those fellows. Would they take the time to examine the elephant in the room?
For Yeshua to return after the 7 year Tribulation period, you can rule out 2000 years after their alternate 30 AD date as well. A return in 2030 does not allow for seven years between now and then. And adding the year long Day of Yehovah requires no less than 8 years lead time, as in spring 2031 thru spring 2032.
I appreciate their reassurance on determining the week days during the period! Shouldn’t more Good Friday advocates understand a few more of the details?
Now where was I? O yea:
Matthew 12:40 Just as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, in the same manner, the Human Son will be in the inner part of the earth for three days and three nights (72 hours).
Friday evening to Sunday morning can’t possibly fit that criteria.
The 456 BC decree was specifically given to calculate Yeshua Messiah’s first public appearance in 28 AD, after 483 years, with 7 years postponed to mark His “second coming”. (Remembering that His 2,000 year stay in heaven began after His crucifixion in 31 AD.) So I won’t let even a retro figured astronomical date override one of these Biblical benchmarks.
In Daniel 9:21 The Messenger (Angel) Gabriel showed up in person to aid Daniel with precise end-time chronology about Messiah’s coming, and in Daniel 10:13 the Messenger Michael did essentially the same thing!
So here is how Frank Nelte explained the paradox in 1998:
“This creates a conflict situation. The historical evidence points to a specific year, while the astronomical evidence points to a specific day. If the astronomical data is correct, then it implies that the historical evidence, coming from different sources, is in some way flawed. But if the historical evidence is correct, then it implies that the astronomical evidence is flawed.”
“ understand that the astronomical data is supposed to be above question. But it also is based on certain assumptions, the main one being that present conditions can be extrapolated backwards for 2,000 years without any danger of making mistakes, because nothing has supposedly changed during that period of time.”
“I am convinced that there were major changes, from the viewpoint of astronomy, between the time of Moses and the time of the destruction of Jerusalem almost 900 years later. Those changes astronomers are not really able to pinpoint. While I have no evidence of any kind for this, I see no reason why there could not also have been some changes in the heavens in the almost 2000 years now since the time of Christ’s ministry. It is not that I wish to imply such changes, not at all. But at the same time I believe I should be open to the possibility of God perhaps also having intervened in the movements of the heavenly bodies during these past 2000 years? If that were the case, then it would imply that our extrapolated New Moon data for 2000 years ago is also incorrect.
[Here are 100+ quotes from “Worlds in Collision by Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky” (not an endorsement of the entire article) about “major changes” in astronomy and exactly 30 day long months.]
“At the same time I am also open to the possibility of some flaw in the historical data I have examined, and the astronomical data being correct. So while I tend to feel that the historical data, from different sources, all points to a 30 A.D. crucifixion date, that may be incorrect, and 31 A.D. may turn out to have been the year of the crucifixion?”
So as of Thursday, March 23, 2023 I can easily rule out Antichrist doing any sacrificing in 2023. Often predictions are based on the weirdest of reasonings, like when someones church came into existence or simply how they could make some quick cash. But I don’t belong to a church and I’m not asking for money. I’d rather chance looking silly than chance not sounding my metaphoric shofar (Ezekiel 33:3-6). At the very least I am convinced that some tweeking of the facts presented here, if necessary, could prove valuable.
But Catholics can relax, if Jerome had it right, as I understand him, the Great Tribulation is almost over:
“The indicated jubilee chronology...generally agrees with records left by the earliest among the Christian historians. For example, a passage from ’The Chronicle of St. Jerome’ does show that a "jubilee according to the Hebrews" was acknowledged in the 2nd year of Probus (when Anatolius was bishop of Laodicea). This specific reference points to the possibility that a jubilee year was then specially memorialized among at least a segment of period Christians and Hebrews (those contempory with the 3rd century CE)”:
If we do have literal 360 day years in these final years (Daniel 2:21), then I would expect another “Worlds in Collision” event, like the one Velikovsky described as happening seven centuries BC to occur at or before the onset of the Great Tribulation, perhaps at the beginning of sorrows of Matthew 24. Your Roman calendar wouldn’t really be accurate after that. What a sign in the sky that would be, the earth speeding up to a 360 day orbit (For Daniel’s 1260, 1290 and 1335 day counts to work, months will have to be exactly 30 days. But if using present day years, 42 months later as the date of the Great Tribulation, (the middle of the seven years) would put us at about October 1 or 2, 2027. But whenever that New moon shows up it will be the first day of the seventh month—The Day of Trumpets! “No man knows the day or hour”. It’s almost a riddle. Yeshua pinpointed His return to be on the Day of Trumpets. The timing of His return is hiding in the plain sight of those who claim that we can’t know! But if you believe in a 6,000 year plan and Daniel and Revelation, then it shouldn’t be much trouble to establish the year of Yeshua’s return within at least 3 to 8 years in advance, the exact day within one day, as well as any hour within minutes. Presently, I am simply content to simply begin counting out those days once sacrificing begins and not affix any Roman calendar dates to them. But people shouldn’t be celebrating that Biblical New Years Day, because it will begin the countdown to the Year long Day of the Lord Yehovah, an amazing but horrific Jubilee:
Amos 5:18-20 It will be dreadful for those who long for the Day of Yehovah! Why would you want to bring on the Day of Yehovah? It’s darkness, not light. 19 It’s as if a man runs from a lion only to meet up with a bear, or he goes home and rests his hand against a wall and a snake bites him. 20 Won’t the Day of Yehovah be darkness, not light? Pitch dark with no trace of light?
Isaiah 34:8 Yehovah has a Time of Vengeance, a Year of Payback settling the dispute over Zion.
I expect a marked increase in Matthew 24:1-12 type events beginning on March 12, 2024. [Or now perhaps April 9th or 10th according to Devorah Gordon]. The new biblical year is hotly debated. Perhaps this year Bible prophecy will decide. Not seemingly the “Man of Sin”, “Lawless One”, “Man of Sin” or the “Little Horn” at first, but a “hero” making a “covenant with many” (Daniel 9:27, that includes a middle east peace deal [8/13/2020 (adversarial source)] allowing the Jews to begin their long awaited zebakim [sacrifices]; maybe not WW3 right away; but maybe in response to a total disaster in economies, or with fiat currency. But then after 3.5 years I expect devastation by the first day of the seventh Biblical New Moon of 2027 (Scroll to “SECOND EDITION”) to fully show his intents, but not as a peacemaker; another war to end all wars! And I don’t expect for the USA to exist after this. The counterfeit Messiah will be so convincing that he will perhaps be able to “mislead even the select” (commandment keepers)! (Matthew 24:24)
So with 42 Biblical months to figure it out [prior to the Great Tribulation, Revelation 11:2; 13:5], how could the exact hour be a mystery at the end (since the day in question should not be disputed among the wise beyond the initiation of sacrifices? Well under normal circumstances it would not be, but the end time will be anything but normal! Are we actually going to have 360 day years then? It would appear so. According to the historical accounts in Worlds in Collision, after the last astronomical disaster, years were totally skewed—very short years were followed by very long years—for decades! People didn’t even know from day to day when the sun would rise or set! What could have caused that? Polar shifts are no fringe theory, or maybe Planet X is more to your liking; so many links to those, or maybe both 3.5 years apart. In any event, here is another clue as to the nature of what is going to happen:
Revelation 11:2-3,7-8,15-18 But leave out the courtyard outside of the Temple, don’t measure it, because it has been given to the heathens, and they’ll trample the 'cherished' city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 I will give power to MyThe Two Witnesses [3]. They’ll prophesy for 1,260 days [4], wearing sackcloth... 7 When they have finished witnessing, the predatory beast [Aramaic “A beast of the tooth”] that comes up out of the abyss will wage war against them and kill them. 8 Their dead bodies will lie in the open street of the great city that is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt where their Sovereign was crucified... 15 The seventh messenger blew his shofar [6], and there were voices [the Greek adds “in heaven”] and thunder that said, “The kingdoms of the world have become the kingdom of Yehovah and of His Messiah, and They will reign forever and ever.” 16 The twenty-four Elders who are in the presence of Yehovah’s throne [7] who sit on their own thrones fell facedown and worshiped Yehovah, 17 and said, “We praise you, Yehovah Aloha the Sovereign, who is, and was, because You’ve assumed Your great power and have begun to reign. 18 The nations were angry, but Your anger has come, and it’s time for the dead to be judged, and for You to compensate Your servants the prophets, and the 'chosen ones' and those who fear Your name, both small and great, and to destroy those who are destroying the earth! [8]
[3] After a long search, I found a link that comes close to my views, other than for Moses, Elijah and John time traveling and the final eight years.
[4] Some teach that Yehovah, ‘the LORD” will take His Year out Satan’s seven year long fling (2X 1,260 days), not understanding that the Jubilee year (2032/2033 AD?) always follows a seven year period, (the Shemitah). The Tribulation period accounts for the remaining part of the 70 weeks prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-2.
[5] This is a reference to Zechariah 4, verse 11 in particular, equating the seven branched Hebrew “menorah” with the Greek “luchnia.” Both are usually translated as “candle sticks” or “lamp stands.”
[6] The Seventh Shofar (“trumpet”) of Revelation 11:15! corresponds with the “Great Shofar” of Isaiah 27, particularly vs 12-13)—adding the pertinen backstory!
[7] The Greek has the elders in this verse sitting on thrones [Gr. thronos], omitting mention of Yehovah’s throne, unlike 4:2-4, 7:11, and 19:4.
[8] The earth will likely be more damaged than it was when the great flood destroyed the earth. Genesis 9:11. But heaven and earth will be renewed again: Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22.
Matthew 24:29-30 Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and stars will fall from the sky [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4], and the miraculous power of the skies will be shaken.
30 Then the miraculous sign of the Human Son [6] will be seen in the sky, and then all the nations on earth will mourn when they see the Human Son coming on the clouds in the sky, with great power and splendor. [6] Yeshua was alluding to Daniel 7:13 where “Daniel saw Someone like a Human Son coming with the clouds in the sky. So what is the sign—it will look like a human (son of man) descending from the sky! Immediately after Satan’s nearly unhindered seven year long rampage, everything begins to change in a day. Another entire set of prophecies will play out during the The Year of Payback (Isaiah 34) Revelation 6:12 I watched as He broke open the sixth seal, and there was a huge earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of hair, and the full moon turned blood red. [3] [3] The sun will darken “immediately after the time of Tribulation”: Matthew 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-27, Acts 2:19-20, Isaiah 13:9-13, Joel 2:31.
I have wondered how the more specific details in Revelation could be accomplished. When They return and the sunlight is totally blocked off there would be no trace of the full blood red moon (the only one mentioned in the Bible (Revelation 6:12-17), unless the moon was to the right or left of the earth and an obstruction was between the earth and the sun; perhaps a dust “cloud” from a collision of comets, meteors or whatever, sort of like even a thin layer of clouds can totally make the sun appear to vanish any day of the year, only clouds just diffuse the light but dust turns it back. And as I’ve pointed out elsewhere, in a fast moving polar shift, the stars would appear to be falling sideways and then vanishing, sort of like with a time lapse camera:
Ezekiel 32:7-8 When I extinguish you, I’ll cover the heavens and darken the stars. I’ll cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon won’t shine. [1] 8 I’ll darken all the bright lights in the sky above you and bring darkness on your land,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
[1] Don’t rule out the dark blood red moon!Many Bible commentaries are hesitant to take miraculous events literally. Denying the unmistakable signs in the skies at the end of the age as just figurative nonsense. One commentary that doesn’t deny them is Bengel’s; such as in particular regarding Matthew 24:29 “Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed...” It carefully explains how the word “Immediately” actually refers to the very next amazing event after the Tribulation, rather than to Yeshua returning on day number one of “the Day of Yehovah”. Trumpets is dead center of the Jubilee year (or any 12 month year). But a most interesting thing about that day is that there will be the blood red moon at a time when there would normally be a New Moon, a practically invisible moon! How is that possible? It would require the earth to be slightly shaken out of alignment; “shaken out of its place!”.
Isaiah 13:13 So I’ll make the 'sky above' tremble and the earth will be shaken out of its 'orbit' at the wrath of Commander Yehovah during the Day of His fierce anger.”
Isaiah 24:19-23 The earth is broken up. The earth is split apart. The earth is shaken violently. 20 The earth will reel like a drunkard and sway back and forth like a portable shelter. Its rebellion weighs heavy on it. It [rebellion, comp v.23] will fall and never rise again [1]. 21 When That Day Comes* Yehovah will punish the army of angels in the heavenly heights, and the kings of the earth, on earth. 22 (They’ll be rounded up like prisoners in a dungeon. They’ll be confined in prison, and after many days they’ll be punished.) 23 Then the moon will be humiliated and the sun ashamed, because Commander Yehovah will reign on Mount Zion, He’ll display His splendor in the presence of His elders.
What time of day will this long day begin? Sunset!
Zechariah 14:6-7 When that day comes there won’t be light, cold or frost. 7 It will be the unique day that Yehovah makes Himself known {niphal}, not day or night, but when evening comes it will still be light [3].
[3] This could undo whatever happened on Hezekiah’s long day when the apparent path of the sun retreated 10 degrees. This might account for years being over 5 days longer now. While this will be a unique day, there was a similar day, the one mentioned in verse 5 above, during king Uzziah’s reign. It also had an enormous earthquake that was remembered for centuries!
As for the partial lunar eclipse of March 3, 33 AD, the fascinating proof presented in this link that Passover that year was on a Friday totally eliminates 33 AD as a possible candidate for the year of crucifixion (knowing that it was a Wednesday)! I personally see even less value in it than I did for the four “blood moons” of 2014 and 2015 that marked absolutely nothing. Since the fifteenth day of the first Biblical month and the fifteenth day of the seventh Biblical month are AlWAYS full moon Feast Days, it is no great wonder that they are far more likely to coincide with full lunar eclipses. The blood moon of Joel 2:28-32 is the only one directly connected to a prophecy. “A total lunar eclipse usually happens within a few hours. Totality can range anywhere from a few seconds to about 100 minutes.” No partial eclipse would have darkened Jerusalem for three hours. It was more than an eclipse! The events between Passover and Pentecost of 31 AD certainly rattled the apostles. So much so that Peter thought that the Joel 2 prophecy was bringing in the end of the age as he spoke! (Acts 2:14-21).
Joel 2:30-32 I’ll show wonderful signs in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun will become dark and the moon will become blood red in the presence of [8] the great and awesome Day of Yehovah coming to pass. 32 And everyone who calls on the name of Yehovah will be rescued as Yehovah has said, ‘Because on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a way of escape [rootword: refugees] for the survivors who Yehovah is inviting [calling].
[8] Paw-neem’ usually means “before”, but a literal meaning is “presence” (131 X) (or “face of” 259 X+) of.” The timing is clarified in Matthew 24:29 “Immediately AFTER the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and shooting stars will fall from the sky, and the inherent power of the skies will be shaken.” The Day of Yehovah is also the Jubilee year: Israel saved, neighboring nations conquered.It seems quite improbable that Peter would have considered it to be the Day of Yehovah for very long after none of these major events he referenced were occurring. This is the main passage people cite as evidence of a Passover eclipse.
But the actual day dark day will be totally unique:
Zechariah 14:6-7 When that day comes there won’t be light, cold or frost. 7 It will be the unique day [not recurring!] that Yehovah makes Himself known {niphal}, not day or night, but when evening comes it will still be light!
Now we have run full circle. It’s time for Yeshua to finish the verse He only predicted in Luke 4:18-19.
Isaiah 61:1-2 The Sovereign Yehovah’s spirit overlooks Me, because Yehovah has anointed Me to bring Good News to the afflicted. He has sent Me to relieve the grief stricken, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind [1] and to set the oppressed free; 2 to proclaim the Acceptable Year of Yehovah [Jubilee] [Yeshua stopped quoting here. the rest is yet to happen], AND THE DAY OF VENGEANCE of our Elohim, [Jubilee, 2032/2033 AD!] and to comfort everyone who mourns [due to the end time calamity];
[1] The phrase about blindness that Yeshua quoted in Luke 4:18 was deleted by the Masorites.Another comment about misleading “even the select”, who are by definition Commandment keepers: (John 12:50; John 14:15, 21; John 15:10; 1 John 3:23-24; 1 John 2:3-4; 1 John 5:1-3). What is it, besides false miracles that could make the Beast, the False Prophet and Satan dangerous enough to deceive you—weaponising truth! Disinformation has been a very effective tool of deception—misleaders putting out so many conflicting opinions purporting to be “truth”, fake news (2nd Peter 3:1-4; Matthew 24:23-25) and it will continue for a while. But the best way to top that would be to reveal an alluring collection of truth! For Satan to do an abrupt but limited presentation of truth that could be backed up Biblically could make even the select (or elect) think that the final antimessiah was actually the Messiah!
Satan could reveal a lot of truth, knocking out so much competition—so long as the key components of salvation are left out. Antichrist is called the Lawless one (Torahless one) for a reason—he must deny, to at least an extent, the validity of the Torah.
1st John 3:4-8 Everyone who practices sin is violating the Torah, because all sin is violating the Torah. 5 You know that He came to take away our sins, and He is totally sinless. 6 No one who stays with Him keeps on sinning, and anyone who sins hasn’t seen Him or known Him.
7 New converts, don’t let anyone deceive you. Anyone who lives righteously [1] is righteous, just as the Messiah is righteous. 8 Anyone who practices sin belongs to Satan, because Satan was a sinner from the beginning. Because of this, Yehovah’s Son came so that He could destroy everything Satan has done.
[1] The righteous must be able to pass the Duck Test!
2 Corinthians 11:14-15 It’s no wonder, because if Satan impersonates a Messenger of light, 15 it’s no great surprise if his 'deacons' impersonate servants of righteousness, whose end state is a consequence of their works [what they actually do].
And we have another sure indicator that a person is an antimessiah, by definition:
2nd John 1:7 Many deceivers have gone out into the world who don’t confess that Yeshua Messiah came in the flesh [that is, fully human]. 'Such a person' is a deceiver and antichrist. [1]
What box? There’s a box?
You may wonder about how the “the two witnesses” fit into the “seven years”. A web search of those terms took me here, to an article by John F. Walvoord 1910-2002. He seems to have asked all of the right questions and answered most of them quite well in my opinion. I would have covered it a bit more emphatically, more like the first match I encountered. And I would have had much different comments on the “rapture” and “the New Heavens and the New Earth” and “the resurrection”.
What Is the Future of Israel? I added this link to get a feel for what some popular prophecy experts envision for the time we are entering. Much of it is pretty good! Interestingly, none of them even know who Israel is! Hint: The first reference to the word “Jews” in the Bible has them at war with Israel.—The king of Israel going to war against Jerusalem’s pagan Jewish king Ahaz (2 Kings 16:1-6). And again, there is no rapture.
With so little time until I expect the seven years to begin, I did a web search that included “Day of the Lord, Jubilee, seven years & Revelation”. I soon found this one extremely detailed article about the 6000 year plan. It so happens that I was seriously supporting the people mentioned here until 2000, when I was strongly urged to leave. I am pleasantly pleased with most of this particular article’s content, other than any sectarian imperative. Herbert Armstrong (their Apostle’s) best effort was 1975 in Prophecy—without a clue as to how he arrived at the year 1975 (or year 6000). Obviously he dropped that date by 3.5 years before the fall of 1975, perhaps in 1971, (totally ignorant of the 7 and 8 year countdowns). Interestingly, I was among them every single Sabbath by 1973 and didn’t know for many years about that teaching! In fact I just found a link to the old booklet’s content! PS: “When will the end of this world [age] come?”
There’s a Book about sheep. It was written by a very serious and dedicated Shepherd. He had been trying to breed some good stock for a very long time. This very Good Shepherd (John 10:11) chose one particular breed as having the most potential, but they had some particularly bad characteristics. Way too many of them acted more like goats and escape artists. Managing this chosen breed was like trying to herd cats! This small breed that He favored the most was located in the Middle East. They eventually ended up in Egypt. In that particular pasture they multiplied like rabbits. The Shepherd eventually purchased the whole lot of them. There’s a whole section of His book about the chaotic events surrounding the acquisition!
The account goes that He was trying to lead them to His own pasture (John 10:9), but they kept wanting to return to the very pasture where they had been so abusively treated. (Numbers 14:2-3) A bunch of them actually returned. Good riddance. The cat drive actually went on for a few years. Finally He decided to cull out virtually all of the adult sheep and concentrate on the young ones. These He managed to finally get into His pasture. He had the world’s best pasture but these sheep never were content there. Eventually He threw the whole lot of them out and allowed them to experience their own wild desires. Yet for a very very long time He talked about selectively breeding a good flock by culling out the duds and making their current pastures that were scattered all over the world so unbearable that the survivors would finally see His pasture as the better choice. The Shepherd’s journal actually laid around for over 2,600 years after the flock was scattered with very little serious attention paid to it! While most shepherds stick around for a few decades, this particular Shepherd can remain forever!
In 1948 a band of some of the sheep from the most harshly treated tribe of the 12 scattered flocks actually returned to the pasture where the Shepherd had originally hoped to tend to them. The Shepherd intends to watch over them and protect them from a distance to see if they appreciate His mercy, with a “backup” plan and a Rescuer in mind, similar to His previous attempt. Toward the happily ever after part of the story there will be another seven year long famine (like 2 Kings 8:1) during which time they will be compromised by a deal that they were told would last for seven years (Daniel 9:27). The sheep apparently have no option. The wolf actually planned for the pasture to be under his control for three and a half years, with slaughter on the menu for the latter half of those seven years (parallel to Judges 6:1). But the Shepherd will not let them all be destroyed: (Isaiah 65:8-10). To the surprise of many, they manage to build a second temple, tho they can get by with a tent! The Tabernacle of the Testimony was the portable tent that contained the Ten Commandments (Exodus 38:21) It was also called “the Tabernacle of Meeting” (Exodus 30:26), where Yehovah met with the tribes of Israel. It contained “the Ark of the Testimony” (Exodus 30:26 & 21:7). Eventually it (or a better one) will be in heaven (Revelation 15:5). Fortunately, after those particular seven years the Shepherd plans to step in and eliminate the problem! (Deuteronomy 15:1)
Unlike most shepherds, this Shepherd seems to give much more thought to the lost sheep than the few that are not lost (Luke 15:4). His book is just filled with content about the coming time when He gets all of His ducks (I mean sheep) in line. It’s the underlying theme of the entire book. So much so that almost every time He mentions His sheep, He is either talking about the time He turned them loose Ezekiel 20:23), or when He’ll bring them back (v.34), or when He’ll make them pass under His shepherds rod to sort them out (v.37) and cull the flock (v.38). He insists that once He finally corrals them into His pasture the sheep will know Him by Name! (v.44)
So any time you’re reading His Book, when He mentions the seven year deal with the wolf, you should not only identify the benchmark in time, you should plant a large beacon there. By carefully noting all of the context of the beacon you can determine at a glance what time it is.
NOTE: In order to get better sheep you’d actually have to look beyond just genetics (the breed of sheep). There is something called epigenetics that actually overrides the way sheep normally behave. Behavioral changes can actually be made that can perfect your sheep for a lifetime, even generations without changing any genes. In fact any sheep can be epigenetically transformed!
UPDATE 2023: I had never believed that the date when the modern state of Israel had any special significance until recently. I reasoned that if 1948 were really significant then a Feast day would in all likelihood be involved. I had no idea which month the independence of the Jewish state came into being, just somewhere between January and December. As I’ll show, Isreali independance was proclaimed at sundown of the weekly Sabbath, by cover of darkness, just as Pentecost was beginning! The reason I didn’t have a better grasp of the timing was because I had never considered the exact time to be especially prophetically significant! My previous reason for lower expectations about 1948 is found in the opening paragraph of my chapter“Should We Move to Israel Now?”:
“If you believe that a land that calls itself Israel but does not fear Yehovah, doesn’t know His name or His Son’s name (Proverbs 30:4)—totally rejects His Son and His followers, predominantly ignores His Commandments, whose leaders gave away the Temple Mount to Islam (Psalm 81:9), and gave away parts of the land of Israel (Exodus 23:32-33), that shares it’s government with foreigners, is ten tribes short of fulfilling major prophecies, and whose moral minority does not even understand the clear prophecies about what actually began on Pentecost of 1948! (on the original Biblical calendar—not today’s Hillel 2 calendar) and that Judah (“Israel”) is destined to be destroyed by the antimessiah before the Ezekiel 38-39 War, most of whom are totally oblivious to the Second Exodus associated with the Great Tribulation, also known as The Time of Jacob’s Trouble. All of this must change before the remnant of those 12 tribes is rescued and victorious. So if you believe that today’s Israel is fulfilling major Biblical prophecies, then maybe you are part of the vast majority of Christians who seldom read the Bible! That ‘Israel’ is not remotely the literal 12 tribes of Israel detailed in hundreds of verses of Bible prophecy from Genesis 32 to Revelation 21. Unfortunately, today’s Israel will be essentially driven into the sea, but happily immediately afterward replaced by a much larger Israel!
But back to the date. Upon searching the web it took a couple of hours to find anyone who made the connection of Pentecost in 1948 and Israeli Independence Day, but even he didn’t explain the many weeks of separation between May 14/15, so often cited, and Pentecost. One source said that the commonly accepted day of Pentecost that year is close enough that Pentecost must be associated with the formation of modern Israel [Judah]. Now determined to find a true connection, if there were one, I searched until I found it. I knew May was within striking distance of Pentecost and I searched for someone to have applied the actual Biblical calendar to the question since once about every dozen years the modern Jewish Hillel 2 calendar is a whole month off, as my own website details. But I have only been observing the nearly lost Biblical calendar since 2000, I had not seen any previous dates. Here are two interesting sources I found:
“In 1948, 2016, 2019, 2024, and 2027, the Jewish calendar begins the New Year too late, thus the harvest of the firstfruits (barley) on Nisan 16 (April 23-29) would be about a month too late, and the barley grains would fall to the ground before then, making the offering of the firstfruits sheaf (see Omer) in the Temple difficult. God’s calendar, on the other hand, reveals a connection to particular historical events. For example, the state of Israel was established on May 14, 1948. This corresponds to the 5th of Iyyar (in the 2nd month) according to the Jewish calendar and has no special significance because the Israelites [Jews] moved the first month of the year back. But according to God’s astronomical calendar it has a very high significance, because the foundation of the state actually took place on the 4th of Sivan (in the 3rd month), i.e. directly before the feast day of Pentecost (May 15/16, 1948), which indicates a renewal or rebirth of Israel.”
If Israel were still determining “leap years” by aviv barley and actually sighted new moons rather than by a fixed schedule they would have realized the signifigance of the founding of their nation on Pentecost or Shavuot as they call it.
“President Truman recognized the provisional Jewish government as the de facto authority of the Jewish State on May 14, 1948. The U.S. delegates to the U.N. and top-ranking State Department officials were angered that Truman released his recognition statement to the press without notifying them first. On May 15, 1948, the first day of Israeli Independence and exactly one year after UNSCOP was established, Arab armies invaded Israel and the first Arab-Israeli war began.”
Statehood began after the weekly Sabbath, after sundown—Pentecost or ‘Sunday’!:
“The ceremony was held in the Tel Aviv Museum (today known as Independence Hall) but was not widely publicized as it was feared that the British Authorities might attempt to prevent it or that the Arab armies might invade earlier than expected. An invitation was sent out by messenger on the morning of 14 May telling recipients to arrive at 15:30 and to keep the event a secret. The event started at 16:00 (a time chosen so as not to breach the [weekly] sabbath) and was broadcast live as the first transmission of the new radio station Kol Yisrael.”
Miracles often happen on Festival days!
It should have been named Judea—not named after all 12 tribes:
“The writers also had to decide on the name for the new state. Eretz Israel, Ever (from the name Eber), Judea, and Zion were all suggested, as were Ziona, Ivriya and Herzliya.[12] Judea and Zion were rejected because, according to the partition plan, Jerusalem (Zion) and most of the Judean mountains would be outside the new state.[13] Ben-Gurion put forward "Israel" and it passed by a vote of 6–3.[14] Official documents released in April 2013 by the State Archive of Israel show that days before the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948, officials were still debating about what the new country would be called in Arabic: Palestine (Filastin), Zion (Sayoun) or Israel (Eesra’il). Two assumptions were made: "That an Arab state was about to be established alongside the Jewish one in keeping with the UN’s partition resolution the year before, and that the Jewish state would include a large Arab minority whose feelings needed to be taken into account". In the end, the officials rejected the name Palestine because they thought that would be the name of the new Arab state and could cause confusion so they opted for the most straightforward option of Israel.”
A good number of people associate the year 1948 with the Fig Tree “Generation”—said to last 70-80 years, yet only an extreme minority associate the creation of the State of Israel with the very day of the annual Feast of Pentecost! Of course most people don’t even recognize that Pentecost is a commanded annual celebration (Leviticus 23:15-22). Too bad they don’t know that the actual first day of the existence of the modern Jewish State—May 15, 1948, is Pentecost—always a Sunday, starting just after sundown that date! How could that be? The answer as was just mentioned is that the 4th century Hillel II Jewish calendar is randomly off by an entire month, and 1948 ‘just happened’ to be one of those random years! I’ve been celebrating Pentecost since 1973. I wanted to as a child but didn’t know how. Still no one ever suggested this connection to me, including my friend of 50 years, a former Baptist who started celebrating Feasts even sooner than I did. By the way, it is actually a Fig Tree Nation (not really “generation”), whether from Aramaic or Greek. There simply is not enough time to fit in the final 8 (or even 7) years into an eighty year long period (contradicting what I had believed since the 1950’s):
Matthew 24:34 It is certain that the Israelite nation [Aramaic Sharebtha: tribe, people or nation] [Greek:nation] will not disappear before all these things have taken place. Yet when Jewish settlers began returning to a portion of the land that all 12 tribes are prophecied to return to, did they return to observing and celebrating the Shemitah and Jubilee years? The dire consequences of disobedience were spelled out in excruciating detail in Leviticus 26:14-46, right after the chapter that introduced the Jubilee. Round #2 will be almost identical except the land will only “rest” for three and a half years: Leviticus 26:33-34 I’ll scatter you among the nations, and I’ll and unsheathe a sword against you as your country becomes desolate and your towns become ruins.
34 Then the land will make up for its Sabbath years as it lies deserted while you are in exile in your enemies’ land. Then the land will rest and make up for its missed Sabbaths. [2q] While my Messianic friends consider moving to Israel right now, there is as was previously linked Another Jewish Holocaust in Prophecy! Was Israel’s independence on Biblical Pentecost (always Biblically following the weekly Sabbath—not Sivan 6) supposed to remain a secret? I can understand why most Jews might not want to acknowledge the original calendar system, but many Kariate Jews use the original calendar and it’s still a secret?! There is a comprehensive article on late events within the second Temple that are quite fascinating. These events began on the Day of Atonements in 30 AD: “The Miracle of the “Lot”: The first of these [four] miracles concerns a random choosing of the “lot” which was cast on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). The lot chosen determined which of two goats would be “for the Lord” and which goat would be the “Azazel” or “scapegoat”. During the two hundred years before 30 CE, when the High Priest picked one of two stones, again this selection was governed by chance, and each year the priest would select a black stone as often as a white stone. But for forty years in a row, beginning in 30 CE, the High Priest always picked the black stone! The odds against this happening are astronomical (2 to the 40th power). In other words, the chances of this occurring are 1 in approximately 1,099,511,627,776 — or over one trillion to one!” Assuming the 30 AD Day of Atonements miraculous occurrences and the presumed 70 AD destruction of the Temple there are exactly 40 Passovers between them! To me, this is just more evidence that the Jubilee was to be announced on the Day of Atonements, providing months of preparation for the many changes that needed to occur prior to the Jubilee year on aviv 1, 31 AD—particularly given that Israel had long ceased observing them entirely! It would seem to me that the number of Passovers would take precedence over the number of years, particularly when it does not specify that Passover 30 AD is included, and if it is, then it is about 40 and a half years. Where is Passover 30 AD more than just assumed? Here is another article with more details, that concludes in a 31 AD crucifixion, based on the same information, but not mentioning Atonements 30 AD. Even if you believe that a Biblical year starts in the fall—it’s still 41 Passovers! Maybe I can’t count. What do I know, I’m just a backwoods hermit living on a mountain top. I recall the number 40 being a very interesting number, like Numbers 14:34 “For forty years—a year for each of the forty days you explored the land—you will suffer the consequences of your sins, and you will know what it means for Me to be against you.” So Israel wandering the wilderness for 40 years; Egypt was scattered for 40 years; Both David and Solomon ruled for 40 years, as did Yehoash and Eli who judged Israel another 40 years; the Philistines subdued Israel for 40 years; Gideon brought 40 years of peace, as did Othniel in Judges 3:9-11, as did Jael, the wife of Heber in Judges 5:31. Of course Moses made history every 40 years: 40, 80, 120. Then there are 40 day periods, like the great flood or Yeshua being tested for 40 days and appearing after His resurrection for 40 days. If I am right about the events of 2024, then expect this information to vanish immediately from the internet next spring. Only a few printed copies may survive. Or maybe there could even be another Carrington Event caused by end time events that damage the entire grid, not just selected sites. Several years ago my “Testimony of Yeshua” was cancelled from a popular online Christian reference source, tho they still link to the Koran (Quran). I’m not sure who originally listed it, but they informed me the Testimony had too many complaints to remain included. Of course censorship is so much more “inclusive” now! For the record, Amazon does pay me for my book sales. I try for as close to zero as possible. I just got two checks. One was for one cent and the other was less than a dime. This might be a good place to mention the 2,300 “evenings and mornings”: A Closer Look: Daniel 8:14. While some associate it with the 70 weeks prophecy, I see no association. UNSEARCHABLE TRUTHS! Really! This site only receives one hit a day presumably from the few people who know exactly where it is. Chapter 45: The Beast of April 2024 Biblical events often happen on a visible new moon, especially the first one of a Biblical year. All the more on the Shemitah/Jubilee cycle.UNITED NATIONS Deems the Temple Mount as a Muslim Site
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