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Chapter 22, Part 2 Preview: The reality of Ezekiel’s warnings to the twelve nations of Israel (and Gog & Magog) will come as a complete shock to the millions of survivors of the Great Tribulation as they learn that the captivity and eventual escape from captivity of the millions of primarily English speaking people of the world is all recorded in extreme detail in their dust covered copies of the Bible that lie around as good luck charms. Our friends, those fortunate enough to survive will learn about these things when they are summonsed by Yehovah (God) to the New and greatly expanded Israel!
While it was wrong for Israel to be making “covenants” with their non Israelite nations; it is nevertheless important not to break our word when we do have an agreement. In this chapter the king of old Israel broke an oath with the king of Babylon; expecting an ally to fight on his side and bail him out. To his surprise, Yehovah views this as a personal affront and saw to it that he was taken captive to Babylon and killed. Yehovah says that: “He has despised the oath by breaking the covenant”. While this chapter explains to the former captives that their terrible predicament was largely aggravated by their leadership, it also explains what will happen in the encore reenactment:
Ezekiel 17:16-20 As surely as I live,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah, “he’ll die in the country where the king lives who made him king, whose oath he despised, and whose covenant he broke. 17 Pharaoh with his mighty army and vast horde won’t help him in battle when they build ramps and construct siege walls to destroy many people. 18 He despised the oath by breaking the covenant! He 'pledged his allegiance', and yet did all these things. He won’t escape! 19 “So the Sovereign Yehovah says: As surely I live, he’ll 'suffer the consequences' for despising My oath and breaking My covenant. 20 I’ll spread My net over him and he’ll be caught in My snare. Then I’ll bring him to Babylon and execute judgment on him there for the treason he committed against Me.
This resulted, and will result in lethal consequences for many of the people of the nation:
V 21 The many fugitives from all his troops will fall by the sword, and those who survive will be scattered to the 'four' winds. Then you’ll know that I Yehovah have spoken.
As usually accompanies dire prophecy, there is the promise of a better future. In this instance a cutting is taken from the fallen tree and planted on a high mountain, symbolizing the future restoration of the descendants of Ezekiel’s contemporaries.
V 22-24 The Sovereign Yehovah [“Yeshua”] says, “I’m also going to take one of the highest branches of a cedar and plant it; I’ll break off a tender twig from the uppermost of its young twigs, and I’ll plant it on a high and prominent mountain. 23 I’ll plant it on a high mountain in Israel. It will grow branches and produce seeds and become a stately cedar. Birds of every kind will nest in it and find shelter in the shade of its branches. 24 All the trees in the land will know that I Yehovah bring down the high tree, exalt the low tree. I dry up the evergreen tree, and make the dry tree flourish. I, Yehovah, have spoken, and I’ll do it.
In Ezekiel 40:2 Ezekiel again used the same description of a “high mountain” to describe the new Israel that he described in his prophecy.
Another Babylon like superpower is a major feature of the book of Revelation and is mentioned in chapters 14, 16, 17 and 18—the latter two chapters being entirely about it. There are also literally dozens of references to Babylon in the end time prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. The concept of yet another superpower to the north of Israel, and another to the south is also a major feature of the longest running prophecy (time wise) in the Scriptures: Daniel 10:14 thru chapter 12.
Don’t let the word “king” (leader) cause you to think that this must be a reference to times past. Every American President can trace his lineage to king David! Furthermore, the British royal family has known “forever” that their monarchy goes clear back to David as well.
When Israel falls it does not appear that the casualties will be random. In “normal” times the good die right along with the bad in a ratio that does not raise too many eyebrows—but this is different! Those who “keep all My statutes ...will surely live” while he who “commits iniquity” will surely die. Of course it will take some extraordinary efforts for people: the good and the not so good, to even recognize Yehovah’s statutes. Yet that understanding is a part of the plan.
Ezekiel 18:21-32 But if a wicked person turns from all the sins they’ve [2] committed and obeys all of My unchanging tenets, and does what is fair and right, they’ll certainly live [forever], they won’t die [forever]. 22 None of the rebellious things that they did will be remembered for use against them. They will live [forever] because of the righteous things they did. 23 “Do I enjoy the death of the wicked, asks the Sovereign Yehovah? Shouldn’t I prefer that they turn from their ways and live? 24 When a righteous person turns away from doing right and begins doing sinful things and does the same highly detestable things that the wicked do, should they live? None of the righteous things that they did will be remembered because of their unfaithful behavior—due to the sins they have committed. They will die [forever] because of them!
25 “Yet you say, ‘The way of Yehovah is unfair.’ Listen, House of Israel: Is My way unfair? Aren’t your ways unfair? 26 When a righteous person turns from their righteousness and begins sinning, they’ll die for it; because of the sins they have committed they’ll die [forever]. 27 And if a wicked person turns away from their wickedness and does what is just and right, they’ll save their lives. 28 Because they reconsidered their rebellious ways, and changed their course, they’ll surely live, and not die.
29 Yet the House of Israel says, ‘The ways of Yehovah are unfair.’ House of Israel, aren’t My ways fair and your ways unfair? 30 “So I’ll judge you, House of Israel, each of you by what you’ve done,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah. “Change your minds, and turn from all your sins so that sin won’t trip you up. 31 Get rid of your sinful nature and make yourselves a new mind and a new spirit. Why should you die, House of Israel? 32 I take no pleasure in anyone’s death,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah. “So turn and live!”
[2] Masculine terms have been replaced with gender inclusive ones where it is self evident that women are not excluded.This is another chapter strictly pertaining to captivity. We begin with “a lamentation for the leaders of Israel”. While this may be construed as historic fulfillment, end time duality may be implied by the second lion cub being besieged. For this to be the case then the phrase “mountains of Israel” in this chapter would have to be a reference to the “nations of Israel” already in diaspora rather than a reference to the literal mountainous regions of Israel. The figurative use of the word mountain could easily be the case since in all 17 places where Ezekiel used the word “mountains”, the word “nations” could be substituted without any compromise of the meaning. The only other Biblical references to “mountains of Israel” are in Joshua 11 and they pertain to the actual geography. The final verse leaves us with “no strong rod to be a scepter to rule.” This would either mean that weak “rods” are ruling over Israel during this time, or none at all!
Ezekiel 17:1,5-9,14 The Word of Yehovah came to me. He said... 5 He also took some of the land’s seed and planted it in a fertile field. He planted it like a willow tree near abundant water. 6 Then it sprouted and grew and became a low spreading vine. It’s branches turned toward him, but its roots spread under it producing vines, branches and shoots. 7 But there was another huge eagle with gigantic wings and thick plumage. And the vine bent its roots toward him and sent out its branches toward him so that the eagle could water it more than in the terraced beds where it was planted. 8 It had been planted in good soil where water was plentiful so it could produce branches and bear fruit and become a majestic vine. 9 “Tell them that the Sovereign Yehovah asks: “Will it thrive? Won’t he [Nebuchadnezzar] pull it up by its roots and strip off its fruit so that all its sprouting leaves will wither? It won’t take great strength or a strong 'army' to pull it [Israel] up by the roots.”... 14 so that the kingdom would be in subjection, unable to return to power, but that by keeping his covenant it could 'endure'.
This chapter begins with a thoro explanation about why Yehovah brought on the first captivity. There are three things in particular that caused the original captivity. First Israel rejected all of Yehovah’s statutes and ordinances. Secondly there is special emphasis on Sabbath breaking. Even as a Sabbath observer, the emphasis on Sabbath breaking and Israel’s eventual captivity is surprising. Thirdly there was the abomination of sacrificing their firstborn sons to a pagan god. No doubt many of these young women were quite remorseful to see their children burned in the name of religion. But how much worse is it to have children aborted and burned (cremated), without remorse, simply because their birth would have been inconvenient!
First, the historic part:
Ezekiel 20:8-24 But they rebelled against Him and refused to listen to Him. They didn’t get rid of the vile images they looked to, or abandon their Egyptian idols. So He considered pouring out His fury on them to satisfy His anger against them within Egypt. 9 But He acted for the sake of His 'reputation', so that it wouldn’t be dishonored in the sight of the nations where they were living, who saw Him reveal Himself by bringing them out of the land of Egypt. 10 So He took them out of the land of Egypt and led them into the wilderness. 11 He gave them His unchanging tenets, and explained His regulations to them, so that if they did them they’d live. 12 He also gave them His Sabbaths as a sign between Him and them, so that they would realize that He is Yehovah who makes them 'special'.
13 “But the House of Israel rebelled against Him in the wilderness, they didn’t 'live' by His unchanging tenets, and they rejected His regulations, that if they had obeyed, they would have lived. They violated His Sabbaths, so He resolved to pour out His wrath on them in the wilderness, to annihilate them. 14 But again He acted for the sake of His 'reputation', so that it wouldn’t be dishonored in the sight of the nations, who watched Him bring them out. 15 He swore to them in the wilderness that He wouldn’t bring them into the land flowing with milk and honey that He had promised them—the most beautiful of all lands— 16 because they rejected His regulations, refused to 'live' by His unchanging rulings and violated His Sabbaths, because they were determined to follow their idols. 17 But He saw fit to spare them, and didn’t destroy them. He refrained from annihilating them in the wilderness.
18 “Then I warned their children in the wilderness not to live by the unchanging rulings of their ancestors, obey their regulations or defile themselves with their idols. 19 He said: ‘I am Yehovah your Elohim. Follow My unchanging tenets. Obey My regulations and practice them. 20 Keep My Sabbaths 'special', and they’ll be a sign between Me and you, so that you’ll fully realize that I am Yehovah your Elohim.” 21 “But the children rebelled against Me. They didn’t 'live by' My unchanging rulings or obey My regulations, tho a person who obeys them will live by them. They also violated My Sabbaths. So I said I would pour out My wrath on them to end My anger against them in the wilderness. 22 But I withheld My hand and acted for the sake of My 'reputation', so that it wouldn’t be dishonored in the sight of the nations who had watched Me bring them out. 23 I 'swore' to them in the wilderness that I would scatter them among the nations and disperse them into other countries, 24 because they hadn’t practiced My regulations. They had rejected My unchanging tenets, and dishonored My Sabbaths, and their eyes were fixed on their ancestors’ idols.
Ezekiel 20 also describes the prophetic rebirth of the Kingdom of Israel—this time one nation under Yehovah! During the first exodus the census didn’t occur until the second year of the forty years of wandering in the wilderness. On the second go around, when Israel is again in “the wilderness of the people”, I’d expect for a similar occurrence on the anniversary of the first census, on the first day of the second month. But not only will there be a census where the righteous “pass under the rod” when they are brought “into the bond of the Covenant” but .
Ezekiel 20:33-44 As surely as I live,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah, “I’ll rule you with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out, I will be your King! 34 I’ll bring you out of the nations and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured out. 35 I’ll bring you into the wilderness of the people [Isaiah 1, Hosea 2:14], and I’ll judge you there face to face, 36 just like when I judged your ancestors in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, that’s how I’ll judge you, declares the Sovereign Yehovah. 37 I’ll make you pass under the shepherd’s rod, and I’ll bind you in a [Kimchi] [New] Covenant, 38 and I’ll purge out the rebels from among you and those who disobey Me. I’ll bring them out of the land where they were living, but they won’t enter the land of Israel. Then you’ll realize that I am Yehovah.
39 “Now concerning you, House of Israel, the Sovereign Yehovah says: Go serve your idols, but later you’ll surely listen to Me, and you’ll no longer profane My name with your gifts and your idols. 40 On My 'special' mountain, on the high mountain of Israel,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah, “the entire House of Israel will serve Me there in the land. I’ll accept you there, and I’ll require your contributions and choice gifts with all your 'special' things. 41 I’ll accept you there like a fragrant aroma when I gather you out of the nations, and bring you out of the countries where you’ve been scattered, and I’ll prove Myself 'special' thru you as the nations watch. 42 You’ll realize that I am Yehovah WHEN I bring you into the land of Israel, into the country that I swore to give to your ancestors. 43 There you’ll remember your conduct and everything you did and how you defiled yourselves, and you’ll despise yourselves when you face all the evil you’ve done. 44 You’ll realize that I am Yehovah when I’ve dealt with you for the sake of My name, rather than with regard to your evil and corrupt behavior, House of Israel, declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
As is so often the case, the prophetic chapters begin with bad news and end up on a positive note. This chapter begins with the destruction of ancient Israel and then fast forwards to “the time ...of the end”.
Ezekiel 21:8-12 The Word of Yehovah came to me. He said, 9 “Human son, prophesy: ‘This is what Yehovah says: “A sword, a sword, is sharpened and polished. 10 It’s sharpened for slaughter, it’s polished to flash like lightning!
“Now will you rejoice? It [Babylon] condemns the scepter of My son [Judah] as every other tree [nation]. 11 The sword is ready to be polished so that it can be wielded, this sword is sharpened and polished to be handed to the slayer. 12 “Cry out and wail, human son, because it is against My people, against all the leaders of Israel. They are thrown to the sword along with My people, so strike your thigh
Here is a reference to of the wicked end time (British) Prince of Israel who will be stripped of his throne. A web search of “overturn, overturn, overturn it” turns up some fascinating articles about King David’s throne being preserved for Yeshua (Jesus)—“until He comes whose right it is”.
Ezekiel 21:25-29 You dishonored and wicked leader of Israel, your time of final punishment has arrived, 26 this is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: ‘Remove your turban, and take off your crown. Things are about to change. Elevate what is low and bring down what is high. 27 I’ll overturn, overturn, overturn it, and it will no longer exist until the One who has the authority [Yeshua] arrives, and I’ll give it to Him.’ 28 “And now human son, prophesy to the Ammonites that this is what the Sovereign Yehovah says about the Ammonites and their insults: “A sword, a sword is drawn for slaughter, to bring an end, to flash like lightning! 29 While they’re seeing false visions about you, while they divine lies for you, the day has come to place your swords on the necks of the wicked who are to be slain in the punishment of the end.
This chapter begins by listing a whole dirty laundry list of sins. By verse 15 we again see the diaspora of Israel. Yet beginning in verse 19, Israel is being gathered into Jerusalem. This is not the much anticipated regathering of the tribes. It could be a reference to ancient Israel or it could be referring to the same event that Zechariah 14:2 foretold: will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle...” But judging from the context, this chapter describes both the first diaspora as well as the coming one. The rest of the chapter goes on to explain more of the reasons for the destruction of Israel. There is not a single leader who was/is capable of standing “in the gap” to cause Israel to repent and cause Yehovah to reconsider saving Israel from destruction.
Ezekiel 22:15...31 I’ll scatter you among the nations and disperse you thru other lands. I’ll purge your uncleanness. 16 You’ll defile yourself in the sight of the nations, and you’ll realize that I am Yehovah.... 19 So the Sovereign Yehovah says, ‘Because you’ve become dross, I’m going to gather you all in the center of Jerusalem! 20 Just like people gather silver and bronze and iron and lead and tin to melt in a furnace, to blow fire on it in order to melt it down; that’s how I’ll gather you in My anger and in My fury, and lay you there and melt you down... 25 There is a conspiracy among your prophets like a roaring lion tearing up it’s prey; they devour people and seize wealth and treasures; they make many widows there. 26 Her priests have done violence to My Torah, and have profaned My 'special' things, they’ve made no distinction between the 'special' and the common, and teach that there is no difference between the unclean and the clean. They 'close' their eyes in regard to My Sabbaths, and I’m profaned among them. 27 Her leaders there are like wolves tearing their prey, shedding blood and destroying lives in order to get dishonest gain. 28 Her prophets have whitewashed their deeds thru false visions and lying divinations. They say, ‘The Sovereign Yehovah says,’ when Yehovah hasn’t spoken. 29 The people of the land commit extortion and robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and unlawfully exploit foreigners. 30 “I looked for a man among them who would build a wall and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, so that I wouldn’t have to destroy it, but I found no one. 31 So I’ll pour out My anger on them, I’ll incinerate them with My fiery wrath, and bring the consequences of their behavior down on their heads, declares the Sovereign Yehovah.”
This entire chapter is about the destruction of the northern 10 tribes of Israel followed by the southern kingdom of Judah. Somewhat allegorically, these two sister kingdoms are portrayed as youthful virgins turned prostitutes. The entire text details the northern kingdom—“Oholah’s” wicked ways that led to her destruction followed by “Oholibah’s” lewdness and prostitution that caused her impending doom. The opening commentary in my Bible for the book of Ezekiel says that Ezekiel was “carried to Babylon before the final assault on Jerusalem; Ezekiel uses prophecies, parables, signs, and symbols to dramatize Yehovah’s message to His exiled people”. This account describes Yehovah’s people Israel as a people who had become increasingly steeped in sexual immorality—not just personally tho, it is political adultery (alliances) with the nations that will later destroy them. It all seems to refer to ancient history until verse 43 when we see an Israel that is “old in adulteries”. This is Yehovah’s estranged people at a much later “stage of life”. These prostitutes, now old, are to be conquered again by armies serving as Yehovah’s judges: Deja vu all over again! While these pagan invaders are not really virtuous, they are still righteous compared to Jewish/Christian Israel! “Righteous men will judge them”. Righteousness is relative.
Ezekiel 23:43-49 Then I asked someone worn out by adultery, ‘Will they continue to use her as a prostitute when she is like this.’ 44 They had sex with her like they would with 'any other' whore. So they had sex with Oholah [Israel] and Oholibah [Judah], the lewd women. 45 But righteous men will sentence them with punishments due adulteresses and those who shed blood, because they’re adulterers with bloody hands.”
46 “This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: Bring a horde against them, and reserve terror and plunder for them. 47 The horde will stone them and cut them down with their swords; they’ll kill their sons and daughters and incinerate their houses. 48 This is how I’ll put an end to lewdness in the land, and all the women will be admonished not to commit indecent behavior as you’ve done. 49 You’ll be fully repaid for your lewdness, and you’ll bear the penalty for worshiping your idols; then you’ll realize that I am the Sovereign Yehovah.”—October 2007
July 2017, OK, I’m back after about a 10 year long break.
While this chapter is history, one thing remains the same:
Ezekiel 24:13 Your corrosion is lewdness. I tried cleansing you, but you wouldn’t be cleaned. You won’t be cleansed from your filthiness again until I’ve expended My wrath against you.
This is a recurring theme. Oh that once was enough!
This chapter is about the destruction of Ammon as a dirct result of their hatred of Judah (verse 8). The regional fallout resulting from the destruction and captivity of His errant people living at “ground zero” and Hare 'special', Place (the Temple) was and will again be profound.
Ezekiel 25:1-4 The Word of Yehovah came to me. He said, 2 “Human son, go and face the descendants of Ammon [part of Jordan], and prophesy against them, 3 and tell the Ammonites to listen to the 'message' of the Sovereign Yehovah. This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: Because you 'cheered' when My 'Cherished' Place [the coming third Temple] was profaned, when the land of Israel was ruined, and against the 'people' of Judah when they went into captivity [Matthew 24:20-22], 4 I’m going to 'hand' you over to the 'people' of the EAST as property! They’ll set up their military encampments and pitch tents among you; they’ll eat your fruit, and they’ll drink your milk!
Tyre was a rival city to Jerusalem. The commentary here explains why Tyre was jealous of Jerusalem and would have benefitted from its destruction. The very complete fulfillment of this benchmark prophecy is very well explained here. If anything, the horrid fate of Tyre was understated by Ezekiel’s prophecy.