Everlasting Kingdom: Unraveling the Bible’s Secrets

What are Angels?

—Culturally, Angels Are Pagan!

An angel?

Most English speaking people think of Angels as a strictly a Christian idea, having little if any knowledge of the universality of the concept. Various eerily similar concepts of angels can be traced back in time as far as the human race can be traced back. “Angels” have been known to virtually every civilized person and barbarian ever to have walked the planet. Atheists and agnostics assume that all of the religions of the world got their concepts from the same primordial (actually Babylonian) mythology.

Yet the real reason that the ancients all knew of “Angels” is because they were all descendants of the “herald of righteousness”—Noah!

2 Peter 2:4-5 If Yehovah wasn’t lenient with the angels who sinned, but imprisoned ['tartarooed'] [2] them in chains of darkness reserved for a painful judgment, 5 and wasn’t lenient with the original world, but rescued Noah, a herald of righteousness and his family of eight when He brought a flood on the world of the wicked...—The Gabriel Bible

[2] Tartaroo is actually a Greek verb! That’s about the only accurate thing to be found in a lexicon, since verbs simply aren’t nouns! So I ‘doubly verbalized’ tartaroo into ‘tartarooed’ to make a point. These angels will burn during the Judgment (Deuteronomy 32:22-24), but they aren’t burning now. The Aramaic brings out the fact that they are in “sheol” (1 Peter 3:19)! Revelation 9:14 says they are in the Euphrates river, while verse 11 calls their place of restraint ‘the abyss’! An abyss is usually a very cold and wet place.

A more pressing reason that “angels” were common knowledge is because the fallen members of the heavenly host, the nephilim were once very active among humanity! It is from those “angels” that we get our misguided notions about the angelic realm. Those angels are more frequently described as demons, and they are about to come out of their closet, and even from Tartaroo, as we just saw.

Strong’s 32, “aggelos”, is usually translated as “angels”, the literal meaning is apparently: “guides of the herd or company”. It is used to describe human “messengers”, spirit composed [dedicated] messengers or “guides”, and demons—“angels”.

Here is a brief history lesson about the demons/angels in the religions of the world.

In the pagan mythologies of ancient Greece and Rome, their gods and goddesses supposedly sent messengers (or angels or guides) to humanity. Cupid was the messenger of love.

Mercury: Messenger of the gods:

“The root of the idea of Mercury lies in Greek mythology with the messenger god, Hermes. The Romans, whose culture was in many ways derivative of the Greeks, borrowed the old stories and myths from the Greek god Hermes and laid them on top of their own similar god, Mercury. The process by which this was done is now shrouded somewhat by the mists of time, suffice it to say that these two names came to be recognized as designating one and the same mythical being.”

“Mercury was one of the most popular of the ancient deities and was featured in many stories. He is supposed to have killed Argus on the orders of Zeus, by lulling him to sleep and then chopping off his head. He assisted Odysseus in his travels as that wanderer returned from the siege of Troy. It is interesting to note that Mercury generally does not act on his own, but at the behest of some other god. He acts for his brother Apollo in saving the life of his child. Zeus often sends him to deliver dreams or to travel with a mortal to help keep him or her safe. This keeps him in accord with his mythical function as messenger. —link

“Originally, the genii and junones were ancestors who guarded over their descendants [as guardian angels]. Over time, they turned into personal guardian spirits, granting intellectual prowess. Sacrifices were made to one’s genius or juno on one’s birthday”.

“The juno was worshiped under many titles: Iugalis, protected marriage; Matronalis, protected married women; Pronuba, protected the bride; Virginalis, protected virginity”.


Christianity later renamed the pagan gods “fairies” and pagan angels became “demons”.

Buddhist texts also refer to similar angelic beings called devata or “deities” and devaputra; “son of the gods”.

“Powers of the devas: From a human perspective, devas share the characteristic of being invisible to the physical human eye. The presence of a deva can be detected by those humans who have opened the divyacaksus (Pali: dibbacakkhu), an extrasensory power by which one can see beings from other planes. Their voices can also be heard by those who have cultivated a similar power of the ear.

“Most devas are also capable of constructing illusory forms by which they can manifest themselves to the beings of lower worlds; higher and lower devas even have to do this between each other.

“Devas do not require the same kind of sustenance as humans do, although the lower kinds do eat and drink. The higher sorts of deva shine with their own intrinsic luminosity.

“Devas are also capable of moving great distances speedily and of flying through the air, although the lower devas sometimes accomplish this through magical aids such as a flying chariot.

“Types of deva: The term deva does not refer to a natural class of beings, but is defined anthropocentrically to include all those beings more powerful or more blissful than humans. It includes some very different types of being; these types can be ranked hierarchically. The lowest classes of these beings are closer in their nature to human beings than to the higher classes of deva.

“The devas fall into three classes depending upon which of the three dhatus, or ‘realms’ of the universe they are born in”.

Tennin: Japanese Buddhism/Chinese Buddhism/Indian Buddhism and Chinese Taoism

“Tennin including the female tennyo (Sanskrit: apsaras) are spirits found in Japanese Buddhism that are similar to Western angels or fairies. They were imported from Chinese Buddhism, which was influenced itself by the concepts of heavenly beings found in Indian Buddhism and Chinese Taoism.

“Tennin are mentioned in Buddhist sutras, and these descriptions form the basis for depictions of the beings in Japanese art, sculpture, and theater. They are usually pictured as unnaturally beautiful women dressed in ornate, colorful kimonos (traditionally in five colors), exquisite jewelry, and flowing scarves that wrap loosely around their bodies. They usually carry lotus blossoms as a symbol of enlightenment or play musical instruments such as the biwa, or flute.

“Tennin live in the Buddhist heaven as the companions to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Some legends also make certain tennin solitary creatures living on mountain peaks. Pilgrims sometimes climb these mountains in order to meet the holy spirits.

Tennin can fly, a fact generally indicated in art by their colored or feathered kimonos, called hagoromo (“dress of feathers”). In some legends tennin are unable to fly without these kimonos (and thus cannot return to heaven). More rarely, they are shown with feathered wings.”


“The negative character of the asura in Hinduism seems to have evolved over time. In general, the earliest texts have the asuras presiding over moral and social phenomena (e.g. Varuna, the guardian of Rtá, or Bhaga, the patron of marriages) and the devas presiding over natural phenomena (e.g. Ushas, whose name means “dawn”, or Indra, a weather god).


“The Angels do not have free will and do not sin because they do not know how. When Allah created Adam, He commanded all the Angels to prostrate to him. All the Angels did so, except Iblis, who refused to obey.

Sumerian society is the oldest society that has left us clear evidence of the use of a winged human motif. This evidence is in the form of stone carvings, either in the form of three-D statues or relief carvings that provide the illusion of three-dimensionality. Sumerian culture flourished around 3,000 BC between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in present-day Iraq (see map showing the geographical extent of Sumerian culture). The religion of these people was complex, embracing a wide variety of spirits and gods, but of particular interest was their belief in ‘messengers of the gods’, angelic forces who ran errands between gods and humans.

“The Sumerians also believed that each person had a ‘ghost’ of some sort (that we would now probably label as ‘guardian angel’) with this entity remaining a constant companion for a person throughout their life. Altars that appear to be dedicated to guardian angels have been found in the excavations of ancient Sumerian homes, along with stone engravings and temple wall paintings of human figures with wings. After the polytheistic Semitic tribes had conquered the Sumerians around 1900 BC their mythical cosmology borrowed the notion of angels from the vanquished Sumerians. These Semitic peoples developed the idea of a corpus of angels split into groupings answerable to each of the many Semitic gods, further subdividing these groups into vertical ‘ranked’ heirarchies, a notion which persisted into Zoroastrianism and monotheistic Judaism and beyond, as we shall see. Sumerian ideas probably set the scene for the development of Egyptian theology as well, although it is difficult to be clear about the detail of such cross-cultural influences.”

Mithraism: “Mithras was a light-bringer god [sound familiar?], whose cult flourished between 1500 BC and the time of Christ, in lands as far apart as India and Great Britain, with a basis in what was then known as Persia (see map of the Persian empire around 500 BC). Although in his own cult Mithras does not fully conform to the image of ‘angel’ that we are particularly interested in here, nevertheless Mithraism was the most prevalent religion in Persia when Zoroaster (qv section below) was alive, and in Zoroastrianism Mithras was considered to be an angel who mediated between heaven and earth, later becoming judge and preserver of the created world. In Vedic cosmology also (where in the Rig Veda, Mitra is mentioned over 200 times), Mitra appears often to be more angel than god. The ‘Mithras-cult’ images of Mithras that we see here are typical close variations on the same scene, where Mithras fights the sacred bull, with his cloak billowing out behind him in a way that seems meant to suggest wings. Over and over again we find Mithras depicted in this way.

Zoroastrianism: identifies six main archangels: the Archangel of Good Thought, the Archangel of Right, the Archangel of Dominion, the Archangel of Piety, the Archangel of Prosperity and the Archangel of Immorality, along with at least 40 lesser angels called Adorable Ones. Some of these angels/archangels were considered to be male, some were considered to be female, and each one was associated with some particular attribute or quality. On a lower level again the third rank of angels in Zoroastrian cosmology were the Guardian Angels, each one assigned as guide, conscience, protector and helpmate throughout the life of one single human being. All of the various heirarchies of angels were considered to be divine gifts, all of them aspects or manifestations of the one ‘Lord of Light’. Zoroastrians also believed that corresponding to the Lord of Light there was also a Lord of Darkness, with complementary demons and evil spirits, and it was felt that in the battle between light and darkness the forces of light would eventually win. To demonstrate the lengths to which one must go in an attempt to put together any sort of ‘complete’ history of angels, one need only look at some of the terminology: for instance the demons of Zoroastrianism, that are referred to as daevas, exist in opposition to ‘angelic’ forces that are referred to as ahuras. In the ancient Hinduism of the Vedas, however, we find demons referred to as asuras, existing in opposition to ‘divine’ forces known as devas.”

Bahá’íAn angel, often termed a “Maiden of Heaven”, also appears in Bahá’í literature. Bahá’ís generally see her as a symbol of the holy spirit, the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh’s revelation, or even as his “higher self”. Bahá’u’lláh taught that his ministry began when he was visited by a Maiden of Heaven while incarcerated in a dungeon of Tehran. While always depicted as desirable and attractive, she also appears as a transcendent spiritual figure, and sexual desire is understood to be a metaphor for spiritual longing. While other angels appear in Bahá’u’lláh’s works, they are generally depicted as the personification of a divine virtue, such as trustworthiness.

Can angels be demons?

2 Corinthians 11:14 It’s no wonder, because if Satan impersonates a Messenger of light,

2 Peter 2:4 If Yehovah wasn’t lenient with the angels who sinned...

Galatians 1:8 But if we, or an angel “from Heaven” were to herald to you any message, other than what we have, they’ll be rotten meat.

Revelation 9:11 The king who ruled them is the angel of the abyss [Gr. abussos]. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek his name is Apollyon.

Revelation 9:14-15 say to the sixth messenger who had a shofar, “Release the four angels that were 'tartarooed' [1] at the great river Euphrates.” 15 The four angels were released. They had been awaiting this very hour, day, month and year [2] to kill a third of humanity.

[1] The word tartaroo is actually a verb! That’s about the only reliable part of the lexicon reference that’s accurate (2 Peter 2:4). [2] There is a definite time appointed (Habakkuk 2:3) for the end of the age. It will not be “cut short” or “tarry.” Perhaps the exact time was set when Yeshua was rejected, tho a bonafide opportunity had been presented for His acceptance, as Aloha indicated in the parable of the vineyard (Matthew 21:37).

Are Angels Women?

Go to any search engine that has a pictures option and look up angels. You will readily see that virtually every rendition is of a beautiful female with wings. This is where the problem begins to take shape. Scripturally, Elohim’s (God’s) messengers never ever appear as women, tho in the KJV Hebrew Scriptures there are 214 opportunities for “angel” [mal’ak] to be female. There are 186 opportunities for slipping in a female in Biblical Greek. But no such luck. Yet the concept certainly wasn’t foreign. Consider this account in Zechariah. Here we have both an “angel” and two winged women!

Zechariah 5:7-11 Then the lead cover was lifted up, and there in the basket sat a woman in the ephah basket! 8 He said, “This is pure evil,” and he threw her down into the ephah basket, and he shoved the heavy lead lid back over its mouth. 9 Then I 'looked' up and saw that there were two women being moved by the wind in their wings! They had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the ephah basket between the earth and the sky. 10 Then I asked the Messenger who was speaking to me, “Where are they taking the ephah basket?” 11 He told me, “To build her a 'shrine 'in the land of Shinar. Once it’s prepared, they’ll set the basket down there on its base.

This would have been the very best opportunity in the Bible to identify a female winged angel. What is happening here? We see a messenger talking to Zechariah, informing him that a woman, representing evil incarnate, is being transported back to Babylon, the very seat of paganism, by two “babes” with birdie wings! And their intentions are not good. While the evil is being taken from Zechariah’s presence, it is being replanted (Literally, “established”) in the Babylonian homeland by the “babes”! Whose side do you think they are on?

It is because of the nearly universal misconceptions of what an angel is that I have decided to dispense with the term “angel” when referring to one of Yehovah’s (God’s) representitives.

First let’s see the definition of an “angel”:

[Mal’ak]”, the Hebrew word usually translated as angel, and the Greek word “angelos” have identical meanings, as the respective lexicon links demonstrate. They both mean a messenger:

The translators translate “angelos” as “angel”, 111 times in Biblical Greek, and translate it as “messenger” 98 times. Had they always translated “angelos” as either “angel” or “messenger” consistently every time, then people would be far more inclined to know that the meaning is always a messenger, whether a flesh and blood human or spirit composed being.

In The Word of Elohim I have decided to translate “angelos” the same way all 214 times. Using “angel” every time would have been chaotic, so “messenger” is the logical choice. Some words are far more complicated, having many nuances of meanings in different contexts, but “angelos” is not a complicated word, other than the fact that “no one” knows what one is due to the winged lady stuff.

The Greek translations of The Testimony of Yeshua with their “angelos” is obviously the source of the English word “angel”, and carries some Greek cultural baggage, unlike the original Aramaic. The Greek translations also slip in “Hades” (god of the underworld) right out of Greek mythology in all of the places where “sheol” belongs—the Aramaic word Yeshua used whether speaking His native Aramaic or Hebrew.

One reason that spirit messenger is used so much in my writings is because in our society “angel” has strictly come to mean a spirit composed female being with wings—a concept taken right out of paganism. The literal translation of angelos is “a messenger, envoy, one who is sent”. In ancient Greece, it could mean anyone, such as the human representatives of the seven “churches” of Revelation 2-3, or an ordinary mail carrier. “Angel” in Aramaic and Hebrew also means messenger. Messenger is capitalized in the The Gabriel Bible when a spirit Messenger is referenced. The references to demons as “angels” has been retained because I like the distinction. If you were to ever encounter a spirit messenger it would look like an ordinary man.

Note that there is one chapter in the Bible (Isaiah 6) that mentions “seraphim”. Matthew 1:6-8 describes these “creatures” with six wings; and if you saw them you would flee! They certainly would be poor candidates for delivering messages. Fortunately they don’t make house calls.

Another heavenly creature you might be afraid to meet up with are the Cherubim with their four faces, four wings, many eyes, and known to carry a light sabers flaming swords. These too never deliver messages (are not angelos).

The Gabriel Bible designates human “aggelos” as messengers. Because people are used to seeing a special designation for Elohim’s “aggelos”, I have opted to preface Yehovah’s Messengers as dedicated (holy) Messengers, as a convenience, unless the text clearly specifies whose they are. For educational purposes, the fallen “aggelos” will continue to be translated as “angels” in the pertinent texts.

Two final points: The “angels” of the Seven “Churches” (of Revelation 2-3) are men (messengers).

Secondly, “the Messenger of Yehovah” (Angel of the Lord) is the pre incarnate Yeshua (Jesus).

PS: While trying to find an existing article on this topic (so that I didn’t feel the “need” to write one), I did find a very interesting article on angels that has almost nothing to do with what mine is about. I do take exception to the blasphemy of equating The Name Lucifer with Satan, tho it is a very common mistake. I also take exception with the idea of Petra, in the nation of Jordan, being a safe haven during the coming Great Tribulation (but there is a safe haven elsewhere). While Edom, Moab and Ammon (modern Jordan) are spared the ravages of the Beast for a time (Daniel 11:41), they will have hell to pay for betraying the returning Israelites towards the end of the Tribulation. The first 14 verses of Ezekiel 25 thoroughly covers this:

Ezekiel 25:13-14 So the Sovereign Yehovah says: I’ll 'raise My fist' against Edom, and eliminate man and beast from it. I’ll make it desolate. They will die in battle from Teman all the way to Dedan. 14 I’ll lay My vengeance on Edom by the hand of My people Israel, and they’ll deal with Edom according to My anger and according to My wrath, and they’ll know My vengeance, declares the Sovereign Yehovah.

The End
Lonnie Martin, lonmartin@proton.me
March 2008
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